Shokushu High School

staying up late (for Mizuho)
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Author:  Kim [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:33 am ]
Post subject:  staying up late (for Mizuho)

I was in my room playing Dead or Alive on the X-box I've been playing video games all night I was wearing an oversize t-shirt and black panties and my hair was in pig tails "just one more fight and I beat this game.." I say while fighting the boss

Author:  Mizuho Yammamoto [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:40 am ]
Post subject: 

*Mizuho had finally made it to the right room. She knocked on the door with the little ammount of strength she had left. "hello"*

Author:  Kim [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:42 am ]
Post subject: 

I blinked and pause my game before getting up and opening the door to see who it was "Mizuho." I say while looking at her I remember her form the beasment with that demon "are you ok?"

Author:  Mizuho Yammamoto [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:44 am ]
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*She was covred in slime from head to tow and her clothes wore torn. She looked at the girl with a half smile. "hi....i guess im your new roommate."*

Author:  Kim [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:49 am ]
Post subject: 

I would blink at that since I didn't get a note about it then again they were slow when it came to these things I knew I had to talk to Madison about it but right now that was something to worry about later "nevermind that what in the world happen to you who did this to you?!"

Author:  Mizuho Yammamoto [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:52 am ]
Post subject: 

*"Shinigami" She managed to say before she collapsed in the hallway. She dropped her bag. Her hair was slick with slim, she had been rapped repeadily for hours.*

Author:  Kim [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:58 am ]
Post subject: 

I went to her falling body and picked her up and lied her on the couch and brought her bags along in as I remember her last words.. "Shinigami who ever it is must have raped this poor thing untill her body gave out on her.."

Author:  Mizuho Yammamoto [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:00 am ]
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*Mizuho coughed as she gagged on the slime and semen forced down her throat moments ago. She had just arrived and just like many students, the monsters didnt care. She wiped off her face with what was left of her leather jacket. She looked up at the other girl. "thank you"*

Author:  Kim [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:05 am ]
Post subject: 

"your welcome im Kim." I say while wiping her face with a towal "so your our roommate well welcome to your room .." I say while giving her a kiss on the lips "are you going to be ok?"

Author:  Mizuho Yammamoto [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:08 am ]
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*Is kinda suprised she just kissed her on the mouth. Looks up at her and smiles. " doesnt hurt anymore...much..." She layed back on the couch and took a deep breath.*

Author:  Kim [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:11 am ]
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"that's good." I say with a sigh while looking at her "so this Shinigami did this to you hmm I never met that monster before and I really never hope I will." I say with a nod "but enough about that where ya from?"

Author:  Mizuho Yammamoto [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:14 am ]
Post subject: 

*" an orphan" She got up and got out of the rags she wore. She soon stood totally naked before the girl as she looke through her bag for more clothes.*

Author:  Kim [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:19 am ]
Post subject: 

I looked at her naked body and licked my lips alittle as I looked at her "so you were an orphan huh that must have been tough on you.."

Author:  Mizuho Yammamoto [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:22 am ]
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*She pulled on a tank top and white pair of panties. She turned toward the girl. "yea it was....i grew up in a street gang....they are my only family"*

Author:  Kim [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:25 am ]
Post subject: 

"well you have new familly here now Mizuho." I say with a smile "I will try my best to protect you tho im not that strong my self not like Madison or my sister.."

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