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 Pandora's Box: Paranoia & Suffering (For Alexvano) 
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Post Pandora's Box: Paranoia & Suffering (For Alexvano)
She had made it to her dorm room safely; well more or less safely anyway. She'd been stopped by several of the things that apparently only she saw on the island and they did confirm what Kanoe had said to her; not that she had any reason not to believe the witch. She didn't go straight to sleep though; her mind wouldn't let her. For several hours she spoke to an inhuman spirit; it was humanoid though which helped. It lacked a nose on it's misty form. The two spoke until about two in the morning about various things. She was a bit surprised to learn the thing didn't even know it was dead, and the thing informed charlotte or some of the atrocities it had seen in the universe.

Charlotte had changed as the two spoke; she stripped off her uniform showing off the white bra and panties that the school forced her to wear before sliding those off too. She didn't mind the female spirit seeing, it couldn't touch her even if it wanted to after all. She didn't have any reason to suspect she was being watched by anything else either. She slipped on a pair of black panties with some deep green side laces and a deep purple lace edge . After that she slipped on some simple satin pajamas yawning softly before she slipped into bed trying to spend her last few moments awake explaining the creature's death or of course that it didn't belong in this universe at all.
"Alright... I give up... just... just go away and let me sleep damn it...
she pulled the covers up over her head for now & after the spirit went silent and gave up trying to bother her, drifted off to sleep to simple calm dreams, surprisingly enough, none reflected her newly formed fear of being found by one of the island's creatures which she had been made so clearly aware of. She was however not aware of what had been watching her and indeed at least two of the islands inhabitants were... however only one had any nefarious plans for this beautiful young woman.

Charlotte Tepes Belnades

Jeanette Rose Thompson

The True Pandora's Box

Lamenting lover Christopher

Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:47 am
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Post Re: Pandora's Box: Paranoia & Suffering (For Alexvano)
Just a few days ago, Slimer had been minding his own business on a mission to pilfer some chemistry supplies from the school labs one night when he ran accross the most unusual of sights. A pretty girl, she was of average height with an ample chest and slim waist was walking along the hallway. That by itself was far from unusual, and although she was strikingly beautiful in an unusual way, he normally would have let it go at a lust-filled staring at her bouncy curves, since he had a fun filled night of theft planned. What did catch his attention was the fact that she seemed to be carrying on a conversation with just the thin air. Alarmed that he might not be the only invisible being there he sent a tentacle out exploring the area she talked to he found nothing...

Back in the present, Slimer shook his head at the strange encounter, thinking how that chance moment left him curious and stalking her these last few days. Slimer wasn't sure of many things, like whether she was talking to a magical being or protector of some sort, or whether her deck was simply a few cards short of 52. Tonight for example, he watched the beautiful girl talk and listen to, what might be her imagination, late into the night. His interest was side tracked as she began stripping down to the white school underwear. The gripped her curves in all the right places, and Slimer could only imagine the joys underneath.

Imagination, it seemed, didn't do her any justice as those too were removed leaving her bare to his hungry eyes. As his eyes took in her nubile body he knew he must have her, but before he pleasured himself with her body, his curiosity needed to be satisfied. He watched as she slipped on a black lacey number, followed by pajamas. Finally drifting off to sleep giving him a chance to reflect on the day. After a few hours, he was still torn inside. Was she truely insane, or truely as gifted as no one he had ever encountered?



Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:29 am
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Post Re: Pandora's Box: Paranoia & Suffering (For Alexvano)
The night went by, occasionally she'd mumble something in her sleep that was completely unintelligible she'd end up knocking all the covers off herself; the covers however would drift from their place and right back onto her without so much as her even touching it. Of course this wasn't one of Charlotte's normal spirits, it was something else that chose not to be seen by anything in the room, the presence couldn't be sensed by the monster keeping an eye on her though and it would be just a little proof in anything's eyes that she wasn't as insane as she may seem.

The dawn came and she drifted awake with a yawn she slipped to her feet eying a corner huffing slightly. This time she saw a more obviously inhuman spirit. It was a bird like creature, it spoke clearly in english to her; she always assumed it was her mind translating to her of course. What it said didn't matter to anyone other than her. She spoke though gesturing off sightly.

”alright alright, I'll talk to you later if I have to but, why can't you just talk to one another, there are a couple dozen of you around here... and students bring you guys in now and then all the time and you get another new friend for four years... Yes I know it's not the same just... shut up and let me go take a nice cool shower...”

