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 Mixing the Correct Elements... (For Kanoe!) 
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Post Mixing the Correct Elements... (For Kanoe!)
Early in the morning, just a little while after the sun had risen, everything was peaceful. The birds were singing their morning songs, waves lapping softly at the sandy beach, the sunlight glistening and shining off the surface of the water. All seemed right with the world, until the peach and calm, for one sleepy student in particular, was quite rudely awakened by one of the most annoying, ear pounding sounds one has ever heard on such a fine morning.

Makenna made a unintelligible grunt as her hand flew to slam the alarm clock, making it cease its horrible noise. She was tempted to lay back down, but knew that was a terrible idea. Groggily, she forced her self out of bed, rubbing her poor tired eyes as they adjusted to the sunlight filtering in through the window. Opening her side of the shared room she had, she breathed a sigh of relief to see that her roommate had already left. Not that she was a bad person or anything, Makenna just did not relish the idea of having to engage in social contact at the moment.

Padding over to the bathroom, still in her pajamas, she stood in front of the mirror. Oh God... It looks like I ran a marathon and had crazy wild sex before bed last night... Ugh... My hair is going to take forever!!

Sighing in resignation, Makenna turned on the water in the shower, fetching some clothes from her room as she waited for the water to warm up. Pulling her pale blue silky nightgown over her head, she tossed it on the floor, a white bra and similarly colored cotten panties soon adorning the nightgown in its heap on the floor. Shaking her head to rid herself of the last vestiges of sleep, she stepped into the shower.

"EEP!" Makenna cried out as the scalding water hit her back. Jumping out of the shower, she quickly turned the water temperature down, cursing herself for not paying more attention or at least testing the water first. She hoped she hadn't woken up the neighbors... the last thing she needed was pounding on her door while naked and bathing.

When at last the water was at a pleasant temperature, she stepped in the shower, letting out a audible sigh of relaxation as the water trailed down her pale skin. It didn't last however, as she knew she had to get to class at some point. Pouring some shampoo on her hands, she lathered it into her wet golden locks, her hair soon becoming quite bubbly. Letting it sink in, she quickly lathered soap across her body. Feeling as if she had sufficiently cleaned her body, she stepped back under the shower head, basking in the pleasant warmth of the water playing across her skin.

Once completely rinsed she stepped out of the shower... only to notice the clock on the wall reading that she only had 15 minutes until her chemistry class! Quickly toweling the excess water off her skin and hair, she blowdryed and brushed her hair at the same time, going as fast as she could due to the time constraints.

Quickly putting on her uniform, her hair still slightly damp, she quickly brushed her teeth and dashed back to her room, leaving her pajamas discarded on the bathroom floor. Grabbing her bag, she ran for the door, stopping to grab a poppy seed muffin on her way out.

Getting many odd stares as she sprinted across the courtyard, she made her way as quickly as possible to her class. When she finally arrived in front of the door she glanced at the wall clock, breathing a quick sigh of relief. Just in time... that was a close one! I hear they are hard on students who break rules here...

Stopping to catch her breath and smooth out her uniform as best she could with her hands, she opens the door and finds a seat amongst the crowd. Looking to her left, she spots another student wearing the infamous prefect sash along with her uniform. Thanking her lucky stars she wasn't late, she smiles at the girl sheepishly before looking back up to the front of the room as the professor begins to speak...

My Character! Makenna Leanne Larsen!:

Last edited by Makenna on Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:31 pm
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Post Re: Mixing the Correct Elements... (For Kanoe!)
Kanoe woke up after a long night of... well... she was not entirely certain what happened that night. Any attempts to think on it left her cheeks flushed with heat and her heart pounding a bit faster. It was becoming harder and harder to think clearly each night. Even the morning was unclear as she remembered walking in the nude infront of her roommate. She remembered tasting her and a faint blue glow. "Uhhhnnn..." the witch moaned softly as her glazed eyes lost focus. Fingers curled inside herself as she began to masturbate right there in the shower until she reached climax. By the time she finished, she had forgotten what she was thinking about.

