Shokushu High School

Zoya Silivasi
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Author:  Vanobugia [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:05 am ]
Post subject:  Zoya Silivasi

Name: Zoya Silivasi

Age: 18

Place of Birth: Donetsk, Ukraine

Nationality: Ukrainian

Hair Color: Naturally dark brown, dyed electric blue.

Eye Color: Light hazel, almost amber.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Skin Tone: Very pale

Pubic Hair: Shaven

Distinguishing features: Short, slightly jagged scar on her left cheek, from a ring. Frequently wears lipstick the same shocking blue color as her hair.

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 124 lbs

Bust: 34 C

Waist: 25

Hips: 34

Background: Zoya is the daughter of a runaway gypsy, and a Ukrainian banker. After the initial turmoil of having a child so soon into their rather strange marriage, things seemed to calm down for the family, with Zoya's mother shifting from a life of wandering, to the role of domestic housewife. She took to the change happily, focusing all her energy on the happiness of her husband, and the raising of their daughter.
This focus would prove necessary, as little Zoya had a severe intolerance to heat, getting sun and heatstroke much easier than normal. However, it seemed the child was completely inured against any sort of chill or cold, happily playing in knee deep snow, wearing nothing but a knee length dress.
Aside from these strange quirks, Zoya grew up a fairly normal girl, excelling in Literature, Russian, and English, while struggling with math and the sciences. The only disturbance to these years would be the death of Zoya's mother, to inoperable cancer of the lungs. The loss deeply impacted Zoya, driving her away from friends and her father alike, throwing her into a darker phase. She cut her hair shoulder length, and took to dyeing it a bright blue, snuck out of her father's house to get a number of piercings, and to join other disillusioned youths in the thriving club scene.
It was during this downward spiral, that Zoya discovered what she thought to be merely a handy bar trick. Any glass she held for a short length of time, would begin to frost over, the liquid inside either chilling or freezing completely. Combined with her choice of hair color and her rather frigid attitude toward most people, she started to be known by the nickname "Ice Queen", which she liked so much, she had it tattooed across her lower back in blue snowflake-esque letters.
The night she returned home from the tattoo parlor, her father was waiting for her, sitting on her bed calmly. He told her in a quiet, pleading tone, how disappointed in her we was, and how her mother would feel if she was alive to what her daughter had become. He made no threats, never raised his voice, simply spoke on, and on into the night, occasionally smiling faintly as he recounted a story from her childhood, of the happier times when they had all been together. As the sun rose the next day, he rose with a sigh, picked her up in a hug, then left, leaving a picture of Zoya and her mother playing in the snow, sitting in the middle of her bed.
The subdued desperation in her father's words, and the love he showed in his manner of reaching out to her, cracked the icy shell she had been building around herself. Zoya decided to try and get her life back on track, get back into school, though, maybe, just maybe she'd keep the new look...after all, nothing wrong with looking good, right?
She re-applied herself to getting an education, and managed to just eke out a 3.0 her last year of high school. She began searching for a good school to attend for her further education, but her options were severely limited, due to her mediocre GPA, meager financial options, and rather eccentric looks. It was almost by accident that she stumbled across Shokushu U., finding a flier while checking out another campus in Odessa. Impressed by the lofty credentials, and more impressed by the nearly non-existent tuition fees, Zoya willingly enrolled. She wished her father a much warmer farewell than she would have in previous years, and boarded the plane, looking forward to her change of location.

Personality: Deep down, Zoya is a kind, caring girl. She just has trouble showing it, due to a naturally sarcastic and stand offish manner. Frequently comes off as frigid, or disinterested, but this is merely shyness covered with a thin, icy mask.

Virgin? Strictly speaking, yes. She's never gone all the way, but isn't exactly inexperienced either.

Piercing or Tattoos: One silver ring through the left side of her lower lip. One silver ring through the right side of her nose. Varying numbers of silver studs in each ear, no more than four per ear on any given day. Silver belly button ring with a faux-sapphire dangle. Tattoo of the words "Ice Queen" in pale blue snowflakes across her lower back.

Language: Ukrainian, Russian, English, bits and pieces of Romani from her mother.

Likes: Cold, snow, skiing, snowboarding, playing pool, or darts. Is addicted to ice cream, particularly chocolate. Is also fond of complete darkness, especially for sleeping. Loves movies, especially old black and white films. Has a small collection of stuffed polar bear dolls.

