Shokushu High School

Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)
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Author:  Rhaine Fischer [ Sun May 05, 2013 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

As much as she loved them she did not eat any of the marshmallows since she had figured she eat to many so she just tides herself in having some chocolate. She considers something though, then looks between the two, unsure but still …

So she hadn't done Smores outside of camping but figures chocolate and marshmallow sandwiched between two graham crackers work so she preheats the oven and gets out a tray and the crackers as she still wonders about something before removing her blouse and draping it over the back of a chair reveling decent sized breasts constrained by a black bra.

“Don't want to get any chocolate stains on that it's still kinda new.” Torn clothes were replaced she found though ones with stains weren't she found.

Author:  TehMorganator [ Sun May 05, 2013 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

"Well look at you, Miss 'Casually-Show-Off-My-Obscenely-Large-Breasts'. Some of us, more specifically me, are a bit insecure about ourselves, and you just show us your... Ugh..." Midnight sighs. "I mean, look at the size of these things! Luuucky." She says, gently squeezing Rhaine's ample bosom.

Author:  TehMorganator [ Sun May 05, 2013 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

"Well look at you, Miss 'Casually-Show-Off-My-Obscenely-Large-Breasts'. Some of us, more specifically me, are a bit insecure about ourselves, and you just show us your... Ugh..." Midnight sighs. "I mean, look at the size of these things! Luuucky." She says, gently squeezing Rhaine's ample bosom.

Author:  dragonbone79 [ Sun May 05, 2013 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

(You double posted.)
Danielle smiled. "I for one think they're perfect," she said as she joined Midnight in groping Rhaine's breasts. She stuck her tongue out playfully.

Author:  Rhaine Fischer [ Sun May 05, 2013 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

Why was her breasts getting so much attention!

She blushed the center of attention. She hadn’t expected the groping action of course and goes wide eyed. Midnight's sexuality always confused her. Earlier today she might have said straight but back in the basement lesbian or bi. Then again it could just be simple touching and nothing more than that.

“T-There not too much bigger than average.” Rhaine looks down. She's been fortunate in the tits department though, she knew that, she wasn’t going to complain any.

“Small ones are just as good to. Less of a strain on the back later on in life. I didn't men too … I mean I'm not showing them off I just thought that we're all girls here I didn't have to change yet again but I will if it will put you at ease ...” She was bumbling into things today, goofing one way then another! And Dani's compliment didn't help. Sure it made her feel good but self conscious at the same time too.

Author:  TehMorganator [ Sun May 05, 2013 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

"You seem very uncomfortable, Rhaine. I thought that this kinda stuff happens all the time in dorms." Midnight friend a little.

Author:  dragonbone79 [ Sun May 05, 2013 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

Danielle smiled and kissed Rhaine on the cheek. "SIt doesn't matter. Let's just make these s'mores already!"

Author:  Rhaine Fischer [ Fri May 10, 2013 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

(Sorry never got a notice)

Her boobs were average she thought … she never really considered it before, they weren't ginormous nor was she flat chested so there was no need to dwell on the matter further. She does color at all the attention she gets as she is once more baffled by Midnight.

If she were straight then this shouldn't have bothered her right? Her breast is still tingling from Midnight's touch then her cheek from Dani's kiss. She sits but is a little curious as she blushes a bit. “What did you mean by happens all the time?” She could guess but was uncertain.

Author:  TehMorganator [ Fri May 10, 2013 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

"Nevermiind", Midnight sighed. "Now let's get these smores done, I'm getting hungry".

Author:  dragonbone79 [ Sun May 12, 2013 6:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

(*unsure hpw to reply*)

Author:  Rhaine Fischer [ Mon May 13, 2013 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

(I'll help you out Dani, you can post after me :))

Rhaine sat the bag of marshmellows on the table and grahm crackers. She tapped the table top as she thought. Had she over stepped herself again? Had she done something that made Midnight self conscious? She flicked her gaze to Dani for a second as if she were searching for an answer to that question as if she did anything wrong.

After a moment though she gets up and starts towards the entrance to the kitchen as if to leave but it's only to move behind Midnight, grabbing her hands and drawing the chair back a little.

"I think your breasts are fine." She flicks her gaze to Dani with a little mischievous grin that touches her lips. "But Dani's the real expert on boobs. What do you think, Dani?"

Author:  dragonbone79 [ Tue May 14, 2013 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

Danielle blushed, being put on the spotlight like that. She glared daggers at Rhaine momentarily before smiling. "Yeah, they're just fine," she said.

Author:  TehMorganator [ Tue May 14, 2013 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

"Aaaannnnnywaaaay", Midnight says, rolling onto her side, "What do we do whilst we wait?"

Author:  Rhaine Fischer [ Tue May 14, 2013 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

Rhaine winced a little at seeing that look from her lover then there was the smile. She kept getting all sorts of mixed signals and Midnight had shifted even though she still remains behind her holding her arms with a firm grip though Rhaine did not have great strength, only moderate though she had the leverage.

Not this time, Midnight! She told herself though the look she got from Dani had been mixed. Of course if Midnight really didn't want this she'd let her go nor was she going to push her lover much more than this but her next words would give her a better feel of the situation.

“Dani, you good but not that good. Feel them, make a thorough judgment.” Rhaine blushed a little grinned at the same time.

Author:  TehMorganator [ Tue May 14, 2013 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

Midnight struggles, when she realises what's going on. "Can I opt out of this? Please?"

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