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 New Biginnings (juni, Aegir) 
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Hmms and shakes her head slightly as she listens to juniper. An aphrodisiac? Surely that much be a joke. There was allways claims on tv ad's for new prodects that said they were an aphrodisiac.. but none of them really worked.. so why would be lead lead to believe something like that worked here.

She was a little opened minded yes, but that was only because she had saw that jar dissappear before her eyes.. but what juniper kept going on about was getting harder and harder to believe. If anything, if this place was as bad as she was making it out to be.. with.. monsters of all things, her father would surely have come up with something, very much doughted he hadnt done a through background check upon this place. She found it very hard to believe there hadnt been one ioata of bad info about this place.

"Fine, ok no breeding.. but really if everything is as bad as you say.. how do you know then that if students are dissappearing they areint becomeing breeding stock.. for your monsters" she says suddenly.. part of her couldnt even believe she was haveing this conversasion on any level... in for a penny in for a pound they say. And, on the offchance this was all compleatly true she would be a fool for disregaurding it so easly, well perhaps not so easly.

She blinks as juniper contunes to talk.. glanceing at her.. something she said caught her attachen, well something more then guinea pigs...

"Inhibitor fields?" she says after a moment.. "what do you mean by that? Anf frankly despite everything you said i dont have any plans on being anyones.. plaything or guinea pig" she says after a moment.. her eyes seeming to flash a moment.

True she wasnt talking alot.. but at least for the moment she was giving things time to set in... listen and learn.. then act. Another one of her fathers lessions. She arks an eyebrow as the girl goes on about.. memory editing? Wow.. the story gets more in depth as she goes into more details and the more she explains the more it was starting to sound.. not true... but then again.. there was that dissappearing jar.

She turns as the other what she assumed was a student comes within range.. she doesnt say anything besides watching the pair embrace.

She gives a nod of greeting as juniper introducers her to the other girl.. growing more.. confused as the girl starts talking. The girl lives in the grotto? she blink blinks slightly still listening.. if anything getting even more confused. Wait this girl was refering to her in the 3rd person.. was there another cindy besides this one? No she was talking about herself again... This talk was indeed strange and was confuseing the heck out of her, she had allways considered herself with a good head on her shoulders.. but this was downright weird.

Shaking her head slightly to herself.. now she was talking about a ruby disquise.. ok.. just plain confuseing.

She nods a bit at the girl holding out her hand, she reaches out not saying anything.. if anything trying to mask the look of growing confusion upon her face and mostly failing.

Stops herself from rolling her eyes as the new girl, cidy, ruby or whoever she desides to refer herself as starts talking about how she was infulinceing her mind..She sighs a bit to herself.. thinking perhaps everyone on this island was a tad touched.. maybe instead of a all girls school, she ended up on a all girls mental hostptal.

She does indeed roll her eyes when the new girl starts talking about her virginity..a guess at best.. "Guess then i will try very hard not to allow me self to be taken then.." she says simply, if not with a bit of scarasic.. if anything the new girl was making her think this was all more not true then true.

As she contunes to listen to the girl talk.. she does end up pieceing something togeather.. maybe this was one of those so called monsters juniper was talking about.. from the way she was talking it sounded like she was suffering from a split identiy.. thinking somehow she was this.. more powerful being.. that could control minds.. Hell even the thought made her roll her eyes again.. though still not saying much of anything.

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Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:44 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
"Reign it in a bit, wouldja Cindy?" Juniper said, taking another step to the side so that the three of them made a neat little triangle "I didn't go over any of the specifics of how we know each other. Until she has some kind of proof, you're just making both of us sound crazy. She's still struggling with the basics at the moment." Taking a moment, Juniper squatted down into a kneeling position, lightly brushing her finger tips back and forth across the sand.

"And you can be a real downer when you get going. Better to stick to things that have happened or are happening, instead of speculating at this stage." she wiggled her toes in the sand a bit, letting the ends of her feet bury in the white grains as she smoothed out a little spot in front of her, lightly pressing here and there as she made a shape roughly reminiscent of the island when seen from above.

"Look, if you take anything away from this little pow wow it's that I hope you're right. I hope you never need any of this information, and I hope you never have to go through what I have." she glanced up a bit, "But, on the offhand chance you are on the list, you should prepare. Do whatever it takes to protect yourself."

"Inhibitor fields . . . you probably felt it when we were running earlier. That resistance, that feeling that you should be faster than you are? It's artificially generated, another measure to keep us victims. You can still throw a punch, but it's like being underwater, like something heavier than air is dragging on your arm, and when you hit you tend to snap back instead of follow through." she shook her head a bit, "I don't know why they bother, half these things are basically organic tanks, I couldn't kill 'em with a chainsaw. Apparently they don't do half measures when they stack the deck."

She looked out over the ocean " . . . Never threw a punch at a student. I wonder if it's calibrated specifically to offer resistance against monsters. That'd help keep it from being detected, help preserve the lie . . ."

