Shokushu High School

New Character ideas
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Author:  Aurora [ Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  New Character ideas

Ok - well I think I've realized at least one reason I've been having a harder time keeping things going here.

In some ways I feel like Aurora has reached an end point - she's basically been "broken" by Shokushu, and is probably never going to recover from it. That's kind of dead-ended her development - and I take responsibility for that, but it has made me lose some interest in her.

Therefore I'm thinking about doing a new character - and am interested in what people think/would be interested in.

1. Another student -- right now, I'm thinking a completely non-magical super-logical genius. Think something like Mr Spock as a young female human. While monster's are using/raping her, she'll be there talking to it, trying to analyze it, its technique, it's method of reproduction, etc -- while her body would respond, her dialogue would be completely impersonal about it.

2. Another space character - a smuggler/trade of some kind. This could be just an Outlaw, or an SFA - I haven't really decided on the appearance yet. But I could see her working 'both sides of the street' so that she could get in trouble with the ADD, just as often as she'd be facing space monsters.

3. A Gladiatrix - This one has a lot less to build on in my mind right now - I hadn't really thought about it much, but I'll put it out as an option if there are monsters/gladiatrixes who would be interested.

4. I'll admit that my attempts at monsters have tended to fail miserably, so I'm not as sure I want to go that route right now - but I've had an idea of a kind of telepathic floating jelly-fish. Tendrils to entrap prey and release toxins or drugs that when combined with the telepathy could be used to create powerful hallucinogenic effects in the prey.

Any help in deciding which direction to pursue would be appreciated (although not necessarily followed :) )

Author:  PiaM. [ Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Character ideas

First off, I am really sad to hear you feel Aurora has reached her end point, and the pixies are bawling their eyes out right now. I understand what you mean, though. With Pia, I have on several occasions felt I had her in a dead end, character wise. Luckily (thanks to some of my partners, really), there always seem to pop some storyline to pursue.

I think it is sad if you want to give up on her though (she is kind of a favorite of mine..).

Of your ideas, I like number one and number four the best. Is the jellyfish big enough to snatch a student up and rape her in mid-air?

As for the gladiatrix.. Could this be a future career for Aurora? She is pretty fit, and has that whole Valkyrie babe thing going for her..

Author:  Kanoe [ Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Character ideas

*waves waves* Hi Aurora!

I understand, it can be tough to keep an experienced student going. I sometimes have those troubles with Kanoe from time to time. Aurora could probably be a gladiatrix though the inhibitors may limit her magic to be at a manageable (but somewhat threatening) level. She is also tall, athletic, and beautiful so I'm sure the monsters and other gladiatrixes would have fun with her XD.

Making a fresh Gladiatrix isn't really that difficult once you get started. Just figure out a style for them for combat and behavior and you are about set. History just adds flavor while their primary story will be their progression and experiences in the ring.

Well I never thought I would make a monster but I finally made one recently and she got off the ground pretty quickly so I am sure you can find a monster that works for you too ^.^

And I doubt you need any advice about the space section as you already have Triella.

But do what you think is fun. You do not have to make another character at all if you don't want to. You can just focus on Triella if anything else.

Also if anything else, you can always just go for a memory wipe if you want to play as Aurora longer but with a fresh slate. *shrugs*

Author:  alexvano [ Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Character ideas

Voting for the logical super genious to be honest would be almost hillarious for monsters to be trying their hardest and shea all analytical.

Author:  Fluffy [ Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Character ideas

I like the idea of the Outlaw/SFA character. Of course, that just could be selfishness on my part. I'd love for Fluffy to have an ally / prey. :D

The monster idea sounds really good too. I've noticed that we've lacked a staple of hentai - the girl or girls being suspended mid air while being raped by multiple tentacles. I think the mind games would be fun too. I have noticed with Gambo that running a monster is really hard.

Author:  Vespira [ Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Character ideas

That's because Gambo is also directing a movie and dealing with all his zombie fans ^.^

Author:  Morgan [ Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Character ideas

Hmm, some thoughts:

1. The 'super-logical genius' character is certainly an interesting one, and could be hilarious - my reservations would be that she'd be gimmicky after the first few times, and I don't really see that there's any room for her to develop (of course, if you felt you lost your last character to character development, that might be a good thing).

2. Smuggling/trade is quite an interesting idea - it allows you to involve yourself in all sorts of interesting and highly unwise situations, especially with regard to monsters. Someone's got to acquire all that highly illegal incubus demon seminal fluid, after all ... ;)

4. This is particularly good. Hallucinogens with telepathy offer a much more involved, interesting form of mind-control, and allow you a lot more lee-way in writing your scene, with a much more wild setting taking place inside the hallucination. Plus, tentacles - with stingers :3!

Author:  Madison [ Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Character ideas

Fluffy wrote:
I've noticed that we've lacked a staple of hentai - the girl or girls being suspended mid air while being raped by multiple tentacles.

We've had lots of that in the past.

Author:  FlashOfSonic [ Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Character ideas

I'm voting for the super-logical genius. Having a Spock as a student could lead to some rather entertaining scenes.

Author:  Fluffy [ Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Character ideas

Madison wrote:
We've had lots of that in the past.
Seems I'm not such an Old Timer after all, am I? :lol: Then I'd like to see a return to the Old Times with multiple tentacle monsters lifting the girls off the ground!

But seriously, Fluffy needs an ally.

Author:  AndyB2183 [ Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Character ideas

Personally i am leaning towards options 1 and 2, though 3 gets my vote as well.

Author:  Stormbringer [ Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Character ideas

2. offers the most option for variety and continuation of a character.

Any of the others would do for a throwaway that's only planned to be used a few times.

Author:  Aurora [ Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Character ideas

Wow - I have to admit I did not expect so many responses/suggestions.

First off - I don't plan on 'retiring' Aurora -- although the idea of turning her into a Gladiatrix has some merit. I thought about trying to move her to a prefect/HG role, but I think she's lost too much of her will for that.
I'm certainly not abandoning her current threads - I just feel like I need something new.

I hold some similar reservations as have been mentioned about the 'throwaway' aspect of the super-genius. Definitely something that concerns me on it.

I probably am leaning towards #2 - not sure yet on Human/Outlaw vs SFA on that. Again one reservation I've had is that it seems to be a lot harder to get partners and threads there. I have had very bad luck with keeping threads going for Triella.

What surprised me the most was the response for the jellyfish! I was surprised at the response in favor of this idea. I'm going to try and work on that as well. TIWEPE never quite worked out for me.. I think because it was too alien, and there wasn't really the sexual aspect to the character, where sex was more of a 'side effect' than actually raping the student intentionally.

Stormbringer - I am curious on one thing though. I agree #1 would be kind of throwaway (at least when taken to the extreme I was originally thinking). I'm curious though why you think a gladiatrix, or the monster are inherently throwaway.

Author:  PiaM. [ Sun Jan 22, 2012 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Character ideas

TIWEPE and the cybernetic one are yours? I don't think I realized.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Character ideas

Well with how often Vera's Prefects keep disappearing, I'm always looking for more. But it would require you to be active XD.

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