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 Unpacking and relaxing {Solais} 
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Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:15 am
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Post Unpacking and relaxing {Solais}
Now that she had finally gotten installed in her new room, Roslein felt unbelievably calmer and happier. Maybe it was just being in a room with plenty of warm blankets and the privacy to have a little fun. So far, it didn't seem like she had a roommate; good, nobody to interrupt her, wake her up with snoring, or steal her snacks. Though it was a little lonely....ah well, maybe they would give her a roommate after she had settled in and become more used to the school. That was probably a better way of doing things than simply shoving together two girls on their first days who didn't know each other and might not get along very well at all. Unzipping her bags, she began to put her clothing away, wanting everything as neat and tidy as she could get it. While pulling out clothes, her hand fell on something she couldn't remember ever seeing or feeling before. Yanking it out, she held it up to her face and smiled.

What she was holding was a trim dark leather corset, with small studs attached in various points, more as decoration than form. Pinned on the back with a safety pin was a small folded piece of notebook paper. Unfastening it, she read;

Rosenrot baby,
Hope you have fun at lesbo reform school, girl. Knock 'em dead!

Hugs and kisses,
Fredric, Analise, Cosette, and everyone else

So her friends hadn't forgotten her! With a guilty giggle, Roslein unbuttoned her new school blouse and slid her navy skirt down her legs. It was somewhat difficult to lace up the back, but when she finally got it done, she loved how it looked in the long wall mirror. The dark color of the leather accentuated her black hair and brilliant amber eyes, and it showed off just how small her waist was. It fit like a second skin and made her feel like the slinkiest creature alive, and yet somehow, it didn't feel right. Who would she be showing it to? Most likely, she would only wear it in the privacy of her room, never to show anyone at all. Glancing down at her breasts, propped up over the top of the corset like plump doves, she doubted anyone would ever gaze upon them with longing.

Filled with so many negative thoughts...this was the perfect example of a time for which only marshmallows could bring relief. Pulling a crinkly plastic bag out of one of her suitcases, she put a shaking hand into the small ripped hole in the top and removed one of the small, soft, white objects. The powdery sugar coating it stuck to her fingers as she squeezed it lightly, feeling it compress in her fingers. Sweet and soft, just like her. Roslein licked at it, enjoying the smooth texture and sugaryness. Some people simply shoved them in their mouths; she savored them. Once again, the world was a wonderful place.

_________________ that so?

Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:19 pm
Solais had been watching this girl for a short time now, this Roslein. She was a very pretty girl, her black hair and shining eyes working well with her pale flesh. Combined with her obviously mixed heritage, this one was an exotic creature, gorgeous and unique. Even more beautiful than her appearance, though, was the way she seemed unaware of the things going on around her.

For instance, had she happened to look out her window at about the same time she began putting on the corset (wich, one must add, she wore magnificently) she might have noticed a six and a half foot demon hovering in front of it just a short distance away, admiring her body as she unknowingly stripped for him. Then, apparently melancholy, she lay down and pulled out a bag of marshmallows. Solais grinned. "Heh," He chuckled to himself, "Never would've believed I'd get turned on watching a girl eat marshmallows." The way she examined the first one, licking and tasting, squeezing, it was all so seductive somehow...

A passing breeze blew a lock of his long jet hair into his face, and he pushed it aside irritably, clearing his violet eyes of the obstruction of his view. His wings beat a steady rhythm as he continued to watch the girl, and he crossed his arms over his armored vest, contemplating. If only I could get in to her... He nearly smacked himself for his stupidity. He was an entity of evil of the highest order. No way he would allow something as trifling as a couple of walls to stop his entry. long had it been since he'd snuck in somewhere and continued observation, perhaps played a mindgame with a lush young creature such as the one before him? He smiled, and it held none of the warm mirth found in a human smile. This was cold anticipation.

