Shokushu High School

Quell the Savage Beast (For Beth)
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Author:  Beth [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:37 am ]
Post subject: 

"I see, you like to to play chicken do you," Beth said quietly as the dark figure crouched low to the floor. Beth too a firm stance in the middle of the hallway, her body was barely covered by her towel and this defensive position didn't help matters much as it made her breast peak out from the top of the towel. As Beth stood opposite the figure she also asked it questionly, "let me guess street rules apply right?"


Author:  The NightBringer [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:48 am ]
Post subject: 

The creature growled in response at the defiant girls question, it would seem she wanted to fight after all. Of course, that wasn't all the creature had growled at as he had most certainly caught a glimpse of woman's covered cleavage on the verge of bursting from the tight restraint of the towel.

Yet the creature remains unmoved, his eyes narrowing in thought as if pondering the girls words and actions. Surely, she wasn't going to really confront him...but just maybe...

Author:  Beth [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:11 am ]
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As Beth started to get cold in her damp towel so did her nipples seem to harded underneath it. This made the cover even harder to keep on her so in order to stop herself unveiling her assets in front of this shadow Beth decided to ended their stand off quickly. She confronted the dark shadow and said, "atleast tell me what you want?"


Author:  The NightBringer [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Moments of silence stood between the girl and the creature as she asked the question. The creatures eyes flared once again as the thought of showing her exactly what he wanted danced in his head as the primal desires continued to build as he watched her desperately try to keep herself covered.

In a few quick strides he closes the distance between the girl and himself, bringing his inky black face almost to her own as he speaks.


The creature growled out in a low tone, his voice sounded like a thousand echo's all rolled into a single unifying sound. He spoke rarely, and only when it suited him...but between the enjoyment of the game and the wanton desire to take the girl and have his way with her...that one single word said enough.

Author:  Beth [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Beth was put off by the creatures quick advance, her defiant stance was almost undermined when he responed to her question. Still she dd not move, but she did hike up her towel and looked into the holes where his eyes should have been. She then answered him calmly as she could, "me why would you possibly want me?"


Author:  The NightBringer [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Silent once again, not even the sound a breathing can be heard coming from the beast so close to the girl. Her intoxicating smell playing upon his senses, her attitude of defiance and yet the contrast of the very vulerable item she wore.

Wordlessly the creature answered the girls question as 6 tentalces rose out from the beings back, large thick ink like tendrils with phallic heads that seemed to ooze with a inky tar mixing with a pearl-like substance. The tentacles hover and dance like serpents waiting to strike as Nightbringer continues to look directly into her defiant blue orbs.

Author:  Beth [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

As the monster before seem to change and six tendrils with phallic heads seem to appear out the shadows back. Beth took a step back in shock what was this thing in front of her its intentions were now clear enough and they scared her. As the tentacles oozed in front of her Beth turned and ran down the hallway holding on tightly to her towel in a desperate arrempt to get to her dorm room.


Author:  The NightBringer [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

The beast unleashed a savage growl, that seemed almost a victorious gloat at the now running girl. The Nightbringer paused any pursuit for the moment as he and his host basked in the girls fear. Pushing from his crouch the creature's powerful legs easily allowed him to make up his lost ground. A roar echo'd down the hallway at the girl... letting her know he was gaining.

Author:  Beth [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 2:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Beth did not dare to look back especially when she heard a massive growl sthat signalled that the monster what ever it was just a milisecond behind her. As she sprinted towards her dorm room the edges of her towel flipped up a the bottom with each stride showing briefly her whole naked body underneath. But Beth didn't care about that now as she reached her door and flumbled with the handle trying to get the door open she knew she only had seconds before the thing that was chasing caught her. Finally after wasting a second or two Beth opened her dorm door and stepped through into the room.

Author:  The NightBringer [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 3:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Each time the towel flared up exposing the girls lithe form the creature unleashed a ravonous howl that surely would have been heard if not for the NICE LABS sound dampeners. Her fear, her form, even her smell fueled his desire. Closer and closer Nightbringer got to his prey and when she began to fumble with the lock on her door he felt a rush of energy. Right as he was about to pouce the door opened and slammed shut. The beast rammed the spot where the girl was shaking the door.

Author:  Beth [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 3:51 pm ]
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The moment Beth opened her door and was about to step into the room something hit the dorm room door and burst it open sending Beth flying in the opposite direction. Her fall was stopped by the wall opposite her room from which she recieved a blow to the head and she now lay there on the floor her head spining with the same skimpy towel still wrapped barely around her lithe form.

Author:  The NightBringer [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 4:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

The creature continued his forward movement and stepped into the girls room through the now splintered door. Quietly and carefully the darkness stalked to the dazed female. He hadn't meant to send her into the wall, but caught in the thrall of lust he didn't much care. Standing over the girl his head turned to look her up and down. Another snarl escapes his mouth as his phalic tentacles stretch out towards Beth's legs. His eyes seemingly filled in with a deep red color.
Never once leaving her.

Author:  Beth [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 5:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Beth came around her head clearing as the darkness that was towering over her seem to stretch out and try to wrap around her legs. All she could do was pull them clear. Everyway was blocked by this monster for few second she was ready to give in, scared out of her wits, but then she came around to her senses and saw that her room door was open she didn't know how so she jumped dodging a few roaming tentacles and void of darkness through to the dorm room. When she got she suddenly realized her dorm room wasn't open it was shattered and now she really was trapped.

Author:  The NightBringer [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 7:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

The girl's quick recovery and fast movement was hardly a surprise. As she moved to get away from him the beast did not pursue. Instead, he merely hopped backwards placing himself between her and the door.

Though she may not have realized it, the beast was enjoying this game.

" heh heh heh." The creature laughed. From where there was once six tentacles, three more burst forth from the torso of the vaguely humaniod monstrosity.

Author:  Beth [ Sun Jun 17, 2007 9:53 am ]
Post subject: 

As the six tentacles burst from the monster Beth backed away into the room crawling on the floor with her face towards the creature. She continued to feeling around her searching for anything to defend herself with. Eventually she found a large splintered piece of wood from the door, she grabbed it and with the towel still hung tightly around her body swung for the shadowy mass in front of her.

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