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:40 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
“Right … I had jut asumed that you two encountered something, I sensed duress and had not yet delved fully into to conversation entirely. I do have proof, of course to show her would mean to place her on the list so it' a catch twenty-two there.”

Cindy looked down at June as she brushed her fingers over the sand. “I suppoe though she'll have to learn for herself … hopefully she won't have to find out about any of it … roomies now … hm, it does make it a little more challenging to stop by with information from time to time but not by much.

“Oh, and Gersham says hello … he was speaking about you in pasing though I have set him straight that he is no to lay a finger on you. He can be a bit of a sadist and I thought that you'd appreciate not having to worry about him at so point.”

Cindy let her book bag fall to the groundthen plpped down onto the sands sitting indian style. “I'm am sorry for being such a downer, I go to extremes and you digonce tell me that you prefer an ugly truth to a pretty lie, I just assumed you were using the same approach with your roomie.”

She turned to Eve, and smile. “No, unfortunately this is not an insane asylum that you were dropped on. Hopefully you won't need tips to get by but it is best prepared, hm? Daddy cannot help you here and I realize that you think you can take care of yourself and under normal circumstances that might be the case but there is a reason why your bow has gone missing for instance, not really sporting … even the tools to make another have been conviently lost … truly not very sporting. That's not to say that you won't find a way to do it, sneaking tools and what not though it is often a waste of time as the new bow suddenly goes missing, and the one made after that. Sometimes the vaculty lets something slid for a bit or ignores 'harmless' contraband but they're just letting you think you're smarter than them.

“Yet, looking your doors and staying indoors isn't really an option as you have found out today. Whatever that thing was there is no doubt that you both got lucky that it was eager to get a hold of that jam … there is only one being I have come across her that has been so passionat about jam … well strawberries anyway and I am assuming that it was strawberry jam that you had June?”

Cindy blew out a breath of air causing a strand of blue hair to puff up and then settle back down.

“Yes, I would have to agree with June here. If this is seen as a monster resort or safari so to speak then the inhibitors make life so dull. Like shooting fish in a barrel. So of us have been exiled here, most have come for the sport though I find that ironic since it's not sporting at all and appeals mostly to sadistic beings who don't really mind. Even Gersham ...” she fell silent suddenly, perhaps that was a point to remain quiet about at least for now, that was something neither of them could really prepare for.

“Punches and what not are still effective against other students, just not the more exotic beings on this island. Of course you can chalk this all up as crazy talk, or lucky guesses or what not, which of course is your preogitive. June and I are just preparing you for the worst should you find yourself at odds with an unusual situation. And June, you might wish to stay clear of Jet too, I'm getting bad vibes from him as of late … his brain waves keep changing each time I encounter him now. They were human ...”


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Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:41 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Shakes her head slightly.. listening to the pair of them. Prepair herself? Prepair herself for something she was finding it very hard to believe in, in the first place. If it wasnt for that damn jar dissappearing she wouldnt be even entertaining this foolish idea about monsters what not.

As far ashe was considered, normaly monsters were in horror movies and they didnt tend to take a raping intrest in females unless you started getting into that hentai Shit.

She sighs softly, she could tell she was starting to get irate, when she started swearing to herself she was starting to loose her tempter and she had nothing to direct her anger at.

These inhibtors.. that didnt make any sence, how could something infulence ones body movements from distance. It was utter foolisheness. yet.. She might have felt something while she had been running.. like something was tugging on her.. like some unfelt added weight making it harder for her to move.. She had still been running of course.. she pushed threw it.. She shakes her head slightly at herself again and looks back at the pair of... students? Or at least one and the other one was thinking she was some of kind of monster..

She still doesnt say anything for the moment, at least to the pair of other students it would appear she is trying to put a grasp on what had happen so far.

Turning she paces a few steps away.. taking in the scene before her.. the other appearent students lounging around on the beach, seeming to enjoy themselves.. Hmming to herself again.. she reache sup brushing a few strands of her hair from the curves of her youthful face as she considers.

Upon hearing the, "monster" speak she turns around.. arking an eyebrow at her.. Well appeartnly someone knew more then they were telling.. She knew of her lost bow..Daddy..? well that was someone she only called him.. so have this stranger suddenly say that irked her.

"If i didnt know better.. i would say, from your.. information you suddenly have" she says as she narrows her eyes... "That you have alot more information then you should have.. cause i never once menchened about my bow being missing," she responds leaving the part out about her tools. Perhaps this was the girl that might be behind her capture and more attempts to get at her father.

She slides her foot casually.. under the loose dirt as she distracts by raiseing her hands and pointedly crossing them under her breasts.. her foot just right in case she suddenly had to kick to throw up a sand shot, something that would be most distracting if she had to attack for any reason.

HEr body langued appearing allmost as if she was some bratty rich girl having a temper tantrum.. but she was acutally quite posed and ready to leap if and go on the offinise.. depending on.. the anwers she suddenly would get.

