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 Opposites Meet (for Darwin) 
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Post Re: Opposites Meet (for Darwin)
I nodded faintly to her about what she'd said about her past and the school checks, I'd expected checks but, when she told me she hadn't actually asked to borrow the books yet I turned a little worried.
”Oh... uhm whoops... guess that's out of the bag; I can read thoughts, move stuff, alter thoughts make you see stuff that isn't there, give you a headache, make you forget stuff... well, I think I could anyway, It's kinda hard to learn how to do anything when there's no one to teach you I've never done most of that but, I imagine since I can peek in and tweak memories I can do all the other stuff too. Mind you I can't always get the memories to stick either...”
I looked at the floor a bit shifting my weight nervously before she mentioned her eye again, I decided to try and take an unnoticed peek into her head to see why she kept mentioning it and I felt a bit of an oddity, like a wall of some sort from somewhere other than her mind, something was weakening my ability, I assumed it had to do with the island and some mineral or something or maybe an electro magnetic field here.
”Why do people look at your eye weird? It's just a heterochromia right? Not that yellow is common either way but, still... anyway lets go see wherever people go to eat, I slept on the plane here missed eating so I could use some food.”


Tatiana Azevedo:


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Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:56 am
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Post Re: Opposites Meet (for Darwin)
She listened carefully as Darwin listed off what she could, or thought she could, do with her powers after Mary had obviously figured out her little secret "Sounds like you have some useful powers. The stuff...with memories...might be useful to practice...for if you ever...get in trouble. Although could do anyone...other then the...stupid girls...while you're here. Because....someone...or something...interferes with special ability usage on the school's property. I understand...that much...from personal...experience."

Mary took a breath as she prepared a response to Darwin's question and finally said "Not quite. Although the color makes it seem that way. My yellow eye is called...the Eye of Aeon, and it allows see the future. Although as I mentioned earlier...something seems to be impairing my visions." She saw no reason to explain the details about it as of yet and so with that said she grabbed her room key from her bed side table and led the way out of the room and down the hallway saying "Alright..To the cafeteria then."

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Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:17 am
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Post Re: Opposites Meet (for Darwin)
“Well, least we have something in common, neither of us are normal. Guess that's a good start if I've ever heard one.”
I shrugged faintly ignoring for now the mention of something on the island inhibiting abilities like these, didn't care too much honestly it wasn't like I needed to have my freakish powers in college unless I felt like cheating on exams constantly.
I stretched a bit nodding moving to the door holding it open for her shifting my tone of voice just a little bit with ease to seem just a tad more on the masculine edge of androgyny.
”After you Mary, Do hope they have something good here, it was a long trip after all, don't even remember how long it was.”
a smile crossed my face, I was happy to see she dressed pretty normally outside the dorm. It was comforting to see my roommate in something other than an open blouse and panties.


Tatiana Azevedo:


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Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:29 am
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Post Re: Opposites Meet (for Darwin)
"I suppose so." Mary replied as Darwin mentioned that the fact that both of them weren't normal was something in common between the two of them and a good start to their relationship as roommates. When Darwin moved to hold the door open for her Mary stopped for a moment before heading down the hallway and said "Who knows? We might...have other things in common. Only way to find out...would sit down and talk...sometime." She had started leading the way down the hallway but after hearing Darwin's question about whether or not they have good food Mary looked back and said "I'd say it's...better then average. Certainly better then...most you could get."

As the two made their way through the hallways down to the cafeteria they would see more and more people, alot of people were going to eat since classes were done for the day it seemed, and more then a few of them gave the pair curious looks even as Mary pushed open the door to the cafeteria. "Here we are. Let's get something...before it gets busier...then it already is."

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Sat Apr 30, 2011 5:24 am
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Post Re: Opposites Meet (for Darwin)
I was used to the looks we got though given the setting I had to wonder if the looks were more at me than at us. It was a nice calm walk beyond that and that was a welcome change to my usual routine. I took Mary's style of dress to assume she was wealthy and when wealthy people said the food was above average that usually meant it was better than I was used to. Especially better than free food should be then it probably wasn't entirely free given there were probably campus jobs for students like me.

