Shokushu High School

A seance?
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Author:  Whisperer [ Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  A seance?

Now that Whisperer is effectively a ghost (and telepathic to boot) I thought it would be interesting if he were to respond to the call of a student (or small group) holding a seance. Obviously they wouldn't specifically be calling for him, but he would be attracted to such a thing; living beings reaching out to the dead. I was just wondering if there were any occult minded student characters that might be likely to take part in such a thing. Not that I'm ready to start anything new just yet, but I thought I'd test the waters just to see if there was any interest. Or, indeed, if the idea is even acceptable.

Author:  Bria Giovanni [ Fri Dec 05, 2014 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A seance?

That sounds neat. Actually Bria has a small manner of magical abilities, nothing I've played with in a thread but have mentioned from time to time. She is a published author though and always in search of a good story writing a lot of horror (though lately it has taken an erotic stance due to her experiences on the island).

If she heard rumors, even if they were downright falsehoods say about a suicide she might reach out to get some material, especially knowing that the island isn't as it seems. Even without the interests of a story additional knowledge helps so with her meager skills I could definitely see her trying something that spins out of control.

Myra is another character of mine but this is an interesting idea that can be explored in the future after that thread is closed out perhaps though I'm pretty good at balancing out all my threads since most of my characters have only one or two threads save for my main handle.

Author:  Whisperer [ Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A seance?

Hmm. Rumors of suicide seem likely, given the nature of the place, especially since sometimes girls just go missing. Of course the 'reality' of it all is something quite different. I doubt the school administration would actually allow their stock to harm themselves . . . At any rate, that sounds like a good enough reason as any for someone to attempt a seance.

Just to be clear, and not aimed specifically at Bria, when I said 'occult minded' I didn't mean that the character needed any actual powers, just an interest (however passing) in the occult and/or spiritualism/ghosts. Basically just someone who might be interested in this sort of thing. Even without any talent, someone, or a small group, could easily 'summon' Whisperer just by going through the mostions.

By the way, Bria, maybe I'm just dense, but what is your main handle?

Author:  Bria Giovanni [ Mon Dec 15, 2014 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A seance?

It's Myra, and I am free to pick up threads whenever. Only my main handle has a lot of threads and the others have one or two though only ever one that is real active it seems, it just worked out that way and wasn't actually planned.

Another idea if another student or two gets on board is a slumber party with something akin to a dare like reciting Bloody Marie three times, something more specific to Whisperer to draw him forth. Perhaps the girls are all telling ghost stories and trying to scar one another. A lot of the girls could be NPCs and never really enter into the story but the main focus is on those that call him challenged by the others to do something to test their courage perhaps.

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