"And to be frank.. nothing eather of you have said would make me believe there are monsters that are to pillage girls.. Hell if it wasnt for the dissappearing jar.. never mind the unseen voice because really that could simpyl be a speaker from another student... and the loss of my.. stuff.. i wouldnt even be remotely entertaining this.. aserb idea." She says as she stays posed and ready.

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Sun Jan 13, 2013 3:03 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Juniper's eyes slid to one side as she heard Eve's voice grow a bit more heated, her arms crossed over her chest, her eyes narrow, and her lips petulant and angry. Of course, as low to the ground as Juniper was, she also noticed how the side of her foot had slid through the sand, gathering a small hillock of grit along her instep. The corners of her mouth lifted slightly, though it could only barely be called a smile Good girl. she thought, it was exactly the play she'd have made if their positions were reversed.

Of course, she'd noticed it, so it wouldn't work now. Even if Aegir had allowed himself to be distracted by her act, something that Juni herself had never managed to put over on the creature, he'd pick up on the way Juniper's mind shifted defensively as she'd realized. She sighed a bit, pushing her finger into the diagram she'd pressed out. One near the school, four along the coast, one at the peak of the mountain range, and the last deep in the interior. There was no conscious thought behind it, just her mind wandering a bit, but that didn't mean it was insignificant either.

"I told you it sounded crazy." she said, pushing herself back to her feet, she stretched her arms high overhead, arching her back, "But what do you want me to do? Show you the truth? I mean, I have access to proof, but you'll just discount it as doctored photographs." she glanced over at Cindy as if thinking, "I guess I might be able to show you directly what I mean . . . but that's not a threshold to cross lightly. Like I said, it's a one way trip, and you know what's in store if I'm proven right."

"I guess I can accept it if you prefer to think I'm just desperate to get the hell out of here."
she said, shrugging and turning slightly, getting her face out of the direct line of a sand spray, but exposing her flank as she considered the rolling waves again.

I dunno, what do you think? If you hit her with an illusion of standing on the bottom of the ocean, is she going to come around or just freak out? she mused silently, knowing old Squid-Lips would be listening in on her thoughts, Or do you think that's crossing the line? I know we're straddling it pretty badly at the moment . . .

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:21 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
“Oh, I know a great deal. There is a lot that I don't know to, not that I couldn't find out mind you, just that it does not pertain to me so I have never really bothered digging it up before but you can relax. I am no kidnapper and a little sand in my face wouldn't help, even if for some reason I wasn't aware of what you were going to do before you did it, even if for whatever reason I didn't take any counter measures and let myself be blinded I don't need my eyes to sense where you are. I can tap into you senses and use them to get a degree of perspective. I can also sense you mind and it's direction.

“Relax, Eve, I will sit right her and make no sudden movements if it will place you at ease. Suppose I'm lying, that I am just a student like you the tactic wouldn't be too effective against me.” She tapped her glasses, it might give you a moment or two of a slight advantage that you'd try to exploit but it might not do you any good. Would you really want to hit a girl with glasses?”

She smirked but did not move any closer. “As I expected you will be skeptically and while I can give you proof I will not be responsible for putting you on that list if there is a chance, however small, to keep you off it. I would propose something, a task I may pitch to June but that can be just as bad and just as likely to get on that list.”

Cindy sighed and looked to the end ot the beach. There were still too many students around. “But, other than strange voices and disappearing jars I trust June is taking care of you well? I realize that you haven't had a full day here yet but I trust that you'd have some fun with the archery club …

And June, you can capture my image if you like but there will be a price. You have to show me some more about cameras, yes I can simply take the knowledge from your mind but I found it interesting to actually have to learn a new craft … five minutes of modeling for me, maybe a few minutes of pointers there after.” It had been as if Cindy didn't want to force the issue too much about all this monter talk. The more they pressed Eve, the less likely it was that she would believe them.

Nope it still would be about an hour for the beach to clear out enough were he would influence t he few stragglers. If he wanted he could do so now but Aegir tended to be lazy most of the time and he was in no real hurry to get back now that he found a brief distraction. He considered something briefly, smile at a thought but let it slip past with commenting on it.

Cindy flicked her gaze away from a quartet of girls playing volley ball in the near distance and smiled up at June.

That is just mean. I would say she would think that she had been drugged by the tea, only thing is that the tea was something neither of you got to, or the treats. She may just chalk it up to be tired from the trip. Speaking to my knowledge doesn't place anyone on that list though she's sure to be on it if I use my powers on her. I'm unsure if such a small experience like seein a jar inexplicitdly disappear gets her on that list or not but since I am unsure I would rather not want to take the gamble, well, it is not my gamble to take but still I would hate for her to resent me for making the next four years a living hell for it.

I can only think that it is best not to force the issue, she may or may not be attacked. If she isn't great, if she is then we can give her the proof and knowledge that she may find useful. If it weren't due to the consequences so big maybe I'd generate an illusion of her buried up to her neck right their beneath the volley ball net for a few seconds at least.

I had thought of it and I will admit that my initial thought was lewd but seeing that it will still be awhile before enough of the students clear up, want to go back to you place?

