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 The Gates of Gods [For Ishtar] 
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Post The Gates of Gods [For Ishtar]
It had been quite a hot day today, unfortunately, and for the light-phobic Marquis, that meant little good at all. He found himself resting in one of the few empty rooms in these dormitories. That and there was little for him to do at the moment and prey had been growing limited now, especially with the increasingly greedy antics of both Luju and Ria now that they had been unleashed. Perhaps that was a mistake, and he was quite sure they were eventually going to try and replace him. Well, especially Luju, as Ria was less likely to revolt. Well, they certainly could try! And once that happened, he'd just have to show them who was the Marquis and who was the little cabana boy.

Stretching and yawning, the demon slithered around the dark room, the windows mercifully closed, the infernal heat and insidious light kept out. Still, it was quite boring. Perhaps he would alleviate his boredom and find some sport in some of the nearby rooms, if there were any students to be had. Quickly taking on the form of a certain young blond-haired man he had posed as before, the Marquis finally left the room and began wandering down the hallways, hoping to find a student or two that had decided to not go to class or had nothing to do at all.

After a while, of naught but empty and fruitless searches, the demon was just about ready to give up and instead find a nice water pipe to occupy for the time being. But then he walked past a door, feeling someone within the room. Someone that was quite alone, someone that was quite human. Grinning, the Marquis stepped back and positioned himself before the door. He then wondered on how to to get the student to invite him in, and decided that a simple deception was enough. Raising his hands up, the Marquis concentrated until he had created the illusion of what appeared to be a large cardboard box, one that strained with some heavy weight that did not exist at all. Still smirking, the demon then dropped the box by the door, causing quite a startling sound to echo up and down the empty hall, hoping it would catch the student's attention.

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Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:02 am
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Post Re: The Gates of Gods [For Ishtar]
It had been a busy day for Ishtar. Having arriving at Shokushu she had been dealing with red tape all day. Fill out this form, fill out that form. It was an exhausting process.

Finally shown her room, Ishtar had been in the process of unpacking her stuff and putting it away. It was then she had heard a loud thud outside her room. What was that? Ishtar headed over to door to check it out.

It had been such a busy day she hadn't time to change outfits. Her father insisted that she wear her old international high school uniform. Unfortunately having had a recent growth spurt, her old uniform barely fit her anymore. Her blouse barely contained her breasts and her skirt was a bit too short showing most of her thighs.

What tha? There was a cardboard box lying right in front of her room. I must have left the box outside when I was moving in. Silly me. Ishtar leaned over and picked up the box. Pressing the box close to her chest to get a secure grip with her hands, she brought the box back into room.

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Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:37 am
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Post Re: The Gates of Gods [For Ishtar]
Amused as the student brought the box into her room, the demon slipped past the door quickly, invisible to the student's senses. Looking around, he could already determine that she was also new to the school, which also meant that she, too, was fresh meat for him. He did so enjoy having his way with the newcomers before any others got to them. It made, in his opinion, the lewd acts much more delicious to savor.

Drifting around the room, much like a ghost would, the demon watched with interest as the student went about her activities, taking note of the different uniform and considering that she might have transferred from another institute but more or less admiring the way it stuck to her curves, likely a size or two smaller. 'Well, in any case, it'll look good off her as it does on her. Hmm, perhaps it'll look even better off her.' The demon thought to himself, amused.

Now he only had to wait for the student to open the box he had created, to find naught but a crystal ball within, filled with something akin to fog, making it quite difficult to penetrate through the murky substance of the orb. But in reality, for all its opaqueness, the orb was little more than a trap, to pull her into an alien environment, far out of her time. He would enjoy screwing with her head as much as he would surely enjoy having his way with her deliciously curvy body.

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Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:17 pm
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Post Re: The Gates of Gods [For Ishtar]
I can't believe left this box outside. Somebody could have tripped over this. A look of shock comes over her face, as she interpretes the noise she heard. That was the noise I heard, somebody did trip over that box.