It was almost time for class, leaving the witch quickly drying off and getting dressed. Despite the need to hurry a bit, Kanoe took her time braiding her hair and attaching a silver clasp to the end. The school hugged her body tight, her heavy globes barely contained in the lacy black bra and her blouse buttons slightly stretched due to being a size too small. But such undersizing was common with the uniforms. The witch was used it at this point as she headed out the door, her long raven black braid trailing behind her as each stride caused her well endowed chest to sway back and forth.

She managed to arrive in class well within time as she found her seat towards the back of the classroom. Another student came quickly into the room soon after and the professor began his lecture. Like most science lectures, majority of the students in the room had no clue what the professor was saying. Kanoe knew some of the things mentioned but her focus was more towards her textbook than the lecture itself. Unfortunately, the textbook was a bit limited on the sort of chemistry the witch involved herself in back in her dorm room.

A shiver ran down her spine as she unconciously rubbed her thighs together. It was best not to think of that room. Things must have really gone to hell if she looked forward to leaving her room and attending her class. It mattered little though as this class session seemed to be shorter. Instead, everyone was given lab assignments which would require going to the chemistry labs to work on. The due date was next week but Kanoe was not about to wait. Any excuse to stay out a bit longer was welcomed at this point. They still had the rest of the class hour to complete the experiment and fill out a review.

As students talked amongst themselves, some considering to skip out, Kanoe was already heading for the door to head upstairs into the labs. There, she would take an open table further in the back. Each of the lab stations already had burners, beakers, and test tubes along with numerous eyedroppers and sealed containers of various fluids. Apparently the experiment was going to take awhile. Everyone was to mix various elements of various temperatures and make note of the changes. Through those changes, students should be able to derive what the mystery fluid is or at least some of its properties.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu Dec 20, 2012 9:21 pm
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Post Re: Mixing the Correct Elements... (For Kanoe!)
It seemed as if the professor droned on and on and on... It wasn't often that Makenna found herself wishing she was someplace other than in a class, but he had the most boring monotonous voice... it was as if he was trying to make it boring. Her eyelids began to droop as the professor continued his mantra. Luckily her bangs slid in front of her eyelids, to hid her light napping.

At the end of class, she was awoken by the sound of packing up and sliding chairs. Hearing the professor mention the words "lab project... one week..." This caused Makenna to blanch. Oh crap... now look what I've gotten myself into... I have a project I know nothing about because I slept through class. Wonderful. Cursing herself under her breath once more she sighed in resignation. Well I have time before my next class... I should probably go check it out and see what's up, maybe one of the other students could tell me...

Packing up her stuff and getting up, she began to walk out of the class, but caught a glare from her professor, who must have seen her napping. Blushing a light pink, she escaped as fast as she could, hoping the professor had forgotten her name. Once she got out of the classroom, she started her trek down to the labs, still mentally beating herself up over falling asleep in class.

Reaching the lab doors, she took deep breath, opening it to find the lab room... empty? No, it appeared that a girl that was in her class from earlier had decided to get an early start on the project. Makenna gave her a once over, lingering on her buxom chest. Wow those are some nice... No! Not right now! Pervert... lecturing herself mentally, especially once she realized that as the only other student in the lab, she would have to ask said girl for her help.

Collecting herself and smoothing the wrinkles out of her skirt, she approached the other girl, hugging her books to her chest and brushing her hair, which was uncharacteristically not in its trademark double ponytail due to having to hurry this morning, behind her ear; pack slung over one shoulder.

"Umm... Heya!" She said politely, smiling softly.

My Character! Makenna Leanne Larsen!:

Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:29 pm
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Post Re: Mixing the Correct Elements... (For Kanoe!)
The raven haired woman was busy reviewing all the materials required and ensuring they were present in the lab station. She was unaware of the young woman gawking at her at the moment. It would not surprise her if someone was doing so. Kanoe was well aware of her beauty and even enjoyed the looks of longing and envy she earned from the other students. But her focus was on her work right now and was not paying attention of the girls that trickled in to try and get a headstart on their lab project.

~Umm... Heya~

Just as she was about done with the inventory, someone had called out to her. Kanoe looks up from the paper and at the young lithe blonde smiling at her. The fact this one was not avoiding her screams that this was a new student. She seemed to be a cute and nice girl but those things did not really matter to her at the moment. Her eyes briefly scan the rest of the room and saw that students were already filtering in, taking their stations. One way or another, it looks like Kanoe was going to have to work with someone on this.