Cindy grinned a little. I do not mean like that but rather I can find this pesk of yours. Chances are it is something that was interested in your friend June. You have been here a month and I am well aware that you're still getting into trouble and trouble is still seeking you out but it's funny that the first day she is to room with you something shows up. If we uncover anything maybe that will seek to convience her, probably not but it would be up to her to embark on this little hunt.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:11 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Keeps her eyes narrowed as she watches the pair of these seeming students. It was very hard for her not to want to suddenly beat some sence into both of them to convince them this monster stuff was nonsence.

Yes she knew that jar had Dissappeared.. but then again.. if the ad's on the tv show could believe, chris angel had flown from one building to another without any harness. She sighs and shakes her head slightly.

She contunes to listen to them.. perring at juniper as she talks.

"What i want.. lets see.. perhaps i want my trunk back, my GPS's back.. as it is my father is allready tracking down where my trunk is." she scowls.. figureing the lug that had stolen her stuff would keep some more of her expencive stuff so her father would.. find someone when he hadnt hurd from her. Of course she had only been gone sence this morning.. so.. her mother and father wasnt missing her yet.

She rolls her eyes.. a scowl comeing across her face... "How convenent that its a one way trip.. perhaps right to the looneyville" she shakes her head again.. Her eyes glanceing at the girl with glasses.. Now this one knew a litle too much.. she appearntly had noticed what she did with her foot as had taken up the defence... She appearntly knew alot about her father as she was guessing stuff with a pritty good accucery. And she was seeming good at noticeing things as she had noticed her "combat stance" when she had shifted in the dirt.

Still eyeing the bar of them, she could agree with junipers statment about one thing.. she was biginning to think she needed to get away.. She had wanted to come to this school.. to prove herself to her father to be allowed to enter into the family busness.. not to be enrolled into a sex slave school for wanna be monster students.

"You need to look at it from my point of view" she says after a moment her mind trying to wrap around this.... "Your asking me to believe in something.. which cant exsist.. and wow.. you cant show me any solid proof. Now jsut say if our postitions were reversed.. And i saw i didnt have alot of choices.. i would recruit every able body person i could to help in the defence against whatever might come.. and yet.. by your own words you think most of the students that leave here arient released anyway.. and sold as sex slaves.. even if im not touched for 4 years, and they plan on still selling me.. why wouldnt you recruit everyone you possable can weather or weather not they are on any sort of list.. cause i can tell you right now... there isnt even a remote a inkling of a rumor about this place outside this island.. and i dont care how much you might say someone sweeps something under the carpet, there are allways rumors.. and not one." she finally says.. as she takes another step back.

She looks at the glasses girl.. studying her for a moment.. thinking that she acted with instinkt alot.. so she sometimes didnt know what she was doing from one moment to another when it came down to combat..well.. that is if one could acutally read her mind.. not that she believed that of course.

"I would hit anyone, that stoof in my way" she said flately.. meaning every word of it..

"And for the sake of arguement.. Me simply being her roomate" she says as she glances at juniper for a moment.. "If your list did exsist.. the moment anyone hunting her would see me with her.. even if it was simply in her room.. that would make me a target to get to her.. so in theory if there was a "creature" and i use that term very very very loosely.. in our room earler they allready know about me, and would use me to get to her, even if they didnt want me." She couldnt believe she had even gone that far in thinking.. but if there was some list she would go after everyone that was even morelty assosasted to the one she was after... if it got her closer to her target.

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Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:00 am
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Post New Beginnings (Juni & Aegir)
"I don't have the power to return your things, if I knew how to reclaim contraband I'd be at a very different stage of my own agenda." she said, reaching up and pressing her thumbs to her forehead, lightly messaging her temples. She did chuckle softly at the accusation that the trip to madness tended to be a one-way one. Girl had some wit to her too, that'd serve her well enough, hopefully.

"I'll admit, I was hoping to take refuge in audacity. The notion that the story was so completely impossible that noone in their right mind would ever try to sell it earnestly. I guess I should've known you'd just assume I was in a wrong mind." she paused a bit, gesturing between Eve and herself, "This conversation we're having, right here? This is why they can cover things up from the students. The situation is so completely Fruit Loops that no one with a grain of sense would believe it. Obviously the victims are hysterical, or overworked, suffering nightmares, the victims of cruel pranks, or just looking for attention."

"And I told you before, I don't have all the answers. I'm digging as hard, and as fast as I can, but I don't know what shit they're feeding people off the island. You know, because they tightly control all of the communication to and from the island? It means I can't coordinate with anyone on the mainland to make inroads into that topic." idly she considered the letters she'd "tried to send home" just to test their knowledge. She still kept them in her drawer, wasting their time and trying to catch them in an inconsistency when she was bored, but she'd hardly call that evidence.

"Heh, start a student army. Well, you've got chutzpah, maybe you could do it, but who would you recruit from? The 10%? Most of them are regular girls, not fighters. A significant number of them have already folded under the pressure, and how many more are otherwise compromised? Who could you trust, how far? I can't trust any of them." she shook her head, "And if you try to recruit from the 90% You're going to find yourself having this conversation a lot, only you'd get to play the crazy one."

