Shokushu High School

Pool Party of Two (Anna X Aiyero)
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Author:  Anna Lenox [ Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Pool Party of Two (Anna X Aiyero)

Anna's been lounging at the pool all day and while she took to the water earlier, it's been at least an hour since she's so much as dipped a toe in. No, she's here for another matter entirely. Eyes have been combing over the girls that have come and gone, looking them over the way a newly engaged woman might appraise wedding dresses. She's been a fixture since early morning, seen flirting with a variety of young vixens. The majority of those that have come over to investigate end up leaving with a rejected expression, some leaving with a more curious mix of befuddlement and distant hope. She can't deny that the last few months have done wonders for her temperament. Despite the ever-present horror of the creatures that inhabit the place, her confidence and good mood have reached what may be an all time high. Her frequent visits to the school counselor have been a godsend, despite the strange fact that she can't seem to recall specifics of any of the meetings. But while the highs are incredibly high, so are the lows deesperately, sinkingly deep. She's of the latter sort now. Miss Saika rejected her advances and she's desperately, needily looking for a means to make the older woman jealous. Despite the alluring facade, she's been treating all the girls who come her way with a distant, condescending sort of cattiness. Her standards and sense of entitlement have rocketed up along with her personal sense of esteem.

As it starts to grow dusky outside and the business of the pool starts to filter out as dinnertime comes around, she's set her sets on Airi Vuirinen, the tight bodied little Swede who's been running laps in the pool. She's familiar with the girl, certainly. They've got a couple classes together, and despite never having talked in the past, she's kept a close eye on the girl as a potential date candidate.

Anna is presently sprawled across a fluffy black towel. Her bikini is a skimpy violet affair, a slightly darker shade color coded to match her hair, still vaguely damp and stylishly mussed, dark tattoos counterpoint on pearl skin, dappled with water. She rests on a single elbow, round rump in the air, her heels pointed to the ceiling as she makes an affectation of idling over a trashy little paperback romance. But her attention has been wandering for a while now, sharing flirty glances and smiles with the punkish girl, studying the young woman over the top of the book as her body cuts through the water.

Author:  Aiyero [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 12:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pool Party of Two (Anna X Aiyero)

One thing Airi didn't miss about all of the previous schools she'd attended was their location- never before had she spent long periods of time in a place so tropical that she could literally swim outdoors whenever she wanted. A niggling voice in the back of her head reminded her that the prefects would probably take issue with her indiscriminate requisitioning of free time for herself, but no one had dragged her out of the pool yet, so she felt justified in enjoying her remaining demerit-free time in the silky weightlessness of the water, a pleasant buzz of adrenaline nestled in her stomach from the exercise.

She could hardly fail to notice the sly glances one Anna Lennox had been casting her from nearly the moment she'd passed her on the way to the water; enjoying the attention, she'd casually dropped her towel on a lounge chair near the gorgeous gothling, casting her a knowing look under her dark eyelashes as she did, a smirk curling her lips before she turned and dove into the water. Several laps and flirtatious glances later, Airi's limbs were heavy from the exercise and her interest was thoroughly piqued by the continued game of "I know you know I know you want me... but what are you going to do about it?"

Pulling herself from the water, every movement intentionally sensualized as water streamed over the ripe curves of the dancer's body, enhanced rather than concealed by her midnight-blue bikini, Airi caught Anna's eyes running appreciatively over the display. Smiling coyly, she sauntered her way up to her, her flexibility (and the rest of her, for that matter) put on display as she bent until their noses nearly touched. Pink, full lips mused a few breaths from the purple-haired girl's, her cleavage generously displayed thanks to her artfully arched pose as she asked, "See something you like?"

Author:  Anna Lenox [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pool Party of Two (Anna X Aiyero)

Airi knows how to put on a show at least, from the sharkish jacknife she cuts across the water's surface to the supreme self-confidence in her swagger, artfully aware of the sensuality of her body. As the woman lifts from the pool, Anna reaches over into her bag, twisting open a pill bottle, stuffing a couple of caps down her throat. Eyes resettle on the dark-haired Swede, subtle shift of body. Her posture is languid, stretched out on the luxuriant towel like a cat basking in the sun, the rays from a day out at the pool having baked pale skin to a glowing, luminous pink. She lifts to elbows, chin perched on thumb, full bottom lip poking outward in a coy pout.

Eyes tilt downward, drifting at the exposed swell of Airi's breasts, then up, not quite meeting eyes as the other woman purrs inches from her face. Lips twist upward slightly in a cruelly tempting smile, tap of metal stud to teeth. "Mm? Not any more. Not after that opening line. But you're so cute, I'll give you a second chance at redemption." Eyes are half-lowered, a flutter of dark lashes, not quite meeting Airi's gaze as her thighs brush together.

