Shokushu High School

Makenna Leanne Larsen
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Author:  Makenna [ Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Makenna Leanne Larsen


Name: Makenna Leanne Larsen (Allows people to call her their choice of Makenna or Kenna (is also open to pet names!))

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Place of Birth: Seattle, WA, USA

Nationality: American

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Skin Tone: Creamy white

Pubic Hair: shaved, but blonde when not shaved

Distinguishing features: Very intelligent, appears thin and frail, hair is usually worn in two long ponytails with bangs (though is let out for
special occasions), bright blue eyes, somewhat shy.

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 110 lbs.

Bust: 26 B

Waist: 24

Hips: 28

Family: Makenna is the first born daughter of an unhappy marriage. Her mother and father conceived her in an effort to save it, but in the end they divorced one another. In the divorce process, it was discovered that Makenna's father was very abusive towards her mother in the last days of their marriage, so Makenna's mother was given full custody - with no visitation rights.

Soon after the divorce, her mother met another woman, and entered into a very happy lesbian marriage (although it was not legalized for most of Makenna's life). This all happened in the first three years of Makenna's life, before any of her real memories started to be retained. As such, Makenna grew up in a lesbian household as an only child. Both of her parents were very loving, made a moderate income, and loved eachother dearly as well. They provided for all of Makenna's needs well and their relationship was supported by the rest of the family.

Self (social): Makenna spent her early childhood in blissful ignorance. Going to daycare in the day like most children, gleefully playing with her "mommy's" after work. Like other kids, Christmas and Birthdays were major landmarks of the year. She grew up in a liberal Christian church that accepted her parents relationship.

In her elementary school days, she did not make friends easily. She was shy and introverted, and thoroughly enjoyed academics more then the other kids. She was quickly dubbed as the "nerd" and made fun of. While she did have one or two friends, they had to work hard to gain her trust. As she aged and hit middle school however, her situation got much worse. When she hit puberty and began to build a sex drive, she had this unexplainable attraction to women. Unlike all the other girls she just couldn't stand men. Too loud, rowdy, and boisterous. Even the shy quiet ones just weren't physically attractive to her. As such one could call her lesbian (this happened probably as a result of her lesbian household). Eventually she came out of the closet to her closest friends, but it quickly spread.

Other then her close friends, almost all the other students made fun of her for being too nerdy or being gay/lesbian or too thin or too quiet or whatever else they could think of. This caused her to create a shell around herself. She wouldn't talk to anyone outside of her two closest friends and her family. Even the teachers could barely get a word out of her!

As time passed, and high school began, the other students began to mature and leave her alone for the most part. Still a few snide remarks here and there, but people soon overall forgot about her. Her shell slowly began to soften and she at least began talking to people. She made a few friends, nothing very close, but a significant improvement to years past. However, in her senior year of high school, her two best friends got killed in a car accident on their way to picking her up to go to a movie. Heartbroken, Makenna internalized her grief.

She went about her life as normal, coping with her grief on her own. Nobody but her parents knew how effected she truly was, but there was little they could do, as she refused to talk about it. They often had to change tear soaked pillowcases.

By the end of that year, she had coped with most of her grief. However, she had lost her two closest friends, the only people she had truly trusted throughout her entire life outside of her family. While she could still talk, and make superficial friends, have fun and otherwise enjoy social events and such (and appears to be relatively normal socially (other then she is just a shy, quite person)), she has an extremely hard time opening up to people, because of how she was treated for most of her childhood and for fear of tragedy like before.

Relationship wise, Makenna as stated before is lesbian, but has never gotten close enough to anyone to form a romantic relationship (other then her best friends, but they were both straight). She often feels romatically lonely, but it is hard for her to open up.

Self (other/freetime): When Makenna wasn't at school or with friends she could be found either pursuing knowledge, or in various other hobbies. Preferring personal pursuits to social activities, she had many hobbies growing up and through high school. The ones she still is interested in and/or practices are: horseback riding (when able to), dancing (is quite good at various forms of dance, including free-form, ballet, and tap), singing (is a beautiful soprano), and has a very guilty pleasure in being a conessuire of adult (aka pornographic) lesbian media (ranging from romance novels, fanfiction, anime, manga, to straight up lesbian porn). This guilty pleasure is most likely due to an abnormally high sex drive.

Self (academic/business): Throughout all of her schooling, despite outside events, Makenna was a straight A student. She never even had to study for tests. She was often found asking for extra work or ways to expand her knowledge. Learning was a legitimate pastime for her.

She could have gone to any college she wanted to, but decided to come to shokushu, because it was an all girl school and it seemed remote and peaceful. She has never had or needed a job, as her parents have always been able to provide for her very well.

