Shokushu High School

The Odd Couple (Kanoe)
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Author:  Zoe Lewis [ Sun Nov 18, 2007 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  The Odd Couple (Kanoe)

Zoë Lewis was not the type to complain. If there had been a pageant called Miss Accommodating, she would be a shoe-in, no question.

So when she had returned from class that evening to find all her luggage and belongings in the hall, along with a note stating that her room had been scheduled for renovating and she was to proceed to the room number indicated below and take up residence there, the petite songbird did not get upset. No, not her. Her feet were killing her, her chest was aching from not being milked all day, and her thighs were sore for a reason she couldn’t/wouldn’t quite remember and all she wanted to do was lay down and rest. But she took this interruption stride. Because that was just the kind of girl she was.


Zoë shook her head, banishing the whispered thought. By the time she started gathering her bags, she had already forgotten it. It took several trips -- she had a lot of bags, plus her lap top, plus her breast pump -- but soon enough her bags were now pilled out in front of her new dorm room as opposed to her old one. Opening the door with the keys included with the note, she let herself in. And immediately froze in her tracks.

It was dark in the room, darker than Zoë would have liked anyway, the fading sulight of the day prevented from entering the room from the widow by a heavy curtain. It was obvious that someone had already taken up residence in half of the room, and indicated by the unmade bed on one side of the room. There was two heavy looking text books on the mattress of the bed, one opend one closed… and Zoë did a double take at the close book. There was a large pentacle in the cover, outlined and raised in silver.

Taking a few more steps into the room, she noted the table in the middle of the room and the simple desk on the roommate side were covered with flask and vials, an few containing powered and liquids. There was chalice on the make-sift altar on the center table, sitting next to a hammer and pistal that had doubtlessly been used to grind some the powers she was seeing.

“Well,” Zoë said to herself after a moment. “At least I don’t have to worry about her getting upset if I leave my breast pump out.”

With that, Zoë began to move her things in from the hall, taking great lengths not to disturbed her new roommates things as she made her way to the opposite, un used side of the room. Once she was done she sung the door closed behind, but didn’t notice when it failed to close fully, leaving a slight crack.

Zoë sighed wearily. Now she would have to unpack, and she didn’t really feel like messing with that right now. Slipping of her shoes she began to unbutton her top. She needed to express milk now, less her boobs explode. And exaggeration, sure , but right now they were killing her.

She had just gotten all the buttons undone and was about to open the fromnt cups of her bra when she realized. She had no idea which bag they had shoved her pump into! “Eep!” she squealed, and began to rummaged through her various bags looking for the pump.

She was so wrapped up in that she didn’t even notice her roommate return home as she was bent over at the waist, rummaging through bags, her shirt hanging open…

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun Nov 18, 2007 3:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Kanoe constantly tugs and pulls at her school uniform as she walks down the hallway in the dorm. While her last room was investigated, the school staff took the liberty of confiscating all her black and red uniforms and replacing them with the standard issue of Shokushu. Of course the uniforms were too small! During class, she could feel eyes upon her when she had to bend down and pick something up, revealing white undergarments. The young witch thought she would scream and torch the classroom but knew it would only lead to a more embarassing torture. Despite there being no one else in the hall, she was still very self concious about her skirt, doing her best to make it cover more of her pale thighs. Her breasts strain against the buttons of her blouse, threatening to pop with each breath. She was thankful that her top at least covered that much.

The young student stops in her tracks as she notices her door was open a crack. About every horrible scenario ran through her mind all at once. Was another monster waiting for her? Though if it was a monster, this one was a bit sloppy or extremely devious. An inspection? The thought of the school staff searching her new room made her skin almost bleach white. She would rather deal with monsters than find out what they do to people with stolen books from restricted areas. What was she doing? Standing here quivering in fear. It's pathetic. No matter the situation, she has no real choice but to go in alone as usual.

Pushing the door open, her eyes widen to a sight she was not really prepared for. A partially undressed woman scrambling through her luggage. The breasts of her petite form bounced and swayed freely through her open shirt. Kanoe was unsure what she was looking for. Stepping into the room, she slams the door behind her to get the girl's attention.

"And you are?" She asks calmly.

Kanoe resists the urge to tug at her uniform as she maintains her composure. Her arms cross beneath her breasts. A motion she immediately regretted as she felt her large orbs push against her white blouse. The buttons held but slight openings could be seen between them, revealing pale flesh and part of her white bra. Her eyes narrow slightly as she gazes at the girl. Trotting around a room nearly topless, seems like alot of girls in the school are like this. It's no wonder monsters just assume their prey are sex crazed whores.

Author:  Zoe Lewis [ Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

The slamming of the door archived exactly the right response.

Zoe gasped in alarm, a memory half burred in her mind rushing to the fore. A nightmarish mix of terror and mind-numbing ecstasy that had begun with the slamming of a door. She stood up to her full height (all five feet of it) at once, and spun around, pulling her blouse closed with her hands in the same moment. Her brown eyes wide, she took in a breath to scream --

-- until she realized that the person she was looking at was another student, not a – a – What? What had she been expecting? The look on her face went from terror to confusion in an instant. She shook her head, trying to clear it, to focus. To not stare at the taller girls long legs, deliciously bare due to the scandalously short skirt they made them wear, not not notice the slight openings in her blouse...

