Shokushu High School

Awakening (For Karissa)
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Author:  Karissa [ Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:10 am ]
Post subject: 

"Years of torture...and hatred by our own kind... for being different topped by an attack... by a creature just like you not far from our home..."
She said meekly every bit of anger seeping from her body now replaced by pleasure. the pleasure rose as her pants were torn from her body she again moaned, this time though with nothing to absorb it the juices dripped weakly onto Antipode's tentacles.
her face was quite happy in appearance however her other self was nearly sickened as usual she awaited the tentacles to not only tear her panties, but hoped he'd remember that she wanted them run tightly between her slit.

Author:  Antipode [ Thu Jul 05, 2007 7:13 am ]
Post subject: 

I see. So. Why would one of your own kind be so hostile to you in the first place? Nothing seems particularly wrong with you. You seem to not be in any way unusual, physically, or mentally... at least, you were not until those actions. As for myself, I see nothing wrong with you. Interesting. He could feel the change in her emotions, the shift from anger to pleasure, the replacing of one by the other, slowly as she almost seemingly emptied herself of the one, and let the other take its place. Her body's reactions, the pleasure from her body and mind, fed into his mildly empathic mind. He did not feed on them, but he enjoyed them greatly.

As for the creature... I hope you will enjoy my actions much more than your time with that other... and to the other you, who I know can hear me, are you still so terribly angry at me? He did not rip the panties off yet. He would wait awhile longer before doing something like that, going for it. No, for now he wanted to tease a little longer, and make sure she could still talk. A tendril approached her well-spread legs, and soon she would feel it tracing up her inner thigh, its warm, wet form moving finally to her soaked panties. It stayed above them, not going below, but soon she would feel the warm, narrow tip begin to rub up and down, up and down the soaked fabric, moving up her slit, pushing enough to make her feel pressure at her slit, before moving up, rubbing at her clit a moment and then above, then back down, lazily teasing her there as her breasts were still almost milked by the tendrils wrapped around them.

Author:  Karissa [ Thu Jul 05, 2007 7:34 am ]
Post subject: 

"Well... I can do something most other's can't... and I assure
you she is certainly still quite angry with you..."

She closed her eyes wincing slightly in pain as the tendril massaged her scars.

"Please... leave that thigh alone... it hurts tonight..."

she nearly cried before the tendril snaked to more intimate areas to tease her. Her other self remained silent in it's hiding place deep in her mind unfortunately hearing everything that was being said trying to figure out what weakened her abilities over liquids while here. All the while; Karissa's own juices slowly lifted from her panties to show antipode what she had meant by something others couldn't do.

Author:  Antipode [ Thu Jul 05, 2007 7:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, that certainly is an interesting power, isn't it? No reason to persecute you, though. Her scars. They felt unpleasant? Interesting... he noticed the ones there then, and observed her to see if there were more around her. How many scars did she have, where on her body where they?

These scars... are they not normal? You say they feel pain. Scars do not normally have that effect, isn't that so? What caused them? He did not touch them again, at least not for now. He was very curious as to her responses to them.. .her responses to touches all over. She was angry, was she? Well, interesting. I assume the only way to make your other form less angry is to leave you alone, isn't it? If you would like, would you like your mind to be placed back together? Perhaps that would be a bad idea. After all... she would be taken again by other beings here. And it may be quite bad for her conflicting mental states to mesh. They might interfere with each other, as they seemed to have drifted apart, at least partly.

The tendril continued toying with her sex from over the wet, almost insubstantial fabric for a little while longer. Then it decided to act as she'd requested. Another tendril approached from behind, and slipped into her panties from behind, from the top. The one playing with her stopped, and slipped down the front of her panties, tracing across her pubic area, its warm wetness finally touching her flesh directly, not through anything else. Both of them slipped down, and began tugging, grasping carefully at the panties before starting to force the little cum-soaked piece of clothing apart.

At first it was simply pressure, mainly pulling up against her body. She would feel it start to rub up and down slightly as it fuddled with the elastic band at top. Soon she would feel it rip, but only at the sides, slowly, carefully ripping the soaked fabric apart. Soon it was ripped, yes, but only on the sides. Each tendril grabbed a piece of the remaining fabric, on on her back, the other on front, and began to pull it up and down, almost giving her a wedgie as it bunched the fabric up, pulling it more and more inbetween her lips, sliding the soaked fabric up and down her most sensitive spots.

Author:  Karissa [ Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:09 am ]
Post subject: 

"They were caused by the first thing to attack us... sometimes the nerves stop giving off anything but the feeling of pain..."
of all her body only two sets of scars existed, the ones on her thigh and the one that snaked on her forehead down her nose.

"As for putting us together again... I'm happy with the way we are...
then the tendrils began to rip her panties and then tug them between her lips it was joyous so much so it neared painful.

"YEs more! Rip it in half while its inside me please!!!"

It was definitely an odd turn on even she herself thought so but, one couldn't help what the body loved.

Author:  Antipode [ Thu Jul 05, 2007 7:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Scars caused by the first attack. How unfortunate. It was not a surprise that all of these events had caused trauma in her. However, right now the his focus would begin to shift towards playing with her, feeling her steadily increasing pleasure. Antipode continued as before, moving the tattered fabric inbetween her folds. Gradually he did so harder and harder, forcing them against her with more and more pressure, slowly preparing to fulfil what she requested.

