Shokushu High School

The other Woman (Pia)
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Author:  PiaM. [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The other Woman (Pia)

"Sooory.." Pia said. "Didn't mean to discomfort you.."
Still holding on to Cala's arm, she laid her cheek on her shoulder, just a little more closeness to suck up before time tore them apart again.
"If it is any consolation, I know how you feel.. I mean it is something about missing you, and being in class, hearing the professor droning on and on and on.. and then my mind is back in the bed in your room.."

"Speaking of classes..", Pia did not want to continue, did not want to acknowledge that time was moving, but she knew they ought to start moving now, while they still had time. Better not to say so, though. Better to just walk side by side and not talk of goodbye before it needed to be said.

Author:  CMS [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The other Woman (Pia)

glancing at the clock on the wall and getting upset with the way time had slipped on past she took up her lovers hand. There never was enough time. She hated that.

"Your right, we need to go before we get in trouble with demerits." they both knew what that meant and keeping Pia out of any trouble was a priority with cala.

"I will miss you" a final kiss till lunch, then a little longer session between them. This was what her life had become.

Author:  PiaM. [ Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The other Woman (Pia)

And I miss you too! I miss, miss, miss, miss you!

Pia had begun to recognize ups and downs of her own emotional roller coaster by now. First class would be relatively easy. She could still feel the glow of Cala on her. Cala's scent, Cala's smile.. Yeah, all those lovestruck clichés, that only become clichés because they are so true..

Lunch. Lunch was great. The lunchtimes was when they were together for a longer period, when the excitement of 'hello' did not immediately yield to 'goodbye'.
And then maybe, when schedules allowed, a few brief meetings after that. Pia did not pay much attention during those classes, her mind pre-occupied with longing, desire, dread..

Then came the time afterwards. Those were the lonely hours.. But maybe today would be better. Cala's surprise and delight had warmed Pia's heart. Without Pia quite realizing it herself, the gifts had also been tests. Now Pia knew that Cala still trusted her, and wanted her to be a part of her life.

Author:  CMS [ Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The other Woman (Pia)

life was not like that. A moment in the sun, were the moon stars and planets aligned for just that moment. A moment one would run over and over in thier mind during yet another nonsensical lecture.

The way blonde hair shimmered in the light. The smell of her perfume. The sparkle within those blue eyes. And the gifts. She spun the card in her fingers, over and over feeling it in them and all it symbolized.

By the time the bell rang she had her books packed and was almost running for the door. She wanted her, wanted what they had been missing even if she came back to her mistress smelling of another woman. While it might not happen she could always hope.

with that she moved as quickly as possible for lunch and more.

Author:  PiaM. [ Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The other Woman (Pia)

A lightining bolt with white sneakers and glasses, Pia was first out of the auditorium. She did not even take the time to put her notepad into her bag first, but rather showed it into it as she half, walked, half ran to meet Cala. Every minute saved was a minute more with Cala.

It was not long before the two met. Cala seemed to have been in a hurry herself.

"Missed you!", she beamed, and hurriedly slid her arm under Cala's. "Want to eat in the cafeteria, or shall we grab a bite outside? I have some sandwiches.."

Author:  CMS [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The other Woman (Pia)

The breath was nearly knocked form my lungs by the blonde bolt that jumped into me arms. I kissed her as she spoke. A warm hug of need and desires kept away for far too long. That was our life all in one package. It was times like this I resented my mistress just a little. It was times like this dangerous thought entered my mind. Thought I did not think Pia would accept…not yet….

“Missed you too” I kissed those pouty lips, let my tongue wander into her mouth not caring who might see us. Then all to quickly broke the contact with a smirk on my mouth and fire dancing in my eyes. “let’s see cafeteria full of people and mediocre food” ever since I had started cooking real food I had learned just how poor the fare was in the cafeteria, “or a secluded picnic with my true love? Hmmm let me think about this”

There had to be a jab coming soon as my hand curled around her bottom and drew her close. I wanted her, my body was practically tingling from head to toe. It was all I could do to not rip her uniform off as she stood next to me. I had a key card to the very special sanctuary. Number swirled through my head…a run, clothes off…shower…in the shower 10 minutes for us. A lovely 10 minutes…dry, clothes on…run…class. We might get a bit in there. Shit…I needed the exercise anyway.

