Shokushu High School

Anna 'Takabobe
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Author:  Akira [ Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:06 am ]
Post subject:  Anna 'Takabobe

Name: Anna Takahashi-Labobe
Gender: Female
Age: 20

Place of Birth: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Previous Place of Residence: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Nationality: Canadian
Hair Color: Black/Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Ethnicity: Asian/ Canadian Native
Skin Tone: Brown-ish
Pubic Hair: Shaven
Distinguishing features: None she doesn't know of. She may have one somewhere, though.

Height: 5'6
Weight: 112
Bust: 34
Waist: 30
Hips: 32

She was born in Vancouver BC, to a Jean Labobe, a cree first nations and Jennifer Takahashi, Japanese decent, third generation (a pretty sweet mix, she thinks). Both parents never get married, despite they where deep in love and live together. She also had an older brother named, Scott, who's life was cut short at the age of twelve, she was six. He was killed in a traffic Accident, one night downtown Vancouver. They decided to use both last names for hers. Her friends would tease her, saying, "Takabobe". She moved to Edmonton Alberta, due to her father finding a good playing job in the industry section. Her mother followed, wanting to be with him, almost always, along with the mutual reason of Anna's safety. The move didn't help in terms of Anna's safety. She was picked on in her new school for being both Japanese and Native American-- Mainly because she was Native American.
She never told her parents though, worried that if she told, things might just get worse. She got into her first fight in grade 8 with a group of grade 7 boys, thinking that since they're boys and they've got numbers that they could take her. That was where she learned she had a knack for fighting. This , she believed would be her ticket to showing up against this racism. She got into martial arts, training hard every day, even if she didn't have martial arts class, that day. She got into many more fights when in High School. Many in the ally way, by her school. At times she'd get attacked by switch-blades or baseball bats.
She was a strong girl, even after the day her mother was murdered, yet she was almost broken. Two family members dead. Her father was put into jail for killing one of them who beat her mother to death. She was surely broken at that point.
She held on to her sanity and mental health, graduating from High School with low-ish grades and bloody knuckles. She went and travelled around- going to Wacken Open Air Festival to see some of her favourite bands play, and to Japan. One year pasted when she was looking for post-secondary school (college/university) to go to when she stumbled on 'Shokushu High School' website. Since it offered a course that interested her, music, she decided to apply. Six months later, she was in, surprised ofcourse, due to her low grade point average. Six months after that, on her 20th birthday, she got on the plane to 'Shokushu' which she viewed, sort of as her escape from her previous life. Ashamed with her father being in jail, she never told him even when he got out of jail, that she had gone to post-secondary, yet she regrets it. All she told him was that she'll be gone for a few years over seas.

Psychological Profile: She developed slight anger management problems over the years-- that along with depression and a slight paranoia. She's dealing with with the depression and paranoia, almost little signs of either. Aside from the negative comments to herself and the heightened alert-ness, thinking someone's going to attack her, she's been doing alright. Her anger management problems are moderate. She's cooled down over the break she's had at Wacken Open Air.

Personality: She is a quiet girl for strangers. She doesn't really trust anyone but with a slight push can learn to trust them. For those she does trust or that she feels can be friends, she's really outgoing-- For those who she hangs with, who she trusts, she seems like a totally different person. For strangers she is usually listening to her iPod- Heavy Metal, yet the volume is so low they don't hear it and think she's a prep, listening to pop music. For her friends she's a true metalhead, blasting her music through tiny speakers, talking about bands she loves, music she loves, head banging to a song she's listening to on her iPod. She also at times have these philosophical thoughts, rolling around in her head, making her burst out a random quote she either came up with or heard from Comedian, George Carlin.

Virgin? Yes
Piercing or Tattoos: A dragon-shaped tattoo on her back
Language: English
Likes: Music-- Heavy Metal, George Carlin, Martial Arts, Guitar (She bought a guitar, during her time in Germany), books, sleeping, writing
Activities: Guitar, Martial Arts, Writing, reading, sleeping, relaxing, procrastinating, eating, excersize, skipping class
Miscellaneous: Nothing else to really put.
Magic? No

Author:  Allirabeth [ Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anna 'Takabobe

Welcome Anna :-)

Author:  bleu332 [ Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anna 'Takabobe

not bad,but I would recommend using a spell check ^^;

Author:  Akira [ Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anna 'Takabobe

Sorry ^^; I was quite tired when writing this, so, yea. Spelling and tired-ness. Not entirely the best :3. and thanks for welcoming me ^^

Author:  Madison [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anna 'Takabobe

Welcome to SHS.

Author:  PiaM. [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anna 'Takabobe

Welcome :)

Author:  Therion [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anna 'Takabobe

Welcome to Shokushu

Author:  bleu332 [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anna 'Takabobe

Akira wrote:
Sorry ^^; I was quite tired when writing this, so, yea. Spelling and tired-ness. Not entirely the best :3. and thanks for welcoming me ^^

quite welcome. hope to see you around! *flynt waves and winks with a little blown kissy face*

Author:  Aurora [ Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anna 'Takabobe


Author:  Ilixia [ Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anna 'Takabobe

Welcome to Shokushu Anna! I hope you enjoy your stay and I LOVE the picture! Hehe the hair is awesome!

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