She pushed her closet open to gather a towel and a set of 'regular' clothes a set of black clothes, what they were couldn't be seen from the way they were folded. Along with that a small shoulder bag full of various soaps and shampoos. She began to drift to her door and the entity behind her, unknowingly it drifted through the unseen monster; it knew the creature was there but made no warning; it wouldn't help and it knew that but, Slimer would feel a strong chill pass through it.

Charlotte entered the communal shower but, not many were there yet. There were perhaps three students besides her. She slipped off her Pajamas and lingerie putting them and her fresher black clothes into the waterproof bag as she walked to a free shower head tying the bag but, only because she didn't entirely trust people, and placing her soaps down before finally turning the water on letting it flow over her pale skin and generous curves so it could wake her.

Charlotte Tepes Belnades

Jeanette Rose Thompson

The True Pandora's Box

Lamenting lover Christopher

Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:43 am
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Post Re: Pandora's Box: Paranoia & Suffering (For Alexvano)
Slimer watched as she rested peacefully against the encroaching night. It wasn't long before her breathing became even and deep signifying the appearence of REM based sleep. Her eyelids fluttered yet failed to open as vivid dreams ran through her mind. His question was soon answered as the covers descended from her toiling sleep only to rise unbidden by any action of hers. Apparently some entity was repeatedly, reapplying the removed covers, and Slimer although suspicous couldn't confirm the origin until morning finally conquered the darkness plaguing the room.

As morning broke, the minutes passed until her firm, rested body stirred to life, eyelids peeling back and revealing her bright eyes. With a quick glance to an empty corner, she began a tirade, against an unknown presence. It wasn't until he was following her ample body out the door carrying bathing supplies that he was given clarity. As he paced behind her flowing hair and swaying hips, a cold presence passed through his muscular body. It felt as though death itself had crossed past his very soul.

His suspicions were confirmed, and she was one of a kind here. She wasn't insane but gifted with the ability to talk to deceased life forms. Rumors of that capability had spread through the histories, but he had yet to encounter one. The ability being so unique, made him doubt her sanity, and he could only imagine how her less open-minded fellow humans viewed her peculilar behavior. Her sanity must come under constant scrutiny. He knew he had to have her, yet weighing against caution was the opportunity to act on her insecurities. He decides then and there to assualt her mentally to open up the next one physically.

As she turns on the shower, her waterproof bag protects her clothing. As she stands under the cool stream, her pale skin glistens under the beading waters. He watches her nipples spring erect from the temperature and slippery stimulation. Now was perfect to begin the mental anguish, so he begins.

The other students had no chance but to be oblivious to his covert movements. First, he slips the bag from its resting place. Carefully tugging it open, he opens the mouth of his tail, dumping his thick green slime inside covering the contents. After half a minute, the green ooze fills the bag and leave the clothes inside wrecked goo covered fabrics. He reties the bag and replaces it. Not content to stop there, he watches as she lathers her supple curves with her variety of fragrant soaps. Finally, snapping himself back into the present, he begins rolling the water controls from warm to hot, while he whispers, I know you, and I'm coming for you soon, his voice ominous and her over the jetting water by her ears alone.



Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:32 am
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Post Re: Pandora's Box: Paranoia & Suffering (For Alexvano)
Not Everything Chatlotte saw was a dead thing of course; that was how many species saw it. Many times she was seing things that were only partially in their universe; things that were inbetween or lesser energy creatures. Either way though; not very many saw them.

Charlotte took her time in the shower; making sure the water was kept almost perfectly warm for her tastes. She cleaned silently not quite paying attention to anything happening around her other than the fact several other students slipped into the showers while she cleaned. She was rinsing her hair of shampoo around the time she heard something speak to her.
'I know you, and I'm coming for you soon, '
she turned around to look behind her but, she saw nothing, she slipped and landed on her bare ass as the water grew too hot too quick, she didn't see a thing and that bothered her more than if she had seen something... the spirits she saw could interact with the world just not the living and some could be tricksters but, to see nothing at all was frightening.

