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 Insert Bad Joke About Books and Covers Here 
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Post Insert Bad Joke About Books and Covers Here
Saburo yawned rather loudly as she stepped out of her room. She looked a little bit tired, and she was. It was Saturday, which meant no classes, and she'd been up rather late the previous night, playing with her new roommate. She was dressed in a normal outfit (the one in her picture) instead of her school uniform for once, and she felt rather comfortable. It was like the difference between being some generic, though still cute girl, and someone who was really herself. And she felt like herself, and not just another generic person, while wearing her clothes... something about clothing making the girl, perhaps.

But then... what WAS she like, anyway? She stopped for a second as a nagging feeling struck her that she wasn't her own self after all. But it passed in a moment and she giggled to herself. Just because she was comfortable in her own personality didn't mean it wasn't noticeable to others! Regardless of her silly, tired morning thoughts, she had made her way into the kitchen, and made herself some food. She'd found she rather liked eggs, and wondered why she didnt remember eating them before she got here.

Still, after eating a quick breakfast she walked through the halls on her way back to her room. She stopped, however, at the somewhat small commons room on the floor, where people would occasionally gather. There was even a bookshelf here, along with a small tv and a dvd player. There was no contact with a satellite, so no actual television, but there were plenty of movies! However, she was more interested in the books. After meeting with that one girl, she'd grown to like reading books on occasion, and today she kind of felt like it.

Still, she paid absolutely no attention to anyone else in the room, or even if there WAS anyone else in the room.


Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:38 am
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Post Re: Insert Bad Joke About Books and Covers Here
Sitting cross legged on the couch, the young blond girl sat quite openly reading one of the well worn encyclopedia's that had been left upon the bookshelf instead of having ever made it back to the Campus library. Her eyes scanned line after line as she appeared to be completely enthralled with the contents of the no doubtfully drab and dry reading that such books tended to be. Morning as it was and a weekend at that, Lexi was still wearing her pajama's, a simple pair of red and soft grey flannel patterned cotton pants with a matching button down shirt. Her hair was tied into two small twin pigtails, and held in place by two neatly done small red ribbons tied into little bows. Sitting directly beside her, almost protectively close to her was her school pack.

Since finding herself at the school, Lexi had chosen to learn and experience as much as she could about everything that she could. The book itself may have shared some of the late authors memories and abilities but knowing and experiencing were two completely different matters. Channeling her magics she had given herself physical form and now she had sought to understand this "life" she had been given and the powers that she controlled. She had learned rather quickly that this place was not where she had come from, that this island was some sort of all girls academy but what lay under that beneath that facade was a well spring of knowledge and a near endless supply of emotional energies to which she could harvest. Had perhaps she not been born of the spilled blood of the one whom had written her she would have had a moments hesitation or given pause to the dark thoughts that filled and bristled within every single page. Her creator was betrayed and murdered just so they could get their hands upon her and use her to their own ends. Why should she not in turn use the humans to meet her own ends? Was it not the natural order of the universe or at the very least the way things were handled on this strange island which she had found herself on. Self awareness had come with a price of course as she was still trying to understand the feelings and emotions that existed inside of her mind, but being the book which she was and the memories she had been filled with was able to keep a very logical and rational perspective and push aside such trivial matters. She had taken the time however to read, observe and learn some of the details of the world that she had found herself now in as she had realized some time had past by from what she had last known to be current. Hardly intimidated it only fueled her desire and lust for knowledge.

Looking up from her book, Lexi's nearly golden almond colored eyes shifted to the unexpected visitor as she gave a warm, cheerful smile. "Good morning!" Like the smile, her words sung out a happy greeting as she tilted her head slightly to the side and let her pigtails give a little bounce. She had chosen what she believed to be the perfect guise to go along with her "living" embodiment, a new student.

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Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:56 am
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Post Re: Insert Bad Joke About Books and Covers Here
Saburo, naturally, was completely unaware of any of this. Of course... she was unaware of a lot of things about herself, as well. Her manner of creation, which would she as a perfect replica of a human being. She WAS human, physically and mentally, but even if this was the case, even if the construction was as perfect as it was, there were still signs of what she really was, though a human would be unable to detect them. Mentally speaking, her personality was a constructed facade, something definitely false plastered artificially onto a mind that was fully grown from the beginning. Even with a careful implant, such a strange situation would cause certain flaws. After all, most human minds developed and gained their experiences naturally, over the course of many years. The implementation of an entire set of memories and feelings all at once wasn't something a human mind was designed for.