We arrived and it was pretty crowded but, nothing I couldn't handle.
”yeah, much longer and there'll be no where to sit and talk huh? Have to work on the compromise, hopefully now before things get weirder than they have.”
I walked to the line, hearing mumbling as the line continued to form behind me, something about whether the guy in front of them was a teacher or one of their kids on visit or an investor of some sort. Not once did I hear anything about the possibility of me just being a girl in drag, I liked that, it meant I was doing my act well. I decided to have what looked to be a simple steak of some sort there was no bone. not too expensive a cut but, still steak was steak and a side salad was nice to be had too. I waited for Mary at a 'relatively' sparsely populated table.


Tatiana Azevedo:


Darwin And Tatiana are Available for play, PM if you're interested

Mon May 02, 2011 8:24 pm
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Post Re: Opposites Meet (for Darwin)
Mary only nodded at Darwin's comment as she followed the taller student into line while many more students were quickly lineing up behind the pair. Watching Darwin order she decided on the same, faking a sweet smile to go with her looks in order to get a prime cut of steak from the woman behind the counter along with a piece of a cake supposedly reserved for the teachers, moving down the line quickly to get her food before turning around to look for Darwin. Spotting the taller woman standing near a relatively less crowded table Mary nimbly made her way through the crowd to a spot across from Darwin and sat down. Waiting to start eating she looked to Darwin making sure she was seated, and wondering slightly if the other student would notice the difference in their meals, before quickly cutting into the prime cut and taking a bite.

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Wed May 04, 2011 2:26 am
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Post Re: Opposites Meet (for Darwin)
”better cut of meat and a piece of cake... you sure play the cute card well don't you now?”
playfully stuck out my tongue with that offering a bit of a wink before speaking low enough that only her and those right next to me could hear.
”Next time I'll show you what the prince charming card can do.”
I took my left hand brushing it over my forehead and through my hair with a suave flair to emphasis my point, and to help me the girl nearest me other than Mary blush faintly when I glanced to the side. could've sworn I saw something in my peripherals but there was nothing there. I laughed just a little bit more when I heard what the person was thinking against my will, it was kinda cute to know not everyone was gutter-minded.
”So about how you sleep... is there anyway I could get you to wear... something? Or a sleep under the covers or... I dunno... maybe we could make a partition or something... I hate to make you uncomfortable though. Maybe you have a better Idea because i'm just babbling now huh?”
half the table was whispering now, mostly wondering why the small girl across from me got to share a room with a guy in the first place, others wondering why I was here to begin with... so strange that they all assumed I was a guy attending an all girl's school when the school sounded to be so strict about the rules. Guess people always will assume the least logical thing first or whatever they want to believe is true.


Tatiana Azevedo:


Darwin And Tatiana are Available for play, PM if you're interested

Thu May 05, 2011 9:30 am
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Post Re: Opposites Meet (for Darwin)
"I suppose." she replied to Darwin as she showed her the same cute smile that she had shown the lady behind the counter before continuing "I mainly wanted the cake though...To be honest...I have quite the sweet tooth. It's probably since...I'm free to choose...what I want to eat now." She only nodded as Darwin offered to show her what her 'prince charming' card could do the next time they came to eat as she was quite curious as to how well her roommate could fool the people here and for how long. When Darwin brushed her left hand through her hair with a suave, masculine flair she spotted one of the girls near the two of them blushing slightly. Perhaps the girl was developing a crush on Darwin, Mary thought for a moment, before adding in her thoughts She'll only be disappointed in the end. How sad.

"As for the sleeping arrangements, I think...a partition would probably be best. I'd rather not I we could maybe...find one that opens and closes...and just use it for the nights. I would solve the problem quite well." Mary said to Darwin as she was clearly ignoring the whispers of the table around them as she finished the last few bites of her steak. Moving that plate to the side she pulled the plate with the cake in front of her and took a bite from it stopping for a moment with an 'MMM' as Darwin would notice the first honestly happy expression her face as she savored the sweet morsel.

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Thu May 05, 2011 9:53 am
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Post Re: Opposites Meet (for Darwin)
”Alright a closeable partition it is, or I could rig a curtain out of some bed sheets worst case scenario if they don't have anything like that.
I offered watching as she started on her piece of cake, she really did like sweets, something did strike me as odd though
”now? You mean you couldn't choose before? Your clothes look pretty costly though...
I was really curious now as I finished my own food pushing the tray aside to lean forward a little resting my chin against the back of my hand slightly.
”Unless it's too sensitive to talk about in public I mean, nothing wrong with that.”
I had a feeling though that it had something to do with her eye, Maybe she hadn't kept it a secret as I had kept most of my abilities and gender.
"we could also talk as we wander more too. I'm talking too much aren't I..."
I did that when i was over anxious or uncomfortable or just in a big crowd, especially since i didn't usually get along with other girls my age, I was a guy at heart and hung out with guys constantly something about other women just bugged me... probably just the way they dressed more often than not.


