Shokushu High School

Bella Italiano
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Author:  Lucia-Renaxi [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Bella Italiano

Name: Lucia Zecchine
Age: 19
Hometown: New York, United States
Ethicisity: Italian
Major: Cullinary
Minor: (TBD)
Year: 1st
Rank: Student
Weight- 115
Height- 5'5"
Eye color- Sapphire blue
Hair color- Black, Straight long
Build- athletic, slender
Bra Size- 36B
Virgin- Why ask?
Noticable features- Her face is heart shaped, set with a set of lips that give her a natural pout. She has freckels on her face if you look closely. while not overly busty, Lucia exudes an unnatral attraction, her legs are long and shapely, with an ass to match, and she moves with a seductive grace.

History: Grew up originally in a small town in New york, her family, running an icecream shop eventually opened up a store in the city and with the surplus of money they earned from such good business, Lucia, an only child, was given a comfortable home and a relatively nice family. But they were very protective of her so she grew wild, becoming a very outgoing girl with little to no danger sense.

(For monsters and possibly even students) Sexual Oddities: Lucia has a kinky side to her, she fantasizes about being raped, but specifically, she likes being bound(hands and ankles only generally), or pinned down while the others involved take their time enjoying the treasures of her body, especially before any clothing is removed.

One boy back on earth found out that whispering what he was going to do to her in her ear as he handcuffed her to her bed was a very strong turn on for the adventurous beauty.

The whole process has been known to drive her body wild with arousal. While a virgin(until the island), she has had a bit of experience in playing out these fantasies. Also, the act of having something(Hand, tentacle, it matters not) tightly around her throat(Not cutting off air) is a turn on as well. If she fights back, overcoming her and restraining her are a favorite thing of hers.

Typical sensitive areas of arousal on her are the upper legs, specifically the inner thigh and the posterior section fo the thigh just beneath her ass. Her back as a whole, the neck in the middle of either side and the spot where the neck and shoulder meet. Her sides, and down to her hips, and her breast are particularly sensitive to sensual touch.

After dropping her first major at a community college her parents paid for her to go to this new private school they heard of. She argued with them about leaving her friends and family behind but they insisted that this was for the best as hopefully time away from the city environment would be good to calm the girl down.

Fighting style: While not much of a fighter, she is trained in Tai Chi, and Shotokan styles. She will fight if pressed or threatened but would rather avoid confrontation. Unknown currently to Lucia, she has an innate talent for a rather unusual form of magic. She can bend, create, and intensify light, so much to the point of having said light cause actual harm. To those with the sight to see it, she appears to give off an angelic countenance and practically oozes mana off her. This ability is only seen when severely pressed, angered, or threatened and it originates from her hands, though she is able to have the light come from any point on her body. If her hands are restrained or bound in anyway she cannot use the ability. She doesn't know how to trigger it and is only vaguely aware it exists at all. Lights tend to brighten in her presence and when angered their intensity increases. When the ability does happen to manifest her sapphire eyes begin glowing with a sky blue light.

Lucia will almost always fight back, she while not particularly a master at the arts she knows, is a fiercely independant and strong willed girl. On an OOC note, This site was supposed to be about monsters raping young women, I rather prefer the more rape aspect of it and less the Mind control Sub/Slave part. My character is not the type to give in and "want it". She fights through till her body is overcome by the feelings and is helpless.

I have previously and still currently involved in BDSM alternative lifestyle, im not a dom or a sub really, I just enjoy the kinkier side of life(and it doesn't always involve sex) but some of the things I find interesting a human just can't do(hence typing out the fantasies in role playing on here and even on Belariath!)

(Expanded a bit especially to help prospective partners.)


Author:  PiaM. [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bella Italiano

Welcome to the island :D

Author:  Calidare [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bella Italiano

Welcome to Shokushu Campus, hope you enjoy your stay here.

Author:  Madison [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bella Italiano

Welcome to SHS. :)

Author:  Cangelosi [ Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bella Italiano

Shotokan? You can do the Hadouken? :D

Author:  Lucia-Renaxi [ Thu May 06, 2010 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bella Italiano

So i think that basically fleshes out anything else for this character. Got a touch of the unordinary in her, and to broaden her as a character with room to grow. Any questions or suggestions just let me know!

Author:  AndyB2183 [ Fri May 07, 2010 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bella Italiano

Welcome to SHokushu!

Author:  BiancaDeMatin [ Fri May 07, 2010 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bella Italiano

Welcome dear, a pleasure to meet you!

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