Moving quickly, Solais made his way up to the roof, slipped in through the door, and made his way down to the girl's floor. Using memory of where he'd been in relation to where he was now, he made his way to Roslein's door. A mischievious grin on his face, he shaped a spell in his mind using his dark energies, one he'd worked before a number of times. He listened at the door as he released the spell, and was rewarded with a series of small popping sounds as the lightbulbs in Roslein's room all went out at once, whether or not they were on. Using another trace of his will, Solais unlocked the door, opened it, slipped in quietly, shut it and locked it, all in the space of a breath. He turned and regarded Roslein in the dark, remaining completely silent for now, sure that she hadn't seen or heard him...and judging by how dark it was, even to his sharp eyes, she wouldn't see anything unless she got some light back in the room. He merely regarded her for now, letting his presence remain unknown.

Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:21 pm

Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:15 am
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As the stiff outer sugar coating was melted away, the slushy jellylike inside dripped out onto her face. Seemingly puzzled, Roslein wiped at it with slim fingers and redirected it to her small warm mouth, interested by the similar flavor but entirely different feel on her delicate pink tongue. The small objects held such soothing delight for a burdened heart and mind. With a soft sigh, like that of a small child about to fall asleep, she nuzzled her pillow and contemplated sleep. There was so much more work left to do, but her bed felt so very soft...The lights going off suddenly left her fully alert and shrieking in terror. She was never good with darkness, always sleeping with full illumination or at least a nightlight close by. It may have been juvenile, but it made her feel safe, protected from all the bad things in the shadows that nobody could convince her weren't really there. Now, in this strange place, one she was not nearly used to, the dark was enough to drive her under the covers in terror.

"I hate the dark....I hate the dark....Mein Gott, I hate the dark!" Roslein wailed softly, wishing suddenly that there was a roommate to hold her and tell her that it was only a blown fuse and things would be back online in moments. Scrunching her legs together, she ran her hands over her arms, trying to warm and calm herself. Her marshmallows had toppled to the ground, knocked over by her frantic dive under the sheets. She lacked the courage to bend down and retrieve them, fearing that something might be under her bed to grab her wrist and drag her down into a Hell of torment and pain. Clenching her hands together suddenly, she began to pray fervently for guidance, deliverance, and most of all, for the lights to come back on so she would be safe in this alien (as in foreign) school. Clenching her eyes shut, she prayed harder, then opened one eyelid experimentally. The darkness was still there, and it seemed God had abandoned her to her terror.

If she had been thinking, she would've tried to find the flashlight she had stowed in her side table drawer. At the moment, though, she was not thinking clearly at all. She wanted comfort, but there was none for her there. "Help me...." she whispered softly, not quite sure who she was speaking to. Maybe she somehow thought that, by saying the words, someone in one of the other rooms would miraculously hear her and come to her aid. There was no response that she could detect. At this point, there emerged the smallest scrap of courage in her desperate terror. Wrapping the comforter from her bed around her body as if that alone could protect her from anything, she pulled herself out of bed very slowly, setting her feet on the floor without making much noise. Creeping along, holding one shaking hand before her, Roslein tried to find the door, or at least a lightswitch. "Help me...." She kept repeating it, voice wavering badly, tears beginning to drip slowly down her pale cheeks.

Tripping over one of her suitcases in her disorientation, Roslein fell to her knees on the surprisingly hard carpeted floor. Crying in pain, she continued on her hands and knees. "....Help..." she repeated one last time, eventually giving up and lying still on the ground. She was like a sick doe, giving up and finally letting herself be consumed by the pursuing wolves. After a while, you forget why it was you were trying to get away in the first place.

_________________ that so?

Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:53 pm
Solais grinned to himself, utterly at home in the darkness. Apparently, however, the same could not be said of his panicking victim, who was literally tripping over herself to find some sort of comfort in the shadows. Afraid of the dark, huh? he thought gleefully. You're gonna love me then. He moved, seeming to glide towards the girl, if anyone could have seen him in the shadows. He knelt close to her ear. "Poor darling girl...there's no one here to help you, don't you know that?" He allowed a small chuckle to sound as he darted away playfully, just out of reach, circling around. He moved in once again. "You know, you look absolutely delightful in that corsette. If I didn't know any better...I'd think you liked dressing like that. You just wear it so well."

