Shokushu High School

First Day, First Dance (Terasmus)
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Author:  Terasmus [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 8:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

It emits a growl of indignation as it says, "Me want to play with you. Don't you want to play, as well? We have fun, lots of fun, big fun. Me promise this to you. But you keep refusing. That's why me be bad to you. You refuse and me hurt you. And me hurt you more till you say you will play with me. Well...? Do you?" It then emits a slight grumble as anger glints in it's red jelly-like eyes as it's tentacles continue to wriggle and writhe about with her held helplessly in them, forcing her to "dance".

Me no understand why she refuse. She should just say yes and we can play. It's all me really want. But me hurt her more if she keep refusing. Then me eats her up eventually. She's so tasty, it thought as it watches the girl's form wiggle and dangle about.

Author:  Mille [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

"YES!" Mille practically sobbed. "God, yes, if it'll stop this...yes, I'll play a game! What, now we're gonna play five card or something?!" She fervently hoped that it was something so simple, but given this sick creature's nature, it was gonna be a lot worse than calling a few bluffs and raking in chips. Still, whatever it may be, it couldn't possibly be worse than what was befalling her now.

Author:  Terasmus [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

It giggles as it's tentacles draw her closer to the fat creature. Then they set her down gently on the ground. Then she doesn't have time to relax as it's tongue suddenly snakes it's way around her waist as she tries to stand when the tentacles around her ankles retract. Then it pulls her into a big hug as it starts to lick over her cheeks and face warmly. Almost affectionately as it was being surprisingly gentle when it gives her a hug.

Then suddenly it says with a warm tone to it's voice, "Me be thanking you for accepting to play with me. No one ever plays with me. Me always lonely. And everything think me be bad. Me only want to play. Me likes playing fun games. So you understanding Terasmus, yes." It then emits a happy growl as it gently, yet soothingly rubs over her form with it's clawed hands to help comfort the scared girl.

Author:  Mille [ Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Understand? How the hell could she understand?! The only thing Mille understood was that this sick thing had raped her, with childish disregard for her feelings. Now it had the gall to feel sorry for itself because no one would play with it?! She wanted to tell it just what she understood...about how it needed to go find a long, thick object, and insert said object rectally, spinning it within itself several times...but instead, Mille gritted her teeth against the licking and lapping tongue, still finding it unsettling, as she said "Yeah...sure. Whatever...." She resigned herself to her new fate. After all, anything was better than that freakish upside-down dance it'd forced her to do...wasn't it?

Author:  Terasmus [ Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

It squeezes her gently in the hug as it says, "Please no be mad. Me just want to enjoy you lots and lots, okay? You be enjoying me soon, me promise. If you want... me helps you out now." And with that... he brings one of his clawed digits to between the girl's cunt as it lightly teases at her lips before slowly yet gently inserts it into her, sliding the digit within her inner folds. It watches her facial expression as it gives a warm smile to her. Then it emits an *almost* cat-like purr which resonates from deep within it's chest. Then it tries to mimic a cat's meow but it sounds mostly grating and not near as cute nor innocent like a -real- cat.

Then he says, "Me think me know good game. It be called "Funny sounds". Me make funny sounds to try to make you giggle. Would girl be interested in playing this with Terasmus? Me hopes so. Me try and help you feel better."

Author:  Mille [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Mille made funny noises, alright. As she felt the clawed digit sink into her already-abused sex, she arched, writhing hard against its toe, mewling softly in half pleasure, half distress as she began to automatically grind against it. "Ohhh, noooooo...not again..." She doubted she'd be giggling any time soon, given the sensations rushing through her at the moment. She was on fire, and ready to scream. She wanted it to stop. She wanted it to go on forever. It was tearing her apart inside.

Mille didn't giggle at his cat sound. She did, however, whimper and groan as it slipped its digit in and out of her relentlessly, not letting up off her for a second. She wondered what new torture she'd just agreed to as she waited for the first series of meaningless sounds to attack her ears the way this thing was attacking her sex.

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