”Alright I think that's enough showering.”
she decided pushing herself off the ground, her bottom was a pale red from the impact against the tiles. She took her bag and left to the dry benches before she unzipped the bag glaring into it now at her poor clothes, she glances to the sides and found someone's towel that had been left behind to pull her clothes out, she looked over the slime covered cloth not sure what to think; as far as she saw they'd never moved. She didn't dare wear clothes covered with slime so she returned them to her bag cursing to herself.
Alright... should just keep calm... just need to get to my room now... naked... or I could borrow a girl's stuff
she decided to take the first bit of clothing she saw, that happened to be a towel left just outside the showers proper. When no one was looking she grabbed it and wrapped it around herself bringing her bag over her shoulder. She slipped out of the shower room now into the hall for now, in nothing but a towel holding it tight enough to herself that it wouldn't fall open by itself even if she stumbled.

Charlotte Tepes Belnades

Jeanette Rose Thompson

The True Pandora's Box

Lamenting lover Christopher

Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:54 pm
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Post Re: Pandora's Box: Paranoia & Suffering (For Alexvano)
Slimer watched her silently from the conrer, and was intrigued to see what would happen next. Anticipating the moments to come didn't distract him from drinking in the pleasure-filled feast his green eyes hungrily devoured. The student whose name he had yet to learn slipped landing hard on her firm pale ass. As she stood a rubbed the reddish spot from the impact, he could envision his hand grabbing that firm backside as he pulls her firmly onto his cock.

Snapping out of the fantasy he knew it would be awhile before he was able to whittle away at her psyche, leaving her vulnerable enough to corrupt her body. His eyes drank in her naked, dripping physique as she cooly examined her slime covered clothes. Good girl, Slimer thinks to himself as she wisely avoids the ruined garments. Enjoying ever last second of her bare form, her curves offsetting her slender form perfectly. Finally, grabs another students towel, and uses the pilfered item to conceal her wonderful body. She slips into the hall carrying her bag, and thinks to make a clean exit to her room, but the game is just beginning and I play to win, the demon thinks.

Slipping out after her, he moves to follow her. Halfway to her room, he pulls up to his next target. Its funny how sometimes life is changed forever by the most simple of things. Reaching out, he grabs the plastic handle and pulls down. An unusual buzzing sounds drones heavily through the air, accompanied by sprinkling water. Why pull a fire alarm, a juvenille human act? Forced to choose now, rooms would empty, and students would soon file out. Would she join them with nothing more than a towel on, suffering the embarassment of the hardly expansive towel, or attempt to make it to her room and risk being caught and punished by a head girl for not evacuating? Although not heavy stakes, he wagered the knowledge gained by her choice, and the subsequent events would be invaluable to studying his prey and stressing her further.



Fri Aug 12, 2011 8:03 am
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Post Re: Pandora's Box: Paranoia & Suffering (For Alexvano)
She looked behind her as the alarm began to go off and she couldn't help but, grit her teeth. There wasn't too much choice and she didn't have all that long... she wasn't the best with illusions and she knew this but, she could use the light of day to her advantage.
She quickly gestured in the air and cast a spell out in the open on the towel she was wearing. It didn't do too much, she knew about the weakness the island caused and knew the spell wouldn't be perfect no matter how she tried it so she had altered her goal. The spell she normall ywould have used was invisibility, instead she used the way people perceived things, she shifted the light around her in such a way that she would go, mostly, unnoticed by the people around her. Of course this effect would only work on humans, and the smarter students would be able to see right through it but, as were the limits when your abilities to manipulate the universe are held in check so tightly.

With that done she knew the school didn't pick 'stupid' or 'gullible' people to be headgirls and she had been warned once about them and the school's dangerous punishments (though not in complete detail). She decided to use the spell and follow the mobs of students out of the building silently trying to do nothing out of the ordinary and stick to the wall as best she could so as the towel wouldn't get snagged on a person's bag. Eventually she made it outside with everyone else, a faint blush on her face as she hoped to just remain next to a tree. As far as she'd noticed so far, not a soul had looked directly at her though.

Charlotte Tepes Belnades

Jeanette Rose Thompson

The True Pandora's Box

Lamenting lover Christopher

Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:12 pm
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Post Re: Pandora's Box: Paranoia & Suffering (For Alexvano)
Slimer grinned as the buzzing droned in the air and students began to work their way out of their rooms, evacuating the building. What truely surprised him though was his target, she cast a spell of some sort but he couldn't detect any obvious changes. Walking after her as she made her way from the building, it was peculilar that no one seemed aware of her presence. Eyes seemed to glide right past her barely covered form. Clever girl, Slimer thinks as she makes it outside, and holds up against a tree waiting for the annoying sound to end.

