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 Little Nique <3 
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Post Little Nique <3
'Ello loves. Welcome to the newest frickin' fabrication of my mind. For those who haven't discerned my outlandish characters and writing style yet, but all means throw some guesses out there ;D [P.S. Mods no cheating!]


~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Little Nique~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~


| Name: | Nique (Nik-Eh) Zaierra (Zy-Ear-Uh)

| Alias: | Nik, Nikki and Herbalist. [I knew a girl named Nikki some would say she was a sex fiend…oh wait >=].]

| Age: | 19

| Race: | Mulatto. [Caucasian, Native American, Jamaican.]

| Height: | 5’8’’

| Weight: | 140lbs

| Measurements: | (Bust) 32 – (Hips) 38 – (Waist) 24

| Physical Description: |

Nique has a slender frame; adorned with soft, light mocha skin. Her chest is not overly large, sitting at a 32B, however she more than makes up for it with her genetically passed hips and derriere. Her waist is small and toned and it curves out into exaggerated hips, down to long slender legs, toned by her dancing.

She has long dark auburn hair that falls to the middle of her back soft wide ringlets, accented with silvery highlights. Her hair tends to be straight around the crown of her head, down to her shoulders, only really curling near the ends. Her bangs are straight and frame her face.

Her features are soft: Wide almond shapped eyes that are a dark green on the outskirts of her iris fading from a light green to a honey color and ending in a solid golden ring around her pupil. Her lashes are naturally long, giving her eyes an almost cat-like appearance. Her nose is straight and tips pleasantly framing her face. Her lips are full and soft, with two piercings. One is on her labret, in the center beneath her lower lip with a solid steel ball. The second is a semi circle tipped with silver steel spikes on the far left of her lower lip.

| Style: |

Nique’s style varies depending on her mood. She has several interests all that seem to clash with one another when presented to society on a social standing. Her clothing reflects all of the stages and hobbies in her life.

Whatever her style Nique tends to love long sleeves, and is modest for the most part with all of her styles. She dresses for the occasion, realizing that first impressions are everlasting.

Some of her styles include her rather childish phase, adorning her arms up to the elbows with ‘candy’ or several beaded bracelets. This particular wardrobe is full over color, from rainbows to lime greens and baby pinks and blues. She picked up this sense of style from the various raves she would attend. (Yes, pacifier and all)

Most of her wardrobe is rather tomboyish, she prefers her more hip-hop styles when she is dancing for the simple fact that it is easier to move and twist in. The shirts are primarily feminine while the pants are significantly more baggy and less restricting. She has several pairs of tennis shoes, to go with this wardrobe.

The last style is more preferred. Not necessarily preppy, but nice. She finds it is the most versatile and allows her to meld with any social group she desires to visit. It is contemporary with a lot of grays, blacks and whites in her tops. This is where most of her blue jeans come into play.

| Personality: |

To put it bluntly Nique is fearless. She is not afraid to be herself no matter who she encounters. She is outspoken, and honest. She has one of those personalities that you will never forget. She is not shy, but she tends to be quiet when presented with a new group of people, once she feels more comfortable and relaxes she is back to her bubbly personality.

Nique is a hippie of sorts. She wants peace on earth but realizes there will always be war. She will not harm a single animal, diet included. She donates money to several organizations, PETA and No Kill Animal shelters are included. She loves and enjoys the company of animals, but she could never keep a bird in a cage. Her extra curricular activities fit the hippie stereotype ;]

“Wings were meant for flying.”

Nique sometimes feels that she was born into the wrong reality. She is a frequent daydreamer, and talented writer. She comes up with several scenarios in her mind and can daydream about them for days on end. Her favorite time period is medieval, and so her fantasies are generally based off of that. In her heart she believes in magic, and feels that she is being punished by being born into a world where it is so non-existant. This leads her to find the magic in the world around her, be it through nature or through unexplained miracles. She lives to make every day an accomplishment.

“It’s alright, when I die someday I’m sure I’ll go home.”