And for Saburo, this flaw would occasionally surface, in something like a mental form of vertigo. Deep down, her mind knew that the things she accessed, the memories she remembered, the ideas and abilities she gained, had never been accessed before, and in fact they were brand new, and not as old as they themselves truly seemed. This slight disjunction could be dizzying. (See the above post!) But Saburo's mind wasn't weak, and she was still built to withstand such a vertigo, and she could recover quickly. Of course, if enough force was pushed, if she was made to introspect enough, the damage could be severe.

Physically, she was as perfectly formed as was possible, with the imperfections and so forth that came from a normal human with normal genetics. But even that was... unusual. She was created fully formed, and though this was a better fit than her mind, there was still something about her, though unnoticeable to humans, that a being could notice. She was a counterfeit.

Saburo, blissfully unaware as always, heard the cheerful voice of the girl in the room, the girl she hadn't even noticed for some reason, and jumped in surprise, six inches into the air with a loud squeak! She was really surprised, and turned around with a flair, her long hair swishing loudly as she did. Her face was red, and embarrassed, she covered her mouth before giggling.

"Oh, no! I'm so sorry... I didn't notice you there!"

She smiled and walked over to the girl, and plopped down onto the couch beside her.

"Nice to meet ya! I'm Saburo, who are you?!"


Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:33 am
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Post Re: Insert Bad Joke About Books and Covers Here
The loud squeak of surprise had caused Lexi to tense and nearly jump off of the couch as well as she felt the emotional energies inside of the spike briefly. She hadn't quite expected that response to a simple greeting nor had she expected what came along with that energy. The small taste and feel she had been able to get from that shocked reaction seemed odd somehow. Genuine as it was but also some how different than the normal buzzing pulse of the near constant emotional surge that hummed around the campus as a whole. This may not have been the first student she had seen since her arrival but it was certainly the first she had interacted with and given half a chance she would seek to discover that cause for the unusual taste and feeling that had emitted from the unexpected morning visitor.

The flush of embarrassment in the girl held that same slightly off quality to it as well, though faint as it was she couldn't be sure of anything. She had learned that each human she had come across so far was different even if the feelings and emotions inside of them were the exact same. Lexi hadn't figured out why for that either yet but she figured a great many factors were involved. A person's spirit or soul could have had a profound impact, their physical condition and even perhaps what they knew and they history of their life. Anything that effected or provoked those same emotions could have also had an effect but at this point those were merely idle musings for her. She had learned from before creating her physical manifestation that attempting to focus and channel a connection to draw more deeply upon the students energies was not a process that she would be able to do in such a public setting, well not without proper preparation at least. For now her already piqued curiosity would have to wait to get the direct answer and she'd have to settle for learning what she could without aid of her magic's or directly feeding. She may not have sensed any magical ability or even potential within the girl but that didn't mean it wasn't there and she was hardly in the mood to deal with another would be, self fashioned sorceresses.

Still smiling and keeping all of her inner thoughts perfectly masked Lexi replied, "Oh! No, I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you." Marking her page within the large encyclopedia and letting it close as it just rest upon her lap. Her golden eyes followed, watching the student draw closer and then take a seat next to her upon the couch. "I'm Lexi, nice to meet you as well."

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Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:11 pm
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Post Re: Insert Bad Joke About Books and Covers Here
Was this girl a little bit shy? The way she reacted to Saburo's cheerful greeting seemed a little queer... and not the way the entire campus was a little queer, either. You know, the original meaning of the word! Like in the Hobbit, which she just had finished reading. That had been a pretty good book, she thought, and...

Well, her thoughts would ramble on for a bit, but regardless, she smiled at the slightly more shy girl, and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. It seemed Saburo wasn't one for personal space, at least not anymore, anyway. With her smile broadening, she looked at the young woman curiously for a moment. She'd never seen the girl before, and she'd been here awhile.

