Shokushu High School

Passing Notes (for Yaeko Maita)
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Author:  Violett Small [ Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Passing Notes (for Yaeko Maita)

Violett couldn't concentrate in Human Sexuality.

This wasn't really anything new. Usually she was worrying about who might be looking at her, scrambling to complete homework for another course, or just blushing at the subject matter. Those stupid folding desks didn't help... There was barely room on thrm for a single sheet of paper, and the desk part took an ungodly amount of effort to fold in or out. Not to mention she was usually worn out from... other things...

So the new distraction today came as a welcome change of pace. Violett smiled politely as the Japanese girl sat down next to her, then intently stared at the front of the room, blushing softly.

The professor had just arrived. Talking would probably earn her a trip to the basement, and she still had nightmares about the last one.

But she found her eyes drawn back to the new arrival, looking up ever-soslightly at her hazel eyes, wondering what she was thinking... if she was scared to be so far away from home.

Finally, Violett couldn't take any more. Getting out a piece of paper, she began to write, doingher best to make it look like she was taking notes.

When she had finished, she slipped the note onto the next desk, lushing softly.

Hello, she had written. How are you doing? I haven't seen you before... are you new here?

Author:  YaekoMaita [ Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Passing Notes (for Yaeko Maita)

Yaeko barely made it to her first class on time, blowing stray strands of hair from her face as she plopped down at an empty desk. Human Sexuality. This school was getting stranger by the day...nothing for it though. She pulled out a notebook and pen, taking notes in a neat scrawl, even as she tuned out most of what the professor was saying. She felt...uneasy...thinking about sex for some reason. Almost afraid. She shivered slightly, pulling a sweater from her bag and tugging it on quickly.

As she brushed hair from her eyes once more, she noticed the note on the table, glancing around to see who had put it there surreptitiously. Meeting the eyes of the faintly blushing girl at the desk next to hers, she smiled slightly and picked up the note, reading it silently, one eye on the professor, just in case.

She smiled more broadly, and scribbled a reply under the words, waiting for the teacher to turn before passing it back.

I just arrived a day or two ago. And I'm great! How are you?

Author:  Violett Small [ Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Passing Notes (for Yaeko Maita)

Violett smiled bashfully, reading the reply and nodding softly as she jotted down her own. She looked over at the Japanese girl's chestnut hair, smiling softly and blushing.

I'm okay, I guess... Could be better. My name is Violett Small. May Iask what yours is?

She drew a tiny picture of a flower at the endof the sentence, but she wasn't much of an artist, so it barely looked like a flower at all.

She quickly scribbled over the ugly little doodle-flower before passing the note back.

Author:  YaekoMaita [ Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Passing Notes (for Yaeko Maita)

Yaeko bit her tongue softly to suppress a giggle at the scratched out doodle, smiling once again as she wrote out her name. She started to write it out then stopped, shaking her head and crossing out what she had written, going back and writing it in English this time, frowning as she remembered to put her family name last.

Yaeko Maita

She slid the note back quietly, no longer really paying attention to the class, save to keep an eye on the professor, and where he was looking at the time.

Author:  Violett Small [ Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Passing Notes (for Yaeko Maita)

Violett accepted the paper, smiling softly as she read.

She read it twice, then jotted down her reply. Ignoring the professor completely.

Pleased to meet you, Maita-san... Or would that be Yaeko-san... Or is it weird for you when people who don't actually speak your language try to use honorifics? Your English is very impressive, by the way.

Author:  YaekoMaita [ Sat Sep 13, 2008 3:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Passing Notes (for Yaeko Maita)

Yaeko scanned over the words, shaking her head with a very quiet chuckle. She quickly jotted down her reply, stopping and looking at the professor in mock interest as he turned to the class, illustrating a point. She nodded along to his words, feigning attention until he once more turned to write on the board. Grinning, she finished the note, flicking it back to the other girl.

Yaeko is fine. I've stopped using honorifics since I left home. And thank you! I was planning to study International Business once I got to University. I thought it best to become as fluent in English as possible.

Author:  Violett Small [ Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Passing Notes (for Yaeko Maita)

Violett smiled softly, as she read the note, then looked up, feigning attention.

She was distracted for a little by an... unusually explicit diagram... at least the profwsorCLAIED it was a diagram... but after a few seconds the crimson glow had faded from her cheeks, and she returned her attention to the note.

Composing her message, she drew a smiley face after it and passed it back.

Can I call you Yae-chan? Pretty please? :)

Author:  YaekoMaita [ Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Passing Notes (for Yaeko Maita)

Yaeko read the note, nearly giggling once more. Giving the drawing a long, dubious look, she shook her head and scratched out a quick reply.

Sure! So, I can call you Vi-chan then?

Glancing up, Yaeko saw the professor looking in her direction, so she hurriedly pretended to be copying the rather embarrassing drawing, tucking the note under the page of her notebook as he walked past their desks, still lecturing, though glancing critically at them both. She smiled innocently and did her best impression of a rapt student, then rolled her eyes as he returned to the front of the room, satisfied that there were no shenanigans going on.

Shrugging lightly, she slid the note to Violett again.

Author:  Violett Small [ Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Passing Notes (for Yaeko Maita)

You'll really call me that? Violett wrote That would be WONDERFUL! I'm hugging you the second class is over, Yae-chan!

Giggling happily, she passed the note back to Yae-chan, blushing softly. She didn't bother to look at the professor his time, as he seemed to have backed off... Either he was convinced they weren't doing anything or, more likely, he simply didn't care any more.

Author:  YaekoMaita [ Sun Sep 14, 2008 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Passing Notes (for Yaeko Maita)

As Violett giggled, Yaeko put one finger to her lips, shh'ing quietly, nodding her head toward the professor with a grin. Taking the note, she had to swallow a giggle herself, quickly jotting down her reply.

I'll look forward to it. Maybe we should stop passing this piece of paper back and forth for now though, before the teacher notices. Its only another 30 minutes anyway.

Author:  Violett Small [ Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Passing Notes (for Yaeko Maita)

Violett nodded, quickly falling silent, as she began the long wait for the end of class.

Author:  YaekoMaita [ Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Passing Notes (for Yaeko Maita)

Giving Violett a shrug and a grin, Yaeko turned back to the front, absently taking notes, despite the bizarre lesson. After a brief eternity, the professor ended the lesson, picking up his valise and departing quickly. Yaeko stretched, sighing, and put her things away before turning to the desk next to her own.

"So, nice to meet you Vi-chan! Are all the classes here that strange, or is it just this one?"

Author:  Violett Small [ Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Passing Notes (for Yaeko Maita)

Springing out of her chair energeticly, Violett wrapped her arms around Yaeko without warning, hugging her tight. Class was over and, as promised, it was time for the hug.

"Oh, Yae-chan... You don't know the half of it..."

Author:  YaekoMaita [ Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Passing Notes (for Yaeko Maita)

Yaeko giggled, almost falling over as she got surprise hugged by the other girl, hugging her back tightly.

"What? They're even weirder?"

She shook her head disbelievingly, releasing the hug to sit on the top of her desk, tilting her head to the side curiously.

Author:  Violett Small [ Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Passing Notes (for Yaeko Maita)

Violett nodded, sitting on her desk as the rest of the class filed out.

"Last week he made some of us make out in front of the class," she said, blushing deeply...

Then yelped in surprise as the folding desk gave way, sending her tumbling to the floor as it swung back to its place beside the chair.

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