Shokushu High School

Ryu Tanaka
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Author:  Ryu [ Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Ryu Tanaka

Name: Ryu Tanaka

Gender: Female
Age: 21
Year: Senior
Place of Birth: Munich

Nationality: German
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Red
Ethnicity: Caucasian, mixed with subtle hints of her father's asian heritage
Skin Tone: Inbetween pale and fair
Pubic Hair: Waxed

Distinguishing features: Red, waist length hair. Distinctive, cute smile. Preference for clothing far less feminine outside of classes such as cargo pants. In possession of various artifacts such as a pair of golden, sensation heightening flowers (credit to Seraph) and an angel pendant (a gift from Calidare), as for the latter; should there ever be two in one place they seem to correspond to one another and summon the angel himself.

Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 138 Pounds
Measurements: 38E-26-37

Background: Born in Munich, Germany, Ryu grew up in a strict household due to her father. His mindset originated from the traditions of his family, prefering her brother when it came to their upbringing since he was expected to follow in his father's footsteps.

While her father was a department manager for a japanese software company distributing their wares to various, highly renowned businesses, her mother had been an author for a magazine affiliated with a major news station of the country and had been instructed to meet with Mr. Tanaka for an interview about his company's upcoming expansion plans in the States and Europe. Not a year had passed and they married, his wife taking on the surname Tanaka. Shortly after Shin was born, then Ryu in the following year. This being said, she wasn't someone to grow up on low financial standards.

German became their first language and although English was taught in school at some point, business dictated that their father worked abroad in the United States of America. In an effort to best provide their children with the possibility of working across the globe later on, all it took was some minor meddling before they were given the green light.

Their home was a mansion, with servants tending to nearly anything that needed to be done. Ryu was five at the time and was taught English by the maids of her new home before entering school the year after. When she first started school the language barrier was possibly the sole factor that made it very difficult for her to make friends. It was a special school when it came down to that, immigrant children from wealthy families all under one roof, from all around the world. Adding to that her discomfort around others, the girl's personality was then slowly twisted into a repellent one as she kept going through her life alone. At the time she was content all by herself, although it soon hit her how much of a mistake she made.

Once Ryu entered into public school at about the age of ten she came to realize how lost and lonely she was, stuck in a misery she couldn't make disappear for the years to come. Not only made it school a lot harder to endure, there also hadn't been anyone to shield her from the constant teasing of her peers. Here everything was different, nothing worked the way it did before. Despite how grim the situation would appear, it wasn't long before Ryu found someone she couldn't help but approach.

The first person she ever volunteered talking to, Ruby, was the captain of the school's soccer team. That wasn't what Ryu liked about her though. Ruby shared almost every interest of her, yet their personalities were completely different. While Ruby was older and an extrovert, Ryu was nothing but an underclassman without friends. She wanted to be more like this girl.

Whatever it was that kept them together, it lasted several years during which their friendship grew to its peak. Improving not only her relationship but herself as well, Ryu learned how to properly take care of a household, practiced on Ruby how to massage, she learned how to play the guitar and even joined a few clubs such as the track team though she didn't stay long. Only interested in sprints and the like, there was nothing holding her there.

Nothing was particularly easy with Ruby, it was Ryu's first try at a real relationship after all. What troubled her the most were those that knew her amongst the upperclassmen, some of which had been able to see her on multiple occasions, in humiliating circumstances thanks to her brother Shin. Lies and rumors made it nigh impossible to keep the two from hearing it every now and then, but somehow Ruby managed to put up with what was said and when Ryu got into trouble with the teachers as well, she shook it off like the champ she was.

At the time they weren't a couple per se, Ryu hadn't thought about it like that before. They were very good friends from her perspective and she respected what they had far too much to try and disrupt it in order to fill that emptiness she felt every passing moment. One day however Ruby asked Ryu to spend the night at her place, the parents were on vacation so they would be all by themselves. Having never participated in a sleepover and with the expectation that nothing could go wrong, she agreed.