"Are you a new student, Lexi? And that's an interesting name..." Seeing the book in the girl's hand, she grinned, giggling like mad all of a sudden.

"It could be short for something like Alexandria, or... seeing that in your hand... it isn't Lexicon, is it?" Obviously this was a joke. There was nobody with that name, but Saburo was gonna tease this young woman, even if just for a moment. Still, she sat back into the couch, yawning again and placing her arms up above her head, and would stretch for a moment.

"I kid, I kid... I like the occasional book too, so don't think I'm making fun of you! It's just a fitting name is all." She was talking fast this morning, and hadn't even given the poor girl a chance to talk until now. Still, her odd emotional state could be seen quite clearly, vacillating from one emotion to the next.


Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:54 pm
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Post Re: Insert Bad Joke About Books and Covers Here
Lexi's eyes shifted to the girls hand for a moment out of curiosity before quickly shifting back towards the interesting student. Being as she was now was still something quite new to her, so she hadn't quite understood all of the complexities involved in human communications. It wasn't just her own inexperience either as Saburo's own emotions and the strangeness of them were more than a bit distracting, especially now that they were in physical contact with one another and how they seemed to waver from moment to moment. The hunger lurking inside of her twinged as her own drive to know flared up inside of her. Odd as the girls energy was, there seemed to be a flavorful potency contained within the almost wildly untamed spectrum to which they flickered between.

Giggling quietly, she smiled back at Sarburo as well at the small joke. What was funny to her is that this student had actually gotten her name right though had no way of knowing the pun it had been intended to be or just how fitting it truly was. After a moment, she nodded, "Yep, I'm new! Just got assigned my room and everything!" She hadn't really been assigned a room of course, not being an actual student however not that it had stopped her from finding an empty room and manufacturing herself a key. "Course, still waiting on some of my things to get shipped here but my name is just Lexi. It isn't short for anything, or anything." She quickly warmed up it seemed, pushing past whatever perceived shyness and easily began chatting back. Ever following the girl with her eyes, Lexi watched as the black dress tightened a bit against the girl as she stretched. The small part of Morgana's conscience that had transferred into the book and the books own dark twisted nature purred at the sight, wanting to see more as the lustful desire to feed grew ever steadily.

She had her doll pull her hidden self and the book bag closer to her as she let out another small silvery giggle, "It's alright though! It is a pretty fitting name... So, what sorts of books do you like to read?" She had been debating on the best way to get to a more secluded setting while they talked, somewhere that they wouldn't be interrupted by anyone or anything else. She had known why her physical form was a younger version of Morgana but quite honestly and with little ego involved in the matter she just didn't feel it did her any justice. She had been hoping for something a bit more grand when she first crafted the doll. Though she wouldn't have changed much, she wouldn't want to be like some of the denizens she had sensed running variously hidden and amok through out the school. That seemed like far to much work to her when she could just as easily summon something to do all the work for her.

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Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:15 am
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Post Re: Insert Bad Joke About Books and Covers Here
Like normal, Saburo was completely ignorant of the other girl's ulterior motives. Part of this was because she didn't SEEM like one of them. She was doing her job well, and seemed just like another student. There was no signal of the dark lusts within this girl... well, that wasn't QUITE true, because Saburo could tell the way this Lexi girl watched her. There was a bit of lust there, and she grinned inwardly at that. Well, she wasn't exactly attached to anyone, nor did she think she needed to be... it wouldn't be too much of a problem to take advantage of this situation if what she was seeing was indeed true. It'd been months since she'd learned about that sort of thing, after all. And Saburo had her own lusts to sate too, and it'd been awhile since she'd had anyone to sate them with!

Well, unless you counted the occasional monster... but she didn't count them, even if they could occasionally be quite mind-blowing. After all, she didn't ASK for those, so she didn't care to count them! Of course, if this girl happened to have some evil lust to her, or some strange magic power or whatever, Saburo... well, she wasn't sure what she'd do.

"Hmm... what books do I like? Well, honestly I haven't read enough lately yet to be sure anymore. I've read some of those more popular books like that Twilight series lately... but I've been enjoying a lot of those older ones, like Grimm's Fairy tales, and maybe Paradise Lost! I know it's weird, but I didn't mind that one at all..."

