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 A Day of Firsts [Leriana] 
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Post A Day of Firsts [Leriana]
Liana heaved heartily for breath as she jogged through the classroom building's immense hallways. Her first day of classes at Shokushu and she was equal parts late and out of uniform. Apparently someone, all too likely her room mate, had decided it would be hilarious to unplug her alarm clock and hide her uniforms. How was it even remotely worth that much effort, Liana wondered as she dashed up yet another set of stairs.

Her predicament wasn't helped by the fact that she really had little idea where she was supposed to be going right now. Her tour of the campus had not exactly gone as planned, to say no more on exactly how or why it hadn't gone to plan. <"Please don't tell me this day can get any worse."> she muttered to herself in her native tongue. Of course she'd tempted fate and predictably, it bit back.

She allowed a sharp, surprised cry of panic as her foot came down on the top step. The floor was wet and precariously unmarked. Instead of the cartoonish effect of slipping backwards, however, her foot had slid out as she'd put her weight on it. While she was saved the possibly deadly effect of tumbling down the stairs backwards, her body was flung forward right at the top of the stairs, the folders and books in her hands scattering across the hallway in front of her.

<"Ow damnit."> she muttered, quickly doing a mental check on her body. Her knees and wrists hurt, though nothing seemed terribly damaged. <"Not setting a tone, I hope,"> the comment meant mostly as a half-hearted plea to whatever deity happened to be watching her. Cursing her luck with soft utterances all the way, she quickly tried to gather up her things without causing further incident.


Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:20 am
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Post Re: A Day of Firsts [Leriana]
Leriana smiled softly to herself as she clicked her mobile shut, the first classes of the day having just started. She herself had a free, which meant that she had devoted the time to what was rapidly becoming her biggest 'time sink'. Patrolling the corridors of Shokushu for any demerit worthy offenses. Things were going well between her and her Head Girl, Vera Matsumoto. But that didn't mean that Leriana would even consider slacking off. She wanted to look as best as possible in Vera's eyes, and her duties as a prefect was the easiest official way to do so. And she had plenty of help in making sure she kept her issued demerits nice and high.

All were for legitimate offenses, but some of the more selfish of her 'friends', interested purely in currying favour with the prefect, had learned that if they engineered someone to have to break a law, and than told Leriana about where she could catch the unfortunate victim red handed the prefect didn't care about the conditions that led to the rule being broken.

And Bianca, who had proven to be one of the more vicious of her 'friends', had just told her that there was someone out of uniform and late for class. Leriana walked quickly through the corridors, her uniform immaculate as she navigated her way through the maze with practiced ease. Her prefects sash rested lightly on her left shoulder and right hip. And when she turned the last corner to see a out of uniform student gathering her books from the floor. And what is going on here Miss? She called out as she approached, voice stern and hard as the distance between her and the student vanished rapidly.


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Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:14 am
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Post Re: A Day of Firsts [Leriana]
Liana had just about finished gathering up her things when she heard a voice demand her attention. Startled, she dropped most of what she'd gathered up in front of her. "Merde!" she exclaimed, torn but for a second whether collecting up her things or giving her attention to whomever had just come up and surprised her into dropping it all over again. One sideways glance up at the other woman told her all she needed to know; she quickly got to her feet, a fierce blush across her face.

As usual, her mouth started running before her brain released the clutch, and it was all French. <"I am sorry madame, there is a good explanation for this I assure you!"> she said, only realizing her mistake after receiving a puzzling look. "I'm sorry! I, well, you see...I'm new, I'm lost and um..." her mouth scrambled to explain while her mind tried double duty on both the right words and the right explanation. Who in the right mind would believe, after all, that someone had taken or hidden every single uniform she'd been issued the first night?

Without any reasonable explanation, she decided to tell the truth. "This may be a bit difficult to believe, but I think someone took my uniforms last night." her tone betrayed that even SHE found it difficult to believe.


Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:38 am
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Post Re: A Day of Firsts [Leriana]
Leriana came to a stop in front of the student, arms crossing in front of her chest as her eyes roamed up and down, annoyance flaring as she failed to see even one article of clothing that was in uniform. Her expression was frozen solid, but she couldn't quite stop the fire burning in her eyes. From that it was pretty easy to tell that the prefect was very unimpressed by the student in front of her.

So your telling me that you think that just because you are new that you can flaunt the most basic of rules? That you can sleep in and show up to class whenever you please in whatever you want? Everyone else doesn't seem to have a problem waking up and getting to class on time and in uniform. You would of been given a tour on arrival, did you pay any attention to what the tour guide was showing you? Maybe even take the initiative and ask them to show you where the rooms your classes are in were?

Leriana was straining to keep her voice quiet and controlled, although it really wouldn't take much to make the prefect 'explode' and lash out at the new student for breaking so many rules that Leriana held as sacred.

What is your name?


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Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:19 am
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Post Re: A Day of Firsts [Leriana]
Liana could tell just by the look on the prefect's face that this was NOT going to go well. Not at all. She couldn't help but wince at the first accusation. She was right, being new wasn't a very strong argument for getting lost or breaking the rules even if unintended. The tour though, that hadn't been her fault at all. "The tour didn't happen! The person who was supposed to do it never arrived!" spilled out before her brain snapped her mouth back to attention.