He was moving around the girl now, speaking from random areas in the darkness, refusing to allow her to gain any sort of location by which to orient herself. He altered tone and pitch, seeming at some points to whisper gently,almost lovingly...and at other points to snarl fiercely. "Very unbecoming of you, tripping and crying like that." He chuckled again. Moving closely to her, he reached out and slid one finger across her tear-stained cheek before sliding away again. "The tears look nice on you though. You should be happy...not many girls look good when they cry. you manage to pull it off well enough, though."

He watched her reactions to this stranger in the darkness, amused. It wasnt' the first time he'd encountered such fear in humanity. As a rule, it seemed humans became edgy in the darkness, mostly because they couldn't see what might or might not be there. Even in a familiar room, if the lights were suddenly switched off, there was a slight amount of apprehension to be felt by those in the room. Still, he hadn't found someone so utterly terrified of the darkness as she was in a long time...she'd be fun, if he played his hand correctly. "So, Roslein," he said, emphasizing her name to get across the point that he knew it while she knew nothing about her shadowy tormentor, "It appears to me that you don't enjoy the darkness. However, I think I should point's not the darkness you need fear, for darkness is gentle and flowing like a lover, always caressing and hugging..." he moved in close once more, "But the things that lurk in the darkness...things like me...those are to be feared."

He released another spell he'd been gathering, and a small orb of violet light, not nearly significant enough to do more than cast a small pool of light about two feet wide, appeared in the middle of the room. There, she could see only a small section of the carpet, a corner of the comforter she'd trailed towards the door, a bit of suitcase...and nothing beyond. But at least she could see. He moved away from her, still completely hidden in the darkness and continued to watch. Soon enough, he'd take what he really wanted...but he'd have fun first.

Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:27 pm

Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:15 am
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When a voice suddenly spoke, as close as if it were right against her head, Roslein screamed and lashed out an arm, trying to beat it away. Her hand met nothing in the darkness, as if she had only imagined it. She shivered terribly, hugging herself tightly. " someone there? Please, please turn on the lights....I can't see..." The comment about her corset made her stomach flop violently in dread. Whatever it was, it wasn't imaginary, and it could see her quite well. Wrapping one arm around her breasts and trying to use the other to cover the soft, delicate triangle of flesh between her legs, even if it was partially covered already by her satiny black underwear. The fabric clung tightly, outlining everything there clearly. "L-leave me alone....get out of my room! Please!"

The voice seemed to be coming from many places around her, rapidly changing so that she was not entirely sure anymore whether there was one man or many. It didn't really matter; if there were a million men or just one, they were all sitting in her room and watching her in her beautifully revealing attire. The light brush of a finger (or what she assumed was a finger) across her tearstained face elicited another scream and burst of tears from her reddening eyes. "Don't touch me.....just go, please go.....go away.....I'm begging. I haven't s-seen you....I couldn't tell anyone what you look like. Just stop....." The effect of such mental torture was obvious; Roslein was an entirely broken girl, clinging to herself and sobbing. It was unsure how much more she could take without irreperable damage being done to her mind.

An additional stab of fear coursed through her as the effect of the mysterious being's words sank in. He, whoever he was, knew her name, and she knew nothing about him. The sound of her name in that horrible voice sounded obscene. Roslein had heard that expression before, and had not realized how true such a thing could be until then. Even through her terror, she felt a dull throb between her tightly clamped legs when the phantom man spoke of the darkness being as a caressing lover. She was not even aware of it very clearly; it was like background noise in a movie. The thing that was of most importance was the voices of the actors, not the music. Things in the of her greatest fears had suddenly become real, validating all of the creeping feelings up her spine and tingles in the back of her neck, all the times she had stayed awake under her covers, certain she would be killed if she did not.

The appearance of the small pool of light about her, light of a gloomy sort of purple. More tears flowed; even this small bit of light felt like the illumination of heaven. But there was no God there to smite all the wrongdoers or save her. Whatever was going on, it had only begun. Grabbing at the part of the blanket she could see, she dragged it over her heaving body, praying again for salvation. "Just go away....just....go away...." She felt no warmth from the blanket, just fabric against her skin. There was still no help for her.