Her intent, however, wasn't to blab on endlessly... she intended to get this girl into a secluded location herself. After all, if she was so new, she needed some sort of welcome, didn't she?!

"But, uh, hey, no need to hang out in those boring place..." She grabbed the girl's hand as she stood up. "Let's go hang out in your room or something! Might be fun to see, right?"


Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:41 am
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Post Re: Insert Bad Joke About Books and Covers Here
Lexi hadn't heard of any of those books which the student mentioned but made a mental note to at least check them out and see if they held any worthwhile knowledge or at the very least hold her interest. Books had changed a great deal she had discovered, containing fantastic tales of fiction and fantasy like the works of the bards of old spinning their stories as they travelled about the world. She still had so much to learn about this new world and all the advancements that had been made since her banishment, quite honestly she wasn't even sure she was ready to interact others quite yet. Experience was the best teacher so they said and now that she was free from her imprisonment she had all the time she could have wanted to gain the knowledge which she had sought and the dark power she innately craved.

Lexi's eyes widened in a bit of honest surprise as the student grabbed hold of her hand and stood up quickly, pulling at her lightly as if trying to coax her from her seat. She could feel something emanating from the student, a mischievous desire that she couldn't quite place. Her head quirked lightly to the side as a thought popped into her head, "What if this is one of those other creatures that were running loose around the island and had disguised itself as a student as well?" The red eyes, the peculiar feel and taste of her feelings and her almost eagerness to get her to take her to her room...perhaps they had failed to recognize one another for what they were. If it had come to pass that it was, she would be forced to reveal herself she supposed but no need to jump to any conclusions early...after all it was still just as possible the student had a measure of supernatural attunement. Besides, no matter what the outcome was she was sure to learn something from the encounter and even above her want to feed and enjoying it as she did, that was the most important thing of all.

Putting her slipper clad feet down onto the floor, Lexi dropped the large book she had been reading onto the coffee table and scooped up her backpack. "Sure! I don't know how exciting my room is though, I don't really have much in there at the moment but if you like old books I might have some you'll really be interested in!" Still holding her hand, Lexi seemed to have a small bounce in her step as the two of them left the common area and moved back into the hallway as they made their way back towards the room which she had claimed as her own. She didn't figure there was a orientation for those like her that she could attend but she would have to make a mental note to track someone down to discover just how it is that she had come to be here and now and why they hadn't revealed themselves. Regardless, she figured until she could get those answers keeping herself and her actions secret was probably the best course of action. After all if whatever force had unwittingly freed her she wasn't to expose herself. Taking a deep breath, she figured she should continue the play the role she had set for herself, "So, anything I should know about the school? I sort of got pulled into it and didn't really get a chance to learn much about this place before I got here." Turning to look at Saburo, she gave her another warm and easy smile, letting her pearly perfect teeth shine.

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Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:36 am
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Post Re: Insert Bad Joke About Books and Covers Here
Of course, Saburo wasn't a monster, however amusing it would be to run into one and end up in the rather unusual situation of two monsters of that type both trying to seduce the other... but still, she wasn't exactly going with innocent reasons. She'd noticed Lexi's interest, and intended to bring that interest out into the open before she was done. But otherwise, she did honestly want to talk to the girl and get to know her as a person, too... she was just friendly, and sometimes seemed completely without shame or fear of going up to just about anyone.

She'd been captured before by this sort of thing, a monster that seemed like a regular girl until they were alone. But they were alone now, weren't they? She still didn't expect it, even knowing it was a possibility. Or perhaps she figured it was just worth the risk? Didn't matter. They reached Lexi's room quickly as Saburo thought of how to answer the girl.

"You know, I kinda know the feeling. I came here kind of out of the blue too... I knew absolutely nothign when I got here! I guess there was a mix up with paperwork, because I hadn't even been assigned a dorm when I was here. And I didn't have my luggage, either... some more came later from home, I guess, but I never called and asked for it, but... oh!"

