Shokushu High School

Airi Vuorinen
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Author:  Aiyero [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Airi Vuorinen

Time to flesh out the bare bones of this profile- here you go. :)
Edits done in green.

Name: Airi Vuorinen
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Place of Birth: Stockholm, Sweden (Yes, that was a Stockholm Syndrome joke. Tee hee.)
Nationality: Swedish
Hair Color: Blue-black
Eye Color: Pale blue
Ethnicity: Finnish (Norse)
Skin Tone: creamy, pale
Pubic Hair: shaved

Distinguishing features: Straight, dark hair to mid-back, expressive features, toned figure, extremely pale blue eyes, phoenix tattoo in reds on her shoulder

Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 130 lbs

Figure: Hourglass- curvy hips offset by C-cup breasts (Full, but not enormous, for those of you who don't know cup sizes) Lean and muscular build due to her love for dancing (modern dance; she isn't petite enough to be a ballerina, even if she had the inclination)

Background: While intelligent, Airi was a troublemaker throughout grade school, defiant to her teachers and prone to cutting school or devising ways to make the day more "interesting" whenever she was bored. Her English is excellent, since her schooling above elementary was at a boarding house in London, England. During her stay in England she grew more restless and, resentful of being shipped far away where she couldn't embarrass her parents, she began acting out more dramatically, sneaking into clubs. Sometimes she would stay out all night, and others she would be missing for days or weeks at a time, simply refusing to return to school until she was reported as a runaway and successfully dragged back. Her disappearance for a month at the end of her senior year, culminating in her recruiting her disreputable gang of friends to help her with her senior prank, secured her enrollment to Shokushu. It was recommended to her parents as an excellent girls' school for bright pupils with discipline problems, and they were delighted to enroll her- neither of them would have been able to stand the shame of their daughter facing public charges for detonating a podium full of pyrotechnics during the senior farewell speech. As it was, Airi was sent to Shokushu in disgrace, knowing that her friends were likely serving short but unpleasant prison terms for participating in domestic terrorism.
Despite deliberately turning her back on the repressed and luxurious life of entitlement that she would have otherwise had, Airi never encountered the seediest, predatory elements of society. She dabbled in bohemian communities of anarchists and artists for the feel of lawlessness and freedom it gave her, and was lucky enough never to have been introduced to the darker side of the freewheeling life she led. While she has seen ugly things, this charmed life has left her remarkably inexperienced with deception; she responded to her family's political tangles by running away from them.

Psychological Profile: Possessed of a strong personality and combative nature, Airi has always made life difficult for those in authority over her for two reasons: 1) it's entertaining 2) in the hope (although this is entirely subconscious) that someone will be strong enough to stand up to her and give her a taste of being forced to submit. Her history has also left her with absolutely no patience for manipulative authority figures; while she is intelligent enough that she could survive the game-playing if she invested herself, she's more likely to try to bludgeon her way out of a tight situation than finesse her way out. Due to the many attacks our girl has suffered on the island, she is beginning to show the signs of the mental strain: she tends to have disturbed sleep (nightmares) and her survival instinct butting heads with her ego butting heads with her libido is causing cognitive dissonance to the point that she is beginning to dissociate her undesired behaviors into a whole separate identity. This may result in her more survivalistic personality becoming incorporated into her overall persona, or possibly split off and become a separate personality as she is continually put under stress. (So yes, you are fucking her body and her mind at the same time, regardless of your monster having any mental capabilities. Have fun- and I'm looking for interesting things to do to her psychological development, so PM me if anyone comes up with something creative... or just really wicked. :twisted: )

Personality: Kind and protective to those she perceives as weaker than her, she is unpredictable towards those in authority, defiant right up until it's obvious that pushing further would land her in more trouble than even she would care to deal with. Usually simply a bright and less-than-interested student, boredom will eventually drive her to trying to shake things up. She doesn't frighten easily, but she's also quite slow to trust, and tends to cover that with an air of knowing nonchalance while she makes observations. She's also intensely curious, and hates it when she feels that information is being withheld from her.

Sexuality: 3 on the Kinsey scale, attracted to males and females equally.