_________________ that so?

Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:06 pm
Solais laughed mockingly from the darkness. "Haven't seen me? Wouldn't tell? Silly girl, it wouldn't matter to me in the least. Besides. I can't leave until I've gotten what I want out of you, now can I?" There was silence for a moment, then, from out of the gloom, a tentacle came slithering slowly up behind Roslein, sneaking up on her in her small haven of light. "Poor Roslein, don't even know what you've gotten yourself into, do you? Letting down your guard once you were in your room was a mistake..."

The tendril wrapped itself around her ankle, then began to slowly twine its way up her leg, caressing the flesh of her thigh as it spiraled upwards. Another tendril came in from another direction and wrapped itself around her right arm, similarly twining its way up. Two more from out of the darkness completed the deal, leaving all four of Roslein's limbs bound. She was soon spread-eagled about two inches off the floor, unable to bring her arms or legs up to cover herself. "A mistake I fully intend to take advantage of." Solais stepped forward into the light, revealing himself to the terrified girl at last. "Nice to meet you. My name's Solais Saoris."

Solais strode forward and reached out his hand, once again caressing Roslein's face and wiping a few more tears away, pushing back a stray strand of hair. "So much fear. It's delicious. Absolutely wonderful." He laughed, his cruel eyes locked on to hers. He leaned forward, bringing his face so close, their noses were nearly touching. "Before this night is through, Roslein...before the sun rises to dispel the darkness, you will feel so much more than fear."

Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:01 am

Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:15 am
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Location: Someplace in the US
Her shuddering was now on a major scale, so much so that her entire body was shaking uncontrollably. Finally finding a scrap of anger left in her all-consuming terror, she screamed at the mysterious man, "Gotten what you want out of me! But I have nothing....I don't have any money or jewelry or anything, believe me! Please! I have nothing you could want!" Or did he mean her body? Oh Lord, was she to be raped and then killed? Such a thing couldn't happen, not in a private school on an extremely secluded island. How would such a person even manage to get here?

She didn't scream as the tentacles emerged from the shadowy darkness. No, she positively howled, a noise she had no idea could even be produced by her vocal chords. Her delectable body spread wide by such monstrous appendages, her howl eventually tapered off, and she fell silent, save for a soft whimper that emerged with every breath. If nobody had heard her prior desperate noises, nobody was likely to hear. But why couldn't they? Roslein knew for certain there were other girls on either side, and the walls couldn't be so thick that absolutely no sound transferred, could they? What purpose would that serve in a school dormitory?

Seeing her forceful adversary finally appear from the gloom did absolutely nothing to appease her fright. Reasonably, it made things even worse. But it did clear up the situation somewhat. There was but one man...with tentacles, perhaps, but that didn't count as more than one being. Despite having a somewhat humanoid appearance, it was obvious that whatever was holding her captive, it was most definitely not human, at least the way she interpreted the word. "Solais Saoris....You don't say. I'm flattered, really, but it most certainly is not 'nice' to meet you. No offense; I'm sure you're a perfectly likeable fellow when you're not holding innocent people in bondage with gross tentacles."

Well, that was what she meant to say. Instead, the only discernable words that fell from her terror-stricken mouth were, ", no, please no...." Though she had a feeling it wouldn't matter much what she said. A dog barking is still a dog barking, even if the dog has had voice training from a master. When his cruel hands brushed over her face, performing senselessly affectionate tasks such as wiping away her bitter tears, she felt at the same time like vomiting and crying even harder. How dare this vile creature touch her like this, as if it cared about her, tainting the motions forever in her mind. She would never be able to have another stroke her face with tender feelings without remembering this night, this situation, and this Solais Saoris.

Staring into those hard, malevolent eyes, so close that she could have touched him had she tilted her head a smidge, she felt an even greater fear than she had yet. She was at heights of fear she had not in her sheltered life imagined quite possible for a human to experience. Of course, the whole 'fear' thing was starting to get a bit boring, but she did not enjoy at all the way he insisted that she would feel so much more than fear. Summoning her very last reserve of defiance and courage, she spit into that hateful face. "You can make me feel nothing!" She retorted fiercely, but when that was gone, she was left emptier and colder than she had been. The truth? Judging by the state of her underwear (completely soaked) just from a few words, her very greatest fear, beyond even her death and torture....

It was that Solais might be right.