At the room, she opened the door and entered even without asking Lexi. Yes, you could occasionally think of this girl as rude, too. She just didn't think too much about such things. Or she knew and just didn't care! :D

"Well, the place is kind of nice at times. The teachers are a bit sadistic. The students are all girls, and that leads to some rather... unusual situations, as you can imagine. Um... oh, yeah!" She grinned, taking on a suddenly cruel and mischievous expression, a glint in her eyes. She planned on terrifying this girl, if just a little bit. She got up quite close to Lexi, her words becoming very quiet, very forboding.

"There are monsters, here, too. Evil monsters... they prowl through the school at all hours, and whenever a poor innocent student is alone she's at terrible risk... for these monsters prey exclusively on us... and rape the unlucky girl to be alone like mad. And the worst thing? After awhile... you'll start to like it."

She couldn't wait to see the girl's expression! Yes, it was true, but she doubted the girl would believe it... she might as well use it to terrify her, or get a rise out of her! Besides, it was an excuse to get very, very close, physically... see how she reacted!


Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:56 am
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Post Re: Insert Bad Joke About Books and Covers Here
Back pressed against her own door as the student whom was shorter than her rounded in and got quite closer than she would have expected. She could tell just from the weight of emotion carried in her words that while she was teasing her, she was being quite honest about the fact that she knew that monsters lurked about the school. Wrinkling her nose as she makes a disbelieving face for a moment, Lexi bursts into a small fit of giggles as speaks, "Oh? Wicked and evil monsters lurking everywhere?" Holding her hands up she wiggles her fingers at Saburo, before reaching out and grabbing hold of her waist and tickling her, "Oh no! I'm one of them!!" Lexi says in her best mockingly scary voice, restraining her own laughter before finally stopping and moving away from her door and into her room. She figured it was probably best to just act as if she didn't know any better, she had gotten the impression and sensed from her first few days here that not every student was aware or even attacked by the other creatures that were here. It was certainly curious but now was not the time for her thoughts to be wondering.

"Come on though, I'm serious. I wanna know about the school. How strict are the teachers? What are the classes like? How is it that no one has alerted the authorities to the horrible monsters preying upon us students?" She spun around and looked back at the other student at that last question, giving her an exaggerated wink and sticking her tongue out just a bit, playing along and teasing her back just a bit. Alone as they were now however, Lexi had already been working out how to best go about feeding while maintaining her feigned innocence as a student. Being the book itself, she didn't need to pull herself out and read from her own pages to cast any magic but she wasn't still entirely sure about the nature of this friendly, if not a bit forward young woman.

Still holding onto her book bag, she stepped across the barren room and flopped onto the edge of her bed sitting down and placing her book bag between her feet. "What about field trips or the closest city to go and blow off some steam at?" More innocent questions, yet Lexi was well aware that other than the school there were little other options for the students. There was of course that odd building, hidden off the main island but she hadn't gotten a chance to investigate there yet and figured that was probably a good place to start once she got around to seeking answers. Pushing the backpack underneath the bed with her foot, Lexi gave a small smirk as she had begun to put a few pieces of just what she was going to do together in her head. She still had yet to figure out how she wasn't going to give herself away as actually being one of those "monsters" that Saburo had spoken about but even if she did, she had warned her earlier.

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Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:34 pm
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Post Re: Insert Bad Joke About Books and Covers Here
She was actually having a little fun. And it started to seem like this Lexi girl was a little bit less shy than she had been acting like. And she found the talk of monsters so funny... and she started tickling Saburo, who fell into fits of giggles as she struggled to pull away from the taller girl! When she stopped, though, she took a few deep breaths, holding back the tears that threatened to come out of her eyes. Too much tickling did that, after all!

"Well, if you are, I'll remember you were honest at least." She winked at Lexi, and thought for a moment. Oh, God! If she WAS a monster, the way she was acting was beyond reckless. Actually, technically, it wasn't just that... she'd seen those glances of lust this new girl had had. If she was actually a monster in human form, she'd presented herself as a very easy target... however, at the same time, SHE was targeting the MONSTER in her own way. Oh, not for the rape thing the monsters tended to like... but, well, was trying to get into this new girl's pants actually all that different? She started giggling again, thinking about it, and shook her head, focusing again.

As Lexi spoke, Saburo walked over and sat on the new girl's bed. She looked around... the place really wasn't all that well decorated yet. Quite bare, in fact. Well, you know, except for the cute blonde girl sitting in it. One could say that was decoration enough, for the moment at least.

