Shokushu High School

Angel Losak
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Author:  Angel [ Wed May 14, 2008 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Angel Losak

Student Bio/Profile

Name: Angel Losak

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Place of Birth: Japan

Nationality: American

Hair Color: Bright Pink

Eye Color: She wears color changing contacts so there Dark pink

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Skin Tone: pale

Pubic Hair: Shaved

Distinguishing features: none

Height: 5'4

Weight: 105 lbs

Bust: 38C

Angel grew up in america untill she was 14 before she had to move to Japan to live with her father. Bassically her parents had a kind of devorce before she really knew what was going on. Mainly the reason why she had to move was becuase of stupid troubles at school involving (of course) cute boy's and jealous girls. Angel's looks added to that her personality didn't bode well for her. The whole jazz was more then one rumor about her stealing another guy or something like that. The girls who complained were mainly the ugly to much makeup to little clothing whores who hated her for her good looks. Besides this however She was a A- student, very trustworthy, and very dependable. So when things came to the adminitration of her school they tended to trust her word more then the others. Her mother was worried about her safety so she had her take basic self defence at first, but Angel took an intrest in the whole martial art's thing and decided to go with it. She hadn't progressed that far when she was poorly ambushed by a group of drunk girls after a party. She was able to get away with a few bruises and a slight cut but just this one act of violence and her mom sent her straight to her dad.

Angel at first took little interest in Japan becuase of all the unfulmilarity and the fact that she was living with her dad who she barely knew. After a while when her japanese got better she heard about martial arts and decided to join. Luckily her dad was all for it, and she also started making new friends. Unfortunatly as she turned 18, 6 months from then she would graduate and have to find a colledge and leave her new friends behind. As the graduation day approached she was getting antsy about which colledge to choose since her friends were split and they all seemed like good colledges. She was then mailed an invintation to Shokushu and after reading it being a all girls colledge she didn't want to take part. Unfortunatly however her dad forced her to go since it seemed to him to be the better idea. Boy how wrong he'd be.

Personality: She's a nice caring, sweet girl even if you've just met. She does have a shy side when it comes to meeting new people but she figures it's common in everyone, or most everyone. Once she warms up she's outgoing, carefree but makes sure not to be overconfident and not to be boring if possible. She's also very energetic when it comes to certain things.


Virgin? yes

Piercing or Tattoos: The symbol in the top left of her picture (the flower thingy) is tattoo'd at the small of her back.

Language: english, some japanese

Likes: Nice things, nice people, cats

Dislikes: spiders, mice, dark scary places

Activities: gymnastics, Karate, swimming

Magic? has potential

((...hi and be nice plz :) ))

Author:  Darwin [ Wed May 14, 2008 1:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Angel Losak

welcome to the boards angel; glad to see another new student, and a decently thought out one at that, don't hesitate to ask if you want an RP with a student of monster & i'll see you around campus =D>

Author:  Miss Steel [ Wed May 14, 2008 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Angel Losak

Welcome indeed! Looks like you've got an interesting student set up, glad to have ya aboard.
((...hi and be nice plz :) ))

that depends entirely on what you mean by 'nice'.

Author:  .Christine. [ Thu May 15, 2008 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Angel Losak


Author:  Bonjoceiv [ Tue May 20, 2008 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Angel Losak

Think its about time your Angel met a real Devil... *grins*

Author:  Keemari [ Tue May 20, 2008 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Angel Losak

Welcome as a resident for the campus for a while I would be happy to show you around and help you however I can so you have a nice time. ( :twisted: )

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