“Someone gave me a key card to a nice little secluded place. A place with warm running water that if we left now we could have 10 minutes naked together in a shower” eyebrow up, eyes glinting. It was not how I would have liked it, and if she said no I could not blame her much. It sort of felt like we were sneaking around like in some adulterous affair----.

Author:  PiaM. [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The other Woman (Pia)

Pia's brain blanked out as Cala kissed her. It was a deep, sensual, greedy kiss full of want, not just a affectionate peck during stolen minutes. It was enough to make Pia forget place, forget time and completely ignore the two students passing by giggling and whispering remarks.

It was like her brain switched off all intellect just to consentrate on the details, of tongue meeting tongue, the texture of lips, the feeling of being close. The rest of the world was gone for a second, and left where only Cala and Pia, somehow hyper real, glowing.

"Uh..uh-uh?" Pia said catching her breath after Cala broke contact. She had said something. Shower. Secluded place. Ten minutes. Naked!


Pia blushed, but not purely from embarrassment. Her whole being wanted more of Cala, and protested the kiss ending.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, there was in idea that this was not right, that pride, if nothing else, should demand that she should not accept a few minutes of stolen passion, that she should somehow wait until this was all over, until Cala was once again hers.

That idea could, in Pia's frank opinion, fuck off and die.

Pia knew she could not live on a diet of memories, doubt and future possibilities alone. And apparently, neither could Cala. They needed something right now.

"OK.", she said nodding, looking at Cala with wide earnest eyes.

Author:  CMS [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The other Woman (Pia)

Butterflies tickled my insides; a wonderful tingling sensation that leaped from my belly and left my hormones in complete control. Hand in hand we went. A mad dash of giggling school girls bent on mischief and misbehaving.

My mind was no longer functioning in any higher form. Instinct drove me, like a bee to a flower, I think I lost my panties in the elevator and was no longer sure it was me and Pia that had pulled them free, not that it mattered.

If boys were on campus they might have openly stared with wide eyes as we excited the lift in a tangle of limbs and accessories. A wild ride that ended at her door with a struggle to just get the key card inserted in the right slot, sort of like my first boyfriend, a frenzy of action as we sought the union of pipe and socket. At least I did not have that problem with Pia.

I drank in her eyes and then they were a blur of blue and pale skin. Water hissed and clothes flew. My back hit the shower stall, and my heart barely skipped a beat and cold water beat down upon the fire that was my body. White and black, black on white, at least with us you could tell were one ended and one began in a physical sense, but at the metaphysical level we were one. A one that could not be broken

“Oh fuck yes” water cascaded down my body and so did she.

Author:  PiaM. [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The other Woman (Pia)

It was the fastest Pia had ever covered that particular distance, and with clumsy foreplay and feverish groping thrown into the mix, it was downright impressive.

There was "welcome to my room" or "sorry about the clutter". It was just a giggling, horny and exited haze, and they were in the tiny shower, discarded clothes on the floor, Pia's body pinning Cala to the wall.

In her mind, Pia had imagined their next tryst as slower, more tender, two separated lovers slowly becoming one. This was rawer, more intense. Love, lust, need, happiness and desperation. It was all mingled and Pia did not care to find out what was what.

Cupping Cala's face in her hands, Pia leaned in and kissed her. Deep, hungry kisses, like she wanted to devour her and keep her inside her forever. Just like their lips were meeting, their bodies, getting wetter were meeting, breast against breast, belly against belly.

Pia moved lower, making little senseless half-words as she did so. She kissed Cala's neck, her shoulders, her chest. Soon she was at the level of Cala's breasts. She let her hands cup them, feeling their weight and softness. They were dark against her own skin, color emphasized by rivulets of water.
"I.. I just need you.. Wherever you want my head, just grab my hair and put it there."

She slid one hand in between Cala's back and the wall. She moved it down, feeling the curves of her ass. The other hand she let move upwards, stroking a firm t$igh.

Author:  CMS [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The other Woman (Pia)

Was it her innocent exuberance that made my heart beat faster as she pinned me to the between her soft seeking mouth and the hard wet wall? Or was it that my hunger was matched only by her own? As I stood with the water beating down upon me it really did not matter in the least.

