Shokushu High School

Ayane Aida
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Author:  Adis [ Wed Oct 08, 2014 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  Ayane Aida

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Name: Ayane Aida
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Place of Birth: Okinawa, Japan
Nationality: Japanese
Hair Color: Dark
Eye Color: Brown
Ethnicity: Asian
Skin Tone: Olive
Pubic Hair: Shaved
Distinguishing features: On her right hand she wears a strange fingerless brown leather gauntlet composed of several leather straps braided up her arm to the elbow, and on the back of her hand attached to the gauntlet is a ruby-like gem.
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 120lbs
Bust: 32C
Waist: 24
Hips: 33
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Ayane was born within a long dying off clan of demon hunters with she and her elder sister are its last remaining heirs. Trained by primarily by her great uncle since the deaths of her parents and grandparents by the very creatures they had been trained to hunt and kill.

She attended an all girls school in Okinawa, but she was never particularly a good student. Her grades always tended to be quite poor as she devoted herself entirely to her family's tradition for hunting demons, more so since the demon hunter clan her family is apart of on the verge of extinction with she and her great uncle as its sole survivors.

It was in fact someone of her former school that suggested that Ayane be transferred to Shokushu stating the school is adapt at taking care of girls like herself who struggle with their academics. It was a name she had heard before, her elder sister was sent to it a couple years prior, but she was never seen or heard from again. What she and her uncle were told was that her sister ran away one night. Ayane always held her suspicions.

Since coming to Shokushu school, Ayane cannot help but suspect it was one of her clan's demonic adversaries who plotted this fate for she and her sister. She can never tell whether the monsters she has faced since her arrival are real, or if she is losing her mind like the staff and school counselors keep telling her. Wondering if maybe that was why her sister ran away, if she truly did run away.

Psychological Profile:
Immensely sociable, outgoing, perhaps a bit even manic considering her high energy disposition.

Ever an optimist, she continually strives to make the best of her situation. Such as her thinking being, if she truly is not going crazy, and she has encountered monstrous creatures at the school, then she is given the opportunity to continue her clan's purpose--no matter how futile the endeavor maybe in her current situation.

Virgin? No
Piercing or Tattoos: Pierced ears
Language: Japanese, English
Martial Arts
Yuri Genre Animes/Manga
Fighter Video Games
Going to the Beach

Surprising to many she is a member of the chess club, and one of its best players at that. Otherwise if she is not sneaking out of her dorm room at night in attempt to prove to herself she is not crazy by hunting down the very monsters she swears she has had harsh encounters with that each time ended poorly for her, then she can typically be found at the beach or in the gymnasium training her martial arts.

Sexuality: Bisexual
Magic? No

Fighting style:
Since she was knee high she has had extensive training in Aikido and Karate as well as wielding variety of Japanese swords from tanto to katanas to odachi. She utilizes these in conjunction with energy ki-strikes that she has long been trained to do whether in unarmed combat or with a blade.

Special Attributes:
The leather strap gauntlet she wears on her right hand is actually an amplifier for focusing ki energy for a powerful unarmed ki-strike with the additional properties of fire added to it. However, the inhibitors throughout Shokushu nullifies any benefit Ayane may receive by it, though she is utterly oblivious to that reality.

Were the inhibitors not in place, Ayane would prove to be an incredibly swift and devastating martial combatant, especially in unarmed combat as it is something she has a great affinity and natural talent for. Her ki-strikes immensely powerful and seemingly relentless.

Well, Shokushu's inhibitors are there and they weaken and in some cases nullify her ki-strike abilities and techniques, while reducing her swiftness greatly, thus making her a far easier combatant to deal with. Thereby the demon hunter has effectively been turned into prey...

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Author:  Machisimov [ Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ayane Aida

What a shame the cute little kitty was declawed. I wonder how much proof it will take to make her believe the monster are real and what they can make her do for information about her sister.

Author:  Seraph [ Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ayane Aida

Well if you wanted to try the declawed version she could always have an excursion to the arena ... ;)

Another nice char ... I wonder how long it would take her to get over her delusions that this is a perfectly normal school and nothing at all ever happens here o:)

Author:  Adis [ Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ayane Aida

Haha! Thanks! XD

She'll learn eventually, I'm sure... =p

It's funny you mention the Arena, though, because I been leaning towards making her sister a Gladiatrix there. ^.-

Author:  BlackWidow [ Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ayane Aida

Aww ... Is she cute? I'll look after her for you if you'd like ... *giggles* I promise to make sure she gets plenty of training ... both on and off the arena ...

Author:  Cangelosi [ Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ayane Aida

Hey new student! There's an open thread in the Classrooms board if you want to make a nice debut.

Author:  Madison [ Thu Oct 09, 2014 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ayane Aida

Ok, this one I certainly remember.

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