Tatiana Azevedo:


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Thu May 05, 2011 10:14 am
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Post Re: Opposites Meet (for Darwin)
She nodded at Darwin's suggestion as she quickly worked to finish off her piece of cake, only stopping when the other girl asked about what she had just said. Silently she watched Darwin for a few moments before she said "My clothes are costly. But...that has nothing to do with it really. And I'd rather not...go into such a Mainly because...depending on far into detail I could be a very long story." As an afterthought she added "And no you're not talking...too much." With that said she returned her attention to finishing off her last few bites of cake and pushing her plate to the side before asking "Well since we both...seem to be finished...where would you like to go next?"

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Thu May 05, 2011 12:35 pm
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Post Re: Opposites Meet (for Darwin)
I nodded faintly at that stretching slightly as I rose from my seat with a faint smile. I was glad she wasn't bothered too much by my talking at least.
”Well, if I remember right, there's a beach, a pool, a track and a gym somewhere around the school, wouldn't mind finding where those are for later and maybe the library.”
I didn't look entirely sure, one I didn't have any uniforms yet, they weren't going to show up for a couple of days I'd been told, some sort of shortage of my size. But then it dawned on me.
”Hey you know what, I picked the last place, lets go somewhere you want to go this time.”
I smiled sweetly to my room mate hoping she wouldn't take anything I was saying wrong, I was honestly just trying to be polite and I hoped succeeding, mary was different from most girl's i'd ever spent more than five minutes with, she wasn't really fooled by my clothes, demeanor or voice in the slightest, I couldn't rely on my male persona to handle the interaction.


Tatiana Azevedo:


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Thu May 05, 2011 1:39 pm
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Post Re: Opposites Meet (for Darwin)
Mary rose from her seat as Darwin did listening quietly to the places she'd like to visit before saying "Well we can get to all of them eventually. Maybe not all today...but eventually." When Darwin spoke again, offering to let her pick the next place that they should visit, she smiled a bit and said "Well the only place in that list I actually the library. Not the on your list but....they have quite the collection of books. Shall we head there?" She looked to Darwin not moving yet as to make sure her choice also worked for her roommate.

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Fri May 06, 2011 2:43 pm
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Post Re: Opposites Meet (for Darwin)
"Library sounds good to me, will need it sooner or later and they probably have some interesting books anyway. it's always nice to get away from reality for a few minutes."
I stood with a smile to my roommate dusting off my slacks a little out of habit more than anything. the smile was a slightly playful flirty smile that fit the persona well. it was part of the act, i hated to trick girls with it but i also was really uncomfortable in my own skin, and by skin i mean gender. really i was a little jealous of how mary and other girls could so easily and confidently wear beautiful dresses but, that's neither here nor there.
"after you?"


Tatiana Azevedo:


Darwin And Tatiana are Available for play, PM if you're interested

Fri May 06, 2011 8:15 pm
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Post Re: Opposites Meet (for Darwin)
"Most likely. For schoolwork and studying is what most people go there for but I tend to spend most of my free time reading so I visit more then most. To escape from reality as you said..." She told Darwin taking no meaning behind the smile on the other girls face, easily able to tell that it too was only an addition to her male persona to make fooling the other girls easier. When Darwin moved aside to allow her to lead she quickly headed out of the cafeteria briskly leading them through the campus towards the library only stopping every so often to give short explanations about the less intresting areas of the campus and buildings. And soon enough they arrived at the library, pushing the doors open she walked in and said "Well here we's quite large isn't it?"

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Sun May 08, 2011 2:32 am
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Post Re: Opposites Meet (for Darwin)
I understood perfectly why someone would want to escape. I did it constantly in one way or another. I listened politely when she talked about some of the boring parts of campus. I really didn't mind at all it was nice to have someone a girl talking without swooning to me.
The library was gorgeous in every way I nodded when she commented about it's size.
”This is fantastic! I'll never be board here will I?”
I was obvious ahappy to see it wasn't what I was used to, those tiny libraries with most of their books missing. A change of pace was always good as far as I was concerned.
”So should we look around or keep going on the tour? Up to you of course.”


Tatiana Azevedo:


Darwin And Tatiana are Available for play, PM if you're interested

Sun May 08, 2011 7:10 pm
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