She tries to always look on the positive side of things, but even Nique can get depressed though the sadness is far and few between. What makes Nique unique from many people is her ability to detach herself from her emotions. She feels as everyone does, she feels happiness, sadness, anger, but she can immediately flick a mental switch and turn off all of her emotions. She seems to go outside of herself and observe whatever the situation from a third party perspective, clear minded and calm.

She is not afraid to be who she is, which is a little bit of everything. She likes whatever she wants to like. She does not feel that she has to limit herself to one specific social group just to fit in, if she wants to have Britney Spears and Metallica back to back on her iPod that’s what she’s going to have, not caring what anyone thinks of it. She always seems to have a smile on her face, even in boredom or frustration.

She oozes confidence, no matter what she is wearing or where she is, she is not afraid to be herself. If she feels like dancing she’ll dance, if she feels like singing she’ll sing. She’s confident that no matter the circumstances, she looks good and if anyone disagrees then they can go…well you know. She knows she is a good person; a loyal and honest person and those are the people she seeks to befriend.

She has a heightened sense of intuition, and a rather under appreciated ability that most people hardly believe. She can see people’s auras. When asked she claims that she feels them more than sees, but there are occasions that if the person’s aura is strong enough, she has caught hints of color surrounding their form. She does not talk about this except to people she trusts.

She seems tuned in with nature to a certain degree. She possesses an ability that most people take for granted; the ability to see the beauty in all things. There are several occasions where she would be out with associates or friends and she would stop them all abruptly just to say “Look how beautiful those clouds are right now.” She feels at home in the wild, and will most likely be found camping out during her free time rather than being in her dorm.

She enjoys reading and can get lost for hours reading a really excellent book.

| Personality Defects: |

Some of her personality traits may make her seem unapproachable by others. Her posture and confidence may seem make others think she believes she is too good for them. She tries not to be judgmental, but when she catches a hint of certain colored auras surrounding a person she feels she may know more about them than they know about themselves. If she senses the person is devious she will do her best to be polite but the prejudice still remains.

While she may seem social, Nique is pretty much a loner. She enjoys going out and having fun but when a certain time rolls around she just wants to be home. This usually ends in short meetings to people that haven’t nestled their way into Nique’s heart and can be sometimes viewed as rude or being avoided.

Nique’s ability to switch off her feelings at will gives her a cold, and emotionless appearance. She is an introvert, and rarely discusses her problems with others and expects the same courtesy. She’s more than willing to hear someone out when they’re going through a rough time, but really doesn’t appreciate people whose lives are filled with seemingly endless drama. It generally provokes and honest opinion,

“You determine your own life, the more you bitch about your problems the more prevalent they will become.”

| Habits: |

She smokes cigarettes, and while she’ll occasionally smoke camel jades, she tends to stick to herbal cigarettes. If she does happen upon her jades, she keeps all of the filters so she can burn them later. Littering is rude.

Nique smokes pot. She does not do it habitually to the degree of smoking and vegging out on the couch all day long. The time she enjoys smoking the most is right before bed, before class or out in the wilderness. She is a marijuana mastermind and turns into a straight architect when it comes to building some kind of smoking instrument, and is renown for her famous Earth Bong. What is odd with Nique is smoking tends to keep her focused. She has a wandering mind and a wandering heart. When she should be paying attention she is often found daydreaming of fantasy scenarios from her favorite time periods. Pot tends to keep her on track during periods where she really needs to retain things. There may be other reasons why Nique smokes, perhaps some psychological defect but no one can be sure.

Commentary. When Nique sees something that intrigues her, whether she is alone or surrounded she will generally comment on it. It could be incredibly off topic and she’ll bring it up. She also does this with random thought, philosophies, or contemplations.

Locking doors. She locks people out of the house a lot, even if they were coming in right behind her. As she closes the door her hand automatically locks it.

Cleanliness. Nique will clean and clean until her living area is spotless. She cannot stand clutter and loves organization. She enjoys being able to know where everything is.

Interal alarm. For some unexplained reason, no matter what time Nique goes to bed she seems to rise at exactly 4:45am.

| Hobbies: |

Dancing is Nique’s escape from everything. The only other place other than right in the middle of nature that she feels at home. She loses herself in the music and lets her body do the talking. She dances several different styles, though most of her Jamaican influence reveals itself through whatever style she dances. She enjoys hip hop, minor break dancing, salsa, tango and several combinations of them all.