Dislikes: Heat, clear and sunny days, swimming and being immersed in water outside of a bathtub, spicy food, overly cheerful pop music, loud too-friendly people. Afraid of great heights, fire, tapirs, and dogs.

Activities: Reading, watching movies. Played in a chess club in high school, with mediocre showings. Likes to write as a hobby, anything from poetry to songs to short stories.

Magic?: Cryokinesis, or, the mental power to freeze things, limited to touch in Zoya's case. She's never actually tried to do more than chill things, but could likely freeze something solid, given the time, and ability to concentrate (i.e. not being raped silly.) Given the island's inhibitors, it would likely take even longer.

Picture: Closest thing I could find to what I imagine her looking like. Just add the piercings on, change the lipstick to match her hair, and you're set!


Right, there we go. Is that good enough to start with, or do I need to flesh her out more?

Author:  .Christine. [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zoya Silivasi

Absolutely stunning Zoya! I'm glad to see your character found her way into creation. As far as I can tell you've covered pretty much everything that we would like to know =) I also noticed that you took character balance into consideration with your abilities, great work. Welcome to campus and enjoy your stay <3

Author:  Vanobugia [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zoya Silivasi

Thanks for the welcome, and I hope I will enjoy it here.

Author:  Kanoe [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zoya Silivasi

Welcome to Shokushu, careful of the monsters *smirks*

Author:  Vanobugia [ Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zoya Silivasi


Gasps and runs away into the darkness...then up a stairwell...into a windowless a good little horror movie victim. =3

Author:  Siferus [ Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zoya Silivasi

*snatches Zoya up with my tentacles*

Welcome to Shokushu. Hope you enjoy the tentacles.... uh, I mean, rape... No, I mean stay. Yeah, that's it!

Author:  Aurora [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zoya Silivasi

Hello and welcome!

And if you need any help putting some of those monsters on ice - just let Aurora know - she'll be glad to help!

Author:  Vanobugia [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zoya Silivasi

Looks at Aurora as she gets picked up in the tentacles. " Now would be good? Its got meeeeee!"

Flails helplessly, slowly getting colder...very slowly...almost no way usefully. -.-

And thank you both for the welcome. I see someone else is a cool customer. ::winks at Aurora::

Author:  Siferus [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zoya Silivasi

*Threads Aurora's feet to the floor, groping Zoya*

First time with a monster?

Author:  Aurora [ Wed Dec 24, 2008 3:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zoya Silivasi

Aurora smiles at Zoya. "Oh you want help NOW?" she says mischievously.

"Well Merry Christmas!" she calls out as she lets a gentle snow start to fall around Zoya and Siferus - which also really isn't going to do anything except maybe make Zoya's clothing wet as it melts.

The priestess waves to Siferus. "If you're asking me, then no, I've felt your kind before. But I do believe it might be hers." she adds with a wink.

Author:  Siferus [ Wed Dec 24, 2008 4:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zoya Silivasi

*snatches Aurora by the waist, coiling tentacles around Zoya, keeping her down as I pull Aurora towards me*

You haven't been with me yet, Aurora. Something I'd like to fix, mind you.

Author:  Tian Diercy [ Wed Dec 24, 2008 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zoya Silivasi

*spies them through a window and opens the door dramatically*

Let them go, you squid-faced spider-nerd!

*realizes that she has absolutely no plan in mind*

I mean.. Oops..

*turns to run*

On a more serious note, a nice character! It's a nice change of pace. I'd love to have a snowball fight with you sometime. :D

Author:  Vanobugia [ Wed Dec 24, 2008 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zoya Silivasi

Sighs and watches the monster grab another student, then blinks at the grand entrance and equally grand retreat.

" least the monster is distracted."

Thanks. I looked over some of the other students made semi-recently and saw a lot of magic and such, so figured I try the psychic angle out. And Zoya wins at snowball fights. Especially is she's the only one who can create her own snow. =3

Author:  Siferus [ Wed Dec 24, 2008 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zoya Silivasi

*looks down at Zoya, sliding his tendril in her clothes*

Distracted? Hardly.

Author:  Aurora [ Thu Dec 25, 2008 3:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zoya Silivasi

Um Zoya - I think Aurora will at least give you a race for a snowball fight.

Oh - speaking of which --

*snowballs fall from the sky and start pummeling the monster that has both Zoya and Aurora in its grasp* :evil:

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