Shokushu High School

12 angry women (For Iruma)
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Author:  Alice [ Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 12 angry women (For Iruma)

I moved to my drawer and pulled out an electric kettle and filled it with a few bottles of water and getting a few simple glasses. My stash of oolong was down to it's last four or five glasses worth of ingredients. I poured the heated water and filled my tea ballers wiith the contents of a ziplock and placed them in the water.

"t...they haven't attacked you every day you've been at this school have they?"

I asked cautiously as the tea steeped slowly my gaze down to the floor. the other 15 in my head were all muling about what it was like and what the possibilities were for these... things and about a million other different things many involving my own virginity.

Author:  Iruma [ Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 12 angry women (For Iruma)

"Just about. I've managed to get through today unscathed though." she told Alice as she had turned the drawer, pulling out the things she needed to make the tea. "If one of them manages to get you, you can't let whatever they do get to you. With four years here we would both lose it if we let them bother us." she said to Alice, trying to sound supportive as she knew it would likely happen eventually no matter what advice she gave her.

Author:  Alice [ Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 12 angry women (For Iruma)

"Well with fifteen people in here I'm certain if I was capable of losing my mind, I would have lost it by now. thank you for the advice though."

"Are you sure you're alright with just the tea? We have some scones too."

I blinked at this new voice, I didn't even know this one I sighed softly to myself shaking my head as I removed the steeping ingredients making sure to empty the mesh spheres into a small paper bag.

"Well make that seventeen of us in here..."
"Patricia pleasure to meet you all. anything I can get you all?"
"Can you let me out of this cage patricia dear?"

fifteen voices at once rang out rather forcefully

of course I was lucky enough that this new voice listened to the fifteen of us rather lust which was just enough to make me sigh and sip from my tea.

Author:  Iruma [ Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 12 angry women (For Iruma)

"I guess that's true." she said, thinking of how each of those residing in her mind would react to when it finally happened. "No need to thank me. Perhaps with my warning you may be able to be cautious enough that it never happens to you, and that would be enough for me."

Another voice joined the conversation as Alice put the finishing touches on the tea, removing the steeping ingredients and placing them into a small paper bag. She noticed that Alice seemed surprised at this new voice and asked, "You found another one?"

Not waiting for an anwser she took the offered teacup and began to sip it slowly.

Author:  Alice [ Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 12 angry women (For Iruma)

"Afraid I did find a new one, it happens from time to time, usually when I hear something that makes me feel a strong emotion of some sort. "

I shrugged faintly to myself brushing my neck off a small bit as I took a long sip from my glass of tea. I hummed to myself nodding faintly.

"From what you say not sure if there is a way to avoid it but, perhaps there is. I'll be careful anyway... I wonder if Asao knows about them..."

I muttered the last part weakly.

"Oh sorry, Asao is my roommate, she's out right now."

I looked to the floow and took a seat on Asao's bed looking to Iruma.

"What do you normally do around the island might I ask? oh and the uniform what does that look like?"

Author:  Iruma [ Sat Dec 12, 2009 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 12 angry women (For Iruma)

"Anything is possible. But the monsters are sneaky and quite powerful, plus one of them told me that there is some sort of inhibitors on the island that keeps the girls weak." she told Alice. "A roommate huh? That sounds nice. But you should probably tell her about some of this stuff when she comes back cause if she didn't tell you I doubt she knew herself."

"What do I do normally? Go to class, read, exercise, and steal, as you obviously knew already. As to the uniform I doubt you'll like it, Most of them are multiple sizes too small. I bet they do that so it gives the monsters something more to look at."

Author:  Alice [ Sat Dec 12, 2009 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 12 angry women (For Iruma)

the idea of a uniform with a skirt being sizes too small made me shiver gently. "That's horrific... you mean they'd probably give me a B cup bra for my uniform??? and a skirt that short?!"

I held my hand next to my upper thigh about an inch from where my panties would show if I were wearing a skirt.

"Would I even be able to close my blouse?!"

I huffed and took a guzzle from my tea shivering and gritting my teeth placing it down calmly before shivering.

"Well there is at least a positive, if the school's thieves are polite I assume most of the other girls are too... and I don't really have to deal with me... human men anyway."

