Shokushu High School

Mille Greensbaron
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Author:  Mille [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Mille Greensbaron

Name: Melissa Greensbaron (goes by the cake!)

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Place of Birth: Sumter, South Carolina

Nationality: American

Hair Color: Light brown

Eye Color: Deep green

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Skin Tone: Pale, creamy white

Pubic Hair: none (shaven)

Height: 5' 4"

Weight: 104

Bust: 34 C

Waist: 64 cm

Hips: 85 cm

Background: Mille grew up in a rough area of Sumter. Though not as bad as some places, it had its moments. Despite this, she managed to make the best of her time spent there, growing and flourishing into one of the more easily recognized students within her school, the pretty, easy-to-get-along-with girl who'll be anyone's friend. She never grew very tall, but despite her diminuitive stature, she was never a shy one. Eager to get to know people and quick to take charge of something if such was required of her, Mille turned out to be a passionate individual with a healthy thirst for life.

Unknown to most, however, she also had a very healthy thirst for sex, which she tried to keep in check as much as possible, for two reasons: first off, the general populace of a small town like hers seemed to get a bit squeamish when one of their younger element showed any sign of a sex drive at all, much less an extremely active one. Secondly, Mille's sex drive awakened not just for good looking boys, but for any number of the lovely girls she went to school with as well, a massive taboo in the eyes of everyone that mattered, or so she was taught. So Mille was forced to keep her sexual preferences to herself.

Needless to say, this repressed sexuality developed into quite a significant factor in her life. After a short time of this, she found that her body was rather sensitive to touch. Very sensitive. It became harder and harder for Mille to keep her passions to herself. It all came to a head a few days before her graduation, when a close friend of hers, excited at the grades she'd gotten and the prospect of starting a new life, had wrapped her arms around Mille in a tight hug and was breathing against her neck in just the right place. Before she even realized what she was doing, Mille was kissing the girl passionately, sucking on her lips...and was distantly surprised to find the girl returning the favor. This did nothing to help get her back under control, as they stood there, kissing and gasping softly, rubbing together slightly until a hall monitor caught them, just before they could go any further.

Mille's parents were notified, as were her friends, and it was soon decided that such action could not be repeated, if their families were to remain respectable in the eyes of society. Needless to say, both girls were kept under careful watch until after graduation. When she finally did graduate, Mille was surprised by the news her parents brought her: she had been enrolled, by them, at the Shokushu campus, effective immediately. She'd known that her parents wouldn't approve of the way she'd acted, but she hadn't thought for a minute that they'd toss her out like that, as soon as she'd graduated, without the slightest bit of prior notification. It hurt her a bit, actually...and the fact that they'd chosen the school for her without any consultation at all didn't help take away the sting either.

When she read over the brochure, she nearly cried; an all-girl's school which discouraged personal relationships between students that went further than simple friendship? Her thoughts of finally having a relationship, now that school was done, were dashed utterly and completely. She went and packed her bags after her parents finished all but severing their ties with her, weeping bitterly to herself as she did so. Two days later, she was on the plane to Shokushu, on her way to starting her new life, and, so she thought, keeping everything to herself for who knew how long. She had no clue how wrong she was...

Psychological Profile: Though she is mostly stable, Mille does have a bit of sexual obsession, due to her repressing of urges for so long. The slightest things can turn her on, a touch delivered in the right way, words spoken in just the right tone of voice, even if she doesn't want to be. This often creates a sort of inner struggle: her body wants very badly to release, but her mind continues to say that it's wrong, that she mustn't or she will be looked upon with disgust.

Personality: Happy, easy-going girl with an up-beat and bubbly nature usually.

Virgin? Not anymore

Piercing or Tattoos: Small tattoo of a dove on her lower back that she got on her 18th birthday

Language: English. (knows small smatterings of others, but not enough to make conversation)

Likes: Video games, pizza, friends, running, swimming, dancing, reading

Author:  Terasmus [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:37 am ]
Post subject: 


How can I greet a cute, delectable morsel to the Campus by saying this...



*sniffs over the girl, licking it's lips, then reaches over to her with it's tongue and gives her a friendly lick, covering her in saliva*

Oh, yous be quite tasty!




If you ever feel up for doing a scenario and aren't too squicked or weirded out by extreme weirdness. Then I could hook you up with something fun. Just give me a PM and we can work out the details.

So, be welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay at this happy fun place.

Author:  Keemari [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:50 am ]
Post subject: 

You poor girl. I feel so sorry for your past. If you ever need any help let me know, whether it be tutoring or simple help in other matters. I'd be happy to help you out miss.

Also you know what they say when you find a girl who like Video Games. You marry them. :P

Author:  Mille [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 12:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

*Giggles at the lick, then turns, sees Terasmus, and squeeks.* Ummm....thanks....I think...*wonders if she's about to be eaten*

*Bows to Keemari* Thank you, sir, I'll keep you in mind. I'm sure I'll need some help with some of those subjects...especially in Psychology. *Always falls asleep in Psych class.* lemme know when you get an opening in your schedule and I'll take you up on your offer.

Author:  Reika Ashtear [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh I think I'm going to like mille!

Give Reika a call if you need a no-strings roll in the hay!

Author:  Crush [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Did someone say "No strings roll in the hay"?

*looks down to Millie* Was it you?

Edit: Oh shit, I just made the 666th post in the new students forum. What do I win? ((lol))

Author:  Mille [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

*Grins at Reika* Kay, but we're gonna get dizzy...there's a hefty amount of rolling this one needs to get off her chest.

*Blinks up at Crush, unsure if she should answer or just stand stock-still and hope he doesn't decide to act as his name implies* Ummm...I said...uhhh...'I hate it when bad things roll my way...' *backs away slowly*

Author:  Reika Ashtear [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mille wrote:
*Grins at Reika* Kay, but we're gonna get dizzy...there's a hefty amount of rolling this one needs to get off her chest.

sounds like a challange! shall we Rp?

Author:  Mille [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Absolutely! But first...could I get a day or two? I've already started two other RPs and I wanna see if I can handle those before I get in too deeply...pretty please? *leans in with a conspirational wink to whisper* I'll owe ya one...

Author:  Terasmus [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:05 pm ]
Post subject: 


Being a new student... you can obviously expect to get dozens of invites from us monster types and the warm, open arms of the student types. Don't worry, though... hopefully we'll be able to break you in and get you more acquainted to the Campus.

And it's already obvious you show some amazing potential as a roleplayer anyway. So far, I'm amazed by it. Haha. :)

Author:  Reika Ashtear [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mille wrote:
Absolutely! But first...could I get a day or two? I've already started two other RPs and I wanna see if I can handle those before I get in too deeply...pretty please? *leans in with a conspirational wink to whisper* I'll owe ya one...

Mmm ok! I can wait.

Author:  Crush [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Terasmus wrote:
OOC: And it's already obvious you show some amazing potential as a roleplayer anyway. So far, I'm amazed by it. Haha. :)

Yeah I'm agreeing with him on this one, we could use another 5 girls like you.

Author:  Mille [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

*Huggles Reika warmly* thanks so much! Keep a spot open for me...;)

*Blushes softly at Terasmus and Crush* aww, thanks you two... that's sweet. :D

Author:  The Count Alucard [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Welcome to the campus, my dear! I do hope you enjoy yourself; the people here hopefully will work to ensure that, and hopefully I can prove to be useful, too...

Perhaps Alucard could be your guide when you're sent down to the Basement for a wardrobe malfunction...

Author:  Ryujin [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think Ryujin will want to have a taste of her himself. Welcome to Shokushu Mille.

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