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 Inspiration(for Lacey) 
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Post Inspiration(for Lacey)
Mildred stayed in the art room after classes putting on the finishing touches to a cathedral painting. This one had a lot of detail and took her a long time to do. She would have been finished already, but up till now she had been avoiding this room after what happened with Etolie and Kakumoah. She eventually got over it enough to stay when class was over so she could finish this project.

Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:51 pm
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Post Re: Inspiration(for Lacey)
"Spare pens, spare pens, spare pens...." Lacey murmurs quietly as she wanders into the art room. Her pen had run dry on ink earlier, during a lecture in Literature. Granted, there's nothing else that needs a pen for the day, classes done and all...but she wants to have a new one ready for tomorrow. And...she's a little broke just now, having spent her school allowance on uniforms, so there's no way to get any new supplies from the school store for a while. At least she still has enough on her meal card that she doesn't have to worry about food. "Damned monsters..." She mutters under her breath. So borrowing a pen from somewhere is the only way to go.

She enters the art room near the back of the class, just in case there's something going on that she shouldn't interrupt; by the looks of it, she needn't have bothered. There's only one girl left, and she's working diligently on a painting. Lacey peers closer...and has to stifle a gasp. It's amazing! A cathedral of some kind...very old, gothic-looking architecture, complete with sky-touching spires, crenelation around the slanted rooftop between spires, stained glass windows, a wall around the cathedral itself that lends it a lovely little courtyard...on the girl's canvas, it looks like the alabaster walls positively glow. It almost feels holy, just from where she's standing!

Her quest for a pen forgotten, Lacey does what she does best; she watches the girl paint, takes in what kind of person she is by her motions, her expressions, the way she immerses herself in her work. This in itself is interesting to her; usually it takes a great many people for Lacey to go into people-watching mode. She likes to see how they interact with each other, or at least around each other. She's been known to do this with just one person at a time though, if they're intriguing enough.

As is often the case whenever she focuses on one person, the athletic redhead starts constructing a fantasy world in her own mind for that person, writing a little short story about their life even as she watches them. The fair-skinned and black-haired beauty in front of her her case, Lacey ends up daydreaming about how the girl might look in a wedding dress in front of the cathedral she's just painted. Her black hair would provide a beautiful contrast to the white lace and frills of her dress...and what kind of person will she be with...?

Lacey is unaware of the world around her. She's not sure when it'd happened, but she finds herself sitting quietly at a desk behind and to the left of the girl she watches, smiling a gentle and happy smile as she builds a hope-filled little world for her, something with dreams to be realized and obstacles to be overcome. Brief moments of turbulence in the peace to give her life spice and direction, keep her from getting bored. Quite the world she builds for this girl she doesn't even know...

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:25 pm
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Post Re: Inspiration(for Lacey)
For a few moments, Mildred is too caught up in her own work to notice she had an audience. It was only when she stops for a moment to switch to a slightly smaller brush that she realizes she's not alone and looks back seeing Lacey. "Oh, hi there. Did you need something?" She asks trying to hide the fact that being watched so intently was a little uncomfortable.

Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:47 pm
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Post Re: Inspiration(for Lacey)
*POP!* Her little daydream bubble bursts, and Lacey's left blushing as she realizes she's been staring at a complete stranger, grinning like an idiot the whole time. Social interaction isn't her forte, despite how much she watches. Her cheeks are heated as she looks left and right, wondering if she should run off, finish what she came here for, or respond. "P...PEN!" She finally stammers out by way of explanation; not only is social interaction not her cup of tea, but it becomes near impossible when she's caught so completely off her guard like this.

She blinks at her own one-word answer, gives a soft little groan, and buries her head against her arms. Taking a deep breath, she sighs and sits up with a sunny smile. Time for damage control. "Sorry about that...didn't mean know...stare." Another deep breath as her blood-pressure eases down out of stroke territory. By how hard her heart is beating, you'd think LACEY is the one who's been snuck up on and stared at. "Not a basket case, I swear. Just...socially awkward. My name's Lacey Renault. Sorry for watching like that...I know it seems a little odd...but it's kind of a hobby I picked up back in New York. People watch for a while, and then write little stories involving the people I see..."

The slim little redhead stands up, fidgeting with her hands a little before she forces them down to her sides. "Anyway...didn't mean to creep you out. I came here looking for a pen to borrow...mine ran out earlier today and due to...circumstances...I don't have any money to buy a new one. Sooooo, I was kind of in the middle of raiding the art room supply closet. A little ninja action, and I'll be out of your hair, promise!"

