Shokushu High School

Taijiya Ayame
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Author:  Slayer Ayame [ Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Taijiya Ayame

As the plane neared the island, I sensed an overwhelming source of evil, the kind of evil against which my clan had raised me to fight. I played nervously with my shoulder length brown hair; my family had sent me to school to learn to fight the evils of the world on my own, but I hadn't expected the trials to begin so soon. Still, on the exterior, I remained calm. Panic, and the resulting chaos would give my enemies more chances to attack me with my guard down. My equipment, weapons, and arms were all stored away in the plane's storage area, but I wasn't worried. I could dispatch all but the most rigorously trained martial artists with just my body alone. Though my ability to perceive evil was weaker than that of my parents, even I could tell that this evil emanated from the island. Were all the students slaughtered upon reaching the island? no, that didn't make sense. Either way, I had to maintain the pretense that I do not know any better than my fellow new students on the plane. Once on the ground, I would rely upon my training to defeat the evil and cleanse the island.


I had been raised a taijiya, a slayer. My family was of ancient blood, and my ancestors had arrogantly taken a vow to defend the normal people of the world against demons. Most evil is blamed upon greedy men; however, it is truly these unseen immortal demons who are pulling the strings. though unable to defeat the demons, my clan has vowed to thwart their plans, protecting humanity in secret. Upon taking the vow, every member of the clan was blessed with certain abilities, chief among them, a sixth sense, the ability to sense evil. I had no choice in the matter. We were also given superior bodies, further honed by the family's strict martial arts training. Through my childhood and adolescent years, I traveled with my parents, following their lead, and thwarting the evil schemes in the city.

At the same time, we lived double lives. Appearing as a normal immigrant family, my father worked as an Electrical Engineer at a local company. Meanwhile, I went to school. While enjoying the skills inherited from my ancestors' vow, I longed to live a normal life. I couldn't participate in sports, for fear of attracting too much attention, but my family's strict physical training kept me busy outside of school, and kept me from having a social life too. I wanted to date boys, play sports, go to dances and football games, not practice karate stances, and perform long physical training. But though I longed to lead a normal life, deep in my mind, i knew I had been given a gift, and it would be irresponsible not to use it for good.


When the plane landed, I could no longer sense the source of the evil. It seemed as if the evil was pouring in on all sides, surrounding me. The sheer size of the evil aura was overwhelming. I didn't trust anyone here on the island, but I didn't want to seem too suspicious either. I allowed one of the staff members to carry my suitcase, but hoisted the duffle bag myself. The swords and daggers made a small clinking sound as the staff member walked me to my dorm room.


Shokushu Student File

First Name: Ayame
Surname: Tokano
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Height: 5' 4"
Bust: 34C
Weight: 120 lbs (muscle weighs more than fat.)
Eyes: Blue normall, but turn red when under attack.
Hair: Brown just above shoulder length
Build: athletically built. Not skinny, but trim.
Pubic hair: shaved

Personality: Though only 18, she is mature beyond her years. She knows her place in the world, and despite the weight of its responsibilities, she accepts them and uses them to motivate her. She know's only she has the power to protect those around her, and uses that to drive her. People and things can be mislead astray, but by fighting the very demons that cause the pain, she can protect the people she loves.

Her and her parents' lifestyles have forced her to be meticulous. A small careless mistake can cost a life. Like a special agent, trained to be on guard, she naturally takes note of exits, potential enemies and hazard, making it difficult to surprise her. Furthermore, her natural sense of evil keeps her constantly aware of any danger she might be in. Confident and self-assured, she's not one to give in--mostly because she's never had to.

in action


Likes: forced oral, descriptive undressing/tearing of clothes, multiple penetration. bondage. Men. Women.

send me constructive criticism! Let me know what you think!


Author:  Princedarkstorm [ Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taijiya Ayame

Welcome to the island .
And I like the profile and the pics .
And on a sidenote I like the series you took the pic from as well :D .
Would you like to rp a encounter sometime ?

Author:  Gwenyth [ Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Taijiya Ayame

Great profile! We share a lot of the same likes. I'd love to do a student RP with you some time. PM me if you're interested!

Author:  The Count Alucard [ Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Taijiya Ayame

Good to meet you, deary.

However, a couple of little issues...

See, for one thing, they check your possessions during the trip, while you're passed out. Any contraband, be it drugs, alcohol, or weapons, are promptly taken away.

Secondly, placed in discreet locations around the island are several inhibitors that weaken the powers of students, whether they are combat abilities or magical in nature. Don't get your hopes up on purging the island of evil.

That said, Alucard would still like to enjoy her...

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