"Well, it depends on the teacher, really. But they tend to be sadists, as I kinda hinted before. Few of them are nice, and the ones who are nice are probably being nice for another reason, if you know what I mean." And was she herself being any different? Not really. Oh, well, no time to feel guilt! After all, she wasn't in a position of authority. "Um... we all have all those standard clases. English for everybody, foreign languages... Japanese is really popular for that. Math, P.E., history, all that kind of thing. Lots of science stuff on this island. Like that little area right off the island... seems there's a lot of sciency stuff over there!

She laid back on the bed, seeming to relax and take over a bit as though this room was as much hers as anybody's. Well, that was the way Saburo always seemed, lately. She was quite cheerful, and she smiled, glancing up at this Lexi girl.

"No places to go like a town or anything. This place is pretty isolated, but there are a few stores here and there..." Her grin grew wicked. "Oh, right, the monsters. I'm not sure of all the details, but I get the feeling the school is in on it. This place is probably like a zoo or something. Well, a petting zoo. And we're the ones being... petted." She winked at that, making sure her innuendo was as clear as possible.


Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:41 pm
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Once her book bag was safely tucked away underneath the bed, Lexi turned around so she was sitting cross legged now on her bed and faced the student whom had made herself comfortable. Given her a skeptical look and tilting her head to the side, "Sure, sure. Has anyone actually seen any of these monsters or they just stories told to new students to try and scare them? Have you ever encountered...or been petted by one of these creatures?" Lexi rolled her eyes, still obviously disbelieving that monsters of any kind could be real. The situation was actually quite funny to her as they chatted about these monsters while she had actually been preparing learn exactly why this girls energy was so unusual as well as enjoy her first true meal since her arrival to this place. Able to sense emotions and feelings, Lexi could feel the girls own desire for her as it had built from the time they had met. Though she hadn't established a direct connection with Saburo yet so that she could feed from that energy, it was still slightly distracting as she worked out the various spells in her mind.

The Summoners Grimoire was well protected underneath her dolls bed as she had taken steps to set protective spells in place far before she even ventured out of the room itself, as well was the bag. She might have over done it with the magical protections but it wasn't the students she was actually worried about. Some of the monsters she had already sensed had been cause for concern and being as new as she was and not having any sort of welcome orientation like the students seemed to receive, she didn't know if the monsters here left each other alone or what. Not that it mattered, she wasn't about to take any chances with a misplaced trust like her author had.

"I mean if monsters were real and doing all of that, I don't think much studying or class work would really get done...I think everyone would be to busy running in terror." She figured she might as well keep pretending she didn't know anything about any sort of supernatural forces or creatures and learn what the girl knew instead. A small clanking of metal chains could be heard from what sounded like the room below, just barely audible. As if she didn't hear anything, "Oh! That's right lemme find that book!" Lexi turned around bending over her bed as she seemed to be looking for something as she wiggled her firm little rear in Saburo's direction, the cotton fabric framing her trim body nicely.

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Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:09 am
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Post Re: Insert Bad Joke About Books and Covers Here
Was that a chain or something? Saburo tilted her head slightly, listening to the odd sound that was coming, it seemed, from the floor below them. They WERE on the third floor, after all. So who knew what could be happening below. Heck, it might be some kind of monster or something horrible like that! However, she didn't think it was, or really suspect that this friendly girl was laying a trap or beginning some sinister spell in an attempt to capture her... she was just interested in the girl. And, well, she seemed oddly focused on the monsters. Well, it seemed there was no real point in describing the truth, since really she'd not believe it until she saw it herself. IF she saw it herself, that was. However... she might as well tell a few things about it! She sat up, then, and scooted close to the other girl, looking quite perky and cheerful.

However, before she could start, she moved to grab the book... giving a very clear image of her rear. Saburo blushed a little bit. She really was becoming bi, wasn't she? She admired, and in fact ogled the girl for a moment, fighting off a temptation to pat her butt, which would probably seem quite bizarre to the girl. Still, her cheeks tinged more red than before, she finally began. But she DID sound slightly distracted.

