Shokushu High School

A lost follower (entirely open)
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Author:  Katrina Young [ Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:17 am ]
Post subject: 

((Thanks, Kimmy :D ))

Katrina was heading down the stairs, her big blue backpack stuffed with school supplies strapped on her shoulders as she steadily made her way towards the Students Common Room to study for her math test and to finish up some school work that she had to catch up on for a few of her classes.

Her long absence had left her piled up with two months worth of homework and school projects. She had made some headway, having worked her little butt off to catch up on everything, but there was still a lot to be done. Perhaps there would be someone down at the Students Common Room to help her out with some of her more difficult assignments.

Kat was currently attired in an over-sized light blue long-sleeve shirt and a pair of baggy blue jeans. Her entire wardrobe was consisted of similar garments, with perhaps a few shorts and short-sleeve shirts, and was put together for one purpose: to attract as little attention to herself as possible. Of course, that might backfire at times. After all, a young woman wearing ‘normal’ clothes, like perhaps a blouse and skirt, might be less likely to attract attention than, say, a petite young woman wearing baggy clothes that were obviously too big for her.

All this was lost on the blue-eyed, blue-haired girl as she entered the Students Common Room and spotted two girls in the room already, apparently in the middle of a conversation. Not wanting to intrude on their discussion, Kat just smiled at the girls shyly and gave them a nervous little wave before she went and set her stuff down at the other end of the table and went to the vending machine for a drink. Returning to the table, a bottle of Seven-Up in hand, Katrina set her pop down on the table and started to get her stuff in order as she got ready to finish up on some of her school work…

Author:  Kim [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 4:49 am ]
Post subject: 

I looked over at the blue haired girl and looking at her clothes and then at her as she gives her a smile as I then look at Roslein "well we have parties here your looking at one who starts most of them."

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