"I am guessing you are here to work on this?" Kanoe asked, already knowing the answer, "I am done with the inventory and everything seems to be here. Get the aprons so we can get this over with." Her voice was cool and she apparently had little care for strangers. That sort of attitude never did soften up much in her stay on the island. The raven haired woman would wait for the young woman to get the aprons, putting one of them on over her uniform. After tying the apron behind her and pulling her hair free, she was ready to begin.

"Are you familiar with what we are doing here?" the witch asked. Either the student knew and could possibly make this go faster or she knew nothing. In the case of nothing, Kanoe would just have to take over and do the entire lab herself while the other student simply wrote down the answers. She did not really care in the end. This was about her own grade and there was nothing one can do when there are no open stations for everyone.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:34 pm
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Post Re: Mixing the Correct Elements... (For Kanoe!)
Makenna's smile faded at the somewhat cold response. Shrugging inwardly she thought, Well she's a bit cold. Maybe she just doesn't like strangers. Can't blame her to be honest. Oh well. At least she is being nice enough to let me work with her! Looking around, she noticed how the lab was filling up quickly, suddenly much more appreciative that the buxom raven haired girl was partnering with her.

Moving to go get the aprons, she put one on over her head, handing the other to the girl. Scanning her eyes over all of their supplies, she noted that everything seemed to be in order, glad that the girl knew what she was doing. Makenna had had too many group projects where she was the only competent one. She kind of knew how the other people had felt now though, as she wasn't sure exactly what they were trying to do...

"Are you familiar with what we are doing here?"

Makenna's face turned slightly pink at that, remember dozing off in a class for the first time. Trying to come up with an excuse she stammered somewhat, "Well... I-I missed the lecture... B-but this isn't my first chemistry class, so if you tell me what we're doing, I'm sure I can help out. I'm usually pretty good at these kinds of things."

Her face still warm from embarrassment, Makenna set her bag and books down next to the lab station, nervously brushing her bangs out of her eyes with her hand, giving a shy smile.

My Character! Makenna Leanne Larsen!:

Fri Dec 21, 2012 12:58 am
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Post Re: Mixing the Correct Elements... (For Kanoe!)
The answer was not filled with much confidence. At least she was not bluntly saying she did not know anything which is at least a step above most students. "We just follow the steps listed. They are having us mix various fluids as well as heat various combinations and note their attributes. With that, we are then to test the mystery fluids and find out what they are." Kanoe summarized the experiment and did not really wait as she already began following the steps in the lab booklet.

Kanoe did not give any orders or instructions to the other student. She simply went step by step, adding the required fluids to test tubes and labelling them. Some were to be added to flasks and heated so they were ready. Other groups were doing much the same though skipping ahead. Some groups even worked together to shorten the time even further while others simply left, blowing off the lab till another time if at all. Kanoe did not pay any attention to them. It was too late to tell the woman with her to start on her own even as students began to ditch or filter out of the lab. She did not mind though, at least she would have some peace and quiet during this.

The witch began mixing fluids, noting their color and scent mainly though some combinations caused some amounts of fizzing. It seemed as if Kanoe was content with doing things herself. The annoying part was having to wait for a set amount of time as listed on the lab manual which most of the other groups were skipping over to finish faster. "So many things need to be heated," Kanoe mumbled to herself. She sighed and leaned against the wall as she waited for the heating to finish. Well, she did want an excuse to stay out of the dorms for a bit. Looks like she got her wish.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Dec 21, 2012 1:16 am
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Post Re: Mixing the Correct Elements... (For Kanoe!)
"We just follow the steps listed. They are having us mix various fluids as well as heat various combinations and note their attributes. With that, we are then to test the mystery fluids and find out what they are"

At this Makenna frowned somewhat, this was going to take quite awhile. If they were going to do it properly, at least. And of course that was something Makenna took pride in; doing her work properly.

As the raven haired girl started going about the business of the lab, following the instructions and mixing and labeling chemicals in test tubes, Makenna diligently followed along, adding her own observations to the answers and helping where she could. The other woman really took control though, so there wasn't a ton she could do for that part of the lab. So she looked at the instructions and skipped ahead, beginning to prepare chemicals in flasks to be heated up over the burner, as well as writing out her own thoughts on what the mystery substance might be based on inferences from what the other girl was doing. The last thing Makenna wanted was to freeload off of this other girl, even though she was clearly giving her the opportunity to.

