Shokushu High School

Xaviera Moon-Lachance
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Author:  Anaxarete [ Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Xaviera Moon-Lachance

Name: Xaviera Moon-Lachance
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Place of Birth: Miami
Nationality: USA
Hair Color: Honey blonde (dyed) dark brown (natural)
Eye Color: Hazel
Ethnicity: Mixed -- Korean/Afro-Haitian/White
Skin Tone: Light brown
Pubic Hair: Trimmed
Distinguishing features: Head full of short, skinny dreads, dark freckles. Wears glasses when she has to stare at screens for long periods.
Height: 5'10
Weight: 180
Bust: 34DD
Waist: 32
Hips: 40

Background: Xaviera was born in Miami and raised by her mother and paternal grandmother after her father died in a car crash when she was a baby. Her mother worked full time, leaving Xavi's Grandmama as her primary caretaker growing up, especially since her mother was estranged from her parents. She always did well in school, but she wasn't much for sitting still and her discipline record was spotty. Neither was she a team player, which meant she wasn't much for sports. She hadn't heard of Shokushu before she started looking for schools, but they were offering a really great computer science scholarship that she applied for, and got.

Personality: Xaviera has that combination of cleverness and poor self restraint that leads to a lot of smartass comments. She comes across as a little catty, but she only means it as a joke, not realizing she might say things that are genuinely hurtful. She's self-deprecating at least as often as she teases others. When she IS upset, then she gets really cruel and there's no mistaking it.

Virgin? No.
Piercing or Tattoos: Two barbells in her right eyebrow, one in her lower lip. Multiple earlobe piercings.
Language: English, Korean, French, Haitian Creole
Likes: Video games, comic books (manga and western), drawing, and a ridiculously eclectic variety of music.
Activities: Computer science, digital art/design, swimming, bike riding. Plays the synthesizer.
Miscellaneous: Scores very well on assignments, but is frequently distracted in class. Wears ridiculously bright clothing when out of class.
Magic? Xaviera was taught the traditions of Haitian voudou by her grandmother. She has not realized it has any power, and what power it does have is nullified by the campus inhibitors. So... 'not really, but I'm putting this here in case of some future date where she becomes an ADD-agent/gladiatrix/outlaw, at which point I want to keep the option open'.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Xaviera Moon-Lachance

A bit bareboned which is usually not an issue but you mention that this student has special powers. Explain what it is as right now I have no clue what it is. Adding information about this in your background and about your grandmother would be good as well. Or you can remove it if you like, you do not have to have magic if you do not want to.

Author:  Anaxarete [ Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Xaviera Moon-Lachance

Kanoe wrote:
A bit bareboned which is usually not an issue but you mention that this student has special powers. Explain what it is as right now I have no clue what it is. Adding information about this in your background and about your grandmother would be good as well. Or you can remove it if you like, you do not have to have magic if you do not want to.

Sorry, I had more but I accidentally cut it off with a copy-paste fail -- elaborated on her powers, which is to say 'none right now, but could potentially develop them'.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Xaviera Moon-Lachance

That is fine but, I still have no idea what it is (or could be rather).

Author:  Forny [ Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Xaviera Moon-Lachance

Voodoo, in a nutshell, Kanoe. :D As seeing as we don't have any live animals for the student to sacrifice... -shrugs-

We do have a zombie though.

Author:  Anaxarete [ Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Xaviera Moon-Lachance

(/).<); Not so much with the sacrifice. Sympathetic ritual magic, used for indirect effects like drawing good or bad luck, health, et cetera. No controlling people with 'voodoo dolls' or anything.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Xaviera Moon-Lachance

Looks good, welcome to the island.

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