Sexual likes: Aggression, whether on her part or the part of her partner- sex to Airi is a game, and she likes to play rough, and to come out on top. The fact that she enjoys submission is still something she's coming to terms with, considering how defiant she is in her normal life. Because of this, she will fight until either physically subdued, or until she decides it would be more dignified to act nonchalant as best she can. Which, granted, is not very well, and usually doesn't last long. Forced oral, rough penetration, multiple penetration, being tied up, being spanked, biting, breast-play (her breasts are very sensitive)... basically, if its non-vanilla, she'll probably enjoy it, with the exceptions of anything involving excrement or the drawing of blood. She isn't incapable of enjoying gentle, intimate sex, but intimacy tends to require trust of her, so it's not something she's very experienced in. The closest she's come to being in love was with her last lover- yes, the one who's now in jail for helping her with her senior prank.

Virgin: Very much no- she's been a wild child for years, and her most recent lover before Shokushu is now in jail with the rest of her friends.

Piercing or Tattoos: Pierced ears (3 in each), tattoo of a phoenix on her left shoulder

Language: Speaks English, Finnish and Swedish. Is learning Japanese.

Likes: Attention, being admired, sex, being outdoors, action movies, reading, dancing, and explosives.

Dislikes: Authoritarians, disrespect, being underestimated, bullies, self-importance, people with no sense of humor

Activities: Swimming, rock climbing, some martial arts (nothing incredibly advanced, but she knows some dirty tricks from street fighting.)

School-related stuff: She's decided to focus on anthropology, taking a special interest in folklore and ancient cultures. She's working on a minor in Japanese as well, deciding to add a language to her repertoire from further afield than Europe. After brushes with a few monsters, she's also trying to compile profiles on as many as she can, and is willing to recruit other monsters as informants, since her natural distrust for authority figures made it so she never even considered going to them. (She has no idea that the administration is complicit in the monsters' presence on Shokushu; she just avoids them because she assumes they'll decide she's crazy and give her a nice big bottle of pills to medicate her into unconcern.)

Author:  Cael Vandermir [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Character Bio

It's the right spot!

Welcome to the school. :D

Author:  Aiyero [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Character Bio

Yay me! ^_^ And of course, anyone let me know if you want to set up an RP!

Author:  PiaM. [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Character Bio

Welcome aboard! I hope you will enjoy it here!

Author:  Aiyero [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Character Bio

So, next question: How do I get an image into my signature? :S

Author:  PiaM. [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Character Bio

Use the edit signature feature in the User Control Panel. Cut and paste the image location and use [img ][/img ] (without the spaces) around it. If you host it on a site like photobucket you can usually cut and paste a direct link of that site.
I think.
At least that is what I did.

(EDIT: Postcount of the beast :twisted: )

Author:  Calidare [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Character Bio

now the other question is to you want your siggy to send people to your profile to do that you add something else with the img thing here the link to the BBCode link

By the way welcome to Shokushu Campus, hope you enjoy your rape here... i ment stay ;) and if you have any questions feel free to ask some one.

Author:  Airi [ Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Character Bio

*pokes the girl*

Hello other airi, welcome to the boards and hope you have fun! oh and of course can always have the 2 airi meet some time... =3

Author:  Aiyero [ Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Character Bio

Hi, Other Airi! ^_^ *waves* And yes, it would be fun to have the two meet up sometime. My poor Airi is quite new and as of yet knows no one on campus (aside from a monster she's currently getting acquainted with...) so it could be fun to have them introduced. ^.^

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Character Bio

Interesting profile, welcome to Shokushu hope to bump into you sometime.

Author:  Aiyero [ Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Character Bio

Thanks- curiosity had me skip over to your profile, and it's quite impressive. I love how you made Aegir's history cross into our own history, and throwing H.P. Lovecraft in was a nice touch. :)

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Character Bio

Thanks, tossed in a little bit of everythingt when designing a "real" world horror that's been around for awhile throughout humanity's history.

Author:  Elise Renfroe [ Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Character Bio

aaww! She's just the cutest!

Author:  Aiyero [ Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Character Bio

Lol glad you think so, although she'd probably be a bit confused that "domestic terrorist" qualifies as cute to someone. =D

Author:  Calidare [ Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Character Bio

love that new pic you found for your character.

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