As Makenna finished up all the preparations for the rest of the lab and whatever else she could do without having the information from heating the chemicals in the various flasks, she set down her pencil and notebook on another table, safely away from the burner. She frowned as she saw other students leaving, inwardly shaking her head at their laziness. She figured she could probably start on her own now, but she figured it was already too late. And she didn't want to have to do all that work all over again. Besides... maybe she could make a friend? Or at least a friendly acquaintance.

Seeing the other girl standing and waiting she took a deep breath, smoothing out her uniform nervously once again before standing next to her, speaking as casually as she could, "Wow... you sure work fast! Sorry I haven't been too much of a help..." she said, humbly speaking little of the preparation work she had done. Holding out her hand, albeit somewhat tentatively, she introduced herself, "I'm Makenna. Makenna Larsen." Smiling softly as she mostly successfully tried to key her eyes off the raven haired girl's figure.

My Character! Makenna Leanne Larsen!:

Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:02 am
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Post Re: Mixing the Correct Elements... (For Kanoe!)
Her arms cross infront of her chest as she waited for the first set of heated chemicals to finish. The blonde decided to take it upon herself to apologize for the lack of assistance. Kanoe did not really care either way. She would have finished the project one way or another. But the student apparently wanted to socialize more than that as she extended her hand in greeting and giving her name. The witch looked over at the woman and then the hand being offered. A handshake, she could not remember the last time she was given or accepted one of those on this island. She gently accepted the hand, squeezing briefly before releasing. "Kanoe..." she replied. Last names were not really important here so she saw no reason to give hers.

Kanoe looked at the empty lab stations. "We can speed things up a bit by using the other heaters to prepare the other chemicals," she said calmly, "I will take these over to those tables." The witch grabbed a couple of prepared flasks and carried them to another table. One was filled with one of the mystery fluids, this one required to be put to boiling point before adding any other chemicals to it. It would at least make the whole process faster if they can heat all the chemicals at the same time. They would just have to keep track of the time and remove the flasks before they get too hot or cold.

The groups working together finally finished with a few of them coughing and groaning from apparently inhaling something directly. Thankfully, the manual stated that none of this should be toxic to humans. As a couple of girls were helped out of the lab, Kanoe and Makenna were the last two working on their project. "At least we have more tables to work with," Kanoe said as she carried some chemicals to another table to start heating, "Do you have all you need, Makenna?" She asked, assuming her lab partner was doing the same thing she was doing to speed the process.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:33 am
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Post Re: Mixing the Correct Elements... (For Kanoe!)
Makenna stood there awkwardly for a moment, but if felt like an hour to her; growing more unsure of herself as Kanoe examined her. Thankfully for Makenna, Kanoe finally accepted the handshake and introduced herself, allowing Makenna to relax a little as she breathed an inward sigh of relief. Squeezing the other girl's hand back softly, Makenna replied, "It's nice to meet you, Kanoe." She couldn't help but wonder why Kanoe seemed to surprised at the offering of a handshake... Maybe it wasn't common here? Makenna made a mental note to herself to avoid offering them in the future.

As Makenna noticed all the other students leave, some of them coughing or having to be helped out from inhaling the wrong thing, she hoped they would be alright. Although the lab said it was nothing toxic so she wasn't too worried. She noted to herself they were now alone. At least they could speed the process up.

Hearing Kanoe's suggestion, Makenna nodded and grabbed some flasks herself, taking different sets to different tables and turning on the burners and Kanoe did the same, beginning to heat up the specified chemicals; making sure to check on each one from time to time as she worked.

As they continued to work, Makenna replied to Kanoe, "Yeah, I think I have everything I need. Just need to wait for these to finish heating up. Pulling at the collar of her uniform, Makenna was getting quite warm, the burners and the sunlight from the large window on the far wall of the room causing the lab to heat up quite a great deal.