She put her palm to her head and took a second to calm down before trying to continue, "I am sorry, honestly, but this isn't my fault!" she pleaded, though judging by the look on the prefect's face, it did her no good. Her face paled slightly when her name was demanded. Soberly she replied, "Liana...or rather, Andraste. Andraste Lefèvre."


Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:16 am
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Post Re: A Day of Firsts [Leriana]
The tour didn't happen you say Miss Lefèvre? So what did you spend your time after arrival doing? Did you contact the administration office about it? Or ask a prefect or head girl? Or even looked for a map? Leriana was, of course, going to check the admin records to see if the tour had been logged. If she found a record saying that someone had given the tour ... than Andraste was going to be in a new heap of trouble, even as she struggled to climb out of the current one.

And this isn't your fault? If this wasn't your fault than why couldn't you explain yourself when I asked? Instead you stammered and stuttered like someone caught with their hand in the cookie jar. So why shouldn't I give you a demerit and a detention Miss Lefèvre?


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Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:42 am
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Post Re: A Day of Firsts [Leriana]
Liana opened her mouth as if she had SOMETHING to say in her defence for getting lost, but her brain wisely reigned it in. She didn't want to bring up her supposed tour any more than she would have wanted to relive it. There was at least the consolation that the person who gave her the tour couldn't have been the legitimate tour. There was no way she could get in further trouble.

The problem of her uniform was another problem altogether. At this point her best bet was probably to try to own up to her mistake. "I'm sorry, madam. she lowered her head and looked at her shoes. "I don't have any excuse for my uniform." her apology was genuine, though her lack of excuse statement lacked conviction. In all honesty she did believe she had a reason, though it was far too unbelievable to save her at this point.


Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:29 am
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Post Re: A Day of Firsts [Leriana]
<sorry for the delay in this>

Leriana scowled at the students words, very obviously not impressed. That in itself warrants a detention, as for your being late if you did not know your way around your classes than you should of gotten up earlier to give yourself more time. You do know how to set an alarm clock I take it? The sarcasm in her last question was obvious, and she didn't even wait for an answer before continuing. Well what room is your class in? If I keep you any longer you'll just be even later for class. As she spoke Leriana crouched down, starting to gather up Andraste's books to help her with that particular chore.

For now she would keep the punishment limited to out of uniform, a demerit and minor 'sit around doing nothing for an hour' visit to the basement. But if the tour had taken place, and Leriana found out that Andraste was lying ... well then Leriana would have to make sure that the new student understood the consequences of what happened when one tried to deceive a prefect at Shokushu.


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Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:23 pm
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Post Re: A Day of Firsts [Leriana]
Liana nodded solemnly at the prefects words. "The room I'm looking for is 226." she explained, collecting what she could. When the prefect handed her what she'd gathered up, she offered the strongest smile she could muster and an honest, "Thank you." Unsurprisingly, the other woman immediately began leading the way to her destination.

Her own opinion was much more complicated than the façade she put on for the prefect's benefit. On one hand she agreed with the prefect. There was little excuse for her tardiness; even though she'd likely been the victim of a particularly nasty prank, she should have had enough spare time to make up. Never mind that excuses were just that, excuses. They didn't pardon her from the fact that she had broken school rules.

On the opposing hand, she really hadn't had the tour, at least not properly that she could recall. Her memory of the day was uncharacteristically fuzzy, but she only remembered going to the lobby to meet her guide. As far as she recalled, the guide had never shown up; in reality the guide had been one of the islands innumerable abominations welcoming her to the island with its own brand of tour.

Liana was lost in her own world trying desperately to recall what had happened with the planned tour of the campus when the prefect stopped unexpectedly in front of her. Carelessly Liana bumped into her, though thankfully this time she wasn't going fast enough to lose her things. "I'm sorry!" she apologized quickly, a virulent flush spreading across her face. She just couldn't stop screwing up today.


Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:18 pm
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Post Re: A Day of Firsts [Leriana]
Leriana remained silent as she picked up the dropped books, working quickly with the student to collect everything. Once everything was off the floor the prefect handed Andraste her books. She kept her expression mostly neutral, but at the student's strong smile she offered her a brief one back.

With the student now carrying her books Leriana led the way through the corridors, taking as close to a direct route to room 226 as possible. She knew nothing of the thoughts racing through Andraste's head, and when she reached the room she stopped and started to turn ... only to stagger back as she was caught halfway through the motion by Andraste. She tried desperately to regain her balance, but couldn't stop herself falling flat on her ass, skirt flaring up with the motion to reveal a glimpse of the plain white panties she wore.

The prefect scowled visibly as she rose to her feet, although she quickly brought his anger, at least visibly, under control. Did you pay any attention to the route I just took you? Or did you fade out thinking I'm suddenly your personal navigator so you don't have to learn the layout of the campus? She reached into a pocket, pulling out a demerit slip as well as a pen, holding it against the wall and filling it out for a single demerit for being out of uniform. It also contained details of a detention, to start thirty minutes after Andraste's last class down in the basement.

