Shokushu High School

Emmeline Whitaker
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Author:  Emmeline [ Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Emmeline Whitaker

Name: Emmeline Whitaker
Nicknames: Emi, Emma
Age: 18
Place of Birth: London, England
Nationality: British
Major: History
Year: Freshman


Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Shoulder length, straight, and always neatly combed. Occasionally she'll pull it back into two small pigtails.
Eye Color: Deep Blue
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Skin Tone: Very pale, nearly flawless
Pubic Hair: Shaved
Distinguishing features: She's quite pretty, but otherwise there's nothing terribly outstanding about Emi’s appearance. There’s a strange mix of grace and skittishness in the way she moves that stands out, however.
Height: 5'4”
Build: Delicate, but with quite noticeable curves
Bra size: 34 D
Clothes: Emmeline follows the uniform regulations to the letter. Her casual wardrobe is somewhat conservative, mostly consisting of dark skirts, feminine tops and thigh-high stockings held up by garters. She wears reading glasses occasionally, and her bras and panties always match.

The Whitakers are rich. Excessively rich. As the wealthy couple’s only child, Emmeline had been obsessively sheltered for her entire life. She was taught by the best tutors in the nation and showed a voracious love of knowledge and insatiable curiosity, but was rarely allowed off of her family’s grounds. Occasionally she would make friends with one of the younger servants, but her parents were quick to dismiss anyone she got close too, fearing that friendship with someone so far beneath them socially would corrupt their little princess. She eventually gave up when she realized what her parents were doing, not wishing to doom anyone's job.

With no significant contact with society at large, Emma contented herself with her studies until the day her parents bought her a computer. Though the Whitakers had installed content blockers to prevent their innocent young daughter from accidentally stumbling across anything inappropriate, the “restricted content” warnings only made the teenager more curious. Before long she found a simple way to bypass the restrictions and attacked the smut and violence she found with the same intense curiosity with which she studied history, art, and literature. The images and stories fascinated her, but she was frustrated with her inability to experience anything herself.

She lived a quiet life, a bit lonely of course but otherwise happy, until her 18th birthday. Finally fed up with her borderline-imprisonment, Emi snuck out during her own birthday celebration, borrowed one of her father’s cars and headed into the city. Unfortunately for the budding rebel, an opportunistic employee of the catering company that had been hired for the party saw her slip away and made a few phone calls…
Many hours later a rather tipsy Emmeline stumbled out of a trendy dance club on the arm of a very persuasive young man and straight into the waiting hands of six of his friends. The last thing the young woman saw was the chloroform-soaked cloth coming at her face.

She woke up several hours later, stripped naked and tied to a cold metal table in the middle of a dark warehouse and surrounded by video cameras mounted on improvised tripods. Even as her parents scrambled to pay the ransom, her kidnappers took advantage of their young treasure. Emmeline was tormented for hours upon hours, her captors taking turns enjoying her virginal young body until she was completely exhausted and allowed to sleep. To her bittersweet relief they kept themselves occupied with her hands, breasts and mouth for the first two days, “saving the best for last.” When one of the young men returned with a briefcase full of money Emi thought she would be free. Unfortunately, the thugs had decided she was worth more to them than a pile of cash and resumed their endless abuses without delay. To further her torment, the young men read aloud to her the lascivious comments people were leaving as the posted the photos and videos of the helpless girl online,

After several days of torture, the leader of the gang decided they’d waited long enough and took his place between their captive’s silky thighs. Emmeline screamed and the gang cheered and snapped photos as their boss roughly deflowered the lovely young heiress. The commotion was even loud enough to cover the stealthy entry of the police rescue squad that had finally located them.
Months later, though the Whitakers were perfectly content to keep their daughter locked in her quarters for the rest of her life, they received a letter from the prestigious Shokushu College. It highlighted their amazing security systems, it’s secluded island location and best of all, it's all-female student body. In the blink of an eye, Emmeline was shipped off to the safety and security of the campus.