What mattered was we were together in carnal driven lust. And that Pia the sweet thing she was had her own head in my hands and was hungrily working down my body inch by inch. Across an undulating stomach those lips went. Lower…till I wanted to cry out in something more that the muffled mews that left my clenched lips. My own hands curled within the wet blond silk of her hair.

I did not however direct. She made her own road down my water drenched skin till I could hook one leg over her shoulder in a silly effort to pull her ever closer to me. Breath hissed through my teeth as her lips touched me. A gasp as her tongue flicked across my pearl. A shudder that left my knee weak and wobbly. I had no chance against the tongue and my own lusts. My time with Pia too short and too little so my body seemed to make the most of it as heat not only flared inside but roared into existence with but a spark.

It was as if my body was hers and she had instantly crashed every barrier one might erect against pleasure. I was pleasure, I was happiness, I was two hearts as one, driven to the very edge and then tossed over the cliff without a care in the world.

No sooner than I felt the finger within I had seized it. A long hard clench of muscle that left me gasping, crying, and moaning all at the same time. Her tongue worked over my pearl, brought me to life as my back slide downwards along the wall till I hung by one leg over her shoulder with my head back and screaming into the falling water.

Anticipation…met and captured.

Author:  PiaM. [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The other Woman (Pia)

Water was raining down on Pia's head, soaking her hair, running down her skin, mingling with the moistness of her tongue, the salty wetness of Cala.

She wanted to devour Cala, fuck her like a beast, eat her like a wolf and simultaneously melt into her, become one with her forever. Only a little time was given them, time vanishing minute by minute. It made all so much urgent, made very sensation so much more potent. Cala's muscular legs resting on her shoulders, a welcome weight. Every pore of her skin..

Pia forced her tongue onto the eager clit with as much force she dared, lapping with increasing speed. Her fingers wiggled their way inside the tight womanhood, probing and exploring each fold and crease.

Somewhere in the process, she almost slipped on the wet floor. Her knee slammed into the tiles, but Pia did not cease in her task, barely registered the pain. Would it hurt later? She did not know, her only care was to bring Cala to the point of sweet exctasy.

Let me give her this! Oh please! Let me give her this!

Author:  CMS [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The other Woman (Pia)

Rapture it was. Maybe even to much so for as the ache subsided a new hurt intruded. That hurt that comes from thinking you have just used someone that you love. A hurt of the heart because you want to be able to stay with them and have only minutes. A dull ache in the middle of your chest.

Pulling her up, guiding her to my lips I kissed her deep, tried to push my own ache down with that kiss and light her fire. She deserved better than me. Deserved so much more with her thoughtful and unselfish gifts. I had so little I could give her, so very little.

Turning us both I sank to my knees before her leaving a trail of kisses along her wet skin on the way down. A long trail that should have been developed over a longer time, but time was precious and there never was enough of it. Only until my mouth was upon her flower did my own emotional blue give way to red and yellow.

Fire, warm and pure burst across my lips. A living breathing thing that danced before me. Mesmerized I did what I could for her, for us, and for our future. God I loved this woman.

Author:  PiaM. [ Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The other Woman (Pia)

For a split second, Pia was almost dissapointed to be pulled to her feet. She wanted to kneel before Cala forever, to pleasure her. She wanted to make it a gift, something that said word were not neded to tell, something that time and circumstances did not allow her to express in other ways.

But a split second only. Cala's face close to her, lips parted as she came closer, it was enough to wrap Pia in desire and anticipation even before their lips met. The kiss was followed by more, moving down her body, heading towards her waiting blossom. Need, accumulated by weeks, now to be fullfilled nearly overpowered her. Pia drew in breath, a sharp, hungry sound.

Now she was against the wall, leaning on hard tiles for support as Cala pleasured her. She put her hands on her lovers head, the feel of wet hair between her fingers suddenly erotic in itself. How long had she wanted this, how much had she desired this? Her need was so strong, and her love's tending so skillfull.. It took little effort to bring her to the heights of pleasure.

Water ran into Pia's open mouth as she moaned her lover's name.

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