Ishtar leaned over and put the box down, her short skirt exposing her violet colored and themed panties. She went over to the desk and pulled out a notebook. She quickly scribbled down that a note to herself to reminder herself to find the person who tripped over the box in the hallway and apoligize to them later.

With that task complete, Ishtar nodded her head and turned towards the box. Now to put you away before you cause anymore trouble. She got up and walked over to the box and opened it. Huh? A crystal ball when did I get a crystal ball. She didn't remember ever purchasing the smoky orb or receiving one as a gift, but nowadays it was hard to remember what exactly she had purchased.

Ishtar reached into the box and picked up the mysterious orb with both hands to take a better look at it.

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Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:37 am
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Post Re: The Gates of Gods [For Ishtar]
As the student finally picked up the crystal ball, the demon moved directly behind her, staring into the same orb as she was. The reflective surface of the ball, while murky to Ishtar, allowed the demon to make eye contact with her without her knowing it. And then, weaving his powers over illusions, the Marquis made it appear as if the murky swirls within the sphere began to move, as if they were real, drawing her deeper and deeper into a new world, taking her captive as she finally fell into the monster's terrible trap.

New world might have been something of an oxymoron when Ishtar found herself standing abruptly in the middle of an entirely new environment, or rather, an old environment. Surrounded on all sides by ancient yet impressive walls, people milling around having yet to notice her. And then, a young man walked by, catching sight of Ishtar and instead of moving ahead, the man approached her. With a fair face, crowned by a mane of curly blond hair, and dressed in what appeared to be ancient military wear, the man stood before Ishtar.

And then the man spoke in a language that she likely would not know or even heard of before, for few spoke it in her time. Receiving no answer, the man merely cocked his head and shouted for another to approach. Unlike the first, the second man was dressed in what appeared to be a toga, though he too was blond as well, and yet did not appear as if he belonged to this place as well. And instead of speaking in the strange language, the second man spoke in perfect English. "Hello there. I imagine you've had a strange trip here, but regardless... Welcome to Babylon, the Gates of the Gods." The man smiled as he revealed the truth, that she had somehow found herself in the distant past, likely more than a thousand years before her own time.

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Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:03 pm
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Post Re: The Gates of Gods [For Ishtar]
B-Bablyon? Ishtar looked around at all buildings, they were made of some sort of mud brick. The people all were wearing tunics as they went about their business. It was true, she was no longer in her dorm, but someplace far more ancient.

I was in my dorm room a second ago. I don't know how I got here? At least one of the two men in front of her could speak English. The man with the toga still looked like he was from an ancient time, but there was something that told her he was not this city...possibly not from this time. Maybe. Maybe he might know I can get back to my time At least he seemed to have the confidence of the locals.

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Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:05 pm
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Post Re: The Gates of Gods [For Ishtar]
The newcomer nodded as he listened to Ishtar, knowing that she too did not belong to this time. Turning back to the first man, he spoke in the same strange language, and then the first man nodded as if in understanding before bowing to Ishtar and taking his leave. The newcomer looked back at the student. "Yes, Babylon. I see you aren't from this time. Neither am I, miss. But from what I can understand, we are most likely in 330 BC. The man you were approached by was none other than Alexander himself."

The newcomer appeared to be quite excited at the prospect of meeting such a great man. "Oh yes, I forgot to introduce myself. I am known as Luju. The man then bowed before Ishtar as well. "I found myself here after purchasing a strange crystal ball that attracted my attention, actually. Perhaps it's the same for you, miss?" Luju looked at Ishtar, appearing for all intent and purpose as a man that was simply curious.

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Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:50 pm
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Post Re: The Gates of Gods [For Ishtar]
Ishtar suddenly widened with recognition. She may not have been the best student in history, but she definately recognized the name.Alexander! The Alexander! Alexander the Great! She had never meet anyone so famous before in her life. It was almost as if a rock star had walked by her on the street. She quickly made a deep formal bow, hoping that the greatest ruler of Greek Civilization would see her respect.