His guess proved correct as he learned two important details. The first was not only was she capable of talking to and seeing things he couldn't see, but also she was capable of magic. That magic was apparently powerful enough to effect other students but seemed to hold no sway over his own mind. Whether that was intentional, or known to the girl was another question. Second, she was clever and possibly more of a challenge then he had anticipated. Her arcane abilities were an unknown, and even though the island had the inhibitors, it may prove useful to assess her capabilities further before trying to take her.

As the droning ends, she stood unnoticed by the tree and the students slowly filed into the building. He noticed her cheeks growing less flush as they left. So, either the thought of being seen as she was, was embarrasing to her or she doubted her skills. Time would tell, her confidence so far seemed unflappable, so he wagered on the embarassment. That he could certainly take advantage of, as plans began forming in his mind...



Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:08 pm
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Post Re: Pandora's Box: Paranoia & Suffering (For Alexvano)
She didn't quite lack confidence in her ability, the lack of confidence was in the spell & the nature of it. It only worked so well after all, and she could still be at the periphery of people's vision. Either way she was much more comfortable when they had all returned to the building. When she was sure that 'most' of the student body had gone back in and settled she tried to go back, the towel had snagged just slightly slowing her return down several seconds.

She returned to her room closing the door locking it and quickly throwing on clothes. First a pair of simple black boyshort panties & a matching pair of gloves and a matching bra neither completely see through just enough to tease at most. She then slipped on one of the many black velvet dresses in her closet. Many looking the same, this of course was only the sets of clothing she had in the front of it. She would then throw on a pair of simple black bike shorts beneath, this particular dress actually had long sleeves and a slight victorian feel to it while maintaining a slight air of sexuality. The final bit of clothing was a pair of knee high black boots.

She opened her bag and dumped out the slime covered clothing and her hair clip before casting a very simple cleaning spell. The slime was wiped away and the garments mostly cleaned. They still had some film from the slime and she refused to touch them until they were laundered now. She returned to her door unlocking and opening it before drifting out. No classes left her free to relax a bit and she felt she should at the least try to. With another bag hanging from her side.

Charlotte Tepes Belnades

Jeanette Rose Thompson

The True Pandora's Box

Lamenting lover Christopher

Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:36 am
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Post Re: Pandora's Box: Paranoia & Suffering (For Alexvano)
Slimer watched as the students cleared out, and she seemed to grow in confidence immediately. His suspicion wasn't confirmed until he watched her head held high confident, swaying walk that he decided. It was the embarassment rather than the lack of confidence making her blush. Her confidence told him he had barely scratched the surface of her magic potential, meaning she would be a more dangerous prey than he had first anticipated. He followed behind her watching her hips legs, and backside sway and absent mindedly missed his opening to sneak into her room.

The loss of another chance to see her lovely body revealed made him sadden but he knew his patience would be rewarded as she emerged. Her paler skin contrasted with the color of her darker hair and wardrobe. She was dressed almost formally in an almost victorian dress, wearing black from head to toe. Black boots, complimented the dress and the ensemble was completed by the matching gloves. Slimer was caught catching his breath at her feminimity, barely concealed by the dark outfit, wondering if her undergarments would be black soaked fabric? The black he would wager heavily on, but even judging her powers anew, the soaked would be a sure thing in all due time...

Curiosity was once again peaked as she passed by carrying yet another bag. Wondering at the contents he knew it was simply to soon for another shower even by human standards. Setting out after he knew he would soon find out...



Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:56 am
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Post Re: Pandora's Box: Paranoia & Suffering (For Alexvano)
This new bag was full of paper, books, her lap top, and several pens and other miscellaneous objects. Charlotte was going to go reading and writing, it was only early afternoon still so she had plenty of time before she'd go practicing. She walked the hall quietly to the barely populated lounge of the dorms. There were perhaps one or two other girls there enjoying a drink or a snack as they studied.

Charlotte took out her lap top and a book sitting with crossed legs in a simple love seat that had a table in front of it. The book was on ancient civilizations; so far the only class she had attended this week. Another rcold presence could be felt passing by the creature that was following her before it would stop at her looking over the book. She looked up offering a slightly stealthy 'shoo' gesture trying to get it to understand that she was busy right now.