_________________ that so?

Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:02 am
Solais shook his head with a small smile. "Begging already?" he asked as she repeated "no" over and over again. "Of course, you're begging in the wrong direction...but that's okay. We'll get you turned around soon enough." He leaned his head to one side, a quizzical expression on his face that she couldn't see, considering he was still behind her. "What I want to know is...why do you say no, when you so clearly don't mean it? No one's been able to tell me that either...unless the moans are an answer..."

He paused to consider for a moment, then continued, "No matter how much this says you want something," upon the word 'this', Solais' fingers slid down the front of her stomach til they were between her legs, slipping along a quickly moistening area of the corsette, "You silly humans always say no." He laughed, a low, silky sound, and gave her moistening crotch another quick rub before slipping it back up her stomach. His other arm slid around to assist in the caressing of her luscious body, fingers and palms sliding over her form slowly, sensually. He pulled her back against him, knowing she probably detested him for all he was doing to her. He found he could bear her displeasure with great fortitude. "Would you care to tell me why, Roslein?" He whispered hotly into her ear, "Or would you rather just grace my ears with your moans like so many others, bound in unstoppable lust, passion unrestrained. As I said earlier, the darkness is a lover, ever caressing, holding tight to all that it can."

His hands roamed her body expertly the whole while, sliding flat against her, squeezing gently at those places that needed squeezing, fingers gently teasing over the sensitive points of the flesh. He played his hands over her in much the same way a musician plays them over his instrument. The only concievable difference being that his 'instrument' was a gorgeous young he would have screaming in delight before the night was done.

Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:10 am

Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:15 am
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Roslein gritted her teeth fiercely, determined to show absolutely no sign of the rising excitement she felt that was not immediately obvious. "I....I'll give you an answer, if you want it so very badly!" Her sentence was punctuated with a small gasp, quickly muted by a hard bite on her tongue. "It's b-because, despite the dread weakness of our bodies, you can do nothing to our minds to make us care about you or love you. No matter how many poor women you've fucked senseless, no matter just how perfected each movement is, our minds will still cry rape!" The force she put into the last word would have startled a fellow human. After that, bizarrely enough, she laughed. "Probably doesn't mean a thing to you. If my cheeseburger cried murder....I would still eat it."

She put a lot of effort into getting those words out, only stuttering a few times. Something to be proud of, that. Because in her current state, even a few coherent sentences was a serious challenge to produce. Feeling practiced hands wander over her body, deliciously abusing every sensitive bit, she could almost understand how many women could not speak, just moan enthusiastically. That would not be her, she vowed to herself. She would never allow her body to react in such a reprehensible manner to such loathsome attentions. Or was she going at this all the wrong way, as this Solais demon had suggested?

Would a better path lie in simply giving in, allowing herself to be used any way fit to use her? By being obedient, truly obedient, would she come out of the experience with more parts still attached for her funeral, perhaps even to survive? It was a quick thought transition, perhaps, but logical enough. If a situation is unavoidable, the next step is to find a way to limit damage as much as possible. By letting herself go, she might earn somewhat better treatment, but would probably lose any respect she had for herself after such weakness. On the other hand...she wouldn't be around to respect herself if she were dead.

It seemed obvious in what direction she was now leaning. Trust self-preservation to turn us all into things we hate. For the moment, though, her idealism was holding a thin victory. But even that couldn't hold her in entirely. A series of short gasps and whimpers were escaping her mouth, despite her attempts to keep it clamped shut.

_________________ that so?

Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:00 am
"Is that what it is, Roslein?" Solais asked with a chuckle. "Your body's weakness...that's why you get this way, despite what you're thinking? Or is it something else. The thought that something taboo, forbidden, dare I say bad is happening to you, and on the surface you cry no..." He leaned down and gently nipped the skin of her neck with his teeth, "While deeper down, further in the dark recess of your mind, you want it. The thought that it shouldn't be happening, that you shouldn't allow it, only serves to make you hotter and hotter."

