Shokushu High School

Quell the Savage Beast (For Beth)
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Author:  The NightBringer [ Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

The young womans wiId swing does manage to connect with the creature. However when the piece of wood connects, the ink like skin of the creature gives way to the attack and lets it sink in like tar trying to pull the girl into him as well. To ensure this the creature grabs her arm and begins to laugh again.

Author:  Beth [ Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

As her swing connects with the creature Beth is shocked when the stick sinks into the beast and starts to pull her in Beth is already to let go when the monster grabs her arm and stops her getting away. She starts to panic and screams as she yanks on her arm to get it free of the shadow.

Author:  The NightBringer [ Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

As the girls cry of protest pierced the air a feral roar errupts from the his gapping maw. The beast's strength was immense as with seeming no effort he pulled the woman off her feet. The shadow grabbed the once defiant girls other arm and pins both of them above her head. The being brings his face just inches from her own,maniacal red eyes watching her own. From the side of beast two more arms spring forth and begin to grope at her barely covered body, mauling her full breasts.

Author:  Beth [ Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Fear cut off Beth cries of protest as she stared straight into the black shadow at the beasts meancing red eyes. Her arms captured by the beast were pulled above her head raising her body off the floor, this meant she could do nothing but struggle against the monsters hold as it groped at her breasts through the wet towel which now clung on to her wet body through pure luck alone. She cried a single tear as her covered body was mauled by this perverse monster.

Author:  The NightBringer [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:34 am ]
Post subject: 

The creature's hands grip the edge of the her towel, palms pushing down against her her full breasts. Opening his mouth a long dark tendril slides out, dripping saliva onto the girl as it licks down the side of her face. His inhuman eyes never leave hers as the multitude of tentacles begin to slither down his back towards the trapped woman.

Bending just a bit closer the creature inhales deeply, obviously pleased at the girls scent.

Author:  Beth [ Thu Jun 21, 2007 4:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Beth stared into the creature’s unrelenting demon red eyes, saliva slowly dripping down her face on to now partially revealed breasts. Which were now being firmly and roughly squeezed by the monster before her. The skimpy white towel that was the only garment that was successfully covering Beth’s nubile body was pulled forward opening a huge gap at the back of the towel where her smooth bottom stuck out open to the cool air in the room.

Author:  The NightBringer [ Thu Jun 21, 2007 5:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

The creatures hands continued to maul Beth's breasts through the towel, cupping and squeezing them. His nightmarish tentacles slither down to the pinned girls legs. Coiling around her ankles slowly they began to lightly pull against her muscles as if testing her defiance once again by trying to spread her legs. The tongue of the monster seemed to move with a mind all its own as it began to worm between her full breasts, working to get under the towel.

Author:  Beth [ Fri Jun 22, 2007 4:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

The continued mauling of her breasts through the towel was making them become sentive aand aroused, but this couldn't happen like this her body was begining to betray her mind and spirit. These feelings were almost doubled when the monster started to direct its tongue to find a way under the towel between her breasts and start to caress the sensitive globes.

Then her already pinned legs felt the monsters dark shadowy tentacles wrap around her ankles and start to spread her legs. When Beth felt this she started to kick out at the monster and jerk about in the hold she was in

Author:  The NightBringer [ Fri Jun 22, 2007 5:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

The creature felt her begin thrash and struggle against him. Ensuring that her wrists and ankles were pinned and secured, the beast let its tongue wrap around one her full breasts squeezing it firmly and causing it to pop free from the towel. The beast found it humorous that all the girls struggles were acompishing that skimpy towel coming off sooner. With another tug the shadowy monster yanked at the girls ankles pulling her legs apart again in spite of the girls protests.

Author:  Beth [ Fri Jun 22, 2007 5:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Beth was in a very differicult position now her body was now clamped to the beast her legs were now spread apart and the creatures constant squeezing of her now bare breasts by the monsters hands and tongue was making her simmer in feelings of lust.

This didn't stop her writhing in the monsters grasp, but her efforts were being undone by the beasts brute force and strength, her legs were still being spread no matter what she did. Eventually she spoke to the creature in an uneven voice as she tried to kept her rising feelings of lust under control, "stop this now, I mean it. Leave me alone."

Author:  The NightBringer [ Fri Jun 22, 2007 6:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Uncoiling his tongue from the girls breast, he slurped it back into his mouth and cruely laughed at the girl. "Or what?" His feral voice snarled as he groped her large breasts, pinching her nipple buds between his fingers. Opening his mouth again his tongue wedged itself between her tits snaking its way around both of her breasts until coiled around them. Tightening around them and popping her other breast free from the towel. The creatures own excitment was begining to show as his large member grew.

Author:  Beth [ Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

As the monster challenged Beth to come up with a response to his taunts, her body reacted quickly to its constant caress of her breasts which had gone hard and rigid. Beth moaned deeply under this never ending examination of her pert sensitive body, “Ohhh, I’ll, ummmm Ohhhhhh, get, Ummm you back for this.”

Meanwhile Beth could feel the beasts rising erection through her skimpy towel and it made her eyes go wide feeling the size of his member as it started to rub through the garnment.

Author:  The NightBringer [ Sat Jun 23, 2007 6:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Nightbringer let his tongue slide further down the girls supple body under the towel. The long appendage twisted and turned as it slipped between Beth's spread legs and began to rub itself lengthwise against her exposed womanhood. As the moan escapes her lips the creature growls once more, his hands squeezing the helpless females breasts harder.

Finally responding another mouth opens on the being, "...and what would you do with me?" Continuing to mock her without pause. "..maybe ill make you beg..

Author:  Beth [ Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Beth heard the monsters words that taunted her while she was in the middle of being assualted by the beasts ongoing attack by its roaming tongue over her aroused and now soaking wet clit. This while the creature was also mauling her firm and now sensitive breasts, that made her moan everytime it touched her chest. Beth responded between these long slow moans by answering the creature taunt, "I will never beg for anything from you."

Author:  The NightBringer [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:45 am ]
Post subject: 

The Nightbringer's tongue moist with the girls lustful juice continues to wiggle and writhe against her moistening slit. His hands grope and continue to squeeze her full breasts enjoying her every moan and watching her try and squirm. "You don't seem to sure of yourself." Laughing the creature continues to maul and molest her. His fully errect member presses against her thigh, easily the girl would be able to tell just how massive it truly is.

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