Shokushu High School

Meeting of Chance (Raven)
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Author:  Zilva [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:40 am ]
Post subject:  Meeting of Chance (Raven)

Zilva sat within the common room a rather thick book in her lap. The book was on old alchemic formulas that could be used to make defensive weapons greater than her current ones. It was a shame that the island did not have any of the ingredients to make them..but it was still a fine read. For the most part it was nice to finally sit down and relax without having to worry about anything happening to her, or at least nothing she could not handle.

Author:  Raven [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of Chance (Raven)

She walked without a care in the world. her things she had been told had been taken to her assigned dorm, save for her little book and her japanese DSi which she always carried in her back pocket. She adjusted her jacket a little and smiled looking over page 2 of the grimoire. the runes to her were plain english; to anyone else it was an alien language of some sort. She made her way unwittingly into the commonroom not quite looking where she was going. she managed to trip over a wooden table and land face first with her face on a student's crotch, that student just happened to be Zilva.

Author:  Zilva [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of Chance (Raven)

"..........." Zilva blinked a few times looking at the girl whom had quite literaly fallen into her lap. ".............." She was not really quite sure what to say here. "Umm..." She helped to lift the girl's face. " alright? And bumps or bruises?" She noticed that the girl had a book in her hands. It would seem this was another victim of reading and walking.

Author:  Raven [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of Chance (Raven)

She looked up towards the woman whom was helping her then down at where her face had been a blush forming on the recluse's face. she'd swiftly adjust herself and shake her head dusting off her skirt and then her stockings a bit noticing a run in one of them she'd huff, she hoped the second page object repair spell she had been reading before she fell would work on clothing.

"Oh uh... no not really... just a torn stocking. I mean i have plenty more I think anyway."

she stammered softly making it painfully obvious she had no experience speaking to people around her age.

Author:  Zilva [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of Chance (Raven)

"....calm yourself..there's no reason to get flustered" Zilva picked up the book the girl had been reading. "Hmmmm..your a mage are you?" Zilva recognized the runes but could not read them. Her own alchemy books were written in different runes after all. "You should find a peaceful place to read...not walk around with this's helps you absorb the information. better"

Author:  Raven [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of Chance (Raven)

Raven nodded softly to the woman though, truth be told absorbing the knowledge in the book wasn't a problem for her; Edict memory didn't allow her to forget it in the slightest.

"You're probably right, I just well... I didn't know if anywhere in the school was peaceful..."

She would blink once more to herself mind going back over the words the woman had offered.

"Mage? How did you know that?"

it was certainly curious for Raven's mind seeing how so few; if anyone, could recognise the runes that combined celtic ancient eqyptian and eight other languages including some not found on earth into something that worked.

"Well uhm yeah I am well sort of new to it really."

Author:  Zilva [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of Chance (Raven)

Zilva held up her own book. "Alchemy..though I've been reduced to making these" Zilva reached into her jacket pocket an dpull out one of her vials that contained the water and Potassium metal bomb. "They work but there not strong enough to keep anything here at bay for very long." She sighed a bit. "Ah well so what's your name mage? I'm Zilva"

Author:  Raven [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of Chance (Raven)

She took a moment to finish collecting herself as she took her book and placed it by her hip as she took a small polite bow.

"A pleasure to meet you, I'm Raven Poe."

she offered hands fidgiting with the hem of her skirt as she would speak in a rather mousy tone. she took another moment before asking one more question of the alchemist.

"Might I ask what you mean by keep things here at bay? Are the school bullies really rough enough to need alchemic weaponry?"

Author:  Zilva [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of Chance (Raven)

Zilva sighed. It seemed this girl did not know..though to be fair she had not known when she first arrived. "Listen..there are things here that are not human..I'm not sure what they want but I've been trying to find a way that they would leave students alone...." Zilva sighed. "That must sound really stuipid but still these fire bombs are rather effective."

Author:  Raven [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of Chance (Raven)

Raven blinked for a moment before offering a subtle nod of understanding.
"It's in the glossary of my little book, all sorts of beasties and things they exist everywhere so it's not much of a problem to believe you."

an honest reply; though she'd never quite read through the back of her little tome she had read the table of contents of it. she'd sigh softly looking at the book.

"I'm going to need to study this more then... I'm only on the second page..."

Author:  Zilva [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of Chance (Raven)

Zilva fingered the bomb in her hand and looked back at the mage. "So then..Raven was it? Your spells are able to protect you? Are you going to need a few of these bombs to help?" She offered the bomb to Raven. The way it was built, the bomb did not go off until she shook it then it hit something with some force.

Author:  Raven [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of Chance (Raven)

Raven looked at the offered bomb before taking it in her hand and placing it in a small pocket at the hem of her skirt; she had six of these in this particular skirt.

"Like I said I'm on page two, the first page was a single spell something about returning the owner's of the grimoire's virginity."

she blushed as she mentioned this a hand moved to the back of her neck and she'd laugh softly at a joke no one told trying to pass the anxiety that built within her while talking to a new person.

"Thank you for the gift Zilva. I'm sure it'll come in handy."

she finished taking a look around the area.

"They didn't even give me a map of the school..."

Author:  Zilva [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of Chance (Raven)

" said you had a photographic memory right?" Zilva pulled out the small map that she had been given. "Here looked at this" She held up the map for Raven to see. "And if you need any more of those bombs come see me. I have some left over in my room."

Author:  Raven [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of Chance (Raven)

Raven took in the map quickly and nodded to her new 'friend' if she was that raven really didn't know having no experience with them before. she'd shiver slightly looking down a path from the furnished common room.

"Thanks, was kind of you to give me a map to look at."

she looked to the ground now taking off her glasses and placing them in her coat pocket before sitting down on one of the couches.

"So uhm... what's it like... I mean... being around so many people at once?"

Author:  Zilva [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of Chance (Raven)

"It's not bad. At my old school I used to get into a fight three times a I'm just worried about monsters.." Zilva sighed. "All in all the students here seem to be nice enough though I've yet to really talk to any of them."

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