Shokushu High School

Henley Smith
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Author:  Henley Smith [ Mon May 17, 2010 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Henley Smith

:: Biographical Information ::

Name: Henley Marie Smith
Nickname(s): Hen (not so much a nickname as it is a shortening of her name for quick reference. No one is going to say “I saw Hen the other day” but they might say “Hey Hen” or “C’mere Hen” or something similar.)
Date of Birth (Age): March 14, 1990 (20)
Place of Birth: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Personal History:

Pre Shokushu:

Henley Smith came kicking and screaming into the world on a pretty pedestrian Tuesday afternoon in mid March of 1990. Her mother, a college bound teenager, chose to place her daughter up for adoption and a few months later she came home with Jack and Diane (apparently the universe has a sense of humor) Smith who named her Henley in honor of her birthmother – though they didn’t tell her this until she was eighteen.

Growing up in Toronto was easy and relatively boring. Henley’s parents were well enough to do that she never wanted for anything – to say she was a little spoiled is both accurate and fair. She loved and excelled sports, particularly hockey and lacrosse, and did well enough in school that her parents never felt the need to remind her of its importance or threaten her with an involuntary cessation of her athletic career.

It wasn’t until the summer before Henley left for college at the University of Buffalo that Henley’s parents told her she was adopted. The news was a huge, huge blow and Henley went a little wild her freshman year as a result; she drank, she gave a shockingly high number of blow jobs, she quit the lacrosse team before she played a game, she let her grades fall into the unacceptable one point something close to nine range and she kissed a girl and liked it. (Most shocking of all is that she did all that while remaining a virgin despite everyone’s belief to the contrary.)

Her parents were not pleased by the “temper tantrum” or the poor grades but they planned to let her get it “out of her system” while hoping she didn’t permanently destroy her future potential. But when pictures of Henley in naught but a barely there thong appeared on Facebook and College Humor they took action. The Smiths withdrew their daughter from UB and enrolled her at Shokushu.

Ironically, Henley is in far more peril now then before...

:: Physical Information ::

Height: 5’6”
Weight: 120 lbs.
Hair Color: light brown.
Eye Color: brown.
Skin Tone: Caucasian.
Measurements: 32, 26, 33 (32B).
Pubic Hair: clean shaven.
Distinguishing Characteristics: a blue Maple Leaf tattoo so low on her left hip that it’s closer to “home plate” then “second base” (from the whole first base to home plate analogies for sex stuff) and pale green ‘Xavier Roberts’ signature across her left butt cheek (the result of a drunken dare by a friend at college who spotted the Cabbage Patch kid on the dresser in Henley’s room)


Henley, though she doesn’t know it, strongly favors her birthmother. She is a lean, pretty, athletic looking (even amidst all the drinking, partying and blowjobing she managed to find time to use a treadmill) young woman of average height with shoulder length light brown hair and brown eyes that sit atop a slender, slightly upturned nose and below a pair of thick eyebrows. She is still coming into her “womanly curves” and does not fill out her school uniform quite as well as some (most? the rest?) of her classmates. Still, her breasts are firm and perky with reasonably sized nipples and her butt is, in her opinion, one of her best features – particularly in short shorts, short skirts of tight, black “fuck me” pants.

Typically, she wears her brown hair up in a ponytail or pigtails because that’s the habit she got into playing sports. But without sports in her life she’s been wearing it down a bit more, letting it fall where it will around her face.

Henley doesn’t have a lot of really noticeable scars, just a handful of faint little white ones on her knees, legs and around her ankles (most as the result of skinning her knees or shaving). During her freshman year she got two tattoos: the first a blue Maple Leaf for her beloved Toronto Maple Leafs on her left hip that’s far closer to home plate then second base and the second a light green Xavier Roberts’ signature across her left butt cheek that’s an homage to her collection (of one) Cabbage Patch Kids.

Henley’s something or an “exhibitionist” when it comes to clothing and likes to wear things that are sexually alluring and suggestive. For instance a pair of tight black “fuck me pants” that hug every curve or a loose flowing sundress that threatens to flash her bits when she moves or a dress with a long, high slit or tiny little athletic (or jean) shorts. And while she can’t always get away with wearing those kinds of things she can, and does, almost always wear suggestive undergarments. Generally, this means skimpy thongs and lacy bras but it can also mean phrase emblazoned panties such as: ‘deliveries around back,’ ‘remove cover & insert here,’ ‘it’s not going to eat itself,’ ‘TIGHT,’ ‘bald is beautiful’ and (her personal favorite) ‘this side down during sex.’

Obviously, when it comes to her new home and new school these clothes are not acceptable. But that doesn’t mean Henley doesn’t try to “push the envelope” when it comes to her uniform. To that end, she’ll roll up her skirt a bit, wear a blouse that’s a bit too tight or trade the uniform underwear for something she likes a little bit better.

:: Psychological Information ::

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual but... (she’s not opposed to drunkenly making out with girls)
Virgin: Yes

Personality Profile:

Henley Smith is a pretty typical twenty year old girl. She’s generally nice but has moments (or days) when she can be bitchy, bratty or what have you. She was (at least) a little spoiled so she’s pretty used to getting her own way and she can get pouty when things go differently.

*to be continued in short order*

Author:  Ayame [ Mon May 17, 2010 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Henley Smith

Nice profile. I read the whole thing and I have to say it's well thought out.

Anyways, welcome to the boards.

Author:  Henley Smith [ Mon May 17, 2010 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Henley Smith


Author:  Madison [ Mon May 17, 2010 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Henley Smith

Be interesting how she deals with alcohol withdrawal.

Anyway, welcome to SHS. Hope you have fun here. ^_^

Author:  PiaM. [ Tue May 18, 2010 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Henley Smith

Welcome :)

Author:  Leriana [ Tue May 18, 2010 8:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Henley Smith

Welcome to Shokushu.

I hope you don't intend to continue that self destructive behaviour here Miss Smith. I also hope that you don't try and flaunt any part of the school uniform dress code, otherwise I might have to issue a demerit.

<ooc: I feel I should point out that the school uniform blouse is naturally a little bit tight, and the skirt is notoriously short as well.>

Author:  AndyB2183 [ Tue May 18, 2010 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Henley Smith

Quite an interesting character now, I must say. Look forward to meeting her on the isle, sooner or later. Anyways, welcome to SHS!

Author:  Amaterasu [ Wed May 19, 2010 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Henley Smith

welcome! Amy would be more than willing to steal you a bit of booze if it means she can lower your inhibitions a bit...

Either way, hope you enjoy Shokushu.

Author:  Henley Smith [ Wed May 19, 2010 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Henley Smith

Thanks for the welcomes everyone. I look forward to the ravagings to come.

Oh, if anyone could help me find a picture to serve as a representation of Henley that would be outstanding. Not even sure where to begin looking.

Author:  PiaM. [ Wed May 19, 2010 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Henley Smith

Gelbooro and danbooroare good sources for animeish art.

I don,t know, but maybe this or this?

Author:  Henley Smith [ Wed May 19, 2010 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Henley Smith

Thanks so much Pia!

Author:  PiaM. [ Thu May 20, 2010 6:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Henley Smith

Glad to be able to help :)

Author:  Cangelosi [ Tue May 25, 2010 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Henley Smith

Indeed an intriguing catch. PM me and we can try a scene together, hrm?

Author:  AndyB2183 [ Wed May 26, 2010 4:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Henley Smith

Welcome to SHS, Henley. Hope we can meet each other soon in the woods, or anywhere on the island, if chances permit.

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