He moved around again, standing directly in front of Roslein now. Slowly, he moved forward, closer and closer to her. "Even now you make those sounds of arrousal as you try to deny what's happening to you. Why? Because you love it. Because you want this, deep down. You desire this more than anything else." His lips brushed against hers now, and his hands were still caressing her, wandering over every delectable inch of her body. "So continue to deny the facts, because the hotter you get, the better it is for me."

He slid his thigh up between her legs, rubbing it gently against her there, and finally his lips closed against hers in a kiss. Her lips were soft and warm, her breath hot and sweet. Her body was no less soft and no less sweet through the corsette. Truly, he was having some difficulty not simply ripping off her corsette and taking her there again and again. Still, things such as the art he worked required more grace than that. Somewhat. He breathed in her soft whimpers, seeming to devour the sounds, and breathed out the dark desire floating through the core of his very being. He pulled back from the kiss again and simply looked into her eyes. There was no tenderness in his own, no love, no...anything. Save for the lust which danced there constantly. In Roslein's, however, he could see a world of emotion. Fear, desire, loathing, anger, seemed to go on and on. He felt he could get drunk on it.

"Do you still fear me so very much, Roslein?" He asked with a chuckle. He reached his arm around behind her and began to fiddle with the straps of her undergarment, undoing them one by one. Normally, he would have simply cut the straps and taking the garment off her beauteous form already. It seemed in this case, however, that the best approach was slow and sultry, dragging out things, allowing inward strife to brew within his victim. One by one, the straps began to come loose, and the garment hugged her body a little less tightly, as though yearning to reveal the bounty that lay beneath it to him. He smiled, the expression cold and hungry on his face. "Or do you fear the idea that you might actually enjoy what's happening to you right now? Which darkness is it that you truly fear, that which lies outside, or that within your own being?" He laughed, "You don't even have to answer that one. Just go ahead and keep moaning and whimpering."

Finally, all the straps came free, but he didn't simply remove it. Besides, he'd need her to help with that part, considering the way the thing fit her. For now, he merely left it where it was. Soon enough it would come off. He would simply wait until she was so drunk on lust, so disoriented by her own desire, that she would jump out of it herself.

Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:43 pm

Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:15 am
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A bead of sweat trickling down her forehead to blend with the flow of tears down her face. Roslein laughed again, loudly and almost insanely. "You can hear yourself, right? The dialogue is straight out of some nonconsent porno flick." Not that she'd seen many, but it certainly fit the cliche. Somehow, mocking his words made them seem the smallest bit less terrifying to face. Not that they weren't playing over and over in her mind, mocking her terribly. Was it the truth? Deep down, did she truly want this to happen to her. Her mind screamed no, as always, but more than a grain of doubt had been instilled.

As the Solais-creature bent down to kiss her, she wanted to either laugh again or puke her guts out. But when those hateful lips pressed against hers, she no longer understood what she had found so very funny before. This, somehow, felt more personal than anything else that had been done to her. If she'd been thinking more clearly, Roslein would've broken it abruptly and bitten his lip hard with her small white teeth. It wouldn't have done much damage at all, but any pain this man-beast felt would have been quite enjoyable. But as it was, it was over when he pulled away, not she. Damn, missed opportunity there!

When he reached around her svelte body and began unsnapping her clothing, she panicked harder, not wanting her last small bit of protection to be taken away, however useless it might have been. Summoning up a somewhat reasonable answer to all of the questions being posed, she responded in a yell, "Fear? I'm not afraid of you anymore! Disgust, sure. Loathing, oh, plenty. But no more fear. W.....why?" Roslein paused a moment for effect (as well as to regain a bit of rapidly dwindling composure), then continued even louder, "Because I see what you are now! A pitiful creature who nobody gives a shit about, who terrorizes young women with cheap theatrics and rape so it can feel better about the fucking cesspool that is its LIFE, which it can never escape so long as it lives!"

Two swearwords in one exclamation, that was a personal record. Yelling insults made Roslein feel less of a victim, and more in control of herself. Give in? Never! Her previous willingness to be obedient, to even consider the notion, sickened her. She had made up her mind; she would never surrender, never! Though if Bastard Solais kept it up...she would almost certainly cum. Damn her weakness, damn it! She would do her best, though, to try to forget, or at least fight, the sensations flooding her body constantly. Clenching her eyes shut, she focused on the image of Hillary Clinton with a yeast infection to the exclusion of all else.