Author:  Aiyero [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pool Party of Two (Anna X Aiyero)

Airi chuckled at the snarky comeback, thinking to herself, So that's how it's going to be, hm? "It's a second chance at redemption, is it?" She laughed again, eyes flicking down Anna's sun-kissed body as she seated herself on the lounge chair over which she'd thrown her towel. "Not to disappoint such a generous goddess," she said wryly, eyes sparkling with mischief at the wordplay, "but what if I want to remain cute and wicked?"

It seemed that the dancer had a love for the dramatic, her words accompanied by a subtle shift in posture that rendered her supple form into a sculpture of innocent provocation, all save for the playfulness in her eyes that was far from innocent.

Author:  Anna Lenox [ Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pool Party of Two (Anna X Aiyero)

Her chin is the pointed tip of a heart, resting on sun-dappled shoulder, ever-lightly freckled and pinkened. Lips curve upward, giving a subtly felina twist to her features, tongue slipping just briefly between dark lips to wet at her upper lip. Gold eyes clearly notice as Airi's body turns towards her, strong, lean thighs pressing together, coyly held expression. Eyes sink to nearly obscure her eyes, long lashes sinking to serve as window drapes to her soul. "Jesus has taught me to be merciful in offers for redemption, but repentance of course, is eventually necessary."

Her eyes drift to the side slyly, cheek turns towards Airi, cast in silhouette as the dusk slowly shadows the youthful color of her body. She settles slowly back down to the towel, arms stretching over her head in a languid stretch, cheek finding its place back against the head of the plush towel. "Cute and wicked then? Is that how you see yourself? Then how do you see me?"

Author:  Aiyero [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pool Party of Two (Anna X Aiyero)

Airi chuckled, her quick eyes catching the brief flash of pink tongue flicking through the catlike satisfaction of her smirk, the subtle provocation of the action and her words heightening her intrigue. Her eyes followed, ensnared by the dusk gently shading her, pooling shadow beckoning her gaze upwards until it fell once more upon Anna's sly golden eyes.

The other girl had seized the upper hand, Airi noted as she answered the question. "I see a beauty diabolically divine, or divinely diabolical, toying with words like 'redemption' and 'repentance'." Eyes shining with amusement over steepled fingers that partially obscured her answering smile, she savored the verbal fencing. "I don't know what you're playing at, but I like the game. May I join?"

Author:  Anna Lenox [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pool Party of Two (Anna X Aiyero)

"Of course, darling. First game is free. It's staying in that becomes costly, isn't it?" She stifles a dignified but languished yawn, listening to Airi with a patient sort of half-interest. Her index finger is folded under a pouted lower lip, fading to stark noir silhouette in the darkening sky. "As for what I'm doing... Just scouting the talent. Don't you know the most important day of our fleeting girlish lives is nearly upon us? Alas our sweet innocence."

There's a wry, irreverent twist to her words. Slowly she shifts, arm held gingerly up to Airi, eyes and chin turned back down to the slick ground in demurement. "Anna Lenox. And you must figure yourself an Alighieri... or maybe a Donne?"

Author:  Aiyero [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pool Party of Two (Anna X Aiyero)

Airi laughed easily at the girl's satirical manner, mouth twisting wryly in response to her nearly straight-faced delivery of her ironic declarations.

Much amused, Airi straightened from her lounging position, took the proffered hand in a firm grip and shook it, eyebrow raised as she replied, "Airi Vuorinen. Given the choice between Donne or Alighieri?" Her pink lips rounded in a smile. "The Divine Comedy...I'll grant that there may be someone laughing at us wasting our 'fleeting girlish lives' here, so if I must figure myself, it would have to be Alighieri."

Casting a sideways look at Anna, she asked, "Which portion of the epic do you suppose we're in now? Purgatorio?"

Author:  Elise Renfroe [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pool Party of Two (Anna X Aiyero)

Her grip is less firm: soft and warm and girlish. She retracts her hand, nimble fingers disappearing into her bag. "White sandy beaches, glistening ocean, temperate weather, flocks of pliant and pretty girls. I'd imagine it's Paradise for someone." A stick of gum drawn unwrapped in her hand. As pearl teeth close over pink, her breath is perfumed with melon. Eyes cut upward sharply towards Airi.

(DUH! Wrong tag!)

Author:  Aiyero [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pool Party of Two (Anna X Aiyero)

Airi's smile became sharper, memory giving the expression a finer edge at Anna's bland remark. Unaware of the sharp gaze on her as Anna chewed her gum, she mused almost to herself, "Does that equate me with Lucifer, then, ruining this Paradise of pliant pushovers with willfulness?"

A flash of teeth lit her face then, as if in mockery of her seriousness a moment before, and she looked back at Anna. "It's too sunny, anyway. Full-body sunscreen is an expensive habit to keep up, and you can never be sure how much skin will be at risk."

