Shokushu High School

Kirsty Barker -- The Actress
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Author:  Napton [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:27 am ]
Post subject:  Kirsty Barker -- The Actress

Decided to make a new character and give Nell some down time. PM me if you are interested in RPing with either character. ^.~*

Updates in orange

Name: Kirsty (KIR stee) Barker
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Place of Birth: Louisiana
Nationality: American
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Ethnicity: White
Skin Tone: Fair
Pubic Hair: Brown
Distinguishing features: Long wavy brown hair, long legs (for kicking ass and taking name. ;p Or running the hell away if need be.)
Height: 5’9"
Weight: 145 lb
Bust: 36C
Sexuality: Straight
Virgin: Technically No, but she has no memory of losing her virginity. She was... err... not herself at the time.
Piercing or Tattoos: No way in Hell! (Doesn't like needles.)
Primary Language: English
Activities: Acting, singing, getting lost in a good fiction (regardless of the medium it comes in), napping, daydreaming, night-dreaming, dreaming in general.

Magic: She is a lucid dreamer which give her the ability to control her own dreams. It also helps her detect illusions when a monster tried to pull her into one (provided she is paying attention and/or cares). Whether she can regain control of a monster induced dream-state depends greatly on the strength of the monster. She can also create illusions as well but this power has diminished slightly in coming to Shokushu. She can't create a full blown fantasy world outside of her actual dreams but she can create small mirages to distract or mislead attackers. A negative side effect of her abilities is that she can become too absorbed in a fantasy, to the point of temporarily forgetting who or where she is. (Good for the theatre and getting into character. Bad for fending off monsters capable of creating a compelling illusion for her to get absorbed in.)

Background: Kirsty is a military brat from a large, slightly dysfunctional family. She has five brothers (two regular brothers, two half-brother and one step-brother.) Her parents got divorce when she was really young. Her mother remarried and move back to Louisiana and she and two brothers stayed with her dad. Her father was in the Navy and as a result she moved around a lot as a child and she got used to never being in the same place for very long. This didn't change until high school when her father finally retired. This was about the time her abilities started to manifest. She had always been a lucid dreamer but once she hit puberty she found that her fantasy life was beginning to spill over into reality. It caused some difficulties for the people around her (mostly just her brothers and really close friends but she somehow managed to it from her father.) After high school she managed to get her powers mostly under control.

Until recently, when her father got remarried.
Kirsty wasn't getting along with her step-mother and it was starting to have a negative effect on her control. Finally decided to leave home. That's when she heard about Shokushu. It was remote and promoted as having a great theatre program (or at least, that's what all the literature she received about it said). So she decided to transfer from her local college in hopes that a change of scenery would be good for her.

Personality: Kirsty is sort of used to having to start over from scratch. Moving around so much made her adaptable but it also made her a little distant. With a hectic home life and all the constant moving she got used to losing friends and being forced to entertain herself (Where becoming a hopeless dreamer comes in). That being said she is very friendly when she chooses to be. She's very good at reading the mood and adapting to it. Her family has given her a given her a rather... strange sense of humor and she's not always very good at censoring herself when she being herself. Though, as an actress and a hopeless dreamer, she's not always being herself.


Author:  Spectre [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kirsty Barker -- The Actress

Napton wrote:
. . . long legs (for kicking ass and taking name. ;p Or running the hell away if need be.)

Or being wrapped around large, muscular monsters that won't take no for an answer? ;)

Interesting character, I like the lucid dreamer idea.

Author:  Napton [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kirsty Barker -- The Actress

Spectre wrote:
Napton wrote:
. . . long legs (for kicking ass and taking name. ;p Or running the hell away if need be.)

Or being wrapped around large, muscular monsters that won't take no for an answer? ;)

Heh, I have been instructed not to comment on that. ;)

Interesting character, I like the lucid dreamer idea.

Thank you. ^.^ I like that bit too.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kirsty Barker -- The Actress

Very interesting, I like the concept and the dream altering ability is a nice touch.

Author:  Napton [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kirsty Barker -- The Actress

Yeah, I realized that I didn't really mention anything about her powers manifesting in her background so I edited that in.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kirsty Barker -- The Actress

:lol: I didn't even notice when I was reading the background and had just assumed the power existed but you had yet to determine how effective you wanted the power ti be.

Author:  Napton [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kirsty Barker -- The Actress

Aegir 2 wrote:
:lol: I didn't even notice when I was reading the background and had just assumed the power existed but you had yet to determine how effective you wanted the power ti be.

Yeah, that too. Still, I figured I should have mentioned it somewhere in there. The way I wrote it is pretty vague still (and kinda makes it sound like she had a very "Secret World of Alex Mack" kinda of high school life now that I think about it) so I can still play with the strength levers and adjust them to where they will work for the board. Kirsty desperately needs a field trial though. Looking forward to RPing her.

Author:  Forny [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kirsty Barker -- The Actress

Lucid dreaming... That could be one hell of a way to practice and study for just about anything. Ahem. What sort of sense of humor would be considered... strange?

All the same, awesome character! :D

Author:  Napton [ Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kirsty Barker -- The Actress

Forny wrote:
Lucid dreaming... That could be one hell of a way to practice and study for just about anything.

*raises a brow* practice and study for who? Kirsty or Luju 3.0?

Forny wrote:
What sort of sense of humor would be considered... strange?

My sense of humor, of course. ^.~*

Glad you like my character, Forny. You are welcome to try her out whenever you feel up to writing again. ^.^

Author:  Forny [ Sun Oct 14, 2012 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kirsty Barker -- The Actress

Napton wrote:
*raises a brow* practice and study for who? Kirsty or Luju 3.0?

-blinks- Uh, Kirsty, of course. :P

"I don't practice, woman. I just do shit."

Yep. Just like a mad dog. -muzzles Luju-

"Hey, fuc-MMMMMMMMPH!"

"... I'm having a hard time believing I used to be him. But then again, not all that hard to improve when you're that... simple-minded and crude."

Right... Ahem. Certainly, once I'm back into action and can fit in another thread, I'll let you know. :)

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