The fabric grew taut, and began to strain under the pressure, even as it moved back and forth, back and forth, rubbing against her most sensitive areas until finally, with a snap, it broke, right there in the area inbetween her outer lips. With the panties gone, he let them drop to the floor, and moved his tentacles, these ones not possessing an odd underside, but a more standard variety, back towards her body.

So. Does your other side dislike pleasure in general, or is there anyway to make her as satisfied as you seem to be? As the words drifted into her mind, a tendril tip went back, and began tracing just like before, only this time the contact would be flesh to flesh. It traced lightly right around her outer lips, toying with her, teasing as it moved to and fro, slowly.

Author:  Karissa [ Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:51 am ]
Post subject: 

As the fabric snapped she screamed with a mix of pain and pleasure
She then between soft groans and twitches of joy answered his simple question.
"She likes to hide it but, she's aroused sexually either by a pretty woman... an erotic novel... or a good fight."
this half giggled slightly whilst the other half screamed obscenities in her mind. softly she began to mutter rather dirty things of what she thought would soon happen between the monster and herself completely ignoring the half she called abrute.

Author:  Antipode [ Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:32 am ]
Post subject: 

A pleasant scream, a pleasured yell, mixed with a small amount of pain. Even with that, she enjoyed it greatly. His teasing over her body continued as he listened to her words. Again, interesting. Women, erotic novels, good fights. Hmm. Well, he doubted he could give her any of those... maybe the erotic novel. That would be an interesting thing to do. He'd note it, and make sure to continue asking and gaining more information.

Now that she was free of any clothing, and free for him to play with at will, he decided to begin for real. The tendril continued playing over her, moving to her sex and lightly rubbing against it, purposely keeping from entering her even a little bit, at first. The toying would continue, until finally, the narrow tip would begin slipping into her dripping body, the warm, wet tentacle sliding slickyl inside of her. It moved agonizingly slowly, slipping in an inch before pulling entirely out again. Then it started again, moving an inch. Another inch. It stood still within her a moment, before slowly pulling out. Finally, however, he stopped toying, and slid the tentacle inside of her body quickly, filling her up all the way with one smooth, even stroke.

I am not a woman... nor will I allow a good fight. Maybe next time for that, however, I'll let her battle until she gained whatever pleasure she would. As for erotic novels... tell me what sort she likes most. I'm sure I could acquire something rather nice for her. And since I know you can hear me in there... I'll make sure it cannot be burned or ripped up either. You'll read it and enjoy it, yes.

Author:  Karissa [ Fri Jul 06, 2007 8:16 am ]
Post subject: 

"she enjoys... books of female theives... whom steal victim's bodies and valuables... and believe it or not... books where things like this happen to the victims... she likes the fantasy... not the reality..."
One of the interesting things of having two personalities was how easily they sould switch off problems the other was having; the inner mind began to quiver slightly and unable to speak clearly to annoy her outer self. her eyes widened in surprise at how quick things had happened she squeeled as the tentacle filled her enjoying more than she should have, as usual the fear that she was experiencing was doing it's work as a twisted completely wrong aphrodisiac.

Author:  Antipode [ Sat Jul 07, 2007 9:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ahh. Enjoying stories of this, but not the reality, hmm? Very... interesting. I hope she'll like the story I give her. And perhaps will wish to act it out someday. Though maybe its that she would desire to be in charge, and not be taken like this. Oh, well, we shall see. His almost random words were more like speaking to oneself now, mainly becuase he would be surprised if she was still listening. Her sudden squeals were pleasant. He wanted more of it. More! Yes, he was slightly addicted, in a sense... his desire for the pleasure, forced or no, of young girls made him seek them out, after all... there was a reason he did this.

The tendril within her body, which had filled her up, began to slowly pull out again, finally pulling more than halfway back out of her body, her juices all along the tendril as it pulled away. It pushed back in, then, faster, filling her up again smoothly and quickly. It pulled out slow yet again, not any faster than the first, and then moved back in, just as slowly. The next time the pull out was fast. The time after slow again. It would alternate between these for awhile, playing with her, fucking her probably unbearably slowly... yes, it was a tease, at least in a small way. After all, it still wasn't touching her clit... well, yet, anyway.

Author:  Karissa [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:46 am ]
Post subject: 

It wasn't as enjoyable as she hoped after a point it began to even become annoying mentally though it didn't seem her body cared much. her eyes showed this well enough it their glare it didn't show the usual uninterrupted lust antipode might be used to; it showed a clearly focused mind.
"You're... boring..."
She let out the strangest sound anyone could have ever heard; a yawned moan of pleasure. her body did buck and she couldn't help but, release a small orgasm as he continued to tease her body.

Author:  Antipode [ Mon Sep 17, 2007 5:58 am ]
Post subject: 

(two months later and I return... I apologize about the absence, but I have more time now finally... I've been working WAY too much lately! Anyway, now that I'm back, I can play again... did you want to continue? I'd totally understand if not.)

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