This night was a first for many things. The movie they'd watched was a first, although she can't recall its title anymore seeing how another 'first' interfered with that. Alcohol was a taboo in her home so when she tried it there had been no reason to assume she was prone to these sort of liquids. By the time the credits were rolling on the tv screen they were more than ready to call it a day, tired and exhausted she exclaimed just that although Ruby convinced her younger friend to stay awake a little bit longer.

Ruby was headed for the showers and Ryu, now without any mental boundaries in her way, soon followed her. It seemed like a good idea at the time and although she hadn't exactly been invited, the naked woman under the hot stream of water didn't seem to mind. The first time she could truly let go of it all, she took off her clothes and joined the other woman. Ryu felt at a loss, the only one of the two without experience but that didn't seem to matter as their hands experimentally roamed over each other. The two connected through what Ryu had never thought she'd ever get to feel.

Despite their love they couldn't tell anyone. That was a mutual agreement, Ryu far too concerned how much worse others would treat her while Ruby was afraid she might be removed from the school's soccer team if such a thing was known.

That all mattered little as soon as Ruby moved away to focus more on her education, too far to visit her regularly. It was to be expected when falling in love with someone older, that much Ryu had to admit, but when she applied for the same university it hit her like a kick to the groin when she was informed she hadn't been accepted.

Falling back into depression she had a hard time focusing on graduating at all, it was only thanks to her father she had the chance to get back on track. The prestigious Shokushu High School, they called the place. While it took a lot of effort to get a representative to even show up at their home, any further discussion went rather smoothly once the lady was introduced to Ryu herself.

Before long she was welcome to pursue quality education at Shokushu High.

Pre-Shokushu Acquaintances:
Ruby, another red head and former lover of Ryu. Captain of the school's soccer team, Ruby had possessed many of the same qualities that Ryu possessed. A child of two different nationalities, in her case Chinese and American. She too had a brother that had excelled in most aspects in life and her Chinese father had fit into most of the molds of his countrymen prefering a son over a daughter. That aside, she's sensual and somewhat kinky in the bedroom, complementing Ryu with her dominant side.

Beca, a close friend and fellow classmate of both Ryu and Ruby. An event during which she revealed her crush on Ryu led to an invitation to her place where Ryu would have her first foursome and anal experience with Beca's brother, David.

Shin, her older brother. Recipient of a major portion of their parents attention, the two had nearly lived in different worlds in which he had grown to be the confident and outgoing young man that he is today. Attractive, popular and witty, he often got his sister into trouble for things he'd commited. That being said, he is known to be honest and dignified in his ways unlike Ryu who wasn't even doing all that great in any aspect of life. Often making fun of his little sister if not downright bullying her, Shin had laid his hands on her only once though the punch was enough to make her cry in pain.

Her parents, whilst often away from home potentially helped Ryu become the woman she is today. Often only under partial supervision of the maids around the house, she developed certain interests such as drawing and sports, though even as a kid she quickly picked up on the pleasure she found in facing discipline. Causing trouble around the house only worked to her benefit as it got her some of the attention she was longing for, no matter how much it actually damaged her mentally.

Psychological Profile/Personality: Despite growing up in a household in which politeness and dignity are highly appraised, she does not always act the part in front of teachers or other authority figures. Following a set of self imposed rules, she usually does as she wants because she is convinced that even on Shokushu, these people have no right to meddle in her affairs. There are exceptions to this, though.
Other than blatant rejection of authority, Ryu is rather quiet and doesn't come to life until she's in her comfort zone, which happens to be nowhere near any public place. Generally calm and prudent, she can easily be agitated by having the attention of no more than three people at once.
Having trouble socialising in the past have rendered her hostile toward other students she doesn't know much about, especially those who didn't even remotely share the experiences she had. Unfortunately this means some of her actions may be caused by unjustified prejudice and hatred.
Afraid of events repeating themselves which left her sad and depressed she prefers to avoid contact with others to the point of taking alternate routes to her destination.

