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 Ambition (for Vera) 
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
Etolie was unable to contain her cries of pleasure. She struggled to remain upright as hands fumbled and reached for the nearby chair. The student certainly devoted all she could towards trying to remain presentable before the Head Girl. Attempts to speak became difficult as parting those lips produced sounds the brunette did not want to make. She tried to control her breathing even as every cell of her body demanded relief.

"You may open your eyes..."

When those eyes fluttered open, they saw the silver haired Head Girl. Vera was the source of her new career path and advancement. This opportunity was thanks to her. But was she also the source of all this stimulation and need? Seeing the woman, the diodes spiked to their maximum setting. Surges rippled through the student's juicy depths. Jolts assault her helpless clit. Her nipples and breasts were fed rippling waves of rapture. All this while Vera walked back to her desk, hips swaying gently with every graceful step.

"We still need to confirm that your grades are to standard," Vera said as if the newly adorned Prefect was not struggling to remain standing, "You will bring me confirmation tomorrow. I will see to assigning you a new room that will be the dorm you are responsible for."

Vera sat on the edge of her desk, turning to face the struggling student once more. "Do you have any questions, Ms. Leblanc?" the Head Girl asked, "You seem a bit exhausted. I recommend you get some rest and pack your things so you are ready to start moving tomorrow."

The Head Girl crossed her legs as she observed Etolie. How long would she last? Would she be able to speak and make it out the door or was she going to cream herself right there before Vera's desk? Regardless, Vera would report the student's state to NICE labs. They would certainly welcome the data for this intense experimentation.


Thu Sep 12, 2024 2:40 am
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
Etolie's eyes open and immediately it feels like a mistake. Her core savaged by an intense ache! Tingles rippling through her clit and hardened nipples as her eyes take in Vera in all her splendor. Her legs collapse from under her, she responds on instinct pushing herself back so she lands in the chair rather than collapsing to the floor.

She hits her bag barely making contact with it before springing back up to her feet. Her legs still a bit wobbly she uses the desk to stabilize herself then straight up. Her panties are soaked and she can smell the aroma from her sex. The heat in here is smothering her. Those internal fires flaring up even greater now.

“Y-Yes, of course.” She stammers out about getting her grades. Not even the creature that left her to suffer the effects of it's aphrodisiac could compare to this!

“Ugh! Ah!” She fought. But it was as fruitless as a fish snagged on a line. She just didn't have the strength to endure this torture for long. No mistake that Vera knew what was going on. Her next question leaving it open for her to inquire.

How could she get her things packed up in such a state? If these effects were anything like that aphrodisiac she'd have no recourse for hours despite what she tried. Even her favorite toy Mr. Happy would do no good.

“Uh! Yes. One. What … what is happening?” unable to hold back from asking. A sudden ache nearly takes her off her feet making her grasp the desk again. Her will in keep all this together eroding then braking as it's clear she couldn't make it half way to the door before beginning enveloped with that sweet bliss. It was as if a hot poker was burying itself inside her. Touching those intimidate parts of her though rather than incinerating her causing her pleasure centers to be bombarded as a moan escapes those lips.

Etolie Leblanc
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Fri Sep 13, 2024 12:02 am
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
Footsteps approached the fallen student turned Prefect. Attempts to maintain composure was lost as the young woman fell to the floor halfway to the door. The bliss came crashing in waves, wracking havoc on the poor woman's twitching and aching body. It was intense but to finally be relieved of all that pent up tension that Etolie had been desperately holding back was nothing short of euphoric.

The shocks, jolts, and vibrations stopped. It was unclear how this was happening. But Vera did not gloat nor mock the fallen student. She merely stopped before Etolie, looking down at her. "I will forgive this mess you left, Ms. Leblanc," Vera said calmly, "Take a moment to collect yourself before stepping out. Do you need a drink of water?"

Vera did not seem bothered at all. Was this a show of control? Was the doll in the room? How was she manipulating it? Or was the doll somewhere else and someone else was fiddling with it, unaware of the torture being inflicted to body the doll was linked to?