"Would you like to go exploring the island some time? look over the scenary since we're going to be stuck here. maybe find a nice place to visit for lunches now and then?"

Author:  Iruma [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 12 angry women (For Iruma)

"I can't be really sure." she responded as Alice gestured to the possible length of the school's skirts. "I'd say it will depend on your luck. What they give you might almost fit. Or it might be short enough so that you can't bend over without flashing your panties." She shrugged as Alice seemed to be overreacting slighty and said "I'm sure you'll be able to close it. Will probably be tight though."

She nodded at Alice's next comment saying "They are for the most part. You might run into a few that are too horny for their own good though."

She managed a smile at Alice's question, responding with "Sure. It might be nice to go out and hopefully not get attacked."

Author:  Alice [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 12 angry women (For Iruma)

Finishing my tea I would smile to my new thief of a friend.

"Alright then it's settled."

I offered a nod standing and stretching a little bit as my more fun persona took over since I was a bit tired of just sitting and chatting at random.

"So Iruma, lets go do something fun! a nice game or something, cards maybe?"

"Strip poker?"

"No cards... alright no games, she'll try to turn any game into sex somehow soooo how about we go have something to snack on from the cafeteria? and then... uhmmm... damn I can't think of anything and I'm the damn aspect of playfulness!

Author:  Iruma [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 12 angry women (For Iruma)

Iruma finished her tea just moments after Alice, setting the cup aside and watching as Alice stood up and stretched. "We can go get something to eat. I'd like to change first though." She clearly was unfazed by Alice's shifting mind now having decided that it would only serve to make things more interesting since it was impossible to know when she would change again. She laughed slightly before adding "Should probably put on something more normal looking."

Author:  Alice [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 12 angry women (For Iruma)

"good point."

Nessy smiled offering a wink and a bit of a quick somewhat tomboyish walk to my closet. she gathered a set of clothes for me and threw it on before closing the closet, the outfit, was nessy's fav. jeans a tee and a sleeveless along with a fitted cap.

"Normal looking wouldn't be tighter and more revealing would it? oh and Nessy, dear... could you at least dress like a girl once in your life?"

"shove it lust... we're going out of the room so shut it we're alice, I'm the current voice, keep it silent alright guys?"

We agreed and Nessy moved to the door gesturing out.

"AAfter you Iruma."

Author:  Iruma [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 12 angry women (For Iruma)

Iruma watched as Nessy moved over to the closet, throwing on a pair of a jeans and a t-shirt before moving to the door and gesturing out saying "After you Iruma." Standing up she led the way out of Alice's room, quickly moving through the hallways to her room. At her lonely room, she pushed the door open saying "This is my room. Not much to look at really."

She went straight in towards the closet not bothering to close the door as she stripped down to her panties, a black lacy pair that hardly covered her round ass, and grabbing the borrowed shirt she threw it to Alice saying "Thanks for letting me borrow that." She turned back towards the closet, pulling out a black tanktop and slipping it over her bare chest and then grabbing a pair of jeans and pulling them on. She turned back towards Alice saying "All done. Ready to go?"

Author:  Alice [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 12 angry women (For Iruma)

Nessy was... she was staring at Iruma undressing?! Well this was kinda interesting. seemed we each had our own libedo and sexual preference. It was just that lust thought anything with two legs and genitals of some sort was hot. that was going to get confusing...

"Huh? what... oh uhm... yeah... ready as were ever going to be..."

Nessy was stammering and blushing... well that could turn out badly.

Author:  Iruma [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 12 angry women (For Iruma)

"Did I embarass you?" she asked as she looked at Nessy after the stammering reply. "I'm sorry, If I knew it would effect you that much I would have shut the door." she told her, before joining Nessy back out in the hallway. She shut the door before saying "Alright. Let's go."

Author:  Alice [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 12 angry women (For Iruma)

"alright, so lets go..."
Nessy smiled to Iruma nervously shaking her head faintly.

"Just a little really. I'm just. well I usually don't see that much of people it's new on me."

She laughed a bit as she walked out the door swallowing softly. She decided to try her best to mask things for now.

"I suddenly understand what jaz always seems to want to 'play' with people..."

"You're joking..."

"Nessy are you alright?"

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