Taking a second to compose herself. She turned back to Luju, realizing she had not returned his bow. Quickly correcting herself, she formally bowed. I am Ishtar Rocha. I also found an crystal ball shortly before arriving here.

So it looks like poor Luju got here the same way I got here. I don't think we are in Kansas anymore, Luju.

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Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:28 am
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Post Re: The Gates of Gods [For Ishtar]
"Yes, indeed! Alexander the Great himself! I was rather excited to meet with him, and he has been quite an interesting fellow. He believes me to be a linguist from Greece, hence my ability to speak different languages. I wouldn't tell him our situations as I am unsure as to how they might react." Luju spoke quietly to Ishtar, warning her to remain silent about their situations and how they had come to be here.

"However, I have been searching for a way to return home, and have found several books that have proven to be invaluable. However, I still have to translate them, so we may be stuck here for just a bit longer. I would find other clothes to wear in the meantime, as people here are not quite kind to foreigners, especially if you don't speak their language." Luju looked around, as if searching for someone or something. Seeming to have gotten no luck, he turned back to Ishtar. "Here, wear this. It will allow you to understand everything they say and they will also understand you as well." The man held up what appeared to be simple Babylonian jewelry pin, but was in reality a technological marvel that allowed for instantaneous translation.

"Normally, I should not do this but as you are also a lost time traveler as I am, I understand how it feel to be stuck in a place so far from home, figuratively speaking. When are you from though?"

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Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:59 am
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Post Re: The Gates of Gods [For Ishtar]
Ishtar tilted her head as she thought about it. Well I think from twenty-three centuries in the future. She looked down at the pin Luju handed her. It looked like that it just an oridnary jewel. However, if Luju was right it was actually some sort of translator.

She afixed it to her blouse. Almost instantly she could understand snipets of the conversations that people were having around her. Wow. This is amazing. I think he must be really far from the future then. She looked over to Luju with a scense of appreciation.

Now on to the next set of business. Now I just need some clothes that are fashionable for this time period. Not that she could buy any, they were unlikely to accept yen or the US dollar. Maybe, just maybe, there would be some clothes hanging out to dry.

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Fri Sep 11, 2009 4:19 am
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Post Re: The Gates of Gods [For Ishtar]
The 21st century, eh? How positively interesting! You'll have to tell me about your time sometimes! Luju certainly did seem quite fascinated at this news. "And... Hmm, not quite sure where you can find new clothes. I'm using another one of my devices to handle that for me, and I'm afraid I don't have another one handy." Luju tilted his head lightly, seeming to ponder what to do. "I could, however, bring some food if you're hungry? Babylon has quite some delicacies that you simply must savor." The traveler beamed at Ishtar. The man turned to look elsewhere, however, and then returned his gaze to Ishtar. "In my time, we don't quite sleep as much as people have done in the past, so you may use my room as your sleeping quarters while I work on translating those books I mentioned. Just ask one of these guards and they'll take you to my room, they'll know me since I've been helping their king as a linguist."

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Sun Sep 13, 2009 11:26 pm
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Post Re: The Gates of Gods [For Ishtar]
Thank you, Luju. If I can borrow your sleeping quarters for a few minutes, I think I can handle my clothing problem. If my magic works here, I can make my clothes look like Babylonian attire. Yes, that should work quite well..

I will go talk to a guard and get some directions. Thank you for all your help, Luju. She turned her head and got ready to head for nearest guard. Today is going to be a very intresting day.

Ishtar quickly finds a guard and bows to him. Excuse me, would you direct me to where Mr. Luju is staying.

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Sun Sep 13, 2009 11:46 pm
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Post Re: The Gates of Gods [For Ishtar]
Luju smiled at Ishtar, pleased with her response. "If it'll solve your clothing problem, please use my room, by all means! You're free to do whatever you want to do, after all! Now, if you'll pardon me, I need to track down another scroll that might solve our problems." Luju bowed to Ishtar before beating a rapid exit, hurrying out of sight. For such a time traveler, it certainly seemed like he was pressed for time, quite ironic.