Footsteps left and returned without waiting for an answer. Etolie would feel Vera's touch as the Head Girl helped the girl sit up. "Here..." she offered a glass of cold water, "Drink slowly. Breathe deeply. Calm yourself. Are you feeling better now?"

If Etolie tried to stand, Vera would help her to her feet. Only the tingly afterglows of the whole ordeal remained of what happened to the Prefect just moments ago. Would the Prefect confront her Head Girl about this matter or would she simply move on and hope that this did not happen again?


Fri Sep 13, 2024 12:30 am
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
Embarrassed, yet feeling incredible at the same time Etolie gasped in the afterglow of her release. No sooner had her head begun spinning over this ordeal had her attention shifted to the sound of Vera moving closer. She looked up and up and up. Eyes drinking in those long legs, the mountainous breasts, that comely face.

She nodded in response. Helped up to her feet then the chair Etolie's mind was swimming. She was confused. Vera had not gloated, she would have lorded her control over another. Of course she often used her memory magic to expunge the results of her tampering but she enjoyed it in the moment.

Forgiven for the mess – oh God those patches of moisture had been from her! She could feel the dampness at her crotch and feel moisture on her inner thighs. She attempted to collect herself while her mind ran over so many possibilities. Etolie didn't grasp empathy. She was unable to really consider motives that differed from her own. What she would do in a given situation. When things went contrary to this she always looked for an angel. As far as she could tell there was none. Vera seemed passionate about her role as Head Girl. There had to be something he was getting out of her position. Being such an established figure was motive enough. And to maintain that status she had to do her job well. Maybe that was why she was so passionate about the school.

How was the doll being used? It was feasible that Vera passed it on to another to use. That the room was being monitored. But if so why didn't she gloat? Was it enough that she made that clear with the presentation of the sash she now wore? That she was Vera's? She didn't need to repeat herself and the results spoke to themselves.

She held the glass of water in both hands. The tremors in them subsiding as she caught her breath. Though with her breasts being so sensitive each intake of air caused a tingling sensation to hit her even in the aftermath of her torment ending.

Setting the glass down in front of her curiosity got the better of her at last after all this time.

“That, that was the doll wasn't it?” She had only recently begun feeling it. Though not as intensely as she had these last few days. Had Vera been holding back or had the dolls caused that function on their own under maximum stimulation? She wouldn't know nor ask that. It wasn't as if she could craft another doll and test it on herself since the old one would no longer function as far as she could tell. And if she did manage to severe that connection it wouldn't be long before Vera found out it no longer worked. The doll being a condition of her punishment so she left it alone not crafting another doll just encase.

She didn't expect an answer. A deflection was likely. Then again she didn't see why Vera would dismiss it out of hand. Either way she was nervous about an answer or non answer. Second guessing if it was a method of control or simply done out of amusement. A reminder perhaps? No, this felt a bit different than that. Etolie didn't have a good grasp on people and was confused more than anything else. Trying to work out how she'd go about things.

Etolie Leblanc
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Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:22 am
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
"Is that what you claim is the cause for this outburst, Ms. Leblanc?" Vera responded. What was Etolie hoping to figure out with this question? Was this just a means to see if the Head Girl would speak the truth or dismiss the matter? But even when the doll was handed over, Vera did not show much interest in it, putting it into a drawer before the whole matter started getting out of Etolie's control. Did Vera believe in magic? Would she even notice if the doll no longer functioned? Despite the mystery around the silver haired woman, the Head Girl never revealed her own expertise in the dark arts.

But if Vera did not know anything about magic, that would only bring up another question for Etolie. Why has she not tried severing the connection with the doll? All this insane and maddening stimulation could be put to an end if the voodoo doll's power was simply stopped. Would Vera know the difference between a working voodoo doll and just a plain unmagical object?

"I merely asked for a doll to see what you would bring me, Ms. Leblanc," Vera stated, "I did not keep it. Are you saying the doll you made is the reason you have left such a mess on my floor?"

"If you believe your own creation is doing this to you, shouldn't you do something about it?" Vera stated, "Then again, I suppose your grades have improved despite this... distraction. But if this is going to be a problem in performing your new duties, what do you intend to do about it? You can make an appointment to the school nurse. I find it hard to believe a mere inanimate doll can do all this."

