Shokushu High School

Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)
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Author:  TehMorganator [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

"Beconroni party!" Midnight yells, producing a kilogram of bacon from the unfathomable depths of her bag.

Author:  Rhaine Fischer [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

Rhaine smirks and shakes her head a little she turns towards Dani. “Do you mind bacon? We can do half bacon and half something else if you like.”

Author:  dragonbone79 [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

"Pepperoni and bacon," Dani said with a grin. "Yummy."

Author:  dragonbone79 [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

(Geez I wish you guys would wait for me.)

Author:  Rhaine Fischer [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

“We can even do several smaller ones too instea of one larger one.” Rhaine smiles. She isn't much of a cock put she's adequate. There's flour on her nose and her cheek. The dough she's mixing is still lumpy and she does her best with it before handing it too Dani. “Could you smooth this out for me?

“Midnight I want you to roll this dough out with that rolling pin?
Dani, where's the cutting board? It wasn't where it usual is and I saw you with it last. Must not have looked too hard for it ...” she blushes. Look at her taking charge! A rarity for certain but from time to time Dani had realized that she could get quite assertive.

(sorry, was just dropping in those quick posts in response to something minor. How bout we keep it Dani-Rhaine-Midnight from now on?)

Author:  TehMorganator [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

Midnight rolls the dough, as instructed. "I think we should make some cupcakes too. What do you guys think?"

Author:  dragonbone79 [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

"I think I'd end up burning those cupcakes," Dani said with a giggle as she began smoothing and balling the dough. By the time she was done, there were three seperate balls of dough waiting to be made into a personal pizza.

Author:  TehMorganator [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

"Come on", Midnight says. "Making cupcakes is easy!" She produces a speaker, and turns it on. Before anyone can mutter "what?" She's singing in a high falsetto. A slightly quirky song about, predictably, making cupcakes. Neither Rhaine nor Dani knew it, but Midnight had, in fact downloaded the instrumental for the song and suggested making cupcakes for the sole purpose of singing it.

((Ooc:10 points to you if you know the song I mean))

Author:  Rhaine Fischer [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

(not familiar with it but I know the Banana Song :lol:)

“I don't burn cup cakes but I have the trouble of the cupcakes sticking to the pan and falling apart when you try to get them out of the tin. I'm a passable cook. I can get the proportions right on the ingredients but actually cooking times mess me up a little.” She explains as she begins sorting out all their ingredients into separate bowls.

Author:  dragonbone79 [ Mon Mar 25, 2013 4:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

(Ooh I know this! *gets ten points* Want me to post the video?)
Dani giggled as she heard the song. "Well we can have the cupcakes after we eat," she said.

Author:  TehMorganator [ Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

"Dani, you know this one, you win one metric internet. Now you two duet! See what I did there? Do it, duet?" Midnight stands, arms wide, waiting for a response. When none occurs, she sighs, makes a cricket chirping noise, and continues rolling the dough. "Tough crowd".

((Ooc:Forgot to mention in her character profile, but under 'Magic', she also has the magic power of really, really bad puns.))

Author:  Rhaine Fischer [ Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

“I don't know the song,” Rhaine responds with a bit of a laugh as she finishes diving up ingredients to get at them better. She wonders about the sauce though and ponders if a brush or wooden spoon would be better. She ends up going with the larger wooden spoon getting that out as she brings it over and looks at the progress of her two compatriots.

“Looking good. Alright I have everything portioned out so we can pick and choose and not make the m back pizzas either.”

Author:  dragonbone79 [ Mon Mar 25, 2013 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

( that as "mayback" and thought of ghetto spongebob lol. *half-asleep/just woke up*)
Danielle stretched, yawning slightly. "Okay let's finish so we can pop these babies into the oven," she said.

Author:  TehMorganator [ Mon Mar 25, 2013 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

Midnight holds out the oven gloves. "I'm legally required not to handle ovens. Would someone else do it, please?"

Author:  Rhaine Fischer [ Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions (for Midnight and Dani)

“Oh? And whyis that?” Rhaine asks as she takes the oven mitts from Modnight.

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