Idly, she considered that she really shouldn't be trusting Eve either. A new girl arrives on campus and is assigned to be her room mate without any notification to Juniper herself? She hadn't even been in the room for an hour before some thing was sniffing around after her, and then running right into Jet? She was in good shape, she'd kept up with Juniper at a full tilt, and she'd dropped the facade of being winded a bit too soon . . . she might simply be in excellent shape, or, she might not have to fight against the inhibitors.

She scrubbed her fingers through her hair, her protective nature had gotten the better of her. Something rattled interestingly in her head.

"I sincerely doubt you need to worry about them using you to get to me. I've never been shy about fighting my own battles, I don't hide behind other students." she raised an eyebrow, "But if you really are worried about it, we could always arrange an incident. Simple enough really, you break my nose, good clean pop. Go the the administration, tell them I made untoward advances and you felt threatened. No one would doubt it, a girl who looks like you? A girl who looks like me? I can comb through the records, see who's got a room open who's off the list . . . if you approach them, an arrangement can probably be made."

"We could do it right here, romantic enough setting to embolden me, plenty of witnesses . . . " Juniper's mind was rolling along now. She'd done her part, she'd given the girl the warnings, it was up to choose to follow them or not. Maybe she could still get out of this . . . Juniper could take a punch for the sake of protecting a new girl. They'd probably sit her down for a very stern talk about the appropriate behavior to show towards her classmates, but she didn't think they'd assign her any demerits. No demerits meant she was unlikely to get detention, something she was very self conscious of.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:49 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
“Recalculating ...”

Cindy said at the mention of the GPS. Aegir knew that it would have been useless even if she had it for something told him that the distances between Earth and Shokushu was a bit out of range. It didn't feel right to be lounging on the ground as Juniper was no longer sitting though he had told Eve that he was going to sit right there and behave least that ease her somewhat, so sit Cindy did.

“It might be far fetched Eve, we might both be crazy for what sane person would pitch such a ludacris idea? You are being asked to accept matters without any proof but that is no different then religion. You either believe or don't. A believer sees miracles, a non believer explains them away with science. Neither school of thought is wrong and neither can be proven right either, each side has their own opinions about matters and that will not change.

“June or myself can give you that proof but by giving you that proof you are damned and since we hope to spare you that fate then all the better. And if you think that we are crazy, so be it, we have tried. Hopefully you're one of the 90 … the odds, well, the odds are good that you are, maybe skewered a little because of your 'condition'.

“I have done no studies on it though so I wouldn't know what percentages of the 10% had that same 'condition'. But before we go popping each other in the nose I would like to point out a few things, it is only these small numbers that disappear, how this is explained or dealt with back in the real world so to speak is something I never bothered with or how things are handled on the PR front.

“So the majority of students get shipped back, nonethewiser. I theorize that robots or clones or some such of the 10% are sent back too to replace the otherwise missing girls though why the 10% are kept I have not worked out if the college does this. Perhaps, just as a means for PR, perhaps as something greater. I have some answers but not the fire that June possess. I suppose that it is because it effects me little so if I were a student I would be more adamant about it.

“But I digress. Before socking each other that does no good really. This thing probably followed you Eve so nothing prevents it from following you to a new dorm, but it is just as likely that someone was paying June a visit …

“Being in a dorm with someone who is a victim is a means of making a girl feel even more isolated at times for the more sadistic being a girl maybe be raped, over and over with the roo mate being untouch so that the victim has no one to confide in them and thir own roomies can spread the word though the student body.

“I am present, and attractive as you are Eve I have not attacked you. The setting you would think would deter me but that is only a small detail … they wouldn't be happy with me at the labs depending on how I did it since they'd have a lot of minds to scrub. But knowing this might not change much but I figured it would be best to put that out there before and not after noses were shattered.”

You need not have to worry about her, June, she is a student and not a plant. Mere coincidence that this thing swed up when it did. He pressed the words into Juni's head as he looked between the two.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:58 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Rolls her eyes at the pair again.. Shaking her head as she idly looks down at the ground.. and crouches if rubbing the stand or something off one of her lower shins.

Her crouch showing off much of the creamy skin of the underneath of her thighs as she does.. knees still staying pressed togeather.. She idly reaches forward and picks up a small stone..something that would easly sit within the palm of her hand.. but large enough for her fingers to curl around it.

She gagues its weight.. tossing it a couple of times within her palm as she slowly raises again still looking at the pair of them.

They didnt seem to get it.. if anything of this was even remotely true and she very much doughted it was, her being in the same room as june when that jam snatching monster had been there placed her into harms way allready. Perhaps it was just how her mind works.. If she was that whatever it was, she would use every advantage to get to the goal she needed to.

All this talk about 90% or 10% was more or less meaningless to her when you considered thefacts. And frankly the only facts she had right now was, someone could go invisible, all her tools that would allow her to contact the outside world was gone, and all her weapons that would be useful.