The Macedonian guard Ishtar had spoken to turned his gaze to her, giving her a nod as she asked to be directed to her 'partner's room. "Certainly, this way." The guard had spoken with a gruff tone, quite natural for a military man within Alexander's then-invincible army. The guard showed Ishtar around, taking several minutes to get from where she had shown up to Luju's room, opening it for her. Without so much a farewell, the soldier returned to his post.

The room, however, was somewhat cramped, comprised of only two rooms. The first, where Ishtar now stood, was filled with books and scrolls and paintings, along with a small desk and seat. And the other room, accessible by a door on the side, was a simple bed, seeming like no one had slept in it yet, along with more books and scrolls scattered around, a window on one side and a small wardrobe on the other. It was rather austere but given the purpose of the occupant, it was only to be expected.

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Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:22 am
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Post Re: The Gates of Gods [For Ishtar]
Ishtar looked around and marveled at all the books, scrolls, and paintings that Luju had managed to collect in his time here in Babylon. It was quite a collection for someone that was not planning on staying here.

Still Ishtar had one more task she need to do, she to finish blending as best she could. She had only one idea, magic. She would create an illusion that her current, really tight, school uniform instead looked like a native Bablyonian dress. As she remembered the various women she and the Macedonian Guard walked by, an image of what the outfit would look like.

Ishtar slowly began moving her hands as she slowly began chanting some words in a language she didn’t really even understand. As she did so a golden aura surrounded her. A new outfit began to replace her old school uniform. A simple white tunic appeared in place of her blouse, its short sleeves open to reveal her bare shoulders.

A narrow golden girdle in the form of twin cords came from the back of her neck and crossed in the middle of her chest before going underneath each breast and wrapping around her to meet in the small of her back.

Her skirt was replaced a simple purple cloth that was wrapped around her hips and went straight down to her knees. The top of the cloth was wrapped around a leather belt that was keeping the entire breechcloth on.

Finally to complete the outfit jewelry began to appear. Around each wrist and and ankle a golden band formed. Each ear had an round amethyst earring clasped on it while a golden kestrel necklace with an inlayed round ruby hung off her neck. On her head was the a gold headband formed that appeared in the shaped to look like overlapping of rose petals. Finally to complete the outfit Luju’s gift, the Babylonian jewelry pin, was placed just above her right breast on the tunic.

Ishtar noticeably weakened a bit, although she knew a little magic it had taken a lot out of her to do to make even a illusion such as this. Even more than she remembered. She doubted she would be able to another illusion anytime soon.

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Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:42 am
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Post Re: The Gates of Gods [For Ishtar]
As Ishtar was busy working on her clothing problem, Luju was off on his obscure errands. Or was he, really? The truth was, Luju had long since discarded his role of a 'traveler' and had returned to the true mastermind behind all this. "Bleah, I hate using that voice, it's just crude. I'm not doing this anymore, Marquis! That's the last time I do you a favor." And a loud sigh came from the shadowy figure ahead of him. A sigh that Luju knew he shouldn't ignore at all, for it often meant bad things happening to him. And the Marquis before him leaned forth, leaving the shadows.

"Luju, I wouldn't take that attitude with me, or I'll turn you over to Ria for her to discipline you. And we all know how she likes to handle you." The demon grinned as Luju began rubbing his neck, remembering the many times he had his neck snapped by Ria. "Now, be a good cabana boy and entertain yourself. I've a woman to look after..." The Marquis grinned again as he began slithering down the hall Luju had come through, heading for the room Ishtar had gone to, all the guards and people paying him no mind, for why would they? He was the undisputed master of this world, after all.

A knock came at the door, announcing someone's presence to Ishtar. And a voice came, this time with a definite Greek tone to it. "Hello, Master Luju? I brought that scroll on Aesma Daeva as you requested!" The newcomer continued to knock at the door, hoping to catch Luju's attention and not knowing there was someone else there.

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Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:05 am
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