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 Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus) 
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
I had yelped when it climbed onto me as I held tight to the towel that almost came off, I wasn’t expecting for the little Imp to have climbed on my like some kind of monkey. It was on my back now and I smiled when it said it didn’t care as long as he had his cookies. “Well you get your cookie soon enough, could you not climb on my like that again, you startled me. Well I don’t think it would be a good idea if you was spotted around the campus, you might scar some of the other students and they might try and hurt you if they saw you, Hmm I wished I was good at giving names, guess that could wait for now,” I told him as I went into the main bedroom and grabbed a robe and took the Imp off my back so I could put the robe on. Once the robe was on I let the towel drop from under it. “Ok ill be right back, im going to sneak into the kitchen to get your cookies, be a good little Imp till I get back ok?” I tell him and gives his head a kiss and head out to the kitchen.


Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:26 am
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
"Okay." The Imp added after Komiko had told it that she would go get his treats now. It had merely just listened as she scolded it for climbing on her and said that he'd have to hide from the other students. Getting hurt was not a prospect the familiar liked much. After the girl had left, the demon decided to go prowling around the room, get accustomed to its new surroundings. Then, after doing so, it returned to the bed, lying down on the girl's pillow and closed its eyes.

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Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:27 pm
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
I enter the kitchen that was part of the dorm, I had found the oatmeal cookies and decided to cook up some hot coco to go with it. I wasn’t sure if I was allowed in this part of the dorm, mostly the staff who worked back here but nothing was ever locked in the kitchen, I had found that two weeks of being here when I missed dinner studying for the first test I had, I kept the lights out only working under the light of the stove fire and the glowing red exit sign lights. The water was finished by the time I found the coco powder and started mixing my concoction.


Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:22 pm
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
Still bored and the girl having yet to return, the Imp cracked open its eyes and sat up, stretching itself. This time, the new familiar went off the bed and toward the desk, looking around at the girl's workspace and what was the remains of the demon's work, all the cluttered papers and false symbols. It really hoped that Komiko wouldn't have any ideas about trying to confront the Marquis about being raped and used for his amusement, as rude and horrifying as it might had been.

Shrugging, the Imp left the desk and climbed up to a window, pushing it up and taking a gander around the dorms and whatever of the campus it could see. But then, it had peered out too far and slipped on the edge, falling out of the window abruptly, yelping loudly as a claw barely caught onto the edge. Now helplessly dangling from the window, the familiar sighed as it facepalm'd itself, annoyed at making such a foolish mistake and hoping its master would return soon. "Damn it."

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Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:55 pm
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
After the coco is ready I remember the help from the other little Imp and decided to make him some coco as well and got a plate for his cookies, placing the stuff on a try I quickly head back to my room and drop off the extra coco and chocolate chip cookies for the Imp of Pia and give a light knock and continued on my way to my own room.

Placing the try on my desk I look around after closing the door to find the room empty “Little Imp where did you go?” I walk over to the bathroom thinking he might be there but there was no such luck, I quickly moved over to the bed and got on my hands and knees looking under the bed “Hello? Where did you go Little Imp?” I asked out loud and sighed “I guess he didn’t like me?” I say as I notice the window open and frowned “I don’t remember leaving the window open?” walking over to the window I was about to close it when I heard a ‘Damn it.’

Looking down I gasped seeing the poor little Imp holding on by just a claw, I quickly thrust my hand to him leaning over the window ledge. “Take my hand!” I tell it my breasts pressed up on the ledge making them look larger then normal giving him a good view of my cleavage.


Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:13 am
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
While anyone would have given the cleavage a good view and consider the day a well-spent one, the Imp was clearly in no such position to do so. Instead, with the girl's hand reaching out, the familiar grabbed onto Komiko's fingers and released its other claw, catching onto her with both of its hands. Scurrying up the student's arm, the familiar found itself gripping her arm and refusing to let go out of paranoid fear. "I don't like windows! Or heights! Or falling off things!" It grunted, clearly having made up its mind to not go near any of these things ever again.

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Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:19 am
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
I smiled at the little Imp trying to sooth it into letting go of my arm as I sat it near the bed. “It’s ok your safe now, why was you outside the window for in the first place?” I had asked him as I managed to disentangled my self from him. "Stay right there friend, let me get the tray for us, I hope you like Coco.” I ask him as I walk over to my desk and retrieve the tray and sit down on the bed next to the Imp placing his oatmeal cookies and hot coco before him. I take a sip of my coco and wait for him to explain why.


Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:33 am
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
After being coaxed off her arm, the Imp returned to the bed, sitting down and slumping over slightly as if it couldn't be too near toward the ground. The familiar waited as the girl brought her tray and placed his cookies and drink near, still fuming over getting rescued from such a pointless situation. It would never live it down, it knew. Grabbing a cookie almost greedily, the Imp began munching at the baked sweet, savoring the sweet taste of oatmeal. And after swallowing, it finally answered. "I was bored and wanted a look around. I just happened to slip off... Don't tell the other familiar, please." The Imp added, almost pathetically, to Komiko.