Swimming/Surfing: You can't keep this girl out of the water. She loves everything to do with surfing and swimming and will probably be found at the beach during twilight.

Yoga. Nique enjoys flexibility in order to keep her body suitable for some of the outrageous moves she pulls in dancing. She enjoys doing her Yoga right at the crack of dawn, right before having her green tea.

Karaoke. Her voice is not unpleasant but nothing to boast about either. She can carry a tune, but she’s not the next American idol. Her voice is a soft alto.

| Distinguishing Possessions: |

Gendron Tarot Deck; a gift from her grandmother.

A medium-sized ornate silver box containing several crystals, silks, and a variety of herbs and seeds. (the legal kind silly).

Pink iPod Nano; seemingly attached to her hand.

Three Faux Leather bound journals (Black, Brown, and White), with parchment like paper.

A pink laptop that is always nearby. While she does not love technology, she can’t deny it’s usefulness.

Extensive Calligraphy set.

An unimpressive looking box that contains several smoking implements.

| Likes: |

While it is impossible to list every possible like and dislike, below are a few examples:

Music: Nique likes what she wants to like, no question. A small example of the songs in her library are as follows: Enya, Metallica, Britney Spears, Metro Station, Five Finger Death Punch, Techno and Trance, Sean Paul, and a plethora of other artists. She does not care for artists without some talent and finds most recent rap a bit ridiculous. If it’s got a good beat, and she likes the feel of the song, she’s got it.

Accessories: Bracelets, earrings, rings, socks, and hats…she has so many hats you’d think she was opening a hat store.

She enjoys reading, writing, hiking, biking, dancing, smoking, saving injured animals and long walks on the beach.

Starbursts, Nature, Flowers, Animals, Tattoos, piercings, the sound of the ocean, Good-natured people, honesty, dancers, meditation, candles, pleasant smells, mascara. Just to name a few.

Though she’ll never admit it, she likes the bad boys ;]

| Dislikes: |

Mean people, dishonesty, carelessness, disregard, littering, stupidity, ignorance. People who pretend to know what they’re talking about when they haven’t the slightest clue. Nosebleeds. Insecurity, drama, people who look at her and assume she speaks ebonics. A lot of people in general.

| History: |

Nique lived a far from average life. Her parents divorced when Nique was very young. Her father won the custody battle, and though it wasn’t as much as Nique would have liked her mother was still around. Her father had a successful career as a teacher, but he was also an accomplished magician. She spent most of her days tagging along with him to his shows, playing the part of the child assistant and taking care of the music responsibilities. Her father performed at so many birthday parties that Nique could not even stand the sight of birthday cake by the time she was 10.

There had always been so many circumstantial coincidences in Nique’s life. Most of them went unnoticed until she received her first visit from her great grandmother, Lydea. Lydea was from her father’s side of the family, a full-blooded Jamaican woman who was a self-proclaimed psychic. She insisted that ‘gifts’ ran through the family, generally announcing themselves every third generation. Hence she was fully convinced Nique had to possess some kind of psychic ability or another. She showered Nique with several gifts, Tarot Cards, Crystals, Herbs, Books, Journals. All items that Lydea hoped would spark some interest in Nique, convincing her to explore her potential abilities.

She’d been hit in the face with soccer balls, slammed into walls during horseplay, hit full force with rogue pillows during intense pillow fights and Nique never got a nosebleed. One night during her grandmother’s visit, they were driving through a rather shady neighborhood after seeing a movie and Nique, young and confused twisted her face in discomfort.

“What be dem dah crak yu face gal?” Her grandma inquired, speaking Creole, which Nique had a hard time understanding at first. Sensing her confusion Nique’s grandma struggled to speak in northern American English.

”Why yu makin funny faces gal?” Nique nodded and responded innocently. “I smell blood.”

