Shokushu High School

Soleil Lefyre
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Author:  Soleil [ Fri May 28, 2010 12:15 am ]
Post subject:  Soleil Lefyre

Name: Soleil Lefyre

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Place of Birth: Pittsburgh, PA

Nationality: American

Major: Studio Art

Hair Color: Purple (Dyed, originally brown)

Eye Color: Brown

Ethnicity: French / Finnish

Sexuality: Bi with a leaning towards girls.

Skin Tone: Pale, creamy

Pubic Hair: None

Height: 5' 5”

Weight: Not telling ~_^

Bust: 32 C

Waist: 20

Hips: 32

Soleil's parents lived in the suburbs until they divorced, and at a very young age she moved with her mother into the city. Though she wasn't born *in* the city, necessarily, she'd never admit to being anything other than a city girl, through and through. She grew up in a poor neighborhood and has a good bit of trouble sleeping when there's not any noise. Her mother had an apartment on the top floor with bad air conditioning and on hot nights she would crawl out her window, sit on the fire escape, and listen. It's probably the thing she misses the most about home.

Soleil was something of a problem child when it came to school. She's quite intelligent and excels in classes that she's interested in, but finds it hard to be motivated in the classes she hates. As such, her grades in math and science suffered slightly. Not much, but enough to make it difficult to get into a college she'd be happy with.

As such, the acceptance letter from Shokushu came as something of a blessing. She was more than happy to attend a college that offered her a full ride, no matter how secluded or far-away it might have been. She packed up her bags as soon as she got the acceptance letter, just excited to be pursuing the arts.

Psychological Profile:
Soleil never had much of a problem making friends, she's a pretty easy-going person once you get to know her. She hasn't ever seen much of her father, so the fact that her parents are separated never really had that great an effect on her (likely because of the young age when it happened). She has a bit of an overactive problem with authority, but that's more of a general dislike of being told what to do than anything.

Soleil's favorite kind of humor is very dry sarcasm. It takes a bit of getting used to, but she doesn't really mean any harm by it, it's really just her personality. She's a pretty outgoing person and it's rather difficult to make her upset or angry. She lets almost anything roll off of her back. Her first response in any type of dangerous situation isn't really to overreact and get hysterical, she tends to break things down rather pragmatically and only really shows a good deal of strong emotion when she's alone.

Virgin? No.

Piercing or Tattoos: Ears, bellybutton.

Language: English

Jogging, swimming, dancing. She loves to paint and draw, sees it as her calling in life, and has a bit of an obsession with Tarot cards, but not any other kind of fortune telling. She loves them for the artwork put into them as well as how strange and fitting the archetypes are. She owns several decks.

Likes: Reading, painting, tarot cards, darkwave music, the Penguins, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Dislikes: Rudeness, people without a sense of humor, waking up early, any kind of math, and not having traffic blaring outside of her window anymore.

(Hi there, everybody, hope you like the charrie. I'm looking for RPs with students and monsters if anyone's interested)

Author:  Madison [ Fri May 28, 2010 1:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Soleil Lefyre

Welcome to SHS, and I see you have one well-thought out character. :)

Author:  Leriana [ Fri May 28, 2010 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Soleil Lefyre

Welcome to Shokushu. I do hope you enjoy your stay here.

I must say you do seem to have a very nice character.

Author:  PiaM. [ Fri May 28, 2010 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Soleil Lefyre

Welcome to Shokushu :)

Author:  Allirabeth [ Sat May 29, 2010 2:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Soleil Lefyre

Welcome Soleil :-) I'm new here too. Maybe we'll have a class together, something fun like art perhaps.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun May 30, 2010 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soleil Lefyre

Belated welcome to the Shokushu! I hope you enjoy your time here!

Author:  Cangelosi [ Mon May 31, 2010 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Soleil Lefyre

Oooh! Purple pigtails! Got to get my tentacles about THIS one. :D

Author:  Bala [ Mon May 31, 2010 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soleil Lefyre

Greetings to the yinzer from a fellow Pittsburgher. We'll have to get together and talk neighborhoods some day. :) Welcome to the island. I hope you enjoy your stay.

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