Shokushu High School

New Student: Monica Castillo
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Author:  Monica [ Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  New Student: Monica Castillo

Student Bio/Profile
Name: Monica Maria Castillo
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Place of Birth: Mexico City, Mexico
Nationality: Mexican American, moved to Los Angeles at age five.
Hair: Black, thick, curly, around shoulders
Eyes: Big and brown, with thick lashes
Ethnicity: Mexican
Skin Tone: Dusky brown
Pubic Hair: Black, thick, untrimmed
Distinguishing features: Accent, fiery attitude, gaudy jewelry
Height: 5' 3''
Weight: 130
Bust: 38 C
Waist: 28
Hips: 40
Background: Monica was born in Mexico city, and moved to Los Angeles with her parents at age five. It took her some time to adjust to her new way of life, but she had to grow up fast living in a rough area of L.A.
Psychological Profile: Monica has a strong desire to prove she is better than other people, especially girls, due to an underlying inferiority complex. She also has an extreme fear of being gagged or being unable to speak, due to her difficulties learning English as a child. To her, speaking equals power. For the same reason, she is afraid of, and will never willingly, perform oral sex.
Personality: Monica is brash, aggressive, and always demands respect. She has a Spanish/L.A. ghetto accent and will argue with anyone who tries to challenge her.
Virgin? No. Monica has had two boyfriends. Both of these relationships ended violently after they cheated on her. Monica's attraction to the "bad boy" type has caused her a few problems.
Piercing or Tattoos: Pierced ears, a small Mexican flag on her left butt cheek.
Language: English/Spanish
Likes: Talking, tough guys, money, jewelry, respect, and big dicks.
Dislikes: Studying, being gagged, and being challenged by anyone.
Activities: Talking, listening to salsa or hip-hop music, avoiding homework, shopping.
Misc: Monica has very full dark red lips, a small beauty mark above her lips on the left side, and a very rounded ass, hips, and thighs. She doesn't like to wear skirts because she is self-conscious about her lower body (although she would never admit this)

Tidbits about Monica:

-As a short girl with generous curves, Monica instantly dislikes anyone who reminds her of the tall and ultra-thin "Barbies" that were so popular in L.A.

-Back home, Monica smoked when she was stressed out, but she has been forced to quit during her first week at school because there aren't any cigarettes available. She is currently suffering withdrawals and would go to great lengths for a cigarette.

-Monica is faithful to her Catholic upbringing, but has been a typical rebellious teen with boyfriends, drinking, and smoking.

-Monica is very loud and vocal during sex, and frequently uses obscene or blasphemous language. She is always embarrassed about this later on.

-Monica is careful to speak slowly and correctly with new people, because she doesn't want them to think she can't speak well. When excited or nervous, her accent gets heavier, her grammar breaks down, and she may even slip into Spanish.

-Respect is very important to Monica. She is always ready to attack someone (verbally or physically) if she feels disrespected.

-Monica is conflicted about her body. She likes her lips and hair, and thinks her face is good looking. She makes fun of white and Asian girls for having "flat butts," but she is actually very self-conscious about her own wide hips, round behind, and plump thighs. She hates "skinny bitches," but can't help but wish her own waist was smaller. She is proud of her C-cup breasts, but at times wishes they were a bit smaller.

-Although she has had sex about a dozen times, Monica has never given or received oral, and has never done anal or anything else kinky. Her Catholic guilt about sex prevents her from exploring anything that seems forbidden.

Monica's outfits:

A) School Uniform: At school, Monica wears the regular uniform, with a skirt that reaches to mid-thigh and a blouse that is a little too tight around the waist and breasts. She hates this outfit because it fits poorly and exposes her too much. The top buttons always come undone, and her prominent ass causes the edge of the skirt to flounce up much higher than she would like. She is forced to abandon her usual jewelry when in uniform. She wears a minimizing white bra and full white panties, to feel less exposed.

B) Casual: When not in class, Monica wears a stylish white or black blouse or t-shirt, a black bra, tight jeans, and black or white boy-short or thong panties. She often has her hair up in a ponytail, and likes to wear as much jewelry as she can.

C) Gym: When working out on her own time, Monica wears a pair of tight black exercise shorts and a white t-shirt. Underneath she wears no panties and a sports bra to control bouncing.

Monica is looking for a good picture to use for her profile, and will have one up later! Hi everyone!

Author:  Nguyen Minh [ Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hello. and welcome to the campus, Monica. i hope you have a nice time here ^_^

Author:  Dendrite [ Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Welcome! We don't seem to get many Latin girls around here, I bet you'll spice things up. ;)

Author:  Monica [ Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the greetings! Anyone have an idea where I can get a good profile picture? Everything I can find seems to be white or Asian girls!

Author:  CMS [ Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:45 am ]
Post subject: 

welcome, love the background.

Please do enjoy our little campus.


Author:  niellwyn [ Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Welcome to the school dear. I do hope you adjust well to the school, though I know new surroundings can be difficult. The skirts are uniform, so that will be your first hurdle. I'll help guide you through some of the others ;)

Author:  Monica [ Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Updated with lots of new tidbits and story ideas about Monica!

Author:  Madison [ Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, some of the people here are quite good at drawing, so you could ask one of them to make a pic for you.

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