My Character! Makenna Leanne Larsen!:

Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:16 am
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Post Re: Mixing the Correct Elements... (For Kanoe!)
There was certainly nothing wrong with the gesture. It was just all other greetings received were far less formal on this island. There was no need to worry about any further social issues as both women were soon focused on multiple tables and keeping track of the clock. The last thing they needed was for something to go wrong with one of the burners and start a fire.

Around one of the tables that had issues before had a lingering smell of roses to them. Perhaps it was a hint to one of the mystery chemicals. But the faint smell did send a slight tingling warmth through Kanoe's body. It was probably nothing serious, just have to becareful of the real potent smell.

As time passed, Kanoe would remove flasks from their burners and continue with the steps involving them. The lab sheet was mostly filled out and some of the mysterious chemicals were answered. Most were simple enough but there was still the one on the burner. They were almost done. Makenna was no doubt getting her flasks so Kanoe went to the final table. The fluid was boiling in its flask. She used tongs to remove it from the burner and turned it off. All that was left was adding a few drops of the tester that was provided and...


The reaction was immediate as all the bubbling fluids instantly went gaseous and blew out of the flask and directly into Kanoe's face. "Ahhhn!" The witch cried out in alarm, stumbling backwards and bumping into another table. She coughed and groaned as her senses were filled with the potent scent of roses. The gas from the flask was already disappating but not before Kanoe inhaled some of it. Her body trembled as she groaned. Heat bubbled up inside her as she rested heavily against one of the tables. Her chest felt tight as insides began to twitch. Kanoe gasped for breath but the sweet scent would not go away. "Uhhhnnn.." Her body felt like it was on fire and her insides felt like a cock was pumping away. Oh Goddess! She felt like she was going to lose herself at any moment.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:42 am
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Post Re: Mixing the Correct Elements... (For Kanoe!)
Makenna didn't talk anymore as they continued to work, moving from table to table, occasionally going back to Kanoe to jot down answers in the lab sheet. She found herself building up quite a sweat in the hot room. She also smelled something odd... Roses? Must have been one of the chemicals on the burner. She shrugged, continuing to go about her business, trying to avoid the sunlight streaming in from the window.

Eventually she had just about finished up with the burners she had been watching. Milling about the room as she was putting away her flasks and disposing of used chemicals she hummed a soft tune to herself. Makenna was quite pleasantly surprised at how quickly this had gone. Maybe it wasn't so bad a thing teaming up with Kanoe after all! Not that Kanoe had really done anything to her...

As she cleaned however, she heard the sound of air rushing followed by a cry of surprise from the girl on the other side of the room. Spinning around, Makenna rushed over to her, unwittingly breathing in some of the released gas herself.

Arousal hit her like a brick wall, stopping her in her tracks as she fell against a table next to Kanoe, letting out her own groan. It was all she could do to stop herself from slipping her hand under her uniform's skirt right there, the strange rose smelling gas combining with her already high sex drive to create a potent force of arousal. Biting her lip hard, she leaned heavily against the table, similarly to Kanoe, letting out another groan. Need roiled in her gut, she wouldn't be able to hold herself back from at least touching herself for more than a minute or two at this rate, her arousal only growing instead of slowly dissipating as the chemicals worked through her system.

Suppressing a groan of need she managed to choke out, "Are y-you okay?" to the raven haired girl, unsure of if the chemicals had the same effect on both of them or if the girl had hurt herself...

My Character! Makenna Leanne Larsen!:

Fri Dec 21, 2012 7:34 am
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Post Re: Mixing the Correct Elements... (For Kanoe!)
Kanoe would have probably called the other woman an idiot for rushing towards a chemical accident without thinking of the dangers. But that was the last thing on the dark witch's mind right now. Juices trickled lightly down her inner thighs, her panties all soaked with the woman's need. The room felt so very hot now. She did not respond to Makenna either she did not hear her or did not have the will to answer. While Makenna got only a whiff, Kanoe had got the full flask blown into her face and nose. It absorbed into her skin and left her mind bubbly and clouded.

Was this what the other groups had found? Kanoe thought numbly. What were those students doing now? The thought brought vivid fantasies of those two girls being layed out on a table as the rest of their group took turns fucking her stupid. "Ooohhnnn..." Kanoe's eyes fluttered and rolled back in her head as her hips began to twitch. She could almost feel those fingers curling up inside her already. Her hips unconciously rocked forward, welcoming those fingers playing out in her mind. The witch could not stop thinking about it. She needed relief and she needed it now.