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:59 pm
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Post Re: Inspiration(for Lacey)
Mildred smiles and points to a metal cabinet to the right. "Pens are in there. Were you admiring my painting? I've been working on for a while now. I would've finished sooner, but um...something happened and I had to put it on hold. I should be able to finish it today though. If not, tomorrow for sure. Though I actually like drawing and sketching better. If you want to have a look, my sketch book is over there." She says pointing to her book on a desk next to her. Lacey would have seen several drawings of still art and those of animals and other people. One in particular had a half naked girl facing away from the viewer and looking down and away. At this angle, the curve of her breast was able all that could be seen of her front side.

Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:19 pm
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Post Re: Inspiration(for Lacey)
The redhead nods her thanks as she finds and retrieves a pen for herself. Damage controlled, mission successful! "Yes! it's amazing! I've never been any good with artwork, so it's a talent I've always kind of envied in others." She picks up on the subtle pause the other student makes, alluding vaguely to 'something happening' without going into detail. Could it be...? No, probably not. The attacks aren't something that people talk about here, it seems. or she hasn't heard anything from anyone else. It's unlikely she's the only one suffering though...

Whatever the 'something may be, that's the other girl's business until she decides to share. Everyone's entitled to privacy, right? Besides...Lacey has more important things to do than upset this girl by dragging stories out of her that she'd rather keep looking through her sketchbook! "Mildred Chapman..." She reads the name on the book. "That's you? It's nice to meet you, Mildred!" Lacey chirps her greeting with enthusiasm, excited at the prospect of new artwork.

As soon as the cover is opened, Lacey's lost to the world. Buildings, animals, people...there's nothing this girl can't sketch out! Even her rough sketches are fantastic! It's incredible to say the least, and the athletic redhead feels jealous indeed. She has her own talents, of course; not many people can just up and put their fist through a brick or two or three...but that hardly seems like an even exchange! This is the power to create worlds for the eye to enjoy and the mind to roam free! What is breaking bricks next to that?

The sketch of the nude girl that pops up next stops her eyes, drawing them to it. The girl is breath-takingly gorgeous, as much for her pose as for her body; turned away from the eye, just a hint of the curve of one breast visible, her back strong and soft looking, flowing down to her hips, splashed with the cascade of her dark hair. Whoever she is, she's beautiful! "Wh...who's this one?" Lacey asks in a reverent whisper. "You even draw nudes and make them look...transcendent!"

She's wondered for some time how one is supposed to draw a nude and not make it seem erotic, and here is her answer; You make them beautiful and untouchable, like the concept of an angel without wings. The girl in this sketch is lovely and her nudity is less an invitation to partake of her loveliness and more a statement of her being, a fact that the woman who would be trapped beneath clothing is no less lovely for wearing none at all. She shines just as holy and beautiful in this sketchbook as the cathedral does on the canvas. Lacey turns wide green eyes filled with wonder to Mildred. " you make these?" That same reverent whisper, as though she's found a sacred object that will shatter if she speaks too loudly.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:49 pm
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Post Re: Inspiration(for Lacey)
"Oh, yes that's me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you my name." Mildred answers embarrassed that she had forgotten her manners so easily. "I have no idea. I found this picture and thought that girl was really pretty, so I decided to try and copy the picture. I've never done a nude or half nude drawing with a live model before. I've never really had the nerve to ask anyone." That was understandable. It would be rather unusual for someone to just come up and ask to model for them naked. "I'm glad you like my work though."

Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:59 pm
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Post Re: Inspiration(for Lacey)
"It's no problem..." Lacey smiles. It's not like she'd displayed the best manners earlier herself, coming in and staring at Mildred like that without so much as a how-do-you-do. Her mouth drops open at the next few sentences Mildred speaks. Never drawn a live nude before...? Lacey looks down at the drawing in her hands, the sketch and its amazing clarity, it's perfect blend of timeless beauty spiced ever so slightly with sensuality. THIS was what the artist had managed just COPYING something she's seen?! It's not fair! Where does talent like this COME from anyway?!

Never drawn a live nude before...the thought echoes in the redhead's mind for a second before her eyes snap up from the sketchbook. If Mildred can do this much just copying...what can she do with a live subject?! Green eyes lock onto the dark blue ones of her new acquaintance. "Draw me!" She says, half-begging and full of zeal. As odd as it might seem, the redhead is suddenly VERY enthusiastic about helping Mildred take the next step in her artistic career, even if it means posing nude for her.