The second the admission left her lips her nose started to bleed profusely, staining the bright yellow tank top she was wearing while Nique’s grandmother thanked the heavens that the car had leather seats. Her Grandma worked to stem the bloodflow, and Nique started to cry, not understanding the immediate feeling of terror and dread that overwhelmed her small body. The nosebleed lasted for several minutes, and then stopped as abruptly as it started.

The next day, her grandmother was writing in one of the several journals she brought with her when a report on the news abruptly caught her attention. There had been a double homicide in the neighborhood that she and Nique had passed through that prior evening. She looked with wonder at the little girl who sat playing with her silly toys and nodded knowingly. She had the gift.

Lydea showered Nique with several gifts, Tarot Cards, Crystals, Herbs, Books, Journals. All items that Lydea hoped would spark some interest in Nique, convincing her to explore her potential abilities. She had even purchased a rather pricey ornately decorated silver plated box to hold most of the items in. Nique seemed uninterested, and kept trying to convince her crazy ‘gramma’ that she wasn’t psychic.

Nique was not ashamed of her heritage. Being Jamaican, Caucasian (Specifically French Canadian and Polish), and Cherokee. However, as she progressed into her teen years, it did cause some confusion as to where she belonged. Many teens followed stereotypes to the letter, and Nique never felt that she could fit in with many social groups. She tried to bond with several cliques, the blacks(who patronized her for being light-skinned), the Hispanics (Who patronized her for ‘pretending’ to be Mexican.), which finally led her to the smokers. Every High School has one, a smokers corner. A plethora of teens from different social groups who all share one thing in common. They smoke cigarettes. They’re the true die-hards out in the middle of freezing winter, huddled in a circle trying to keep warm while they puff away on cancer sticks. Once Nique met them, she bounced around through every door the group opened. Hip Hoppers, Punk Rockers, Ravers, Metalheads, Jocks, Preps- you name it, Nique’s been there and done that.

No matter who she hung out with, she always felt alone. Her wonderful grades began to slip as her life was overcome with partying and feeble attempts to ‘find herself.’ It was only when she was introduced to a wonderful drug that she was able to accept that none of the people she was surrounded by were her true friends. It clarified things for her, and she found that whenever she smoked it she was able to gather the much needed concentration to retain her interest in her classes. Marijuana. She loved it, she smoked it, she grew it. Several of her peers deemed her the ‘Herbalist’ insisted that if you wanted to know anything about the drug, Nique was the one to go to. She never dealed, finding no interest in going to jail.

Her father, sensing the potential problems arising in his daughter quickly shipped her off to Jamaica to live with her grandmother for a while.

“That crazy broad?” Nique protested, but her complaints seemed to fall on deaf ears. To her surprise Nique loved Jamaica. She loved the cities, she loved the beaches, she loved the locals, but most of all she loved the pot. It didn’t take her long to use her charms to fall in with exactly the right people, and to Nique’s astonishment she had even made a really great friend.

Chase. From the instant she met him she knew that this was a genuine person. Thought she never admitted it to Lydea, when she first laid eyes on Chase she could have sworn he was surrounded in a bright, royal blue radiance. The two became inseparable. Nique was not in love with Chase, she wasn’t even in like, the pair had found common ground in uncommon circumstances and Nique wished that her new life on the island would never come to an end.

Nique stirred from her dreams, blurry eyes wandering towards the neon orange glow of the clock. 4:45. She groaned and tried to go back to sleep for several moments, to no avail. Aggravated she rose and went about her morning ritual, showering, getting dressed, breakfast, the usual. As she passed by her dresser she stopped for a moment, a wide smile spreading across her face as she pulled a picture from the top. The feeling of warmth was instantaneous replaced with a feeling of dread. Nique smelled blood. Like a torrent the crimson stream rained down on the picture, splattering all over the image of Chase, narrowly missing Nique’s image.

She didn’t know it then, but found out later Chase had been in a car accident that morning. He hadn’t been wearing his seatbelt and he collided with the windshield on impact, killing him almost instantly. Every part of Nique wanted to break down and cry, but no matter how she tried the tears just wouldn’t come. She was ridden with guilt, somehow convinced that if she had embraced her abilities that she could have prevented this.

