Shokushu High School

Eve Barker [Freshman]
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Author:  Eve Barker [ Wed May 09, 2007 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Eve Barker [Freshman]

Name: Eve Barker
Age: 18
Birthplace: Brampton, Canada
Nationality: Caucasian
Hair Color: Ash brown
Eye Color: Grey-green
Skin Tone: Slight tan
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 127
Photo: Swimsuit time!
Virgin: At the moment
Likes: Symphonic metal music, reading, card games... (More specifically winning them)
Dislikes: Coffee, running, being still, meditation.
Activities: Archery, swimming
Background: Eve's parents moved across Canada at least ever three years, leavening her and her four younger sisters usually heartbroken as they left behind friends or family and more to a more desolate location. Her father has a bad temper and most times the moves were to escape some bitter argument between him and a neighbor. The last stop was in Newfoundland 4 years ago, where Eve joined a vocational high school and started taking Electronics. Her parents did quite approve of the choice, but reluctantly went along with it since they had let her pick. The school had a much higher ratio of guys then girls so her circle of friends made her parents purloined that Mark, or Chris, or Justin would touch their little girl. Which is one reason why it took almost three weeks to convince them to let her join the thirty hour famine, which meant sleeping over at the school.

Around 11 at night the majority of the group had settled down to watch a movie, a few people sprawled out on the ground, Eve, her best friend Jessica, and a snoring Andre' squished tighter on the couch. She was curled up in a ball, her head resting on Jessica's leg when she first felt her friend's fingers run through her hair. She blushed and struggled to concentrate on the movie, passing it off as Jessica's boredom. After a few minutes of coldness Jessica drew back, her rings getting stuck in her hair, she pulled and Eve's face got tugged right against her chest, the slightly hard nub of Jessica's nipple poking her in the cheek. She quickly got up and opened her mouth to say something only to have Jessica's mouth cover her, her words becoming a muffled moan. One loud enough to draw the attention of everyone else... And there camera-phones...

Needless to say, her parents definitely did not approve of this and she was sent to Yellowknife to live with a second cousin for the last few months of school and was mailed all her assignments. She applied to as many collages as she could find the money to and Shokushu accepted her. Being the most remote school that mailed back she rushed over as fast as she could and jumped in her dorm bed and read enjoy the first bit of freedom she'd ever had.

Personality: Eve is actually friendlier to strangers then to friends, often running up to people at random simply for the opportunity to chat. She is more sheepish around people she knows, and paranoid about keeping her secrets protected. Her diary has two locks and there burned when she’s out of pages. She has a tendency to exaggerate stories and draw them out, hinting at the point until everyone starts to get annoyed with her and she finely finishes. She also lies about her past if she's forced to discuss it, often times mixing up things like place names in her many different stories of her childhood. Eve also hates staying in one place, and could be mistaken for having ADD. She can be distracted by hundreds of tiny little things, or hyper-interested in one thing and impossible to tug back to reality. She is also bad with people's names and will nickname them, if only in her head till she memorizes them. Which can take a year or more....

Author:  .Christine. [ Wed May 09, 2007 11:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Welcome to shokushu, everything looks alright and a very interesting character. <3 If you need help or have any questions feel free to ask.


Author:  Legion [ Wed May 09, 2007 11:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Welcome to the campus, sounds like a fun girl to be around. I'll happily show you the works at Shokushu Campus. *Grins malevolently*

Enjoy your stay! <3

Author:  The Count Alucard [ Thu May 10, 2007 12:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Welcome! My character would love to have you over for dinner, or at least to fix that darn "virginity" thing...

Have fun at Shokushu, darling. With any luck, you'll be here a while...

Author:  Eve Barker [ Thu May 10, 2007 1:33 am ]
Post subject: 

.Christine. wrote:
Welcome to shokushu, everything looks alright and a very interesting character. <3 If you need help or have any questions feel free to ask.


Thank you, I was kinda worried actally that I'd do something wrong and make a complete idoit of my self. I'll PM you if I have any questions.
Legion wrote:
Welcome to the campus, sounds like a fun girl to be around. I'll happily show you the works at Shokushu Campus. *Grins malevolently*

Enjoy your stay! <3

Thanks, I'm sure I will. ^^

The Count Alucard wrote:
Welcome! My character would love to have you over for dinner, or at least to fix that darn "virginity" thing...

Have fun at Shokushu, darling. With any luck, you'll be here a while...

I might actally take you up on that pretty soon. And I promise I'll cling to here as long as my internet holds out.

Author:  The Count Alucard [ Thu May 10, 2007 1:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Sounds good. Just send a PM with location, preferences, and details.

By the way, lovely pic.

Author:  Hanaji [ Thu May 10, 2007 4:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Welcome it would be fun to get to know you better as either of my toons
see Kumo Thuy or Hanaji

Author:  Linnis [ Thu May 10, 2007 6:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Allow me to be the first student to come on overly strong and introduce myself. *lightly kisses your hand* My name is Linnis, you may call me Linny, and should the pressures of the school become too much to bear, come to me and I'll relieve you... in fact, even if they don't, come and let me relieve you.

Author:  KouzaKai [ Thu May 10, 2007 7:16 am ]
Post subject: 

It seems like you're on the right track with all these welcomes...
Another welcome is in order. Hope to RP with you sometime.
And Count is right, on behalf of us 'sentient beings' we'd have to do something about that virginity thing... :twisted:

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