Some words were true, others less so. Vera did not have the doll anymore. It was in the possession of NICE labs for further magical studies. At this point, they probably have enough data on what the doll was capable of. If Etolie wished to undo the spell, it would only reveal that such was possible. Vera was fine with playing ignorant on the matter. Seeing how the student reacts to finding out she could have stopped this at any point was going to be rewarding in itself. As for having a hold on this woman, Vera did not need a doll for that, especially now that Etolie was wearing a sash.


Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:34 am
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
Claim? Was Vera in the know about the things on the island? How much stock had she put into magic? There were a few clubs and girls that claimed to have some talent but Etolie never paid them any attention. That girl Izumi had been the only one that displayed talent and all that luck manipulation could have been simple coincidence. Still that had encouraged her to take things seriously for a change and search for a means of ridden that evil eye.

She simply nodded in response. From the sounds of it Vera wasn't a believer. That or she feigned ignorance.

“I can't think of anything else. I thought you wanted an imbued doll.” She had thought that was part of her punishment to keep her in line. Certainly she misread matters. If she hadn't been worried about the doll being workable she would have severed that connection sooner.

She had considered showing the Head Girl that indeed the dolls worked. But she dismissed that as soon as she thought about it. Vera probably wouldn't want to be the subject of one and if so there was no telling how she'd respond afterwards.

“I, I can take care of this.” Perhaps that was part of the “punishment”. The knowing she could have dismissed it by braking the bound. Certainly not the first time since the doll had to be dormant and she needed a bit of concentration.

It was a bit troubling not being able to prove any of this. Even more so about ending that ordeal at just about any point. Realization that the doll didn't have to remain active brought her some relief. Though she had no idea what was done to it or if it were enhanced in any way.

“It won't interfere with my duties.” The effect hadn't been constant though it seemed to strike at inopportune times such as now. Even without the stimuli her body still felt the wrack it brought her. Tingles still flowing throughout her.

Her emotions ranged from confusion, to regret at not ending those effects sooner, to proving her statement. Yet she opted on just letting it go. It hadn't mattered now. So many emotions ran through her before she grasped onto the whole matter with the doll.

“If not the doll then this,” she gestured to the mess, “was brought on by you. There's no mistaking that you are an attractive young woman.”

She hardly believed that that came out. A means to deflect away from the doll? Maybe. Vera would have already picked up on those emotions well before now though Etolie was ignorant of her own gifts in that particular area.

Etolie Leblanc
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Thu Sep 19, 2024 12:37 am
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
The Head Girl enjoyed the sensations radiating from her newest recruit. Whatever the reason, Etolie had not severed the connection from the doll yet. Was the student hoping that this was all caused by something else? Would blaming it on something else mean that she did not voluntarily let her own voodoo doll molest her like this?

Being blamed for unnatural events was nothing new for Vera. Students always wanted to blame the school or those who work for it so they had something tangible and human to focus their anger on. But, this was perhaps the first time the silver haired woman's very beauty was blamed for climaxing against one's will.

Like all students brought to Shokushu, Vera was rather attractive. Such beauty was only further enhanced by the Headmaster she served to better fulfill his personal tastes. She knew she was beautiful, gorgeous as she designed to be that way.

Then again, being the cause for Etolie's stimulation and desire could have been designed by the Head Girl as well. Using the doll, she could stimulate this student again and again and again depending on certain behaviors and whims. Eventually, what Etolie believed would be followed by her mind and then her body. But it was unknown if such a Pavlov response would occur through this prolonged use of a voodoo doll.

"Are you saying I am so beautiful that I made you make this mess on my floor, Ms. Leblanc?" The Head Girl asked as she sat on the edge of her desk again. Vera slowly crossed her legs. As the sensual gesture was made, she resumed the doll's stimulation to see if it was still active. "I must say that is a unique form of flattery though I fail to see the purpose of buttering me up when I have already provided you a sash. Or was there something else you were hoping for in this meeting?"


Thu Sep 19, 2024 1:22 am
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