Shokushu High School

Not Making Friends (for Kanoe)
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Author:  Janita [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:34 am ]
Post subject:  Not Making Friends (for Kanoe)

Janita ran her finger along the spines of the dusty books in the library, confirming what she already knew. She scowled. The book she needed was NOT here. Someone had already checked it out!

"Well," she said to herself in her crisp British accent, "That is unacceptable."

With a few quick taps on the computer, Janita was able to identify the person who had checked out the book. And with a few more (mildly rule-breaking) taps, she knew where that person lived.

Stomping out of the library with a purpose, Janita headed to the dorm room where the girl lived. The girl who had HER book! She needed it desperately, after all the terrible things that had happened in the past few weeks...she needed the mystical knowledge that the book contained.

Reaching the proper dorm room, Janita pounded on the door as loudly as her small frame would allow. "Hello?" she demanded curtly. "Is anyone in there?"

Author:  Kanoe [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Kanoe was rather shocked to find a book of magic in the school library. She knew from Siolazar that the staff usually kept such things under lock and key. It was a relief that the librarian did not seem to notice and neither did the checkout computer. Success! Another book to study. Ok, maybe she was not even remotely close to finishing her translating of her own books but this was a find she could not ignore.

Returning from school, she quickly changes to her long flowing robes. She kept the lights off, using four small candles to keep her room dim but illuminated. Kanoe pulls out what notes on translating she had and sat down at the table with the new book. This will no doubt keep her busy for the...

She nearly jumps in her chair at the sound of loud pounding at the door. Who in the world? Tch, how annoying. The young witch sets the book down on the table along with the rest of her tomes. Giving her upside cross necklace a slight tug, she walks to the door. Not many knock at her door. At least the voice sounded human enough though the student had some nerve to talk in such a tone. With a sigh she opens the door.

Kanoe gazes at the woman nonchalantly. The loud pounding was already a mark towards this woman being a pest. Might as well get this over with so she can return to her studies. The last thing she wants is more interruptions.

"No need to pound my door," She says simply, "Knocking works just fine."

Author:  Janita [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

The door opens and Janita immediately sticks one small foot inside, to prevent it from closing. She's single-mindedly focused on getting a hold of the book she knows she needs.

Janita ignores the girl's comments and says, "I need the book you checked out of the library recently. It's very very important."

Author:  Kanoe [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:48 pm ]
Post subject: 


Kanoe's foot steps down on the student's foot. She gazes at the woman, slightly annoyed at the forceful entry. If this woman wants to be rude, this witch can gladly return the hospitality. This student was rather eager to get a hold of the book she recently found. She doubts it was out of mere curiousity. This woman was almost eager to get a hold of it. Could be another person who hungers for magic like herself.

"First," She states coldly, "Get your foot out of my room and at least introduce yourself. And while you are at it, you can explain why you have such a dire need for a book from the school's library."

Author:  Janita [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Janita pulled her foot backward in pain, glaring up at the taller, dark-haired girl. She wanted to push her down, grab the book, and run, but she knew that would only cause trouble. She sighed heavily and tried to call on patience she didn't really possess.

"My name is Janita. I need that book for reasons that would take far too long to explain to you, but I assure you are very important. Critical even."

Janita was resistant to telling this girl the whole truth, because that would require admitting that she had been unable - not powerful enough - to protect herself so far.

Author:  Kanoe [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Well then," She replies calmly, "My name is Kanoe and you are in no position to be vague on your reason. It's afterall checked out in my name and seems rather...priceless."

This student was very much like fire, rather aggressive in trying to get what she wants. Kanoe could understand why though. What are the chances that someone would slip up and put an actual spellbook in the school library? Not very likely. She would know as it was one of the few places she frequents on the island. The young witch brushes a few stray strands of hair behind her ear as she looks down at the woman. Might as well continue to tease the woman in hopes of gathering more knowledge.

"It was rather lucky that I even found such a book," She continues, "How did you know the library had it? I did not see you there when I checked it out."

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