“Should go get a drink.
she got to her feet moving to the vending machine leaving her things more or less unattended save the laptop which was locked by a thumb print scanner she wiped off with a gentle mutter to herself that changed the natural oil smudge of her finger print to something unusable.

Charlotte Tepes Belnades

Jeanette Rose Thompson

The True Pandora's Box

Lamenting lover Christopher

Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:53 am
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Post Re: Pandora's Box: Paranoia & Suffering (For Alexvano)
Slimer watches as she opened the bag and setup shop with the laptop on the coffee table in front of the love seat and thought it was another good opportunity to mess with her. Before he could move though a cold chill passed through him before she made a gesture and decided to head over to the vending machine for a drink. Now was his chance he realized. Never one for being too subtle, he reached in the bag looking for a pen and found one. Knowing he had to work quick he pulled the pen cap off and opened a notebook and scribbled something inside. Seeing the textbook he proceeded to change the page, going 4 forward, and proceeded to scribble a message on that page as well.

Seeing her finish selecting her drink he quickly flipped back 4 pages and replaced the book on the table. Slipping the notebook and pen back into the bag just before she turned in her black number and began walking back with her drink. Slimer paused to the far side of the couch to watch her reaction to his messages.

Scribbled onto the front page of the notebook was a message. When she finally opened the notebook in big letters he had written "I CAN SEE YOU, CAN YOU SEE ME, OR IS IT TOO LATE???" in a curvey caligraphy. He used the flowing style to help conceal who was writing the messages leaving possibilities open to her it was another student. Four pages in he had written "I'M COMING FOR YOU SOON, WILL YOU CUM FOR ME?" and at the bottom he had signed it "your secret admirer, S." he knew she might no find the messages right away but eventually she would and while he waited he took in the pleasant view.



Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:52 am
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Post Re: Pandora's Box: Paranoia & Suffering (For Alexvano)
She returned with her iced tea with a bit of a simple sigh as she would drift to and slip back onto the love seat. She spent several minutes before she turned back to her textbook and picked up her notebook again opening it, the large black letters, written as artistically as they had been sent a shiver through her spine. She glared at the notebook page as she glanced to the other women in the room, they hadn't moved much save for a couple that were deciding to take their time off from class to make out in public. One of the pair wore a head girl sash and had teal hair. Charlotte turned back to her notebook and turned the page. The next two pages were blank. She began taking notes.

Some of the notes were obviously those she'd seen in her textbook, or questions she planned to check books in the library to answer others were thoughts on magic she felt the urge to write down. She turned the page again once the second and third pages were full. Occasionally she shifted in her seat and took a sip from her drink or changed the page on her laptop to one of the other school network pages.

Finally after a time, she turned the page again, she was the words but, didn't believe it at first, she shivered, she was obviously looking a bit bothered.
”What the hell?! Who wrote this bullshit?!”
she'd have been fine about the writing in her notebook but, writing this in her notebook, when there were no suspects save the spirits around her, and none of them seemed to be holding a pen, and her bag hadn't been cool to the touch, neither had her book or pen.
”Alright... alright nothing to worry about. Just words, maybe someone passed by, did it as a joke then left.”

she thought aloud to herself, it wasn't something she did too often save when she was starting to feel a great deal of anxiety and her hands were shaking just a bit from the fear that this could have been one of the things Kanoe had warned her about.

Charlotte Tepes Belnades

Jeanette Rose Thompson

The True Pandora's Box

Lamenting lover Christopher

Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:27 pm
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Post Re: Pandora's Box: Paranoia & Suffering (For Alexvano)
Slimer waited while she returned with her beverage of choice, apparently she enjoyed a bottle of ice tea. She quickly slipping back onto the sofa, and he waits for her to find his ominous messages to see her reaction. She appeared to be shaken as she questions out loud the appearance of the threats inside her notebook and text book.

She nervously glanced around but couldn't find a giggling student or two, leaving a practical joke as an explanation off the table. She eyed the head girl, but she knew she wouldn't allow such harrassment. He warched as she tried to convince herself that there was no boogie man and it was simply just words. He plans further ways to test her and set her further on edge, biding his time.

Her magical capabilities might need further testing as well before tries to rape the student, not one to take alot of chances. Putting his mind to the task of how, he watches the sexy girl try and gather her nerves after the appearance of the unexpected messages. He also thought about ways to violate her supposed sanctuary of her room. Grinning evil ideas began to come rapidly.



Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:56 pm
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