_________________ that so?

Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:46 am
"Pitiful? Me?" He chuckled at the idea. "You've got it all wrong, Roslein. There are women who cry my name at night. There are those who yearn for my touch, even as they hate themselves for yearning. It's not acceptance I seek, nor care, nor love. Those things I could take as easily as I take your lust. It's not that hard, really. Anyway..." He slipped his had down between her legs once again. "I suppose we should get back to business, right? After all, considering how wet you are..." He took the strip of fabric covering the flower of her sex and slipped it to the side...leaving his fingers free to roam over it at will.

"Wow, you really are quite wet, aren't you?" He asked with a grin. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you really do enjoy my company." Two fingers brushed along her slit slowly, gather the moisture that had collected there. Up and down they slid, caressing the lips of her sex with all the gentleness of a lover, a thing that Solais would never be. His middle finger slipped between her sweet lips and began to tease her entrance, slipping around it, pressing against it as though it would enter her...then pulling back to merely trace again. "Heh, it's been a while since I found someone who got this wet after a few touches and some's invigorating, actually." His eyes locked with hers again. "I wonder how long it'll be before you just collapse in on yourself and start begging me for it. Sooner or later, the emotional strife is going to become too great...and when it does, you'll beg me to take you again and again. You know that, though, don't you?" The finger suddenly plunged inside of her, writhing within her as she hung there, helpless against his advance. "I'd say that some part of you wants it that way, loves the way this is turning out."

He slipped the finger back out of her again and moved its attentions to her clit. It rubbed against the little button, pressing it down, wiggling against it. "How long, Roslein?" He asked with a mocking laugh, "How long will it take until you can't stand it anymore? Until you beg me to make you cum again and again? How long until you belong to me with all your being?" His fingers roamed against her pussy as they had the rest of her body, exploring it, charting it, playing with it with all the expertise of one who has spent countless hours performing the same activity.

Sun Jun 10, 2007 10:36 am

Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:15 am
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Location: Someplace in the US
Hearing his words, she felt confused. Why would women cry that terrible name in longing? Besides...take her lust? Some sort of odd figure of speech? As she thought about it further, she came to a startling conclusion. While she had quickly deduced that whatever it was, it wasn't human, she hadn't thought very far beyond that. Now, she remembered stories she had read, paintings from the Middle Ages, religious texts that mentioned them. "You....are a, incubus, sorry...I'm assuming you're male..." Words gasped out, but still quite understandable. Incubi were said to be punishment sent to the wicked. What had she done that was wicked? Roslein was certain that she had done nothing worse than tell a few lies, and not many of those.

She shook her head vigorously, a clear no. " keep telling yourself that...if it makes you feel better, you demon bastard." Gnashing her teeth, she felt her body burn with heat, Glancing down, the bits she could see were a dark blush red. Roslein was rosenrot, ironic. Shuddering violently, she felt the demon push aside her underwear and begin to stroke her gently. Every single touch made her skin burn harder, and elicited a series of soft moans. Her voice was almost desperate with need, even so soon, but she still resisted the actions, clamping her mouth firmly shut as soon as she could. Not that it would make much off a difference, but considering Solais-beast seemed to have a thing for women making noise...

"Never." Roslein managed to answer. It had been a greater struggle than before, and to get out but that one word....but it was the only answer that need be given. She meant it; she would not beg! For the moment, anyway. As some book she had read once said, who was to say that that which seems abstained today might only be saved for tomorrow? Though not a day, she knew. At this rate...."Ten minutes." She accidentally thought aloud, then clamped her mouth shut even harder. For shame, Roslein, for shame. How could she let something like that out? It was practically encouragement!

Sagging in her tentacled bonds, her tears dripped down her neck and slowly down her chest.

_________________ that so?

Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:50 pm
"Yes, that's right. An incubus. You're absolutely correct, I am a, I can assure you, you will be finding out in the very near and imminent future, dear Roslein." He slipped the finger attacking her clit back inside her tunnel, slipping it in and out of her dripping sex at a liesurely pace as he listened to her. The whole while, he measured her, gauging how far along she was. It wouldn't do to make her cum too quickly, nor would it work for her to adjust quickly enough that she regained her full mindset before he'd made her desire peak.

