Shokushu High School

Effects of unemotional scent (Aeria)
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Author:  Aeria [ Wed Nov 18, 2009 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Effects of unemotional scent (Aeria)

Aeria's eyes narrowed at Ryu, pressing her even more firmly against the wall as she continued to insult her. What on earth was the woman playing at? Her hand remained on her neck, giving her just enough slack to let her breathe as she responded "I'm NOT weak." Nearly trembling with rage.

She didn't care about being a female, it wasn't in her opinion a bad thing. Just many confused femininity for weakness which did indeed bother her. She loathed the stereotypical Cinderella-type individual who needed to be protected, and had spent her life making sure she would never be that kind of woman.

With a sharp growl she released Ryu's neck and spun around, intending on heading back to her shower stall, grabbing her underwear and leaving the venomous bitch behind. Fighting someone like her was beneath herself. Though if Ryu continued to press her buttons she wasn't certain of her ability to reign herself in a second time.

Author:  Ryu [ Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Effects of unemotional scent (Aeria)

Ryu was slightly annoyed as the female student released her neck, turning around to leave the shower after all. It didn't matter if the student was going to follow her intentions, she'd sneak up on her, forcing her to the floor with no sorrow about it if she did it. But after all, she had to think of several consequences.

If Ryu failed, Aeria would be able to leave or keep it real to herself and punish her. Well, she wasn't that confident about her plans, but still, she liked her slightly even though she tended to be rough. It was just a chance to get what she desired.

Quickly walking through the stall, grabbing her swimsuit, unfolding it to reveal its full surface, turning around to face the student who currently picked up her underwear she wore as she jumped into the pool. Due her sprint experience Ryu built up a high speed quickly, but she didn't want to crash into the far wall, so she kept an acceptable speed, but still fast enough to surprise her. Stretching the swimsuit to tie her up after she hit her, she jumped in her direction while the student was going to stand up after picking up her clothes in a way...

Author:  Aeria [ Wed Nov 25, 2009 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Effects of unemotional scent (Aeria)

(Sorry for the delay, been having issues with my internet provider)

One thing about Aeria that many didn't know was that her rough mannerisms all stemmed not from a desire to be alone, but from military training. And trying to ambush her in the shower of all places, from behind no less, was a bad idea. Ryu indeed was fast but the moment she chose to not go all out in her sprint marked the point where tackling Aeria with any degree of surprise proved to be impossible.

Aeria heard the second and third splashes as Ryu's feet impacted the wet ground of the shower and shifted her body towards the charging woman, bracing herself for the moment they collided and grabbed onto the red head as both fell to the floor. Ryu's speed had made dodging or throwing the woman impossible so she had done what she could to prevent being forced to her stomach. Aeria landed on the bottom, on her back and with Ryu on top of her, but was quick to use her knowledge of grappling to attempt to roll the woman over and pin her to the slick bath tiles.

Author:  Ryu [ Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Effects of unemotional scent (Aeria)

(Nah, it's allright. Doesn't matter at all.)

Ryu should have mentioned the water on the ground as she approached the girl, there could've been a reason why the girl disliked company or tried to make clear her position. Her eyes widened the short amount of time it took the student to turn around, but after all she wasn't able to ease off the high speed. Obviously she was quite a lucker, Ryu had been able to stay on top of Aeria at first, but felt slightly dizzy due their collision.

Their wet skin seemed to make it easier for the girl on the ground to use her abilities wisely enough to roll her over and as Ryu found herself being slammed on the ground lightly, she got pinned on the ground pretty fast. Not the best position for the redhead, but still better than to see Aeria leaving the showers. Her plans could still come true, punishment or not, it would be entertaining in the end.

Author:  Aeria [ Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Effects of unemotional scent (Aeria)

Skill and experience proved the victor over surprise in this case and Aeria's attempts to pin the girl proved successful. So instinctual was the reaction that she had absolutely no idea what to do with the woman now that she had her in this position. And feeling her naked skin running over Ryu's as both wiggled for a better position was awkward. Well for her at least, she wasn't used to having a naked anything near her let alone below her.

To buy herself some time she took hold of the swimsuit that Ryu had took with her in her attempt to tackle her and quickly understanding what Ryu had meant to do with it, rolled the red head onto her stomach and pulled her arms behind her back, attempting to tie her forearms together with the material. While going through this process she would growl out angrily "What the hell was that for!?"

Author:  Ryu [ Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Effects of unemotional scent (Aeria)

The girl still seemed angry, obviously due her act of obsession. Aeria grabbed the swimsuit in her caught hands and seemed to understand quickly. As she got rolled on her stomach, Ryu had been able to move her arms, but pretended she was still kind of shocked due her quick movements. The forearms got tied together with the suit, she was unable to move herself due the weight of Aeria on her back.

Ryu moved her head to the side to get in a more comfortable position, the water still poured out of the shower heads, and it'd have been too hard to breathe into water all the time. A shrewd smile appeared on her face as the student asked her what she wanted to do with it before.

You've been a naughty young woman, you wanted to leave...

Author:  Aeria [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Effects of unemotional scent (Aeria)

Aeria rested the majority of her weight on Ryu's rear, believing her to be restrained adequately enough for now. Her response though had been odd enough to entirely stun Aeria and she tried to make heads or tails of what she meant. "I'm naughty?... You were trying to keep me from leaving?...Why on earth... Who... What...?" But slowly her look of confusion died back down into lessened but still prevalent anger and irritation. In a curt tone she continued "No matter, you tried to tie me up. I can't forgive that" But what would she do? Leave her here? Aeria hadn't thought that far ahead. She had just reacted.