"Well, um... why doesn't it? Because the ones on this island tend to hide. And only a small minority of the girls ever meet them. Less than ten percent. There are rumors everywhere, but most people just don't believe in monsters... you know?" She looked away, then, and started toying with a few strands of her hair, curling it around in her finger absentmindedly as she thought to herself. She finally responded to her first question, though.

"Well, I'd say I'd met a few monsters at this school, but I highly doubt you'd believe me." She giggled, and decided it was time to play it off. "Let's just say you're right and it's nothing more than a rumor. Until you meet one, that is. Then we can talk about it!"


Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:01 am
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Post Re: Insert Bad Joke About Books and Covers Here
Sitting back up from digging around the pack underneath her bed, Lexi turned back to face Saburo. Clutching a small black book bound shut by a thin strip of soft leather held closely to her chest. Her true self was not the only book she kept tucked within the pack, this one held a special meaning to her. It was the book written by those whom had betrayed the one whom had penned her about her, Morgana and various effects of the spells that had been discovered though it contained no actual spells itself. Later in the book their written turned to madness as The Summoners Grimoire had awakened and drove them to madness, setting them upon each other and taking back what powers they had stolen. It was an old and well worn book, with no title written down the spine and no markings to give a reader clue to what was contained within.

It was an interesting point the girl made, the faculty and staff would have to be in on it with how many of those creatures she had sensed moving about, but how was it determined which student would be attacked? And how did they ensure that only those selected would be? Every answer lead to more questions, and many of these questions she doubted her current company would be able to answer properly. She had little reason to doubt those answers as logically many of those conclusions made sense.

Lexi's face scrunched up cutely as she wrinkled her nose at the other girl and let the subject change without the slightest protest, "Here, take a look. It's a really old book that was passed down to me from my father. It's sort of like seeing through the eyes of someone living a horror story I guess. It's one of my favorite books, so be careful with it." Lexi held the small book out tentatively, obviously it meant a great deal to her. The rattling chains suddenly cut to silence, almost as if perhaps the quiet before the storm. The last spell had been set, glyphs of ancient magic and seals absently spinning and awaiting the books command to unleash them. She wasn't in any real hurry and it was good practice for future interactions with other humans. She still had to remind herself to blink and breathe every once in awhile, but she was getting better. Besides who knows maybe the girl would give her a clue as to that strangeness that surrounded her.

Link to profile. (Signature picture is being worked on, but not turning out how I like it.)

Fri Sep 18, 2009 2:42 am
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Post Re: Insert Bad Joke About Books and Covers Here
Yes, now that it was absent, she was sure that noise had been unusual. Definitely chains, but... why on earth WERE there chains here? Since the sound stopped, it was obvious she was paying attention. Lexi would be able to see her glancing down, listening carefully to the new silence around her. She smiled at Lexi, though, and giggled sweetly before speaking.

"Well, thank you!" She happily took the book from the girl, and blushed a bit at how nice she was being. However, that sound still bugged her. "Hey... did you hear that weird sound? Like chains or something?" Suddenly a cruel grin appeared on her face. She had an evil idea, and leaned close to the other girl, before whispering quietly. "I wouldn't be surprised if that was one of the monsters, trying to prepare to capture an unsuspecting girl..."

She could barely stop herself from breaking out in laughter while speaking. But once she was done it was too hard, so she pulled back, pulling the book to her bosom, and laughed wildly, really enjoying teasing this girl. She knew the girl wasn't being scared by it, but then, perhaps all this was as much for her own reassurance than anything else. Maybe she was actually a bit nervous. And if Lexi looked, she could tell Saburo WAS a little nervous, a little bit of sweat on her face all of a sudden. She felt just the tiniest tinge of fear, but had fought it off for the most part, calming herself down. She still didn't suspect, either, that Lexi was a real monster. In fact, she was just joking... but the monsters WERE of course real, and she wasn't exactly fond of them...

But she was fond of this new Lexi girl! At least, so she decided, right then and there as she opened the book, holding it carefully in her hands, delicately as though it was something both precious and delicate. She opened its pages with as much care as she could, and as she peered inside to read it, a small smile grew on her face. A smile of thanks, even if she didn't say it again.


Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:06 am
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