"Oh how rich!" Solais said, laughing mockingly. "Now you're even giving an estimate on how long it'll take me to break down your resolve. How, after you've said something like that, can you say you'll fight it? No matter. Ten minutes it is, then." His finger slipped out...and then back in, this time with a second. Both of his fingers pumped in time with each other, entering her sweet sex in tandem, as his thumb plied her clit mercilessly, rubbing and pressing it.

As this was going on, Solais brought his other hand to bear, pulling down on the top of her undergarment and revealing her pert breasts. His hand went to her left one, and began to squeeze and massage the flesh, fingers pulling at the nipple gently. His mouth decided to dominate the right, and his lips locked around the stiff pink bud. He watched her face as he toyed with her body, watched her blush brighter and brighter as she became more and more arroused.

"So how does it feel, Roslein? My bet is that, while it certainly doesn't feel bad, it's not fitting the bill, is it? You want something more, something to quench the burning inside, don't you?" His voice was a sensuous whisper as he spoke to her. "All you have to do is beg me for it. The sooner you do, the sooner I will grant you your release. You'll love it. You know you will, so why do you deny yourself? Just ask, plead for it." He doubted she was quite so far gone yet as to give in to his demands, but why not make them clear now? Either way worked for him. He enjoyed toying with this girl's body as well as her mind.

He returned his mouth to her breast, his lips once again sucking at the pink tip. His tongue washed over it, rubbing against it lasciviously, and his teeth gently nipped at it, pulling it ever so slightly here and there. He had indeed taken her estimate as encouragement, and would not stop until he'd made this girl beg for what she claimed to hate. He could feel the heat of her body now, rising towards a fever pitch as she burned hotter and hotter under his touch. Her breaths, held behind clamped teeth to shut off the whimpers that tried so hard to escape, were coming faster and faster. All of it was quite arrousing, really, and Solais again had to double his efforts not to tear of the corsette and ravage this desirable girl repeatedly. Patience, he reminded himself. Not one of your strong suits, but have patience and in the end, it'll prove ten times better than if you just go at it like a wild beast.

Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:48 pm

Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:15 am
Posts: 100
Location: Someplace in the US
"The....Dark Ages m-must....have been f-fun." she stuttered out conversationally, small tongue almost lolling out of her mouth as her head fell back. God forgive her, but she was enjoying this so much. If this were supposed to be some sort of test of her willpower, she knew she'd already failed miserably. If she had been truly pure, she would never have responded to what was being done to her. If she had been truly righteous, God would have saved her from her suffering at the hands of this hellish being. But was it really and truly suffering? Roslein had to be honest to herself; if mentally she had been tormented, she was physically in one piece. Physically, she had never in her life felt better.

As his attentions increased, as she felt another finger inserted into her velvety drenched hole, all she could think about was a timer, quickly winding down. When part of her garment was yanked down and her soft breasts were squeezed and sucked mercilessly, Roslein could almost swear she heard the ticking, ceaseless and insistent. "Ten minutes," she repeated, this time on purpose. Then, face conflicted, she added, "perhaps seven." Why add the sin of lying again to her personal score?

It seemed pretty clear now where things stood. He was bringing her as far as possible without an actual orgasm. That, apparently, was the prize for being a good little girl and begging like a whore to be given it. And through what means? Solais had hinted rather obviously that her 'means of deliverance', so to speak, might be from his alluded-to-yet-not-revealed manhood. Either way, she knew he would probably fuck her senseless sooner or later anyway.

Moving her hips as well as she could, Roslein attepted to push herself harder onto his fingers, to make them go deeper. He was right, God damn him, he was right! She, needed more! Finally, she could take this denial and longing desperation no longer. Looking down upon the despicable head working over her breasts, making her nipples so very hard and sensitive to every drawn-out pleasurable stimulation, she cried to it, "Yes! Please, please, please.....oh God...oh, Solais....please...."

The timer had gone off at four minutes.

_________________ that so?

Sun Jun 10, 2007 7:53 pm
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