Leriana placed the slip on the top of the other students books, before opening the door. The last vestiges of her anger vanished, and she smiled brightly at the teacher. Morning Miss Patterson. I found one of your new students in the hallway, Andraste Lefèvre. The teacher smiled, and after thanking Leriana the prefect turned and walked out, leaving the student in class to go check if the tour had been logged as complete. Even if it wasn't she was in half a mind to upgrade Andraste's 'normal' detention to a 'special' one.


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Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:50 am
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Post Re: A Day of Firsts [Leriana]
The sight of literally knocking the prefect over only caused the blush to deepen against the contrasting chill she felt. Today was rapidly spiralling downhill and she could blame no one for what had just happened. "I'm sorry..." Liana muttered again at her latest misstep. "None of this will ever happen again!" she swore, honestly as well. To the best of her abilities these things wouldn't ever happen again. Of course, the chance of everything occurring so terribly again was practically nil.

Even so, she silently walked into the classroom after the introduction the prefect gave her and said not a word as she took a seat near the back. The day dragged on, though it was thankfully uneventful. Perhaps, she mused while eating lunch, bad luck had an upper limit to how much it would lump on before deciding to show mercy.

At the end of the day she marched off to detention sombrely, silently praying that someone other than the prefect she'd met wasn't running it. When she arrived at the door, it rather suddenly seemed much more intimidating than she'd expected. Liana took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever or whomever she might have to deal with, and opened the door. She was greeted, to her surprise, by a set of stairs. Somewhat confused, she slowly made her way down them, eventually calling out in confusion, "Hello...? Is anyone there?"


Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:58 am
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Post Re: A Day of Firsts [Leriana]
Leriana had checked in at the office at the first chance she got, and when she saw the report on Andraste Lefevre reporting that she had indeed been given a tour the prefect scowled and hissed under her breath for a moment. She had harboured that hatred at being deceived all day, stoking the fire and waiting for when she would be able to get her revenge on the student. She had been lenient ... but now Andraste was going to suffer for her rule breaking, and her deception.

The basement was a dark and scary place for most, but the sight of it had never unsettled Leriana. She knew her way around it, knew how to use the tools stored down here, and how to use the fear that this place brought. Leriana's room was several doors down from the stairs leading down to the basement, and of the heavy thick wooden doors it was the only one open. The walls were thick stone, designed to muffle sound. Every step Andraste took would echo, and there would be no answer to her question.

When she finally reached and looked through the open door she would see a single desk in the middle of the cold stone room. There was only one light, and it illuminated a circle of light around the desk, extending a few feet. Other than that the floor was a dim stone, and the walls were completely engulfed in darkness. Leriana was standing in that circle of light, leaning back against the desk as she waited patiently for you. She had a watch on a chain held in one hand, and was watching the time closely. If the student was even a second late she had all the justification she needed to extend the detention. She glanced up when she heard Andraste's voice, smiling a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Ahh Miss Lefèvre. Have a seat. She didn't gesture to the seat in question, but since there was only one it wasn't like the student had much choice.


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Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:29 pm
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Post Re: A Day of Firsts [Leriana]
Liana couldn't help but feel the atmosphere pressing down on her as she walked further down the hallway. The sound of her heels striking the ground echoed ominously through the darkness. There was but one open door that she could see, only a hair of light coming from within. Tentatively she approached the open door and with a deep breath, she peered into the room. The sight of the prefect in the room, obviously waiting for something, sent a chill through her.

"Um...hi" she offered a weak smile, but the look in Leriana's eye quickly chased it from her face. Quietly, she moved towards the seat and took it as directed. The silence between them was quite deafening, before Liana finally broke it. "Look, this morning, I'm really sorry about what happened this morning. I just...I don't know, I'm sorry." she apologised yet again. She wasn't really sure what the prefect had in mind for this detention, but she could at least try to improve the odds by apologising honestly.


Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:51 pm
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Post Re: A Day of Firsts [Leriana]
Leriana's cold eyes burned away the students weak smile, and even such a small thing sent a shiver of dark pleasure through the prefects mind. With her re-assigned to Vera she hadn't had any chances to punish a student in the basement, and as much as she hid and denied it she enjoyed making those who broke the rules and defied the teachers suffer. And watching that weak smile fade was a good start. She remained silent, and almost perfectly motionless with those eyes watching Andraste's every movement. The silence stretched on until the student broke it.

Leriana was patient, listening intently and waiting for Andraste to finish. This morning ... I would much rather find out about yesterday. You said you didn't have a tour, in fact you seemed quite certain of the fact. And yet one was scheduled for you ... wasn't it? Leriana let Andraste answer before continuing. Are you sure you didn't have the tour? Because I checked the records, and the completion of your tour had been logged and signed. So either you, or the teacher who filled it out, is lying. Which one is it? Leriana baited a trap for herself, doubting the student had heard anything about her. Calling a teacher a liar in front of Leriana was liable to send her into an anger filled rage as Leriana would not tolerate anyone questioning or undermining a teachers authority.


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Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:17 am
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