After the services Lydea stood waiting for Nique as she entered her home.

“I want to know Gramma. I want to know everything.”

So Lydea taught Nique everything she knew, exploring her strengths and strengthening her weaknesses. After trial and error they discerned several of Nique’s abilities after reviewing past experiences and putting present tests on her intuition.

Nique finally decided on returning home to rekindle her relationship with her mother while she finished up high school. Shortly after graduation she found her interests piqued in Environmental Sciences. After applying to several colleges, she was accepted into a prestigious all girls University, Shokushu. [Damn…Doesn’t Shokushu always seem to have the perrrrfect major?]

| Abilities Description: |
Seeress: A seeress has a heightened sense of intuition that allows her to make predictions on what is to come by using an ancient form of divination. In order to attain the meditative state required to complete the ritual, the seeress must fast for two days, acquire the needed items (A variety of crystals, bones, herbs), and meditate for several hours to reach a state of clarity. Cleansing rituals must be completed in order to proceed with the divining.

A Seeress also has the ability to detect a person’s aura. To Nique it is more of a feeling, but there have been few occasions where when the person’s energetic force is strong enough she has caught glimpses of color surrounding their physical form. Nique does not have a difficult time reading people. More often she feels she knows more about a person then they may know about themselves, simply by meeting them.

Intuition: Nique tends to be more aware of her surroundings. She is sensitive to the electromagnetic pulses that radiate through the air at any given time. She can usually sense ill intent, dishonesty, and other forms of maliciousness. Her intuition also has also triggered nosebleeds in the occurrences of death.

Card Reader: Tarot Cards cannot be bought; they must be given to you as a gift. She received her first deck when she was very young and has honed her skills over the past few years. She is completely in tune with her deck, reading the cards off of sheer intuition and having a wondrous ability to decipher their meaning. There is always room for misreading however.

Nique delves in several other aspects of the phenomenon of psychic abilities. She has made few attempts to become a medium, but after a terrifying incident where she tried to channel a spirit alone she resolved to never delve into that area again before she is ready.

Picture: To get a more realistic idea of what Nique looks like, this is a better image.


·╬·~ Little Nique ~·╬·

Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:55 am
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Post Re: Little Nique <3
This character is a masterpiece!

She likes Five Finger Death Punch, and the general writing style, my guess as to your idenity would be........

Shai Tanaka!

PM me if you're interested in a Roleplay.

Siferus Darkcrown: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3579

Everyone's favorite spider monster has come home. I'm always looking for more interesting students or female monsters to with. Send me a PM, don't be shy, I don't bite. Unless you want me to, that is.

Tue Jan 06, 2009 5:07 pm
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Post Re: Little Nique <3
My mind was pulled towards an older student but now that you mention it, I think you might be right... :o

Kraytinousness Verithmas My menu is currently open.

Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:00 pm

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Post Re: Little Nique <3
I also thought it might be Shai, based on the character's veganism and the writing style.

Kakumaoh's profile and hunt record.

PM me to set up a roleplay.

Character listing

Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:28 am
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Post Re: Little Nique <3
<_< Very perceptive bunch of people that roam this forum -_- Then again I should probably stop making all my damn characters vegan huh?

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:33 am
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Post Re: Little Nique <3
Hehe, you'd think so.

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:53 am
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Post Re: Little Nique <3
Meh I just didn't like Skylar as much as I thought I would, soo she's going to be retiring before she's begun.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:58 am
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Post Re: Little Nique <3
you don't like being a well-behaved girl that's obsessed with karma? I wonder why. :lol:

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:06 pm
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Post Re: Little Nique <3
Ooh, that's a very well-constructed character. If how you filled out the profile is any hint to your role play style, you'll be very welcome 'round here... =D>

"Do you see them? Those eyes that stare at you from the depths of your dreams? Mark them well; They're mine."


'Thine eyes unsleeping.'

(Interested Parties, PM. I don't bite. Mags has his ways...)

Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:33 am
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Post Re: Little Nique <3
Hello and welcome to the school .
If you wish I am up to rp anytime you wish ok?

If you wish to rp then please pm?

Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:33 am
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