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Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:28 pm
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
I smile at him, “Don’t worry I wont tell anyone, I some times have fits of klutziness myself, nothing really to be ashamed of it happens.” I tell him reassuring the little Imp and patting his shoulders. Taking another sip of my hot coco, I ask the Imp. “How much magic do you know about? I don’t want to be tricked into what happen again if you can understand where im coming from.” I tell him feel stupid I was tricked so easily, I grit my teeth thinking that demon will pay for what he did to me, it wasn’t anger I was feeling but rather the humiliation of it all that I wanted to get back at that big brute.


Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:12 am
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
Finishing off its oatmeal cookie, the new familiar began climbing up Komiko's back, demonstrating its interest in climbing once again, and perched itself onto her shoulder. "Not much, to be honest. I don't really have that much power, and I was just kinda meant to do errands for the master, like the rest of my kind. I can do a couple of stuff, though." True to its words, the Imp had indeed received certain perks from being part of the Marquis. "I can read and understand any language, I'm pretty good at getting to and from places quickly, and all Imps can tell where other Imps are. And I can tell you whenever a spell's safe or not too." The Imp scratched its head, trying to figure out what else it could do. "We don't really do well under the sun, though."

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Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:19 am
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
I sigh wondering how I could learn magic when I thought about something. “Do you think Pia Imp knows how to perform magic? I really want to learn. But if you can read any language you can recognize true spell books right? Can you sense where they might be as well?” I ask the Imp on my shoulder and scratch his head kind of like what you would do to a cat. “Well I guess keeping you out of the sun would be easy enough. Seems odd though, thought you guys would thrive in the sun.” I tell it taking him off my shoulder and laying him in my lap stroking its head like a kitten.

Taking a deep breath. “I hope Pia wont be mad I borrowed her spell book, tell me is it possible for outside forces to manipulate a spell with a spell that a delayed spell?” I thought at how my spell went so wrong and knew now my spell was tampered with, but what other stuff did that demon do to that spell I tried to cast, I quickly got up and brought the spell I had worked on back to the bed and plopped down trying to figure what that beast did.


Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:36 am
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
The Imp shrugged as his new master began asking questions, sighing happly as soon as she scratched his head as if he were but a pet. "I have no idea if this Pia's familiar know how to use magic but you could probably ask her? And yes, I think I would be able to tell whenever certain books are actually spellbooks or not." The familiar purred softly before going on, "The master doesn't quite like light, hence, we also don't like it either. We prefer the darkness."

Still enjoying the scratching, the familiar continued to remain seated in front of its master, content to stay where it was for as long as she didn't need anything. But, as soon as the girl got up to retrieve the book, the Imp moved out of the way, staying on the side instead. "I've seen a lot of monsters here and there on this island, actually. I don't know if any of them could tamper with a magic book but I know my master could do something like that, if it amused him. And I think... It amused him to try that on you."

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Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:55 am
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
I sighed at hearing this, "I knew that spell sounded to good to be true and I thought I did every thing right, explains why some strange stuff was starting to appear on the spell I was doing." I told the little Imp and resumed my stroking of his head. "Hmm well I guess I should think up a name for you? You have any you heard that you liked?" I said and started rereading the notes I did on the spell a few of the character of strange letters was the ones I knew I didn’t use.

I felt at ease with the little Imp in my lap and was kind of happy something good happened during this mishap. I was slightly amused at how he was gabbling up the oatmeal cookies like he hadn’t eaten in long time. "Other then cookies what else do you eat? Have any favorite foods or do you only eat cookies?" I asked him feeling stupid at asking such questions, but then again he was an Imp and I never seen one till this day but I had thought of them nothing more then a person imagination, well least till now.


Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:59 pm
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
The Imp looked back at Komiko, tilting his head at the question of names. Being nameless servitors of the Marquis, they had never really been given anything resembling a name, for the demon had only hurled torrents of insults and threats at them. For that matter, they never really cared much for it, but the familiar supposed that humans liked their names and seemed to want to give names to other things as well. Perhaps it was something of a tradition for them? "No, not really... If you want to give me a name, then that would be fine with me. I never really had one before."

Returning to the task of eating the oatmeal cookies, the Imp sighed with happiness as it savored the flavor of the cookies, the taste of such sweets. It was only after his new master asked about them that the Imp thought about trying something else. "We don't actually need to eat, us Imps. Cookies, and other stuff, like candy, I guess? They're more like..." The familiar thought about it and decided on an example that the girl probably would understand easily. "It's like how you humans like to smoke, I suppose. You don't really need them but that doesn't stop you."

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Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:03 pm
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
I pursed my lips in thought trying hard to think up a name for the imp but the only name that I was able to think of was Impy. "Well I’m not good with names but how does Impy sound? I know its not very good but you can change the name if you think of something more fitting for yourself." I tell the imp as I tickle the tip of his ear with my fingers.

I wrinkled my nose at the thought of smoking "That’s such a disgusting habit some people have and I don’t quite understand why some people do that." I tell him when I thought about it, I wonder another worry about the imp that had to do with hygiene. "Um… Impy is your kind able to wash? You know like in water? You won’t to like this movie I saw where if you get wet all kinds of bumps start to form on your back and give birth to thousands of your self?" I could see how that would be a problem and what chaos would erupt from something like that and what trouble I would get into. I sigh as I wrapped my arms around the little guy and gives him a loving hug, knowing I had another friend other then Pia. "You tired yet?" I ask him as I try to stifle a yawn.


Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:28 pm
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