No, maybe it's better to say ESPECIALLY if it means posing nude for her; she wants very much to see what she'll look like through this amazing girl's eyes. She blushes as she realizes that she's just offered to be naked for a complete stranger...but still! This is important! "I mean...I'm not as curvy as some of the girls here, but I think I have a pretty nice body, and I take care of know, if you want..."

She can feel her cheeks burning. What the hell is she doing?! First she sits there and daydreams the girl into a whole other world like some weirdo creeper, and now she's offering to strip nude and pose for her? How is she NOT going to be creeped out by this? " know what? Sorry, I just noticed how odd this sounds...Uhmmmm...maybe I should going now, huh?" She takes another deep breath and a last, longing look at the sketchbook, and then turns to go.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:15 pm
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Post Re: Inspiration(for Lacey)
Mildred was surprised at this girl's willingness and excitement to be drawn nude. Was she really serious? "Wait..." Mildred said before Lacey could leave the room. She thought about it for a moment looking over the shape of Lacey's body from what she could see through her clothes. "Are you really willing to pose for me? This isn't some kind of joke or something?" If Lacey meant it, Mildred had no problem working with her. But she didn't herself or her artwork to be part of some cruel prank.

Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:25 pm
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Post Re: Inspiration(for Lacey)
She stops in mid-step, ready for ridicule or for a lecture about being more reserved or something. So imagine her surprise when Mildred asks if she's serious about posing! Lacey's eyes open wide. "Y-you doesn't freak you out or anything...?" She asks uncertainly. There's determination enough there that Lacey can recognize the thoughts going through the black-haired beauty's mind without any trouble; it's a look Lacey often feels on her own face whenever presented with an opportunity to learn something new.

"NO! It's no joke, not at all!"
She shakes her head, all too eager. Maybe a look at what Mildred can do isn't so far out of reach after all! Excitement flutters in her tummy at the thought. What will she look like through an artist's eyes? How will she be expressed through an artist's hands? "I'm more willing for this than I've been for anything ever..." She almost swoons with delight. Such a rare chance to see someone in their element like this...!

She'd cut off her own arms before she'd insult another artist's work by playing some kind of prank. Being serious about her own martial art, she understands that some things are far too sacred to take lightly. For Lacey, it's Tae Kwon-Do; for Mildred, it's obviously her artwork. "Please..." She begs quietly. "I'd be happy to pose for you...I swear, I'd never mess with you about something like this. Not in a million years and not for any reason." She waits with bated breath, hoping and praying for a favorable response.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:46 pm
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Post Re: Inspiration(for Lacey)
Mildred smiles some seemingly satisfied with Lacey answer. "Alright then. We'll start on it tomorrow, and make sure I have the room for us after school so no one interrupts us. For now, I'm going to get this painting finished. So, I'll meet you here again after class." After saying good bye to her friend, Mildred turns her attention back to her painting. Once she feels she's finished, she sets her work aside to dry and leaves for her dorm room.

The next day, Mildred manages to secure the art room for herself and Mildred for the afternoon. Unlike paintings, sketches didn't require coloring unless color pencils were going to be used. This one she was going to keep it black and white to keep it relatively simple. As she waits for Lacey to show up, she prepares the center of the room to help her be as comfortable as possible.

Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:01 pm
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Post Re: Inspiration(for Lacey)
Lacey has to stop herself from cheering and doing a little happy dance. She's going to be a model! "Thank you so much!" She says, voice high with emotions and excitement. "I'll do my best as your model! I'm excited to see what you draw..." She nods, waving goodbye to Mildred as she leaves. She's going to be a model! She's....

Lacey blinks. "I'm gonna pose nude for a complete stranger." She'd been so busy worrying about whether or not MILDRED thought it was odd for her to offer, she'd forgotten that nude modeling means she has to be the one who's actually NAKED. "Ohhhhhh-kay..." She says, shaking her head. "Well, I gave my word. And besides..." Her thoughts return to the girl in the sketchbook. Will her drawing turn out like that? If so, it's worth it! The redhead fairly bounces her way to her dorm, spirits utterly un-dampened by the thought of putting her body on display. They'll be alone anyway, so it's not like there's anything to be embarrassed about!

The next day, after classes, Lacey rushes to the art room, all thoughts of homework and her usual after class routine forgotten in favor of posing for her new friend. She knocks at the door before entering. "Mildred? You here? It's we're still going to..." The words stop in her throat as she takes in the changes the room's undergone since yesterday; there's a space in the center of the room where it's well lit, clearly where she's supposed to pose. There's plenty of space there, all the desks moved to ring that area, which will doubtless provide multiple angles for her to be viewed from. "Wow..." She murmurs at the sight. Easily impressed is she by things artistic in nature, and studios are no exception. Even impromptu ones made out of an art classroom.