Psychological Profile: Hurt, still grieving over her friends. However that is deep down. Otherwise normal, able to experience all sorts of emotions and life aspects. Has a hard time opening up to people. Due to her high sex drive and going to an all girl school, she may wish to pursue romantic or sexual relationships, provided her partner can get past her barriers.

Personality: Shy, introverted, quiet. Doesn't open up. Despite this however, as stated before, she does have social skills and can talk to people just fine. Just doesn't get too close. Most acquaintances describe her as polite, nice, well meaning, very calm, and relatively happy. Those who can get close, however, would find a new side to her. While still very polite and nice and warm -hearted, they would also see a more hyper, energetic side. Easily excitable, very playful. To those she is close to her personality can be carefree in a way one could only really expect from a young child. To those she cares about, she is extremely loyal. However, a side of her that she has never shown to anybody is a quite sexual side. While a virgin, she is quite sexual and has all sorts of fantasies, and can often be found masturbating when alone at night, or appreciating the beauty of women around her. (though subtly. of course)

Virgin? Yes, although her hymen broke while horseback riding as a child.

Piercing or Tattoos: No, never.

Language: English, American Sign Language, and Japanese. Speaks but is not completely fluent in German, Latin, Greek, and French. Knows a little bit of Spanish.

Likes: (nonsexually): Learning, eating, nature walks, enjoying scenery, genuine people who are willing to break through her barriers and gain her trust.

(sexually): women, she is very submissive (specifically enjoys bondage, orgasm denial/delayal), is open to purely sexual relationships with other women, also open to romance. As for monsters, she hasn't been with one, but her reactions will be those of disgust or horror at being raped and feeling betrayed as her body will love it and crave it.
Activities: Singing, dancing, horseback riding, learning, masturbation, whatever she feels like. (when not busy she loves to walk around in natural areas.)

Miscellaneous: N/A

Magic? No.

OOC Notes:
Would love to find another student (or students!) to either become just friends, friends with benefits, or a romantic partner for Makenna! PM me if you're interested :) (Maybe if you wanted to be friends with benefits or a romance partner we could be roommates? XD)

I am open to monster RP's as well. Feel free to PM me with ideas! I can't guarantee I will accept them all, but I'm pretty open!

Also, I am new here and I am new to forum RP'ing. I consider myself to be fairly detailed and very literate, but praise and constructive criticism on my character profile and/or writing is welcome and appreciated! (feel free to PM it to me or post it here!)

Author:  Momo [ Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Makenna Leanne Larsen

I love the profile and picture! Hope you enjoy your stay here :D

Author:  Makenna [ Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Makenna Leanne Larsen

Why thank you! (and it took forever to find that picture! almost as long as it took to type out the profile!)

Author:  Calidare [ Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Makenna Leanne Larsen

Welcome to Shokushu Campus, I hope you enjoy your rape here... did i say Rape? I meant Stay here, if you have any questions you will fine the students and staff here very friendly. (Including the Monsters ;) ) If you wished to ask me anything feel free to PM me anytime, and again I hope you enjoy your stay at Shokushu Campus.

Author:  Makenna [ Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Makenna Leanne Larsen

Why thank you for the welcome! I will be sure to ask if I have questions! :)

Author:  Aquavitali [ Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makenna Leanne Larsen

Welcome to the forums! Hope to catch you in the rain sometime!

Author:  Kanoe [ Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makenna Leanne Larsen

Seems you are good to go. Welcome to Shokushu.

Author:  Makenna [ Wed Dec 19, 2012 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makenna Leanne Larsen

Thanks for the welcome! I'm glad everything is an order. Any more thoughts on the content? :)

Author:  ItsAlynia [ Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Makenna Leanne Larsen

Hi hi, cute character! i feel the content is fine, she seems to be very verastile which is always good. Hope you have fun around the campus! Don't let those silly rumors about Monsters ruin your school year, I'm pretty sure they're just rumors ;)

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Makenna Leanne Larsen

I agree. Welcome to the island, hope to bump into you sometime.

Author:  Makenna [ Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Makenna Leanne Larsen

Thanks again for all the welcomes and feedback! :D

I have a few rp's either started or in planning, so my plate is now full, but I'm more then happy to take requests for the future!

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Makenna Leanne Larsen

I just wanted to welcome to Shokushu! Hope you enjoy your time here!

Author:  Makenna [ Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Makenna Leanne Larsen

Why thank you! :D

Author:  Chris Davis [ Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Makenna Leanne Larsen

Another lesbian! Who likes bondage! And could maybe benefit from the attentions of a brash, forward butch! We should be friends once your (and my) plates clear up a little.

I like the profile. It opens up a lot of good story options :)

Author:  kite-san [ Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Makenna Leanne Larsen

hello and welcome! good to see that there's been no shortage of people eager to show you around!

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