Personality: Intelligent & kind hearted, but somewhat awkward around people her own age due to her extreme isolation growing up. She has a fairly quiet nature, but will fight when cornered. Though still extremely inexperienced and quite naive, Emi is fascinated with every aspect of sexuality.
Sexuality: Bi-curious, but has no sexual experience aside from those gained during her abduction
Turn Ons: Clothing being torn, being stalked, spanking/light whipping, being watched/being ravaged out in the open/being filmed or photographed, multiple rough penetrations, bondage, long marathon sessions. (Emi isn't aware of most of these, obviously, and probably wouldn't admit to most of them if she was ^_~)
Likes: Reading, the Internet, swimming and sexual experimentation
Dislikes: Arguments, confrontation, being cooped up and being denied knowledge
Activities: Swim team, tennis, astronomy
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish and a bit of Mandarin Chinese


Aaaaaaand...done! Let me know if I missed anything, and shoot me a PM if you'd like to RP >^_^<

1/1 - photoshopped the last picture so she's got the correct hair & eye color now ^^;;
1/5 – Fleshed out her background a bit, added turn-ons and made some other minor edits.

Author:  Shai Tanaka [ Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Emmeline Whitaker

Welcome Emmeline, Sorry to hear about the tragedy of your past. I'm sure you'll find there are plenty of friends to be made on the island. If you're interested in other blue bloods, please feel free to look me up ;]

Author:  Kraytirous [ Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Emmeline Whitaker

*gurgles softly in greeting*

Wow, well done, your profile looks great! If you'd ever like to take a swim with the friendly, local blob I'd be more then happy to comply!

Author:  Violett Small [ Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emmeline Whitaker

Welcome to campus, Miss Whitaker.

I'm so sorry to hear about the tragedy of your past...

But you're among friends now. We'll help you any way we can.


Author:  Kane [ Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emmeline Whitaker


Author:  Emmeline [ Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emmeline Whitaker

@Shai & Violett - Thank you for the welcome, and the sympathy. I think I've handled the...incident as well as one can be expected. Heh, as long as they don't try and make me talk to another bloody psychiatrist...
^^ I look forward to seeing you around campus.

@Kraytirous & Kane- Thank you as well! I look foward to fleeing from but inevitably being ravaged by you and the rest of Shokushu's monsters ^_^

Author:  Diana Varnia [ Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Emmeline Whitaker

Hello! Welcome to campus! I'm sure you'll be comforted to know that the incident you went through are commonplace here, so you're among like-minded individuals that know how you feel! If you ever need a particularly intimate hug, I'm there for you.

Author:  Emmeline [ Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emmeline Whitaker

Hehe, intimate hugs are the best kind of hugs. Thanks for the welcome, I'll be sure to take you up on that offer sometime in the future.

Author:  Diana Varnia [ Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emmeline Whitaker

Glad to hear it.

Author:  swordsman_adrift [ Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Emmeline Whitaker

The 'isolated rich girl' archetype's been seen before, but I can't remember where. But Emma's physical description and background more than make up for it. So I say, 'Welcome Aboard!'

Though she'd be a hostage of a different sort...

Author:  Emmeline [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emmeline Whitaker

Hehe, yeah, admittedly not the most unique character concept I've ever come up with. I hope her personality & quirks set her apart though. *bows* Thank you for the welcome Sir!

Speaking of personality, I've added a bit to her background as I realized I'd skipped over a rather important component of her character. It's a bit long now, sorry ^^;;

Author:  Siferus [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emmeline Whitaker

Simply amazing. All I can say. I'm that blown away.

Author:  swordsman_adrift [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emmeline Whitaker

I like her turn ons... :wink:

Author:  Emmeline [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emmeline Whitaker

@Siferus - Oh stop, you're going to make me blush ^#^

@Swordsman - Hehe, well Emi likes them too! Send me a PM if you'd ever like to explore just how much she likes them.

Author:  Emilla [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emmeline Whitaker

I was Emi first. Hrmph!

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