She spots Mildred over near the center area and goes over. "Well...I was going to ask if we were still on for this, but I guess I have my answer, huh?" She laughs nervously. Lacey has confidence in her body; while not voluptuous, she still has nice curves on her athletic frame, and they fit her form very well. But she still feels a little nervous about stripping in front of the other girl. "I guess...Uhm...." She takes a deep breath. "Just...give me a second..." Deep breaths continue as she fights off nervousness. This is art, after all; her body is no less a work of art than anything Mildred can draw. She knows this much; she's spent years honing her body, making it deadly and efficient, growing into the woman she is now. So why bother with hesitation?

She steadies her mind for a moment longer, and when her eyes open, they're clear of doubt and worry. There's only a readiness for the task at hand. "Let me know whenever you're ready; I'll strip down, and we can get started." She puffs out a breath, happy that she's managed to steady her heart. "Thanks again, means a lot that I'll get to be drawn by you. You have a serious talent, and it's nice that I'm worth drawing."

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:46 pm
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Post Re: Inspiration(for Lacey)
Mildred looks up and smiles at Lacey. "Glad you could make it. I'm just trying to get it set up for you here." The setup she had built was basically two boxes covered in white sheets, with one box being shorting that the other. "Hmm, but what kind of pose should I have you do?" She didn't want to have too much of Lacey showing, but she wanted a little more than her previous sketch had shown. Then she gets an idea. "Okay I think I have a good pose. Go ahead and undress." Mildred waits for Lacey to strip down, unable to help but admire her body. She shakes it off before it got to the point of gawking. "Alright, now sit here on the shorter box and lean back on the taller one with your legs crossed and put one hand across your belly and the other to your side." Once Lacey takes her position, Mildred takes hers a little to her model's left and begins drawing her.

Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:13 pm
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Post Re: Inspiration(for Lacey)
Lacey nods her head, beginning to strip off clothing right there, folding it and setting it on a desk as she goes. First is the blouse, unbuttoned slowly but without making a huge production of it. As it opens it reveals warm, soft and creamy skin beneath, moving further aside to show her toned core muscles. She hadn't been joking when she'd told Mildred that she takes care of her body. Next, she reaches back and unclasps the plain white bra that cups her perky breasts. Her B-cups, while not overwhelming, are respectable and fit her frame well. They bounce a little as they come free, and the rosy pink tips perk up a bit at the touch of the cool air in the classroom.

Next comes the skirt. Unzipping it, the redhead lets it fall to the floor, revealing the sweet curve of her hips and her strong thighs, leading down to her calves and delicate-looking ankles. Hers is the body of an athlete, there's no question there; slim and strong, but also managing to look soft and inviting at the same time. She picks up her skirt and it joins her blouse, folded and on the desk. Shoes and socks are kicked off, revealing unpainted toes; she doesn't spend a great deal of time with cosmetics, generally speaking.

Finally, soft white cotton panties slip down off her hips and to the floor, revealing her shaved sex and the full glory of the curvature of her taut backside. She places her panties next to the bra on the desk, catches Mildred watching her and winks. Turnabout is fair play, after all; she'd stared at Mildred yesterday, now it's her turn. Granted, Mildred hadn't been nude when she'd done it...but still.

"Like this...?"
Lacey murmurs, leaning back as she's told. She crosses her legs at the knee, leaning back against the taller box, one arm curling around her side so her hand rests on her tummy, the other along the edge of the box she leans on, as though claiming the space she sits on as hers and hers alone. She relaxes, sitting comfortably in this position, head canted slightly to one side to let her hair cascade down her slender frame, a bright red splash against the soft white skin she shows. She waits in pose to see if Mildred wants her to make any adjustments.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:43 pm
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Post Re: Inspiration(for Lacey)
"Yes, that's good. I'll try not to take too much time. I don't want you to have to sit there too long and get you all sore and stiff." Mildred answers as she continues making her sketch. There was something about doing this with a live model that was rather exciting, and she wondered if Lacey felt any excitement about modeling nude like this. It also helped that Lacey didn't seem too embarrassed if at all. Mildred wanted the sketch to look like this was more or less natural for her, that she had no reason to feel ashamed of her body.

Tue Sep 02, 2014 11:12 pm
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