Ryu suffers from a mild case of depression, though she doesn't feel like taking any medication seeing how it barely affects her on campus. Furthermore she's suffering from a mild case of acrophobia, the fear of heights, and another phobia (fear of the dark) to varying degrees. For example, all by herself she could potentially panic from several unidentified noises, whilst with just one other person she would sometimes overcome said fear.

Despite being quiet and keeping mostly to herself, the red haired loner can not truly be described as insecure. She has an abundance of spirit and feels a strong commitment to her friends. She is a feisty yet caring character who might be too stubborn for her own good.

She tried to be more outgoing during her first year in Shokushu, which worked to an extent. She's more used to approaching people she doesn't know and is more at ease when moving through a crowd, though this doesn't mean all her problems just vanished.

Virgin: No. A monster by the name of Rahs took her virginity in the gym shortly after her arrival on the island. Ryu lost a bet which involved that she would do whatever he wanted in case he could beat her in a fair match of tennis. Always keeping her promises it was too late for her to react when the first monster she ever met had its way with her, for which she paid a horrible price.

Piercing or Tattoos: None.

Language: English, German

Likes: Sports, painting, rain, slacking off, enduring pain, opposing those posessing some sort of higher authority

Dislikes: Teachers / head girls & prefects, bullies, wannabes, jerks, socialising in general, monsters, darkness & heights

Activities: Drawing, various sports, playing guitar, keeping tabs on monsters, Shokushu's book club

Magic: None.

Miscellaneous: Although Ryu tends to display a fair deal of resistance, she isn't actually strong nor has she ever exercised any martial arts. To her getting into fights was more about the act of escaping than standing her ground, the fact she did a lot of sports in that regard helps her on the campus to this day.

Throughout her time on the campus she has gathered information about monsters she encountered, listing their hunting grounds and the like. First starting with just Ishtar Rocha and herself, she's slowly started to expand it. All this knowledge is collected in what is now a notebook with leather binding, containing numerous pages of sketches, notes and scribbles. Important to note here is that the pages aren't actually part of the binding, so they can be easily ripped from the metallic rings keeping the entire thing together. Usually she carries it around with the rest of her books since she's too worried she might lose all the work she put into it.

Within her womb rests a node, implanted by the monster Aegir, which serves to monitor various things such as thoughts and feelings. Other than that she hasn't looked too far into what its purpose is aside from the sole time she'd asked him about it. Normally it can't be felt by any monsters daring enough to ravage even those parts of her.

Not too many know that Ryu has a profound masochistic side, though needless to say that those who found it gain immense pleasure from abusing it.

Appearance as provided by N.I.C.E.: (WIP; lacks font etc., seemed a little large for a signature so I put it here for now, consists of various tech brushes found on deviantArt)


My f-list if you're interested: Ryu Tanaka

Author:  niellwyn [ Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ryu Tanaka

What a sweet seeming girl :) I do hope everything goes as she planned here at Shokushu. On another note, I've got a thousand dollars that says it doesn't.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ryu Tanaka

Welcome to the campus. I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Fri Oct 23, 2009 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ryu Tanaka

Great profile. Welcome to the island, hope to catch you around sometime.

Author:  PiaM. [ Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ryu Tanaka

Welcome to the campus!

Author:  Calidare [ Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ryu Tanaka

Welcome to Shokushu Campus hope you enjoy your stay here

Author:  Shai Tanaka [ Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ryu Tanaka

We share the same last name, but trust that it will not get you special treatment. Behave or else it's to the basement for you!

Author:  Ryu [ Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ryu Tanaka

Allright, nice to meet you too! Whatever. I didn't hope for any special treatment at all. *Give me, give me, give me* ^.^

By the way, updated profile in a way.
Going to add more details if I got some more time.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ryu Tanaka

Your welcome :mrgreen: :mrgreen: glad to see that you already made some use out of the details of our RP.

Author:  Cangelosi [ Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ryu Tanaka

Indeed the tomboys are the most delicious of the girls. :D

Author:  AndyB2183 [ Sat May 08, 2010 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ryu Tanaka

Welcome Ryu, you don't mind RPing with me some time in the future, do ya?

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