Hands pawed at her apron, pulling it off and revealing those swollen mammaries contained in that tight blouse and bra. A hand was already cupping and squeezing a breast, moaning as she did. Shaking her head weakly, she knew something was wrong but it all felt so right. The witch's body swayed as she slowly tried to make it to the door of the lab. Everything felt so hot and smelled of roses, she needed to get out of here.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:42 pm
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Post Re: Mixing the Correct Elements... (For Kanoe!)
Makenna suddenly felt quite ashamed of herself, running over without pausing to think like that. That just isn't like her. Her train of thought was soon interrupted however, her intense desire fogging her mind. Makenna's mind wandered, thinking of various imaginary women performing all sorts of dirty acts upon one another. She found her mind wandering down a path where she began to see the other girl in the lab, Kanoe, as one of the participants among the imaginary women, her large breasts bobbing as she cried out...

She soon snapped back to her sense, or at least what her 'drugged' mind could muster of them, hearing the other girl in a situation similar to what she had been imagining, a hand massaging her breasts through her clothing, and apron torn off and left on the ground next to her. Intense need boiled over in Makenna at the sight, her mind not thinking straight as she followed the woman after she had gotten up.

Catching up to her, before she thought about what she was doing, Makenna called out to Kanoe, "Wait..." followed by a low moan of arousal. Everything was all a hot, rose scented blur to her for the next moment as she reached out, gently squeezing the other girl's breast with her outstretched hand. Makenna pawed at her own collar with her other hand, the heat making her clothes almost insufferable...

My Character! Makenna Leanne Larsen!:

Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:18 pm
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Post Re: Mixing the Correct Elements... (For Kanoe!)
Apparently what mist was left in the air was enough to send Makenna into a sort of sexual daze as well. Kanoe was not aware that she was not in much better state nor did she really care. The witch kept taking unsteady steps towards the door. Panted gasps left her as every breath caused her chest to heave against the tight uniform. She just needed to get to some cool air, a pool would be nice too.

She heard a voice behind her as a hand reach around her and grabbed a handful of the witch's heavy orb. Her world froze that moment as those fingers squeezed ever so slowly. Kanoe's body arched as she cried out. "Uhhhnnnn..." The witch's eyes fluttered and rolled back in her head as waves of tingling heat rippled through the hypersensitive orb. Her already erect teat pulsed rapidly with erotic agony, the nectar threatening to spurt out of the heavy jug at any moment.

Kanoe had stopped moving forward. Her arms felt numb as they slid down her own body and fell limply to her sides. She found herself leaning backwards, resting against the woman had touched her. "Oh god..." she groaned. Makenna would feel Kanoe's heart racing within the firm heated orb. Any thought of escape went out the window as the only thoughts in the witch's brain were of those fingers and what they were doing to her right now. It felt so very good and already, suggestions from her roommate echoed softly in her subconcious to let it all happen.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:09 am
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Post Re: Mixing the Correct Elements... (For Kanoe!)
If Makenna would have been able to think clearly, she wouldn't have believed the situation she was in. In seemed like it came straight out of some of the hentai manga she had read! She also wouldn't believe that she had a gorgeous woman with a quite considerable bust leaning up against her, moaning at her touch. As it is however, it was all she could do to stop herself from going even farther with the woman.

Either fortunately or unfortunately for Makenna, despite her crazed with arousal state, she managed to get a hold of herself long enough to at least release the woman's breast (not before a gentle parting squeeze!). She couldn't just take advantage of Kanoe like this. Still allowing her to lean up against her for support, Makenna couldn't hold back a groan of her own arousal, the woman's shapely body pressed up against her, her own much smaller breasts poking into Kanoe's back.

Having to stand on her tip toes to reach the taller woman's ears, Makenna managed to squeak out, "I-I don't know what's going on... b-but... We both need... Maybe we can help each other?" It was evident in Makenna's voice that although she desperately wanted Kanoe, she wasn't willing to force herself on her... Makenna fought back the overly aroused part of her brain with the promise of masturbation, should the girl decide to not continue...

My Character! Makenna Leanne Larsen!:

Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:30 am
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