She considers a bit.. her mind a swearl of idea's.

"Tell me if your so hell bent to get off the island why havent you seena bout jacking the airplane that brings in new girls. Its a stupid little sea plane after all.. And yes you might not know how to fly, but one might be able to convince that old geezer, in one form or another.. if not... that plane does have a raido." she says matter of factly..

"And your right i might not even be considering any of this crazy story of yours if i hadnt seen that jar dissappear.. the voice aside.. it was the jar that was seeming im possable, and im pritty sure once i return to the room i will inspect that fridge to make sure there are no mirrors or whatnot that could have caused it." She says after a moment.. tossing the stone within her hand.

She was really good with throwing weapons too.. not that a stone was anything like a throwing knife.. but if she did find the right stones they would fly true just as any of her knifes would have. Bullets were ok.. but she much perfered arrows and throwing weapons over guns anyday.

She listened to junipers statement about punching her and useing that as a test.. a intresting idea but that didnt overly prove anything as far as she was considered.. Besides if juniper was as involved as she was pretending she was.. she would most likly capture herself and see if she was worth anything to those in change.. a trade off so to speak for anyone that didnt know the info she was gathering.

"I dont think there will be any need for that.. beating you up... isnt the answer" she says as she tosses the stone within her hand again.. her eyes scanning the ground for others.

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Mon Jan 14, 2013 2:25 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She might not be consciously aware of it, or there's something about her that acts as an attractant. Juniper thought back, her eyes wandering a bit when Eve crouched down, Oh, right, that.

"I'd wager Fae over robot-clones. There's enough mythology about them snatching children away to their realms while sending one of their own back to fool the parents." she shrugged a bit, "Could be the same thing, except this way they slide directly into positions of influence, with the excuse of four years at boarding school to explain any personality shift. Again though, only a theory, no proof." she waved that notion off before Eve reminded her exactly how out of touch she sounded.

"I have been looking into that particular possibility." Juniper said with a bit of a shrug, how could she not really, "I agree, it seems like the most vulnerable point of the operation, but there are a few things causing me to look at it more closely first. First off, I'm only going to get one shot at it, win or lose, so I want to stack the deck as far towards a win as I can before I move. I can't fly a plane, nor am I particularly confident that I can fake it just yet. I don't have anything to bribe the pilot with, and all the evidence I have managed to pick up strongly implies that he's in on it. so even if I did try to bargain he might just take what's offered and turn me in." she rolled her shoulders a bit, glancing back over towards where the plane would be refueling, "Then there's that thing you said earlier. I really do think they drug students while they're en route . . . of all the people I've talked to, no one has made the journey without falling asleep. And there has to be a stop-over somewhere, otherwise where did your trunk go? It's not something in the food, I didn't eat or drink anything, and nobody bumped into me so I wasn't scratched with a poison tipped pin or injected with anything . . . that implies an airborne anesthetic to me. It doesn't effect the pilot though, so there has to be some kind of antitoxin, since he's not wearing a respirator. Or, I guess, he may only look human." she shook her head a bit, "Either way, I want a way to neutralize that. Don't want to give the pilot a chance to just loop me right back here, and I don't doubt that they'd let me crash into the sea over escaping."

"Also, incidentally, I'm not so sure that trying to figure out a flight plan while in flight is the most feasible solution. Still trying to hunt down some statistics on that model plane, figure out it's operational range. Going down in the home stretch because I started out pointed the wrong direction is just going to strand everyone else here." Juniper threw a glance back towards the school. She was still thinking about what Aegir had said a bit, that sometimes they roomed insiders with outsiders, just to increase the feeling of isolation. She somehow doubted that's what was going on with her, she did a fine job of isolating herself for the most part.

"Hon, I've been beaten up, a busted nose barely qualifies." she turned to look back up at the school, sweeping her eyes over the trail, "But, fine. I'm not going to complain about not being hit. It just seemed like a tidy solution to that particular problem."

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:55 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
At mentioning the theft of the plane Cindy laughed. And laughed. And laughed some more. “Sorry … inside ironic joke about that but I can tell you a few little things. There is a radio but it's much out of range util you get much closer to your destination.

“For the tehft to work you would need to get the geyser's help, I doubt anyone of the students can fly it, least of all know exactly where they are in relation to where they want to go. The biggest challenge is the fuel. If you noticed the plane has enough fuel to make a one way trip and needs to be refueled here before going back. There are ways around that last part such as waiting until the ship is refueled before trying to steal it or hoping to get the guy on your side though I suspect someone has tried. Remember the guys from earlier with the luggage, Eve. Not interested in either of you at all, not even a real look. It could be that the pilot is similar to that and is not interested in any scheniggans.

“But the school already owns the girls so to speak from what I gather, at least until … well, almost spoiled a surprise there June, I ralize that you like figuring these things ouf for yourself. I could tell either of you if you want the surprise ruined ...”

