Shokushu High School

Michelle Burntheart
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Author:  Siferus [ Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Michelle Burntheart

Name: Michelle Burntheart

Age: 19

Place of Birth: Okinawa, Japan

Nationality: Japanese-American

Hair Color: Red, Lower back near buttocks length

Eye Color: Blue

Ethnicity: Asian/Caucasian

Skin Tone: Light

Pubic Hair: Shaven

Distinguishing Features: Often wears her hair in a long ponytail.

Height: 5'7"

Weight: Think I'm telling? Less than 140 lbs

Bust: 36 D

Waist: 26

Hips: 34

Background: Born into a military family, Michelle is the daughter of an U.S. Marine and a Okinawan Dancer. Jack and Reika Burntheart were good parents to Michelle, named after Jack's mother. Michelle grew up pretty normal. No childhood tragedy or the like. her parents were strict on discipline, but that's because her dad....was military.

She loved her dad dearly. One of her favorite things to do with her dad when he was at home was mess with his saber. Afraid she'd cut herself, he brought her a wooden kendo stick and enrolled her in a school, teaching various styles of swordplay. She took the time and effort to become as proficient as she could in many styles, from fencing to samurai style combat.

When Michelle turned 15, Jack retired and the family moved to the states, settling in Greenwich, Connecticut. She went to a co-ed private school. There, she met her first love, Phillip Rickshaw. After her parents met his parents, etc., her parents gave the okay for Phillip and Michelle to date. Soon after, Michelle and Phillip pledged their love for one another in her bedroom one night, with her parents out of the house.

Several months into the relationship, Phillip fell ill from cancer. Michelle retreated into herself, pushing away the few friends she had, going to see her love every day until he died.

After she spent a year and a half grieving, she met a young lady by the name of Lillia Darkcrown. Michelle never thought of Lillia in a romantic sense, until one night while hanging out with her new best friend, Lillia kissed Michelle. At first, it was an awkward moment, but Michelle quickly lost herself in that moment. She knew in that moment that she was bi. She could never tell her family about this forbidden love.

She heard about Shokushu from Lillia, whose father was a professor there. Professor Siferus Darkcrown. She decided that she would go to this school when she finished high school in Greenwich.

Lillia was a year older, so she left for Shokushu a year before Michelle. Michelle would write to Lillia everyday, but would never get any letters back. This worried her, fearing that something had happened. After nine months of never hearing from her love, she assumed the worst and spent time grieving again.

She told her parents about Shokushu and her parents agreed to allow her to attend at the age of 19. The last night before she left, she packed her most precious belongings, her kendo stick among them. When she arrived, she noticed that her stick had not survived the trip. It had been snapped completely in two.

Upon arriving at the enrollment office, Michelle asked about her love. "There's nobody enrolled here by the name." She was told. Her heart broke. No one knew about Professor Darkcrown either. She made a pledge on the beach that night, looking over the ocean, her long red hair swaying lightly in the breeze to find out what happened to Lillia and Professor Darkcrown.

Personality: Can be a flirt when she likes someone, but generally tends to shy away from people. Can handle a one-on-one conversation or maybe a 3-way talk, but beyond that, she gets uncomfortable and tends to stay quiet. Not hesitant to tell you the truth, but will not be disrespectful.

Virgin: No. See background.

Piercings/Tattoos: Both ears are pierced and a tattoo of a heart with her fathers name in it on her left shoulder blade.

Languages: English, Japanese

Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual

Likes: Candy (For Christine), Swordplay, Anime, Love Stories, Walking on the beach at night.

(OOC) Sexual likes: Being Teased, Rough Penetration, Oral, Long sessions, trying new things.

Dislikes: Nasty people, bad jokes, extreme temperatures

(OOC) Sexual Dislikes: ANAL!

Picture: You really think I'm pretty?

Author:  Iinchou_chan [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Michelle Burntheart

whats the point on telling the IC sexual dislikes... its not like students get to choose [-X

Author:  Kanoe [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Michelle Burntheart

Maybe the monster will be nice =P

Author:  Siferus [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Michelle Burntheart

The likes and dislikes are more for OOC use, seeing how this thread would be used for reference before a roleplay begins, so I made it easier for everyone involved.

Make sense? ^_^

Author:  Iinchou_chan [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Michelle Burntheart

barely :lol:

Author:  Siferus [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Michelle Burntheart

XP Oh well, lol.

Isn't she pretty?

Author:  swordsman_adrift [ Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Michelle Burntheart

There seems to be an influx of fighters...

Cool. [-o<

More fun times! :lol:

Author:  Karen Hinase [ Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Michelle Burntheart

Seems that way! Karen'd love to start a 'resistance club' of sorts... so she'll be certainly happy at the influx!

Author:  isometricmayhem [ Sun Dec 28, 2008 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Michelle Burntheart

Hmm... Icosagon likes students with spunk. Or is that what happens afterwords? ¬_¬

Author:  Siferus [ Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Michelle Burntheart

If a resistance club were to get started, she'd join for sure.

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