Shokushu High School

Alexandra Holt
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Author:  Alexandra [ Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:57 am ]
Post subject:  Alexandra Holt

Name: Alexandra (Alex) Holt
Age: 18
Birthplace: Stamford, CT
Nationality: American
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 165 pounds
Bust: 38C
Ethnicity: Dutch-German
Skin Tone: Fair
Pubic Hair: Trimmed
Virgin: Yes

Background: Alexandra's parents wanted a boy. They never came right out and said it, but it was something she gradually came to learn. This isn't to say she was treated badly. Her parents loved her and treated her well, and she had a perfectly fine childhood. Later on, though, the fact that her parents never even tried to curb her tomboy tendencies was part of the evidence that led her to her conclusion.

As she grew older it became increasingly difficult to fit in with the other girls, and it didn't help that she was already taller than most of the boys she knew, to say nothing of the girls. Her parents tried to steer her toward sports, but although she had some natural talent Alexandra never found athletics interesting enough to put the effort in. She'd make an excellent beginner, but then be quickly surpassed by most of her peers. She did find some enjoyment in swimming, and kept it up, but only recreationally. She found she was more interested in books and computers. With those she never needed to feel awkward or out of place. Her parents weren't sure how to handle this, and were a bit worried that she wasn't showing signs of interest in a field of study as she made her way through school, but they figured that study of computers would eventually pay off in college, so they didn't try to dissuade her much.

They didn't know about the friends she had made. Even on the internet Alexandra was fairly withdrawn and taciturn, but there were plenty of people she could connect with. And her skills were growing rather faster than her parents imagined. At least until the FBI came knocking. Their daughter had gotten in over her head and gotten involved with a credit card fraud ring. Not for the money, but to prove to her online compatriots that she could.

This did not go over well.

It was just prior to her 18th birthday, but there was still a looming specter of jail time. A rather expensive lawyer helped smooth things out, but there was still a stipulation: she wasn't to be allowed access to an internet connection for quite some time. This made her college prospects problematic, but her family came across information on a certain school where that requirement would be strictly enforced. Oddly, none of them remember where exactly the information originally came from. But arrangements were duly made and one birthday later Alexandra found herself being shipped off.

Personality: Alex isn't actually socially inept, she just doesn't like dealing with other people directly much. She's capable of having an intelligent, civil conversation, but she's unlikely to initiate it, and if it's not on a topic she finds interesting she'll probably try to politely withdraw as soon as possible. Given the lack of outside communication on Shokushu (and the court order) one of her methods of avoiding direct interaction is lost, but there's still always the option of curling up somewhere quiet with a book. The topic doesn't really matter; she'll read just about anything. And she remembers a fair bit of it. She also reads plenty of fiction, particularly fantasy and sci-fi. Which she enjoys, although in life she's a skeptic. She doesn't believe in magic, monsters, demons or aliens... yet.

She's also never really been comfortable with her body. She's big, and she knows it. She tends to slouch, wear loose clothing and to try not to draw attention to herself. Her withdrawn nature, the fact that many boys are intimidated by her size, and her discomfort with her own body mean relationships have been largely nonexistant.



So, there we go! Hoping to have lots of fun with you folks. (And things.)

Author:  Forny [ Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alexandra Holt

Welcome to Shokushu! I see we have another tall girl! :lol: I certainly hope your stay here will be a long and enjoyable one!

And I totally wanted to add a Borat quote just to make it special, but meh. :P

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alexandra Holt

Nice profile Alex. Welcome to the campus. Hope to snag you some time in an RP.

Author:  Narrisa [ Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alexandra Holt

Hi Alexandra! :D

ANother tall person!! XD I'm so psyched! Don't you get tired of all the shortness! lol (joking)

It's nice to meet you and welcome to Shoku! The pic's very nice. Feel free to ask me or anyone else for help of fun! ^_~

Author:  Forny [ Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alexandra Holt

Careful, some of the students' here are short on their fuses. They don't like to be made fun of their sizes, even though it's not a big deal. Seriously, though, don't sell them short. Just leave it alone, that's not too much of a tall order, is it now?

... Shutting up with the bad jokes. :D

Author:  The NightBringer [ Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alexandra Holt

Well I'm sure you'll get over being tall in no time...

Though you might develop a couple other complex's during your stay at this school. :P

All the same, a giant welcome to the campus. :wink:

Author:  PiaM. [ Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alexandra Holt

Welcome aboard!

Author:  Miss Steel [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alexandra Holt

Oh my! Someone with some gender variance who isn't dominated by it, and with such a fleshed out profile to go with it? And a large woman, too! Welcome to the campus and hope to sink some claws into you.

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