Cindy laid back proping herself on her elbows as she stretched out her legs to cross on heel or another. Her hands rested on her chest as she considered things. “Well this is one of those faith things, I'm not attempting to scare you with things, just better preparing you. So I know that there is no real way to convince you other then getting on the list.”

Indeed, some girls are plan unlucky when the plane comes in. I can see her appeal on a physical level. She's sharp too, skeptical, which is good but too skeptical which doesn't translate over too well. But if she ever is attacked then the question will begin, like you I sense that she is a fighter and will do her best but I'm afraid that the only way she will believe hus is if she is attacked or has some concrete proof which we could give her if we are willing to famn her for the next four years and perhaps longer. Still, I do not think a single attack will hinder her mind set, it might even harden her further seeing how the beasts stole so,ething from her that she cannot give to another … There are few available options there, and I have not delved to deeply into her mind just yet so I don't know if yet she is a lesbian or bi … perhaps if you cannot save her from her fate then you can give her a more pleasant experience to draw upon for her first experience.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:12 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She shakes her head slightly. Something didnt make sence with all this, besides the 2 before her needed to be placed into a rubber room. IF and she did stress if any of this was true, and the girl with glasses here was a monster in. disguse, then IT would have every reason to drag Juniper along.

None of it made any sence. Finding a couple more rocks in the ground she bends down.. each time flashing her tonned white thighs each time she does. Taking the rocks she places them within the folds of her skirt waistband.. a couple little of pockets there she would normaly carry a couple of throwing daggers, if they hadnt been taken from her anyway. She slips the rocks into those hidden pockets.. and she takes a small handfull of sand, as she makes a show of turning around she slips the sand steathly into one of these spots also.

If she even had a inkling of something invisible near her again it was going to get a hanffull of the sand. at least she would have something to attack if she didnt even if she couldnt see it.

She turns back to the pair of girls again giving her head another shake. "Your not thinking, if you wanted the plain but dont know how to fly. thats simple.. dont.. use the plane for a motor and drive over the top of the waves.. that way you dont need to worry about crashing.. and you use less gas cause you dont need to rev the throttle up. Are you telling me something like you never used a flight simulator? its easy enough to start the engine and just simpyl go without flying." She looks at them still.. her eyes scannning over them

"And.. if i might add juniper, if she" as she motions to the girl with glasses... " was a monster.. why on earth woulod you even remotly want to plan any escape plans while she was within ear shot.. wouldnt a monster.. or any monster for that matter if it was true want to keep you here.. even to the point of trying to befriend you? Sly little clues.. helpful hints.. but the goal still keep you here? Wouldnt that make more sence?" she says.. her mind still working on the problem even if she really doughted it.

"As for any drug on the plane.. a directed Air, fan or whatnot could have released something in your direction.. so they wouldnt neeed to be under a counteragent.. something that dissapaints quickly.. but close enough for you to pass out slowly from prolonged exposure. When means if you assult the airplane.. you could in effect find assorted useful items that you could use to help." she says and shakes her head...

She sighs softly as she glances around the beach again.. her eyes taking in assorted other girls that seemed to be relaxing upon the sands.. none of them even remotely seemed to be paying any of them any mind.

Picture ... review.jpg

Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:15 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
"I'm not thinking?" Juniper blinked a bit before chuckling a bit incredulously, "Heh, okay, well I can't say I've ever been accused of that before." She casually watched the other girl as she looked over the beach for throwing stones, tilting her head ever so slightly to the side. It would probably look to an outside viewer that she was admiring the way the girl bent, or was perhaps trying to catch a glimpse at what that pleated skirt might hide. In truth, she was trying to work out where she was secreting those stones away, the pockets were rather well concealed and there were no obvious bulges in the cloth.

She been nodding along, listening to the voice in her head. She supposed the creatures would know the arrival schedules for the new students, and it was sure to attract a few opportunists. She supposed that the fact it had taken her kicking over a rock on her own accord meant that she'd probably be blissfully unaware of the island's nature if not for her own meddling. She'd always been pretty confident in her body back home, but in this place she was practically plain. Then there was the fact that -- wait, what was that last bit?

"W-what the hell are you implying!?!" she turned on Cindy with a snap, "Just because I --" she came to just as abrupt a stop as she'd started, covering her mouth with one hand. CRAP, that was my outside voice. She coughed a bit into her hand.

"Ahem, sorry about that." she jabbed a thumb in Cindy's direction, "Telepath. I feel free to speak plainly in front of her because, frankly, she already knows it all. Not that I expect you to believe that one either." she shrugged a bit, looking back at Eve, "She may not be an ideal informant, but she's more of a deal-maker or a trickster than most of the denizens. I corroborate everything I get from her as much as I can, of course, but to date everything has shaken out and she's been useful to know." she looked back at Cindy, arching an eyebrow, "Frankly I think she just likes watching me thrash around in the net. That sound about right?"

That reputation, a deal-maker and a trickster was exactly why she didn't ask him to elucidate on his "surprise". He'd been level with her so far, sure, but unless she had some reference point to cross-check she'd always wonder if he was just having a laugh at her expense. To say nothing of how costly that information might be.