Zoe shook her head again. “Stop it, damn you, Jane. Stop.” she mumbled under breath.

In a more conversational tone she manged to squeak out a nervous, “Hi,” feeling her cheeks grow warm from being caught so out of sorts. “Um.. I'm Zoe. Ah, Zoe Lewis. And I'm guessing this is your room, huh? I mean, unless you have the habit of entering random rooms just to spy on girls who are getting changed.” She had meant that to sound like a joke, but it sounded a lot funnier in her head than it did on her lips. “Not that I think you're some kind of Peeping Jane or anything,” she added quickly, feeling her blush grow deeper, warmer. “I mean, just because you have all this occult stuff doesn't make you a weirdo or anything. Not that I have any reason to think it would. Its just that.--”

Zoe chose that moment to shut up, perhaps the wisest thing she had done in the last half hour. After a moment pause, she tried again. “I'm Zoe, your new roommate. Please don't hold that rambling brain fart I just had against me, kay?”

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

The student was really small, she almost mistaked her for a young girl. But, that cannot be true since she is attending college. The little woman looked ready to scream, like she thought Kanoe was someone else. The witch was thankful that she decided against it, that would just annoy her. She really hopes this girl was not the easily frightened type. Though, on this island, there are much bigger things to be afraid of than a fledgling witch. Come to think of it, a screamer may be a good alarm for when monsters come to her room. Yes, when not if, she knew it would happen again. She seems to have that sort of luck.

Kanoe blinks for a moment, thinking she just saw the girl mumble something but it was too dim to see. The girl's voice matched her size, squeaking with innocence. One could consider the girl rather cute and shy as the student seems to stumble and ramble out words to answer the witch's question. A slight raise of an eyebrow shows that the woman did not really catch the joke. She was never really one to laugh about anything. Kanoe frowns slightly as the girl kept going. She was not particualarly fond of the mixture of accusations or jokes that seem to leave the petite girl's lips. Her mouth was just about to open to tell her to be silent when the girl did it for her.

The girl named Zoe actually did something right and collected herself and gave a proper introduction or mostly proper. Kanoe lets her arms fall to her sides as she sighs. She wasn't quite sure if she had a headache just yet. The woman takes a moment to brush a loose strand of long black hair back behind her ear. The rest of her raven black hair was tied in one long braid going down to her rear with a silver clasp on the end. Well there was no point in complaining yet though she was just about set to judge this book by her cover or lack there of.

"Kanoe...seems you are already making yourself at home, Zoe," She replies calmly.

She really wanted to change into her comfortable loose fitting robes. But, she usually changes right in the bedroom, just as Zoe was doing when she walked in. This was her first time ever sharing a room with someone, she was not sure how to react exactly.

Author:  Zoe Lewis [ Sun Nov 18, 2007 7:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Zoë didn’t need to be empathic to sense the growing annoyance building in Kanoe, but it certainly helped. "I-I didnt think you would mind..." she said defensively. "The -ah- school pretty much booted me out of my old room without so much a note of warning. Something about renovations." She rolled her eyes. "As if they were in any danger of running out of space here. In any event, the letter the finally did get to me after the fact said I should move in here..." She looked over at her bags, most of the open and disheveled in her fruitless quest for her breast pump. "I have it around her somewhere..."

Zoë tried to shift though her nearest bag with one hand, and buttoning her blouse closed with the other. She wasn’t able to either very well as it turned out: she didn’t find the paper and she missed buttoned a few buttons, causing her blouse to look all miss-matched.

"Um, I should be able to find it after I'm finished unpacking,” she said lamely, feeling more foolish with each passing second. She bit her lower lip, the pressure in her chest was proving as distracting as it was painful. "In-in the man time, maybe we could agree on some, you know, ground rules for sharing the room? Its always best to get such things out of the way as soon as possible. I mean I lived alone till now, and I’m guessing you have to, so were probably used to doing thins a certain way with complete privacy. Living with someone might require… ah… certain adjustments.?”

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun Nov 18, 2007 7:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

"I see," She says softly, "Was just a bit...shocking to find another person here."

Nearly topless, she added mentally. Kanoe walks over to her bed and begins closing books and stacking them on the table. The girl seemed normal enough, though that can be a bad thing as well. She hopes the girl did not look at her books too much, last thing she needed is someone telling the wrong people about what books she has in her possession. The witch was half listening to Zoe's explanation as she cleans up her vials and other supplies. From the sounds of it, the young girl was still searching for something.

She blinks when she turns to face Zoe again and finds her blouse all disheveled in an attempt to look presentable. Whatever, it did not concern her. But, the next topic did. It was bound to come up sooner or later. House rules were not something she was exactly looking forward to talking about. She was not sure what rules she really cared about enforcing. Kanoe did not exactly know if this girl had any habits that will bother her yet. Herself on the other hand, something tells her that she will have rules enforced on her particular studies.

"Fine," She sighs, "Since you mentioned it, do you have rules you wish to set?"

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