Shokushu High School

Addition to the growing Student Body
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Author:  Mesmeri [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Addition to the growing Student Body

-Name: Aikya Mesmeri

-Place of Birth: Oshawa, Ontario

-Gender: Female

-Nationality: Welsh/French/Indian

-Age: 18

-Height: 5'2

-Weight: 99lbs.

-Measurements: Bust 85cm/ Waist 57cm/ Hips 86cm

-Eye Color: Sandy Moss Brown/Green

-Skin Color: fair

-Skin Texture: silky smooth

-Hair Color: Rude-brown

-Body Build: light/skinny/curvacious

-History: Believe it or not, I can recall things far back as my birth... I accidentally peed on my grandmother when lifted up for the first time. Then again, with everyone saying that it is not possible to recollect memories of such infantile development, I may have simply heard the story of me doing such a deed and my imagination fantasizing about it with pictographic accuracy. Don't know, but what I am getting at I can tell alot about myself and still have more to go on about. Where to begin is always a hard subject for me to decide, I would like to spill the beans on everything at once, or simply give you a picture of my life.

I suppose the first things to be set into motion for me in my life was in therapy or was it me going to a doctor? Anyways, as a child I was diagnosed with autism, given pills to supposedly help me, and take special Ed classes. At my age, I saw no difference with where I was due to not experiencing a regular class and comparing the two. I enjoyed my childhood, albeit that alot of the students were very odd. It was not untill that my family moved that things changed for me. The school accidentially put me into a classroom for the regular scholarily students. I had been in that class for a month and was recieving a high grade standard.

An attempt was made to throw me back into the special ed classes, but I broke down crying because of showing that I could handle the regular chores and duties assigned to me. The chance was given for me to show what I could do, given the regular class back, but I didn't make any friends for the duration of the year. In fact, I did not have friends outside of my family until I was in high-school. I had proven to be a A-c student, varried if I stayed awake for the teachers with a drone's voice.

I still went to see special doctors or therapists, examining my social and mental difficulties, and learning about how I actually have a higher grasp in the educated field. It was not that I could learn fast or understand everything, in fact I had to be taught my ABC's from signlanguage due to the inability of learning regularly. Actually, it was that I had the motivation to learn faster, harder, and develope a provision for methods to learn. Instead of reading and studying a book before a test, I asked my friends and made conversations that would allow me to remember the answers by. An example; This one spartan man had introduced spartan living, democracy, and philosphy into sparta and his name was Licurgis, I was joked about accidentially calling him liquirish and that stuck in my head.

Things went well, I was able to help people out more with finding ways to solve problems, encourage tasks, and handle difficulties. In fact, I became friends with the teachers and somehow became a labeled "classroom pet". I managed to graduate from highschool and enter a college. Although, it was very costly, and the methods I had developed to learn did not work well at all. Instead of homework, there was essays. Instead of tests, there was exams. The purpose of passing a class was no longer getting a good grade and score but attending and paying attention. Both of these were difficult for me due to either falling asleep or going blank when called upon to answer a question.

I dropped out for lack of motivation, I felt like a failure, and wanted to find some other way to get a degree in my career. Oh, I skipped that, I was planning to become a liberal arts major with hopes of learning enough speach to help me become a guidance counselor. I did have other options, a mediocre job at a retail store or the like, or finding another college that worked differently... Well, there was this one college called Shokushu.

-Fighting Style: n/a

-Motivation: Regularity is something everyone has their own opinion of. I can tell you that I am not a regular person, perhaps less, but that does not mean I can't be of some use in society.

-Personality: Innocent/Oblivious in pretense, a learner, takes roles to fill in the missing elements of a group, and encouragable mood-swinger.

-Sexual Oddities: masturbator

-Clothing: Dark blue T-shirt with no tag in the back of the collar, white breath-easy billowing pants adorned with a string waist, and single bar sandals.

-Special Attributes: Acute sight and hearing, low perception, lucky, and unpredictable. No sense of smell or taste.

-Distinguishing Features: Has a detached appearance and emotionless feature for when no sense of mood is appropriate.

-Capabilities: No range of pain, all injuries are considered the most extreme level for my brain to cope with, and thus does not get the black-out (KO) symptoms due to the lack of sensory perception.

-Likes: Touching myself, learning and reading, watching television, falling asleep with music playing, bathing and swimming in clean water, explicity, children and babies, animals and pets, and socializing on topics of interest; History, Graphics, Novels, Science, Ethnicity, Nationality, Politics, Religion, Supernatural, Economics, Philosophy, Art, Music, SUGAR!, and perhaps others that I can't think of.

-Dislikes: Sarcasm, rudeness, ignorance, jokes I don't understand and without explaination, soap operas, death, old people, and... Um... being absent minded.

-Miscellaneous: Mild-level autism, can socialize regularly and interact with activities without signs of difference, but has reactions to environments and problems strangely: ex. Falling asleep or becoming drowsy when overwhelmed by crowds of chattering voices, like a school cafeteria.


I thank Keemari for assisting me in the development of student progress once again and encourage him to continue!

Author:  Keemari [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm sure you'll get lots of attention babe. I know I'll give her once over maybe even a twice over. Hell I'll keep going until she goes unconcious. ;)

Author:  Arith [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

welcome to the campus dear... hope we enjoy your time here...

Author:  niellwyn [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Welcome Aikya! We all aim to make your stay here as pleasant and memorable as possible ;)

Check out my profile Natsuki Saika, and if you're interested in a scene drop me a PM okay? :)

Author:  Kim [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:34 am ]
Post subject: 

hey there! hope to meet you sometime around here ^^

Author:  NanacaCrash [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 4:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Amazing, Alucard hasnt even posted yet :o

Welcome aboard =3

Author:  KouzaKai [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 6:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Don't worry, I'm sure he'll sniff her out soon enough.

By the way, welcome to the school babe. :)

Author:  Ragerath [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Welcome to the school, hope to run into you sometime *grins evilly*

Author:  Keemari [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:19 am ]
Post subject: 

He found her ADD character quickly enough.

Author:  Mesmeri [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 5:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Speaking of which (adds student link in the signature box) thank you all so very much for welcoming me to play here. I hope to enjoy all of your company in as many possible ways available.

I certainly will be interested in inspecting your various profiles and be entertained with the thoughts of what we could do together.

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