"Unless you count Wing Commander 2 and Crimson Skies, naw, I've never touched a flight simulator. Something tells me that those two particularly might not translate very well to reality." she said with a bit of a shrug, "But I don't think it's that easy. I mean, even if what you're saying is right, you'd be going comparatively slowly over the water, which provides more resistance than air, so it seems to me that you wouldn't get the same distance for the gas spent. There's also the fact that the further out from the coast you get, the bigger the waves get . . . it just doesn't seem to me that something with wings would be ideally situated to surf those waves without tipping over." she rubbed her chin, "Good point with the directed air . . . I personally wouldn't chance it if I were running the show, but the Headmaster isn't me."

" . . . In point of fact, I know almost nothing about the Headmaster."
she said, as if finding the notion somewhat alien and offputting. She shifted her position a bit to look back at the school, particularly the tower with the Headgirl's rooms were situated. That was something she was going to have to change, eventually. She shifted mental gears a bit.

"Hey, Cindy. You said you only knew of one being who was big into strawberry jam, right?"
she said, glancing back, "What's the little bastard like?"

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:43 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She smiled a bit at June's out burst before the other girl realized she spoke aloud. Just a consideration there, if it's inevitable then might as well make it consentual and a more pleasnt memory than being bent over by a demon. Imagine if you first time was here rather than a back home. Wouldn't it have been harder to get to grips with? I was just laying all the cards out on the table so to speak, there are other factors to consider of course.

“That's is about right. That is the main appeal of the matter but I do enjoy routing for the under dog ana am interested in how this all play's out. I guess you can attribute it to watching a television show. Both of you watch things that you are interested in. I have no television and most days are rather boring unless I choose to create a pretty little lie in a dream for instance.

“Suppose I wanted to keep June here she's, gone in four years baring a trip to the labs for an extended stay. Whether or not she wants to she cannot keep her plans from me if I wanted to know so they'd be no sense in trying to hide any details from me … well there are ways in doing it though nothing that would help you.

“Ultimately, with the deck being stacked I believe that June will fail though I am routing for her, until a month ago I haven't come across someone so determined to hit upon the truth and possibly get away. I willl miss you, Jume, if you ever did get away but it would be thrilling if you did manage it at the same time. Plus nothing keeps me or the others here and I could simply follow her if she goes elsewhere … I have means more effective than GPS.

“Currently I am interested in her success though. She is on the favorites list, not because I wamt to keep her in some sort of collection but I am curiosity as to how such things will play out. Her personality in a way would be much the same as mine I would think if she were the same species as me and mine more like hers if I were human … yes, yes, crazy … but I think I hit on a way to prove things without revealing too much Eve. You could see it as mere coincidence which is good to keep you off th lists if seeing that jar vanish didn't put you on it already this probably would be less of an issue.”

Cindy laughed again, knowing something that neither of them knew. “I have never needed to use a flight simulator. I can just steal knowledge from the mind, I know, I know I'm crazy. But I will clue you in that using the plan in such a matter will mean at best you wind up somewhere away from here with no food, and only the supplies you have. I can only assume that they have a GPS is installed in the plane somewhere … so even if that plan works then you can bet that they'll just locate where ever you take the plane and find you.

“You have to think that they are aware that the plane is a weak link that a student looking to get off the island will use. I so want to tell you something, both of you and I shall provided that June allows it. If not I could tell you in private Eve though I don't see the point in the matter since you wouldn't believe any of it anyway. Too far fetched in relationship to what has been revealed to you here today.”

Cindy's gaze drifted back to the volley ball game, she wasn't watching the girls though but doing something else there. One kwhining to another about that recent vicious spike, ah the joys of telekinesis … but he was still paying attention to the pair, for Aegir's mind was fragmented.

Cindy glanced back and looked between the girls. “A freebie? Well, I did have something in mind but it only …” Cindy considered something for a small moment.

“It's only Slarr so a freebie is all he's worth I suppose. Mind you it's been a number of months since I've encountered him so my information is a bit dated. Slarr likes anything strawberry related whether jam or pasties as much has he enjoys a good blond or dirty blond. He's obsessive about natural blonds and strawberries the former I cannot say, the later is probably to a psycological need for the stuff that I can only attribute to a crack addiction save for that he can go a lot longer before getting a hit.

“He does not like me much, I drove him away from a blond once, another girl I have a deal going with but since she's a natural blond and Slarr was driven off before he could fully enjoy his prize he will hate me until he dies, not that I care much.

“He is weak, amd imp last time I saw him but he was due to be promoted … this was the year but I doubt he is much better. He's a scout, his main stength is his stealth but the only real powers he possessed were some mild shape shifting abilities into a raven, a poisonous pralaytic stinger, he can befuggle the minds of the weak will to suggest a course of action though neither of you would have to worry about that and it takes considerable effort on his part and oh, yes, invisibilty is in his repetoire.”


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:55 am
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