What's with that look? she wondered, catching the expression on the other girl's face. She looks like I slapped her.

Author:  Anna Lenox [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pool Party of Two (Anna X Aiyero)

There's a distance in her eyes and her voice, belying the clever, wan twist to her lips. "Those that are hunted know this as their life, their reward: to walk under such trees in knowledge of what is in glory above them and to feel no fear; but acceptance, compliance, fulfilling themselves without pain." Her tongue trails the inside of her gums, brushing soft warm, gushy watermelon against her pink mouth. "They tremble, they walk under the tree. They fall, they are torn, they rise and walk again."

A brow lifted in amusement, that coy mask of deference fading at Airi's presumptions, musical chime of a laugh bordering on mockery. "That's quite a high opinion of yourself, mm? Little Jane Dean. Are you sure you can walk the talk...?" But she seems to have lost her train of thought the moment the question is out of her mouth. Her chin rests on the edge of Airi's chair. "Besides, I doubt they'll ever let us get skin cancer. And I never said who's heaven it is, did I?"

Author:  Aiyero [ Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pool Party of Two (Anna X Aiyero)

A hint of ice suffused Airi's pale eyes as she listened to Anna coolly alluding to Eden- or Shokushu? The parody of parallelism made her own mouth twist as she watched the beauty unconcernedly chewing her gum. It wasn't until her last words, however, that Airi was certain that Anna knew.

Oddly enough, that mattered to her; naturally distrustful of authority, she had never truly entertained the idea of telling others about the monsters on the island. Her immediate assumption had been that she would be laughed at and discounted. She took neither gracefully, and so had never spoken to any student about them. It was almost a painful relief to be able to do so openly now.

Airi shrugged, the motion brittle for all of its casual connotations. "It's true, too many of them appreciate a struggle as much as submission, but what can I say? I don't sub easily; if making them work for their fun is my last recourse, I'll take it."

Turning her gaze down on Anna's, her face resting so close to her creamy thigh, she ran a finger down one lock of hair. "Are your tactics any different, as one of the attractions of this little heaven we find ourselves in?"

Author:  Anna Lenox [ Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pool Party of Two (Anna X Aiyero)

"Oh, I'm just happy to be accepted as a member." Her smirk is wryly ironic, even as she skirts around openly discussing the local fauna. "It is a pretty cage." She punctuates her words with a jaw-splitting yawn. Her breath is fresh and tropical against the silky skin of Airi's thigh. She doesn't seem emotionally taken or rattled by the topic, either way. "Although, one grows bored..."

There's a brief pause as she dully watches Airi, affected boredom, faint twist of a smile as the other girl brushes back a strand of hair. "Maybe we should just cut to the foreplay, mm? You fancy yourself a bad girl? I hear that a lot around here. And I have yet to really see it." Lips curve upward tightly, impish. Pink lips are settled nearly on Airi's skin. "What makes you so bad?"

Author:  Aiyero [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pool Party of Two (Anna X Aiyero)

Airi felt a stab of disappointment as Anna both neatly skirted the topic of the creatures on Shokushu and alluded to a basic contentment, or at least resignation, to her lot. Differing philosophies aside, Airi was quite aware of her soft breaths caressing the barely-damp skin of her thigh, tickling her imagination pleasurably.

Anna's smile dared Airi to back up her words, the merest twist of pink lips under her lazily lidded eyes a more effective goad than nearly anything. The fingers of Airi's right hand twisted in Anna's hair, holding it firmly just short of hurting as she tilted her face upwards, moving her smirking lips away from her thigh and locking them with hers in an aggressive kiss.

After a few beats, she backed off just enough to speak, her eyes lidded with with false demureness as she asked softly, "I can answer that question here or elsewhere... how daring are you, Anna?" While she spoke, her slender fingers traced idle shapes along Anna's collarbone, applying the barest edge of nail at whim.

Author:  Anna Lenox [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pool Party of Two (Anna X Aiyero)

Her response is immediately clear, gasping hungrily as Airi's fingers twine through her hair, immediately responsive. She lets herself be guided up the length of Airi's body like a particularly obedient pet, tasting the other girl's mouth hungrily, breathing in her smell: soft, fresh girl, hidden tantalizingly under chlorine worn like perfume. She opens her mouth to the tight-bodied Swede as she pushes herself to folded knees, palms flat on concrete, wrists pressed to hips in sensual pose that seems to just come as second nature.

Eyes are hungry beneath low lids as Airi disengages, pierced tongue trailing back over her lips as if savoring the other woman's taste on her mouth but that soft tease never leaves her tone. Her chin tips obediently to the side, hair still leashed in Airi's fingers, exposing collar and smooth white neck. "'Dangerous' and 'shameless' are not the same thing. But I would never delude myself into thinking shame is one of my few virtues."

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