Author:  Ryu [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Effects of unemotional scent (Aeria)

Ryu wasn't able to stand up, but after all it wasn't her main target while she had to deal with the student sitting on her rear. Still lying on the wet floor has been kind of a torture, but not the desired one the redhead would need to stay away from Aeria for some time. Of course she'd return to her if the girl tried to flee. Her confusion amused the student on the ground, bursting into a delight laugh before turning her head some more.

So, what are you gonna do now? I guess you are pretty limited in your possibilities, boy.

Hoping for a suitable punishment, Ryu tried to shake off the girl on top of her, but not enough to achieve her goal, of course she just made it to keep the student entertained. It would be an even more odd situation if she didn't do anything to fight Aeria, still twisting firmly in her wet grip created a tickling on her rear as female skin rubbed against other skin.

Author:  Aeria [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Effects of unemotional scent (Aeria)

"BOY!?" She practically yelled, now clearly irritated. From compliments to insults as far as her looks were concerned. Sure she had spent much of her life being mistaken for a guy and had grown somewhat used to the misconception, but still... something about it used in this context just set off her nerves. Growing at her struggles she flipped the girl onto her back, uncaring for how the position would likely strain her shoulders, glaring at her as she loomed over her "I don't know, maybe act like a boy would in this situation" She pressed her knee against where Ryu's thighs were pressed together, forcing her legs apart to accentuate the threat.

Author:  Ryu [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Effects of unemotional scent (Aeria)

Like another just another piece of cake the girl reacted as expected, keeping her fake would be harder if she didn't do anything Aeria expected her to do. Ryu's face expression changed into a slightly shocked one, acting like a surprised victim would be easy as long as the girl would like to keep her punishment of course.

W-what do you mean? Hey, stop that!

The girl stared at the student above her kind of bewildered, of course just keeping the illusion of her victory. Her harsh treatment was painful in a way, but acceptable to reach her goal. Ryu got forced to spread her thighs, revealing her female modesty, it was finally going to get interesting.

Author:  Aeria [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Effects of unemotional scent (Aeria)

The cold rationality that usually was how Aeria thought had been usurped by the anger Ryu had fueled into a blaze within her, Aeria beginning to let loose the emotional baggage of a weeks worth of pent up frustration, rage and a plethora of other intense negative emotions forged by the forced taking of her virginity and dignity. Holding such things back really wasn't good for the mind and now instead of bleeding it away over the passage of time she was going to give it all to this mocking woman underneath her. In all truth she wouldn't care if the girl liked the attentions or not. She was simply pissed off and would use the outlet for her emotions that this girl provided.

Her hand reached down to press its palm firmly against Ryu's lower lips, for now remaining stationary as she asked mockingly "Oh? Where did all that bluster go? You'll find that I am not one whom can be pushed easily Ryu. I have my limits and there is a point where I... will... push... back" The last four words said icily past grit teeth and accompanied by a small grind of her palm over her nethers.

Author:  Ryu [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Effects of unemotional scent (Aeria)

It amused Ryu to see such an enraged young student and even as her hand pressed against her lower lips, she didn't try to reveal any sign it was her intention at first. The girl sitting on her would be fun to play with, it was like you open a christmas present some weeks before you are actually allowed to. Ryu sat up a playful smile as she looked at Aeria again, her voice changed into a more teasing one.

Aww... Just kidding. Obviously you don't think I could defeat you, you feel very strong now, right? Why don't you let your anger run wild if you want to prove something?

Ryu shut her mouth as she felt how Aeria's palm slid over her nethers for a moment, half-lidded eyes flickering around just before they turned back to normal, facing the student again. She really enjoyed it, after all she decided it'd be best to keep Aeria working until she would offer her a chance to take revenge.

Author:  Aeria [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Effects of unemotional scent (Aeria)

Aeria glared daggers at the student. What was she? Bipolar? Going from complimentary to insulting, then from alarmed to goading. She had heard of emotional roller coasters before but really! Still her anger needed a physical outlet, this girl was here so there really wasn't much of a chance of her odd mood swings stopping her.

"I have nothing to prove to you" She growled out, her hand grinding harder against her nethers. "I just need an outlet" And with that she slid to silence, refusing to let the girl affect her further. With a sort of wicked curiosity she let her hand slide further downwards, parting her fingers and in the movement her lower lips as well, looking at her exposed sex. It was nice not to be the one controlled but the one controlling the situation.

Author:  Ryu [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Effects of unemotional scent (Aeria)

Ryu gasped as Aeria split her lower lips with her fingers, it was embarassing somehow to expose herself in front of others, but it seemed necessary to get the desired release she wanted since the girl came to the pool, swimming with nothing more but her underwear. Aeria's grip was more than she'd actually be able to struggle against, but acting like a feared person would be kind of interesting as well, Ryu twisted under her so it'd seem like she tried to get free.

D-don't touch me down there! Stop that!

There was no need for insulting Aeria again, she was angry enough to keep going with her outlet, most likely productive for both parties. Even though she disliked the thought of giving someone else control over her body it was the only thing she'd do this time, the girl seemed to be different in many ways, and of course she would leave the poor redhead if she is finished. Or maybe she was going to have some fun with her victim as well, both options seemed pretty responsive to Ryu.

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